the outermost level of the land or sea
three quarters of the Earth's surface is covered by water
earthquakes originate far below the surface
How To Use Earth's surface In A Sentence
- Ozone forms a protective layer between 12 and 30 miles above the Earth's surface.
- Flat lawns are formed into an abstract pattern that recalls tectonic fractures and fissures in the earth's surface, their edges defined by dark grey concrete retaining walls.
- It is located in a layer at an average height of 12 kilometres above the Earth's surface.
- Nearly 10 percent of the Earth's surface is covered by ice.
- The idea that mountain folds, and the lesser rugosities of the Earth's surface, arose in a wrinkling of the crust under the influence of cooling and skrinkage of the subcrustal materials, is held by many eminent geologists, but not without dissent from others. The Birth-Time of the World and Other Scientific Essays
- Jules Galdea explained to us that these revolving fan-like wheels on top of the cars destroyed atmospheric pressure, or what is generally understood by the term gravitation, and with this force thus destroyed or rendered nugatory the car is as safe from falling to one side or the other from the single rail track as if it were in a vacuum; the fly wheels in their rapid revolutions destroying effectually the so-called power of gravitation, or the force of atmospheric pressure or whatever potent influence it may be that causes all unsupported things to fall downward to the earth's surface or to the nearest point of resistance. The Smoky God, or: A Voyage to the Inner World
- Scientists believe that diamonds ascend to the earth's surface in rare molten rock, or magma that originates at great depths.
- When preparing for pupation, the hellgrammite emerges from the water and quickly moves across the earth's surface.
- What is unacceptable, to say the least, is to generalize about the uses and customs of nearly half a billion people who cover close to one sixth of the Earth's surface.
- The portions of the earth's surface which we term plains are nothing more than the broad summits of hills and mountains whose bases rest on the bottom of the ocean. COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1