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Easter Sunday

  1. the day (in March or April) on which the festival of Easter is celebrated

How To Use Easter Sunday In A Sentence

  • “We ought to go down there to Pier Six and show them!” he shouted to his congregation from the pulpit, his fury ultimately giving rise to a high-profile Easter Sunday event at Pier Six that same year. American Grace
  • Semana Santa (April ~April 3 - 12, Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday), which is Mexico's second largest holiday. Latest Articles
  • The purpose of this bill is to abolish shop trading hour restrictions on Easter Sunday.
  • Then on Easter Sunday, in what must have seemed like divine intervention, the drillers broke through.
  • Traditionally the kulich is taken to be blessed at midnight mass on the eve of Easter Sunday.
  • During Easter Sunday Mass, a prayer, read in German, expressed hope that ‘soldiers, on all fronts, nourish in their mind and heart thoughts of peace and not of vendetta’.
  • You couldn't find a rabbit at a petting zoo on Easter Sunday.
  • For the French, a roast leg of lamb, the gigot pascal (pascal and the English paschal refer equally to the Jewish Passover and Christian Easter), is the traditional Easter Sunday lunch.
  • iv On Easter Sunday, he did something he'd been putting off since the mellowing of the weather. SACRAMENT
  • There is going to be a bonanza night of fun and entertainment taking place in the Ramblers Rest on Easter Sunday.
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