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Eastern Church

  1. the Catholic Church as it existed in the Byzantine Empire
  2. derived from the Byzantine Church and adhering to Byzantine rites

How To Use Eastern Church In A Sentence

  • The Eastern Church even has a word for the more provisional, interpretive activity; it is theologoumena (Θεολογούμενα), which is to say, simply, "to speak of God. Scott Cairns: The Feast of the Transfiguration
  • With the exception of the Maronites and Byzantine Italians, each Eastern church has its mirror image on both the Catholic and Orthodox side.
  • In Eastern Churches, baptism, Chrismation (Confirmation) and the Eucharist may be conferred at the same time for both unbaptized children and adult converts. Elections - fresh news by
  • Note the ICXC NIKA ( "Jesus Christ Conquers") Christogram on the antependium, something frequently seen in the Eastern Church and which Fortescue also adopted Adrian Fortescue and St. Hugh of Lincoln
  • In the Eastern Church Eusebius of Cæsarea (260-340) placed Jude among the antilegomena or the "disputed books, which are nevertheless known and accepted by the greater number" (Hist. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • Its canonicity would later be acknowledged by the Eastern Church in the seventh century C.E.
  • The correct view may well be that the pallium was introduced as a liturgical badge of the pope, and it does not seem improbable that it was adopted in imitation of its counterpart, the pontifical omophorion, already in vogue in the Eastern Church. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • In the Eastern Church this feast was known as analepsis, the taking up, and also as the episozomene, the salvation, denoting that by ascending into His glory Christ completed the work of our redemption. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • Any use of three identical human figures, although accepted by the Eastern Church in memory of Abraham's three angelic visitors, was prohibited in the West because of its suggestions of tritheism.
  • It is my understanding that the current debate preserves monastic celibacy within the religious orders, just as it does for the Eastern Church.
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