How To Use Easiness In A Sentence

  • An uneasiness in a horizontal posture attends it, but no disposition to incurvate the body forward. Cases of Organic Diseases of the Heart
  • The uneasiness grew into a formless apprehension, which drew him out into the waxing sunlight and drove him to retrace his earlier route through the meadow, towards College Rise.
  • To do so would imply a certain easiness between them.
  • The time was just before daybreak, an hour when the uneasiness of the air affected trees and animals, and made even men-sleepers turn over sighingly. Seven Pillars of Wisdom
  • The skilled reader is not dependent on the adventitious aids of easiness or brightness; he is no longer, for instance, dependent upon plot for his enjoyment of fiction, or upon what is called 'actuality' or 'incident', or mere verisimilitude of description. 2010 January 08 | NIGEL BEALE NOTA BENE BOOKS
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  • But there's a kind of queasiness that these are unnatural in some way. Nick Bostrom on our biggest problems
  • It seems that the source of Herman's queasiness is rooted in concerns about the property market in Southern Europe, many having holiday homes in the Med; growing commentary on the decline of Southern Europe's economies; a growing crescendo of remarks from Southern Eurpean politicians that are perceived as threatening the independence of the European Central Bank, a sine qua non for Germans to give up the Deutschmark; and a sudden ramping up of German inflation to an official 8.1% (which, if our own experience is anything to go by significantly underplays the reality). Archive 2008-06-08
  • In fact, this oiliness, or greasiness, as I was later to learn, was probably the most salient expression of his personality. Chapter 2
  • Are you seeing any sort of use the word queasiness amongst your retail partners when you look at the futures orders being so strong? Retail Sector and Stocks Analysis from Seeking Alpha
  • She felt a slight queasiness in the mornings during the first months of pregnancy.
  • a vague uneasiness
  • I have come a long way from my days of getting jiggy for my "crackberry" as a colleague used to refer to hand-held electronic devices; nonetheless, I feel a vague uneasiness when far from the ability to reach out and touch civilization. Meg Pier: Silence of Spain's Tabernas Desert
  • My biggest concern was whether I was going to get seasick but the only queasiness I felt was on about day three, when we encountered sea-state seven, with swells up to 8m high bombarding the ship.
  • If people cannot be brought to an interest in one another greater than they feel to-day, to curiosities and criticisms far keener, and co-operations far subtler, than we have now; if class cannot be brought to measure itself against, and interchange experience and sympathy with class, and temperament with temperament then we shall never struggle very far beyond the confused discomforts and uneasiness of to-day, and the changes and complications of human life will remain as they are now, very like the crumplings and separations and complications of an immense avalanche that is sliding down a hill. An Englishman Looks at the World
  • Earlier this year Norwegian researchers found feelings of nausea and queasiness are due more to anxiety and depression than stomach problems.
  • By 1931 the uneasiness had extended to many conservative bourgeois who viewed the radicalism of the new movement with apprehension.
  • Cheney is making GOPers "wince" and "caused queasiness" -- and they're afraid of him Cheney is making GOPers "wince" and "caused queasiness" -- and they're afraid of him
  • Indeed, it was uneasiness about shmuck that led to the truncated euphemism shmo - and any shmo knows what shmo comes from. March 2004
  • Here, Natalia's search for death is marked as also a quest for ‘authenticity,’ one with which, despite our uneasiness, we may feel some readerly allegiance.
  • Belief provides spiritual warmth, comfort and easiness. If you are a religious believer, you tend to feel more peaceful, satisfying and happy. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • There is no ambivalence in his treatment of that primal emotion, but a cursoriness and uneasiness to his approach.
  • She had looked forward with considerable uneasiness to her first encounter with her aunt. The House of Mirth
  • Though a little disappointed her rice wasn't basmati rice, she was pleased with the crispy onions and the overall lack of greasiness.
  • On the other hand, if the good-for-nothing in the next cubicle earns five dollars more an hour than you do, that could be the source of great indignation, uneasiness, and unhappiness.
  • But after experiencing the uneasiness which Lord Chesterfield's fallacious patronage made him feel, he dismissed the word garret from the sad group, and in all the subsequent editions the line stands -- Boswell's Life of Johnson Abridged and edited, with an introduction by Charles Grosvenor Osgood
  • Even though I am a genderqueer person and despite my growing uneasiness with the system, it still works pretty well for me.
  • In addition, he showed how to decode body language: crossing one's legs when sitting was a sign of uneasiness, while standing with one's legs wide apart was the hallmark of a braggart.
  • Despite surface pleasantries at times, an uneasiness derived from their deeply entrenched differences.
  • The pain is not physical, but more sinister, an uneasiness -- anxiety about lack of talent, boringness, poor word choice. Michael Henry: What Work Is: What Labor Day, the Poet Laureate, Adderall, Mountain Biking, and the Philosopher Horace have in Common
  • And of you I think much and anxiously since Mrs. Channing, amidst her delight at what she calls the happiest hour of her absence, in her acquaintance with you and your family, expresses much uneasiness respecting your untempered devotion to study. The Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872, Vol. I
  • This method has the advantages of high yields and easiness to handle.
  • The second-topmost stage is queasiness, which is in some ways worse; I feel like I'm going to throw up because my stomach is spinning like a top and my entire body is shivering tautly, like a puppet with the strings being pulled in every direction, but I'm not quite sick enough to vomit. The Ferrett's Stress Alert Level
  • Cheney is making GOPers "wince" and "caused queasiness" -- and they're afraid of him by Cheney is making GOPers "wince" and "caused queasiness" -- and they're afraid of him
  • The easiness of the yoke and the lightness of the burden are based on the relationship we have with Jesus.
  • And those who were immune to such uneasiness had another reason for disquiet.
  • Their easiness with each other was evident, as they danced together, slapped each other on the back and casually bantered throughout the show.
  • Perceval appointed him secretary to the Admiralty in 1809, a well-paid post which he held for 22 years, never quitting his office ‘without a kind of uneasiness like a truant boy’.
  • But,” added he, at seeing the old woman’s uneasiness at his discourse, “affliction may gie him a jagg, and let the wind out o’ him, as out o’ The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • Dutocq had seen with great uneasiness what he called the liaison of des Lupeaulx with Madame Rabourdin, and his silent wrath on the subject was accumulating. Bureaucracy
  • In addition, he showed how to decode body language: crossing one's legs when sitting was a sign of uneasiness, while standing with one's legs wide apart was the hallmark of a braggart.
  • All the Branghtons called to take leave of me; but I will not write a word more about them: indeed I cannot, with any patience, think of that family, to whose forwardness and impertinence is owing all the uneasiness I at this moment suffer! Evelina: or, The History of a Young Lady's Entrance Into the World
  • A man at first, perhaps, feels a kind of grudging and uneasiness all over his body, a deadness upon his stomach, and a drowsiness upon his senses, and he cannot well tell what he ails; but after a few days these uncertain beginnings come to rage in a burning fever, or to strike him with an apoplex; and then it appears what those symptoms foreboded and tended to all along; and the great question now is, not when or how soon the man shall recover and be well, but whether or no he shall live. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. IV.
  • An uneasiness, not such as besets one on the eve of some event, but such as one feels on remembering some good that one has lost forever, filled Janina's heart. Komediantka. English
  • Next to me, I could almost feel Cale's hackles rising in defiance and uneasiness, much like a cornered dog about to make a break for it between the gaps in the ring of its attackers.
  • We might also remark upon his buoyancy, an inward easiness of spirit.
  • Underlying these questions was a deep uneasiness about the size and purpose of American power.
  • A person in our family was bitten by a snake, but neglected to apply for the remedy for more than half an hour after the accident, when his own expressions were, that 'he suffered great uneasiness in his body, and his faculties seemed darkened;' half a masha, about eight grains of blue stone, was now given in ghee. Observations on the Mussulmauns of India Descriptive of Their Manners, Customs, Habits and Religious Opinions Made During a Twelve Years' Residence in Their Immediate Society
  • One of the side effects of this drug is the easiness of habit - forming.
  • The table remained quiet for a few moments, and a wave of uneasiness flowed between the two paladins.
  • This may serve to overthrow the wild and irrational justification of the antinomians, libertines, and lazy solifidians, who upon this ground only judge themselves to be Christ's, because they believe they are: a way of justification, for its easiness, rather to be wished true than to be thought so. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. VII.
  • Though admittedly I did feel a brief uneasiness when I remembered that odd floating movement of Sergia's.
  • I can say that I've never had a moment's uneasiness by (_beating her knee with her hand, stick in left hand_) telling the truth. Mr. Pim Passes By
  • His photographs express his contradictions, his uneasiness about the way he is, they are a way of sloughing off some of that guilt.
  • The start of a new decade, century and millennium, the Year 2000 naturally created some collective uneasiness.
  • But after experiencing the uneasiness which Lord Chesterfield's fallacious patronage made him feel, he dismissed the word garret from the sad group, and in all the subsequent editions the line stands Life Of Johnson
  • He found such a target in Avigdor Lieberman, but his recriminations [2] betray the deep seated queasiness which is spreading among the pro-Palestinian crowd. A Case of Freudian Projection
  • She felt a slight queasiness in the mornings during the first months of pregnancy.
  • Susan, with that easiness about her that is almost carelessness, is a particularly difficult case for Ellen. AUGUST HEAT
  • Some jury members expressed uneasiness with the fact that Jimmy put his name on the paper and footnoted nothing.
  • A lukewarm attitude of the government is sure to add fuel to the uneasiness of the people when the sales of imported American beef have been virtually suspended.
  • Gives him what he calls a faint picture of his horrible uneasiness, riding up and down, expecting the return of his servant as soon as he had dispatched him. Clarissa Harlowe
  • To be pro-choice does not preclude uneasiness with abortion. American Grace
  • The man of science drew a long, quick breath -- it might have been one of uneasiness -- and called the newspaperman's home number. Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine
  • In a sense, then, the disconnect between the cases is a function of our uneasiness with the idea of better living through chemistry. A Tale of Two Pills
  • Far from creating an image conveying the values for which conservatives hunger, and at the same time somehow appealing to those outside the fold, Harper's debut on the grand stage can only have induced a kind of queasiness across the political spectrum. Archive 2009-10-01
  • As the sociologist François Dubet explains, the uneasiness is more deep-seated that just job insecurity.
  • Queasiness at the sight of blood curtailed a medical career, and Darwin went to Cambridge to study divinity and join the church.
  • Every dispute in which her undeserving husband engages, is productive of pain and uneasiness to herself; of this I am so sensible, that I even besought her not to send to Madame Duval; but she declared she could not bear to have me pass all my time, while in town, with her only. Evelina: or, The History of a Young Lady's Entrance Into the World
  • Blank verse makes some approach to that which is called the lapidary style; has neither the easiness of prose, nor the melody of numbers, and, therefore, tires by long continuance. Lives of the Poets, Volume 1
  • Belief provides spiritual warmth, comfort and easiness. If you are a religious believer, you tend to feel more peaceful, satisfying and happy. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • But he was so obviously uncomfortable being there, so uncertain in his intellectual footing that his uneasiness just boiled through.
  • When the dinner was over, De Segur took me to a window, expressing his uneasiness at what he called the imprudence of Jacquemont, who, he apprehended, from Joseph's silence and manner, would not escape punishment for having indirectly blamed both the restorer of religion and his plenipotentiary. Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon
  • A scruple of conscience; uneasiness of conscience.
  • the very easiness of the deed held her back
  • At the end of the movie play who is the sadness, the eyes of you sing is who uneasiness.
  • The uneasiness attending this hot paroxysm of fever, or fit of exertion, is very different from that, which attends the previous cold fit, or fit of quiescence, and is frequently the cause of inflammation, as in pleurisy, which is treated of in the next section. Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • Belief provides spiritual warmth, comfort and easiness. If you are a religious believer, you tend to feel more peaceful, satisfying and happy. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • That easiness between her and Dee which he had observed before was even more apparent outside the workplace. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • I wondered whether my queasiness was a result of bad food, the haze being pumped into the crowd, the thought that we had been explicitly dusted during the course of the show just like we had been secretly sprayed during the whole weekend, the interesting coincidences between my writings and the topics discussed in the songs I was hearing, or that it really felt like we were all animals being led to the slaughter. Three Days in the Desert
  • Perhaps some of his aversion stemmed from uneasiness about his present assignment. TANK OF SERPENTS
  • Perhaps some of his aversion stemmed from uneasiness about his present assignment. TANK OF SERPENTS
  • At that he was an adept, and not the shiftiest, craftiest schemes he had ever devised had given him a moment's uneasiness. Grain of Dust.
  • Bud's past life had not been much in her thoughts; love, the obliterator, had successfully wiped away the last traces of uneasiness that she had felt, and like all true and good women, she had given him the priceless treasure of her love, not questioning, not seeking to discern what he would have shown her had it seemed right in his mind that she should see. The Free Range
  • And yet, everything about the seafood place evokes the queasiness of skinny-dipping in a sump.
  • The website, which started in the US, lets pupils and parents mark teachers out of five on helpfulness, popularity, lesson clarity and easiness of lessons.
  • And for all the easiness with which she handled it, the point was still angled down towards me. NIGHT SISTERS
  • The novelty and uneasiness soon wore off, though, as they usually did with all but the most ingratiating guests, and soon they were struck by the more bizarre presence here: a wainscoted, crown-molded parlor chockablock with equipment that a crime scene unit in a medium-sized town might envy. The Burning Wire
  • She remembered Kanner -- remembered, also, Caris 'uneasiness at operating without a master, or with only the dottily masterful Antryg to give him orders. The Silent Tower
  • The world over it is the same: the feeling of uneasiness for ageing persons, coping with the multitudinous problems of old age.
  • Belief provides spiritual warmth, comfort and easiness. If you are a religious believer, you tend to feel more peaceful, satisfying and happy. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Which temper Jones was now in, we leave the reader to guess, having no exact information about it; but this is certain, that he had spent two hours in expectation, when, being unable any longer to conceal his uneasiness, he retired to his room; where his anxiety had almost made him frantick, when the following letter was brought him from Mrs. Honour, with which we shall present the reader verbatim et literatim. The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
  • But we being in this world beset with sundry uneasinesses, distracted with different desires, the next inquiry naturally will be, — Which of them has the precedency in determining the will to the next action? and to that the answer is, — That ordinarily which is the most pressing of those that are judged capable of being then removed. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  • Fear is emotion, pain, uneasiness, anxiety, caused by the sense of impending danger.
  • Doctors often sense uneasiness in the people they deal with.
  • But the effect, upon the minds of young persons, of frequenting the society of those in whose conversation and manners religious principle or feeling does not appear, will almost inevitably be to render what they know of religion the source of uneasiness, and of fruitless conflicts between conscience and inclination: and if, at the same time, much of hollow religionism is witnessed by them, the probable result will be either immovable indifference, or confirmed infidelity. Memoirs, Correspondence and Poetical Remains of Jane Taylor
  • the easiness we feel when sleeping
  • The writer's sense of uneasiness and disappointment is palpable throughout the book at she surveys the scene.
  • For once I could only think about Becca, the uneasiness growing as I remembered the look in her eyes, and the deliberate way she phrased her last words to me.
  • At the end of the movie play who is the sadness, the eyes of you sing is who uneasiness.
  • Back in the engineering lab, things had calmed down a bit, but the feeling of discomfort and uneasiness hadn't escaped the atmosphere.
  • He studied the summer - resort posters, lest he have to acquaintances and expose his uneasiness.
  • There was an unusual easiness, a calm and unhurried pace to everything.
  • But, "added he, at seeing the old woman's uneasiness at his discourse," affliction may gie him a jagg, and let the wind out o 'him, as out o' a cow that's eaten wet clover, and the lad may do weel, and be a burning and a shining light; and I trust it will be yours to see, and his to feel it, and that soon. The Heart of Mid-Lothian, Complete
  • Doctors often sense uneasiness in the people they deal with.
  • The suffix "- ec -" is used to form words indicating the "abstract quality" of that which is expressed in the root, or formation, to which it is attached: amikeco = friendship. fleksebleco = flexibility. ofteco = frequency. patreco = fatherhood. indeco = worthiness. patrineco = motherhood. dankemeco = thankfulness. maltrankvileco = uneasiness. A Complete Grammar of Esperanto
  • a natural easiness of manner
  • She had looked forward with considerable uneasiness to her first encounter with her aunt. The House of Mirth
  • Ever since this last pleuritic business I have been troubled with praecordial uneasiness. The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley
  • She took several deep breaths and tried to settle the uneasiness in her chest.
  • Perhaps no one operation of frequent recurrence and absolute necessity involves so much mental pain and imaginative uneasiness as the reduction of thoughts to paper, for the furtherance of epistolatory correspondence. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, October 16, 1841
  • Horenstein brings out every bizarre detail and even puts some in - string portamenti where none are written, deliberate smears in the brass, even slightly sour wind playing - all of which contributes to one's psychic queasiness.
  • I have been bothered with praecordial uneasiness and intermittent pulse ever since I have been here, and at last I got tired of it and went home the day before yesterday to get carefully overhauled. The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley
  • Sensing my uneasiness, Keith slipped his arms away from around my waist.
  • Marcey's usual strong voice was laced with uneasiness.
  • there was an easiness between them
  • AMERICAblog News| A great nation deserves the truth: Cheney is making GOPers "wince" and "caused queasiness" -- and they're afraid of him skip to main Cheney is making GOPers "wince" and "caused queasiness" -- and they're afraid of him
  • 'Stenthin' almost Wobble-esque dub deeps, the propulsive warble of 'Malturi Sa', the more Geir Janssen than Geir Janssen glacial sweep of 'Gissander' and at times an overall queasiness that feels like Cluster refracted backwards through an Aphex Twin distorting mirror. The Line Of Best Fit
  • His assessment of the audience's uneasiness may have been understated.
  • His arms and legs felt bruised but not broken; his jolted insides gradually settled back into place and a brief queasiness passed. THE GREENSTONE GRAIL: THE SANGREAL TRILOGY ONE
  • He is not liable to those uneasinesses, either in contriving what he shall do or reflecting on what he has done, which those are liable to that walk in deceit. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • Not that I think, at worst, any more than you, that he dare to harbour a thought injurious to my honour: but he is very various, and there is an apparent, and even an acknowledged unfixedness in his temper, which at times gives me uneasiness. Clarissa Harlowe
  • Without his jokes, his easiness, we would have been a strange group. GO!
  • Belief provides spiritual warmth, comfort and easiness. If you are a religious believer, you tend to feel more peaceful, satisfying and happy. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • At the end of the movie play who is the sadness, the eyes of you sing is who uneasiness.
  • For, in this narrow scantling of capacity which we are accustomed to and sensible of here, wherein we enjoy but one pleasure at once, which, when all uneasiness is away, is, whilst it lasts, sufficient to make us think ourselves happy, it is not all remote and even apparent good that affects us. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  • “Pull, pull, my fine hearts-alive; pull, my children; pull, my little ones,” drawlingly and soothingly sighed Stubb to his crew, some of whom still showed signs of uneasiness. Moby Dick; or the Whale
  • He felt a species of uneasiness.
  • Now, I want the easiness of poetry, the brevity of the poem.
  • They alone bear witness to uneasiness and possible stress.
  • I get the impression that some in the broadcast media are more interested in spreading gloom to garner ratings than quelling people's uneasiness, or giving solid facts.
  • Many women struggle with queasiness, nausea or vomiting in early pregnancy.
  • Uneasiness may perseverate, developing into intractable feelings that seem insurmountable. Jessica Zucker, Ph.D.: PBS's 'This Emotional Life': Postpartum Depression
  • Is this a sign of the party's uneasiness about the scandal?
  • The idea of it indeed may be in the mind, and viewed as present there; but nothing will be in the mind as a present good, able to counterbalance the removal of any uneasiness which we are under, till it raises our desire; and the uneasiness of that has the prevalency in determining the will. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  • Take an ounce of glue, and melt it in a pint of hot water over the fire, stir it until the glue is dissolved, pour it out and dip the part that is affected in this dilution until the uneasiness or burning is allayed, which is mostly in a few minutes. Domestic Cookery, Useful Receipts, and Hints to Young Housekeepers
  • This gentle layering of queasiness takes the material and the language of our day and finds it not just self-sufficient, but immensely powerful: it is here, and in other poems like it in this collection, that Robertson is at his best.
  • Edward shows a strange uneasiness in his relations with her.
  • It might be that her fretfulness was the effect of an uneasiness of mind, which was more hopeful than her previous fierce self-satisfaction, and that her aberrations were the last efforts of old evil habits to re-establish their grasp by custom, when her heart was becoming detached from them. Hopes and Fears or, scenes from the life of a spinster
  • Belief provides spiritual warmth, comfort and easiness. If you are a religious believer, you tend to feel more peaceful, satisfying and happy. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • They bring a transparency of texture and easiness of pace to the music that allows it to speak directly, unencumbered by its status as a masterpiece of the Germanic repertoire.
  • This is because whenever anyone was feeling sad or afraid or angry or unsettled, the young man simply played his fiddle, and the music banished every bit of sadness, fear, anger and uneasiness.
  • His uneasiness when the whip was used, testified by clamorous complaints, made the whole scene so amusing that the depredators were allowed to depart without a word of remonstrance.
  • The first one brings out the congas and growling bass line to underscore Kanamori's string of curses, both at regular speed and drastically slowed down for added queasiness.
  • That means staying away from rural areas wherever possible, not using countryside footpaths and generally being aware of the easiness of spreading this terrible infection.
  • The site allows students to grade their teachers based on easiness, helpfulness and clarity, providing an overall quality rating out of five.
  • He tried to fall asleep, but a sense of uneasiness tugged at him.
  • Or, if it cannot find even such sporadic or fruitive fulfillments, "a balked disposition" will leave the individual with an uneasiness and irritation that may range from mere pique to serious forms of morbidity and hysteria. Human Traits and their Social Significance
  • the officer's equivocal behavior increased the victim's uneasiness
  • Ferrari seemed still somewhat disturbed in his mind -- but even his uneasiness dissipated itself by degrees, and heated by the quantity of wine he had taken, he began to talk with boastful braggartism of his many successful gallantries, and related his most questionable anecdotes in such a manner as to cause some haughty astonishment in the mind of the Duke di Marina, who eyed him from time to time with ill-disguised impatience that bordered on contempt. Vendetta: a story of one forgotten
  • UK growth will continue into 2005; even with queasiness among consumers, growth should be above 2.5% next year.
  • At the end of the movie play who is the sadness, the eyes of you sing is who uneasiness.
  • Dread, trepidation or even uneasiness suggest a fearfulness that has mostly dissipated.
  • Doctors at Children's Hospital of Yulin City said the toddler, who was admitted in early May, had "excreted" 21 nails in total, plus at least one steel pin, in the preceding month, though she didn't show signs of "uneasiness" and "eats and drinks as usual," reported Xinhua, which has followed the case closely. China Real Time Excerpts

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