eat away

  1. wear away or erode
  2. remove soil or rock
    Rain eroded the terraces
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How To Use eat away In A Sentence

  • In the araeostyle, for instance, if only a ninth or tenth part is given to the thickness, the column will look thin and mean, because the width of the intercolumniations is such that the air seems to eat away and diminish the thickness of such shafts. The Ten Books on Architecture
  • Wearing moisture-wicking synthetic fabrics that draw sweat away from the skin and allow heat to escape can be a significant help.
  • Acids dissolve gummy buildup and eat away tarnish.
  • AUSTRALIA are one defeat away from an embarrassing place in history after another thrashing. The Sun
  • Past hurts and grievances, if they are hung onto, eat away inside and also cause resentment. M. E. Post-Viral Fatigue Syndrome - How To Live With It
  • In addition to carrying heat away from the ground, convection causes clouds, thunderstorms, and hurricanes to form.
  • Even still, if the snow does melt, there will be corrosive salt caked on the roads to eat away at me wheels.
  • Matt Lauer and co. have gone through Internet abbreviations and have provided subtitles so that we can all rest easy, remain unalarmed, and not have to stock up on heavy things at the Home Depot in a last-ditch effort to beat away the young. BRB, I'm Throwin' Down: A Survival Guide for Teenage Slang on the Internet
  • It is also a corrosive agent - unless it is contained in chemically resistant vessels, it will eat away at them, eventually weakening them to the point of failure. Energy Economics and Politics, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • With totally enclosed inverters such as the SMV, there are two options to get rid of the heat losses within the drive - either make the drive physically bigger to convect the heat away, or use a cooling fan. Manufacturingtalk - manufacturing industry news
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