How To Use Earmark In A Sentence

  • The president talked up the tax cut deal, talked up the one-year expensing of depreciable assets, vowed to veto any bill with earmarks, talked about cutting corporate tax rates, talked about streamlining government, even talked up medical malpractice reform. Love Train In The House!
  • CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Group: Slight decline in earmark projects « - Blogs from CNN. com Group: Slight decline in earmark projects
  • Bond revenue and special funds like the highway account fueled by the gasoline tax are earmarked in advance.
  • But while it may have had some of the earmarks of a religious revival, this movement was rooted firmly in the material world.
  • He had been earmarked as a potential leader.
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  • In short, the study has all the earmarks of a cluster-sample study that failed.
  • At the same time, a consensus appears to be growing among House Republicans to look for short-term cuts in the same general areas that Senate Democrats are targeting for debate this coming week, these officials added, referring to earmarked projects and presidential recommendations for 2012. Kansas City Star: Front Page
  • Another node earmarked as a major potential destination is Soweto, where history and heritage abound.
  • Louisiana's congressional delegation larded the bill with $540,580,200 worth of earmarks, one-fifth the price of a capable levee.
  • For example, some members of Congress post some earmark requests online.
  • An earmark is a line-item that is inserted into a bill to direct funds to a specific project or recipient without any public hearing or review. Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Smartmobbing Congressional Corruption
  • However, his recent run suggests he has adjusted to the new role just behind a lone striker which Ferguson earmarked for him last year.
  • The opposition lawmakers argued that since this is a special budget, every single expense should be earmarked for specific purposes.
  • She was earmarked early as a possible champion.
  • Republican Senator John McCain, who is well known for deriding earmarks as "pork barrel spending," told Fox News the president should scrap the bill entirely.
  • This agency is handicapped, however, because its funding is voluntary and contributors may earmark their donations for specific programs.
  • This route has been earmarked for a possible future extension of the Midland Metro light rail transit system.
  • Also, a portion of the proceeds will be earmarked for providing school fees for poor children for the coming academic year.
  • The baby classes have been stopped at our local pool, Govanhill in Glasgow, because it's earmarked for closure - but Sundays are the only mornings parents can get a lie-in.
  • Former Broncos foundation coach Wayne Bennett, who had close ties with the Thoroughbreds through the late mining magnate Ken Talbot, has reportedly already been earmarked as a possible coach of the side if it's approved by the NRL, which is planning expansion in | Top Stories
  • A spokesman for McConnell says the requests were made last year, and notes he voted for an amendment to strike all earmarks, which failed.
  • The checks issued by Bank A are cleared at the clearing house through earmarking the checks issued by Bank B, and vice versa.
  • Quinn, the main protagonist, is a middle-aged government official sent north to audit a remote area of land earmarked for a large and prestigious development. On Climate Change « Tales from the Reading Room
  • According to that data, the average state got about $50 per person in earmarked funds in 2008. Sarah Palin and Earmarks - Swampland -
  • • Northern Ontario: Premier Dalton McGuinty made a vague pledge on Tuesday that the budget would introduce relief for hard-hit northern residents and businesses over and above the help being earmarked for the Ring of Fire, a massive deposit of chromite, which is used in the manufacture of stainless steel, that the government hopes will spark another Gold Rush in the north. - Home Page
  • And it's really not an accurate account of all earmarks.
  • Its buildings were earmarked by the kind of architectural appendages that seemed solely designed for attractive brochure photography.
  • Even the increase proposed will put pressure on Congress to hold down other spending or dip into funds earmarked for Social Security.
  • The station's redevelopment has been earmarked as a major element in kick-starting the Airedale masterplan proposals.
  • His pit was earmarked for closure, his redundancy money would not pay off the mortgage and other work was scarce.
  • There's $5 billion in the measure for such clean water projects, including 333 so-called earmarked by lawmakers in both parties, such as $500,000 for Fremont, Ohio, to deal with sewer overflows during heavy rains and $400,000 for Washburn, N.D., for improvements to its drinking water treatment plant. Undefined
  • HAL : This assignment is likewise essential for me to earmark you to threaten it.
  • The budgeteers claim $630 million in cuts from what are called "orphan earmarks," or construction that never started, and $2 billion more for transportation projects, some of which were likely to be canceled. Spending Cut Hokum
  • By August the troopers of the 14th were well aware that 1961 had already been a very eventful year and had all the earmarks of becoming even more eventful.
  • After discussions with the sub-postmaster at Hindsford, they earmarked the post office for closure.
  • 85% of foreign aid is earmarked by Congress for specific purposes.sentence dictionary
  • The British rise has coincided with an influx of funds earmarked from the national lottery. Brits grab record 47 medals, take torch for 2012
  • A more open market for college admissions, no matter how fevered, is still fairer than the old system, which petered out in the mid-1960s, whereby Exeter's headmaster could earmark a few dozen of each year's seniors for admission to Harvard. The New College Chaos
  • The situation has all the earmarks of a well-made movie thriller!
  • Its buildings were earmarked by the kind of architectural appendages that seemed solely designed for attractive brochure photography.
  • JJ is a man of vision and this has his earmarks all over it. Star Trek Movie Trailer | /Film
  • And in those speeches, she insists she's fought hard against pork barrel projects, basically telling America she'll stand up to government earmarks.
  • 85% of foreign aid is earmarked by Congress for specific purposes.
  • This movie has all the earmarks of a great premise that was dumbed down to appeal to an increasingly less adventuresome multiplex audience.
  • He also undertook to earmark $ 235 billion in government expenditure on infrastructure projects within five years.
  • Also, funds earmarked for aviation always risk political diversion or delay in favor of other more favored projects.
  • He is thought to be opposed to any hypothecated, or earmarked taxes for health or other services.
  • - The president gave up the moral high ground on spending not so much with the "stim" but with the $400 billion supplemental spending bill, larded as it was with 9,000 earmarks. QandO
  • Lawmakers may still say how money is budgeted generally for activities such as dredging, but by banning earmarks — specific projects funded as a result of lawmakers ' requests — they won ' t be able to direct cash to individual districts or states. GOP Earmark Ban Shifts Clout
  • the zakat is earmarked for the poor and disabled
  • He has been able to turn the promise of earmarks for other Democrats into votes on close issues.
  • Future capital expenditures are earmarked for installation of automatic ice cream freezers, case formers and material handling at the Henderson plant.
  • GILLESPIE: As of tomorrow, he will sign an executive order, Wolf, that says that, in the future, departments and agencies are to ignore any earmarks that were not specifically passed by the United States Congress or signed by the president, these so-called airdrop earmarks, ones that are put into committee conference reports that never get voted on, on the floor of the House or the Senate. CNN Transcript Jan 28, 2008
  • Health chiefs are developing a programme to deal with such an eventuality and have already earmarked some staff.
  • The tobacco tax is earmarked by an initiative for health and prevention programs.
  • Mexico is now earmarking all the money for matricular cards from the 47 mexican consulates in the US for ILLEGALS to purchase homes in the US. Mayor Sam's Hotsheet for Tuesday
  • I notice that there's … you've earmarked half a million dollars for under … what they call disadvantaged schools. Australian Government Media Releases [All Portfolios]
  • Having said that, I have to go on to say that, for me, this story in the Times has all the earmarks of a load of old cobblers.
  • Raw materials earmarked for export were carried to the ports by railways.
  • A closer examination, however, would find, IMHO, that they are already so far "afoul" and afield from their Constitutional authority that most of these earmarks, and quite possibly the process itself, would not pass Constitutional muster. EckerNet.Com
  • To create a "casteless and classless society," the government has earmarked admission spots largely based on caste. Judging Equality
  • These occurrences have the earmarks of hoaxing.
  • Most of this money came from a special fund earmarked for development of "borderland" areas of the country. The Foundation of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Medical Research
  • Berkowitz said a portion of the money paid to her clients would be earmarked for therapy and counseling sessions.
  • For example, gasoline taxes are typically earmarked for the financing of highway construction and repairs.
  • In many ways a more subdued Todd, with many earmarks of a classic village mystery and less byplay from Hamish, the ghost who haunts Rutledge. A Matter of Justice by Charles Todd: Book summary
  • The administration has earmarked $75 billion to help servicers reduce troubled borrowers' monthly payments.
  • But once the ominous earmarks of the addictive process begin to appear, a trained counselor can identify the condition years before the final accelerating deteriorative spiral. Celebrity Online News - Celebrity Gossip, Celebrity Information and Celebrity Reports. Celebrity RSS Feed Available
  • 85% of foreign aid is earmarked by Congress for specific purposes.
  • The company added it earmarked $125 million in capital expenditure to drive its high-roller business. Marina Bay Names Top Executives
  • We have also employed new staff to help with the 24 tasks earmarked by the government to help lighten teachers' workloads.
  • His pit was earmarked for closure, his redundancy money would not pay off the mortgage and other work was scarce.
  • The money is earmarked for engineering, marketing and sales of the start-up's customer satisfaction software.
  • He showed all the earmarks of a real hunter, a man who took nothing for granted.
  • And, so, the third branch of government has rendered a view on so-called airdrop earmarks. CNN Transcript Jan 28, 2008
  • For reasons still unexplained by administration, the mayor or council, this year's budget earmarked only $5,000 for recycling.
  • Not all development is good; some of it is hideous, but most of the projects we are talking about are earmarked for areas where the cityscape has already been set.
  • If they need money for these expenses, they would have to borrow from others or from money earmarked for other purposes.
  • Glad Shor wrote the earmark is for “Asian carp fish.” Matthew Yglesias » Carping
  • In ‘Lazy Days’ he introduces the student to what it's like to run a melody line over a slow-walking bass line - one of the earmarks of jazz styling.
  • I did grow up in a neighborhood with many earmarks of suburbia.
  • This has the earmarks of the sort of backroom politicking that has marked some of the darkest chapters in American history.
  • Funding has already been earmarked for the Trafalgar Day Celebrations and has been provided for the recent Youth Festival.
  • She said it would be "advisable" for the government to make significant revisions to funding earmarked for financial-sector bailout. The St. Petersburg Times
  • The land has also been earmarked for possible future public transport expansion, even though the report to the committee admits this is unlikely to be realised.
  • That cross-party committee urged a multi-million pound subsidy and other measures to save half of the pits earmarked for closure last October.
  • The international lenders also attempted to make informed estimates on the loan losses, earmarking another possible €25 billion for what they described as a "contingency" fund, which the authorities here implied would never be used only, no matter the circumstances. Irish Banks Hope Stress Tests Restore Confidence
  • Then if the author votes against the bill, he obviously does not want his earmark, therefore if the bill passes, the earmark is struck and whatever monies are associated with that earmark reverts back to the discretionary budget of whatever government department was in charge of releasing those funds. House Republicans unveil initiative to target gov't spending
  • It expounds the essential earmark of garbage and the limitation of garbage function transformation: garbage classification.
  • The European position bore all the earmarks of what Edward Said has called orientalism.
  • The country has earmarked 115 million leva in energy aid for the forthcoming winter season.
  • Two years ago Eastleigh civic chiefs earmarked the site for major improvements in the borough's Local Plan.
  • Longer term he hopes to offer residential accommodation at the Lake of Menteith and has earmarked some buildings for development.
  • There is a veritable treasure trover here, from her securing earmarks for Wasilla to the tune of $30mil, her Troopergate lawyering-up, her one time support for Sen. Stevens, the Bridge to Nowhere, and on and on. Associated Press To The Rescue! Palin Was Thoroughly Vetted, After All!
  • The additional funding has been earmarked for specific types of developments.
  • This has all the earmarks of a franchise that has run its course.
  • This year for our 56th Annual School and Juvenile Sports we had earmarked a late June date but a clash with a big concert ruled it out.
  • Milnthorpe bus users may have to endure more hanging about in the rain as the town's parish council raided funds earmarked for building bus shelters to save a public toilet.
  • It did nothing to note the earmarks of fraud that surrounded the story.
  • Overall, the new DHS's $37.7 billion budget earmarks only $3 billion for cybersecurity, according to Gartner Group's John Pescatore.
  • The land was earmarked by the council for employment use but the developer applied to build flats there and won the right to do so on appeal.
  • The Senate also soundly defeated a bill to ban earmarks for a year.
  • According to the agriculture ministry, 584000 animals have been earmarked for destruction, but about half of them are still alive because there are not enough trained slaughtermen to despatch them.
  • Undaunted, I set out to make focaccia from a recipe I had earmarked previously, from Nick Malgeri's book "A Baker's Tour". A Miss and a Surprise Hit
  • Land on the east side is being earmarked for walks and nature trails.
  • Housing chiefs have earmarked five locations where existing property could be demolished for redevelopments to house residents displaced by the regeneration project.
  • What would actually happen, is most plans would have a certain % earmarked for liquidation (maybe a laddered bond position or just the most volatile allocation in the portfolio) and the rest of the portfolio would be designed to provide an indefinite amount of dividend income. Social Security Privatization, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Once a selling point for lawmakers, congressionally directed spending – otherwise known as earmarks or "pork barrel" projects – is becoming a liability for many incumbents in Campaign 2010.
  • Appearing before an audience at the University of New Mexico that cheered at virtually every jibe at Obama, McCain unloaded on his Democratic rival for everything from what he called his propensity to raise taxes and desire to impose a government-run health care system to his purported waffling on issues and his "eager" participation in a "corrupt" earmark system. Top Stories - Google News
  • Agreeing with MacArthur's reasoning, the war department earmarked some of its most modern weapons and planes for the Philippines.
  • That was an earmark of the way I approached electronics.
  • The authors recommend earmarking US$2 billion over five years, for which the poorest countries could apply in parallel with applications to donor pharmaceutical companies for drug donations.
  • As President Obama hosts a summit Monday on “fiscal responsibility,” Democratic leaders in Congress this week are preparing to ram through the House a massive spending bill that includes thousands of unscrutinized pork-barrel earmarks and the largest increase in discretionary spending since Jimmy Carter - a bill written in secret, which to date, no one in America other than the Democratic congressional leadership has read. Democrats to Railroad Through Another Super Secret Massive Spending Bill - Erick’s blog - RedState
  • Their support meant that he was not forced to sell the business which was earmarked for disposal last year.
  • Substantial amounts have been earmarked for energy - mainly to a new agency for energy management and the atomic energy agency.
  • The education department has earmarked £6m for the new school.
  • There are 300 schools in total that are earmarked to close.
  • A constitutional amendment forcing a balanced budget - I would eliminate all of the earmarks.
  • But even their auditor-general admits there have been problems, with senior officials at the General Administration of Sports siphoning off £7.5m from funds earmarked for the Olympics.
  • Nonetheless, as a long-term target, I could see earmarking half a bond portfolio for inflation bonds, with the other half going into conventional high-quality U. S. bonds.
  • Land earmarked for new homes could be flooded to a depth of nearly ten feet if major rainfall swelled a ‘main river’ flowing through the site, it was revealed today
  • He said the balance of the money that was unspent was earmarked for building new hospital structures.
  • Hence the patriots of Malcy village had earmarked her for tonsure. DISPLACED PERSON
  • The prestigious office building project, set among riverside promenades and a public plaza, is earmarked for Northern Foods.
  • It has been earmarked in the plan as a prime location for the siting of high-tech industry.
  • Meanwhile, the Italian government has earmarked 750 million euros in its 2005 budget for the company's recapitalization.
  • He also undertook to earmark $ 235 billion in government expenditure on infrastructure projects within five years.
  • Dave Bassett has earmarked Craig Hignett as his first Leicester signing.
  • In all, eager members in both houses enacted 11,144 earmarks, worth $15 billion.
  • But oh lord, Caroline quickly links a locked attic room with resident ghosts Papa Justify and Mama Cecile, and is quickly earmarked as a tasty sacrifice in one of the more antisocial hoodoo spells.
  • Should his state alone give up earmarks for the sake of the national fisc, which is something everyone should be concerned about? Ace of Spades HQ
  • Also, remember John McCain's famous line about earmarks from the campaign trail.
  • The education department has earmarked £6m for the new school.
  • What the bill doesn't do, critics stress, is commit the government to earmarking more money to bail out the banks, an idea that is political dynamite.
  • So far, nearly one million animals have been slaughtered in Britain or are earmarked to die.
  • This sum of money is earmarked for our research.
  • Yet Malawi is not even one of the 18 countries earmarked for immediate debt relief by the G8.
  • Rep. Rahm Emanuel, D-Ill., President Obama's future chief of staff, anted up another $928,000 earmark in the same bill. 'Earmarks' to nowhere: States losing billions
  • A further £750,000 will be earmarked for community-driven activities centring on education and cohesion.
  • The Executive has earmarked £16.4m for freight grants in 2004-05, covering freight facilities, railway track access and the forthcoming waterborne freight grant scheme.
  • However, around 1,000 vehicles, vans and snowploughs worth in excess of £2.5 million are still earmarked for possible sale and 400 council employees could be transferred to the contractor.
  • The film has all the earmarks of a major commercial event.
  • Substantial amounts have been earmarked for energy - mainly to a new agency for energy management and the atomic energy agency.
  • Piotrovsky has also earmarked a further building in St Petersburg for a separate space to display artefacts from the archaeology department.
  • The former gas works off Station Avenue, Filey, is earmarked for redevelopment by Scarborough Council to attract more shoppers into the town centre.
  • Energy Secretary Steven Chu and Labor Secretary Hilda Solis visited a “heating, ventilation and air-conditioning class” in Allegheny County to announce “$102.5 million for energy efficiency and conservation projects in Pennsylvania as part of $3.2 billion earmarked for such projects nationwide.” Wonk Room » The WonkLine: March 27, 2009
  • The Airport Authority envisages a 10-year concession for the 12 hectare site, which is earmarked for a business centre in the long-term.
  • Roads earmarked for an asphaltic concrete reseal will still get this high-quality treatment.
  • He had been earmarked as a potential leader.
  • The new buses even stop at designated bus stops, well within the area earmarked for them.
  • Careful work earmarks a good student.
  • Hasn't his administration endorsed almost half of the nearly 12,000 earmarks that have been approved in 2008?
  • The measure signed into law Wednesday will fund federal agencies at current levels through March 18, while slicing $4 billion from eight programs that Obama has identified as duplicative or unnecessary and more than 50 local projects requested by individual lawmakers, otherwise known as earmarks. White House proposes $6.5 billion more in spending cuts
  • They can also print out labels for farmers to earmark boxes for individual sites and distinguish potentially confusable products, and member invoices to help managers at each drop-off site assemble orders.
  • The education department has earmarked £6m for the new school.
  • If the move was another earmark bonanza from the Federal trough, well, that would be par for the contemptible course of the GOP and just our payoff for Alaska getting The Bridge to Nowhere, I guess. Waldo Jaquith - Thanks to Goode, Martinsville owes some $145,000.
  • If they don't like the term earmark, they can call it a member initiative. QCOnline Metro News
  • The Members also reverted to habit by using a House-Senate conference to "airdrop" $155 million in earmarks that were not included in earlier editions -- in violation of the 2006 ethics "reform. Return to Spender
  • Of course I live in a state where my iconic congressman is so proudly anti-earmark, he refuses to do a darn thing for the homefolk at all. Current Comedy 3/17/09: Earplugs
  • In fact, in 1914 he was entrusted with the task of servicing loans guaranteed by customs revenue earmarked for that purpose.
  • These must pay for themselves while public funds are earmarked for yet more road - building.
  • He has earmarked surface chemistry. sensor technology and materials research as candidates for the joint approach.
  • But the SmartTech scanner detected switches and batteries - some of the earmarks of a suspicious device.
  • A company had been set up to manage council homes in the area and cash had already been earmarked to renovate and refurbish homes in West Leeds, including the Fairfield estate.
  • Yet Wicker, along with Cochran, had by then already sponsored earmarks in the spending bill that would fund an airport expansion in Tunica ($1.75 million), new riverwalk lights in Columbus ($300,000), improvements to a hiking and biking trail in Hattiesburg ($700,000) and improvements to an assortment of bridges, highways, trails, railways and streets across Mississippi. Republican senators say they'll vote against their own earmarks
  • Two venues have been earmarked for a series of top-class recitals and concerts.
  • He spoke to officials from Tesco, which has earmarked the land for development, about making it more secure.
  • It presets the bounds of inquiry, cramps the interrogative space, and derails the track switching (from field to analysis and back again) that earmarks ethnographic work.
  • I think if you win, I'll earmark for you the trout rod, so you can finally come up to the high country and learn how to catch some wild cutties on the fly, and quit sticking us on the bass/salt stuff ... but I know you catch the wildies in Argentina ... wait, those aren't native are they? Ready to Fish with a Free Rod?
  • Hence the patriots of Malcy village had earmarked her for tonsure. DISPLACED PERSON
  • The officers have recommended 20 per cent of the development must also be earmarked for affordable social housing.
  • As publishers and record companies looked for the earmarks of potential long-term hits, several releases in late 1941 exploited early returns from the front.
  • 85% of foreign aid is earmarked by Congress for specific purposes.
  • Cash has also been earmarked to analyse how best to provide help for the parents and carers of drug users.
  • If you want to bring up welfare states … look up Alaska, which ranks 47th in population is number 1 in acquiring federal earmarks. Think Progress » Portugal’s parliament approves same-sex marriage.
  • The board have earmarked neurology for Sligo and nephrology for Letterkenny.
  • He earmarks some of them for speeches to be used in training camp and beyond.
  • The Obama camp is pressing the Clinton camp to release its earmark requests as well.
  • Failure to do so will end with the same result as last year that saw a refusal to allow even a motion for a waiver scheme to be discussed because funds had not been earmarked for that purpose.
  • We have reserves but they should be earmarked for essential capital projects.
  • The money is earmarked for engineering, marketing and sales of the start-up's customer satisfaction software.
  • The term earmark originated in ancient England when farmers tagged -- or marked the ears -- of their livestock mixed among the village herd. Business and financial news -
  • More precisely, intragovernmental debt consists of promises to repay certain federal government accounts, such as the Social Security Trust Funds, for amounts they lent to the Treasury in years when their earmarked revenues exceeded their outgo for benefits and other costs. Jared Bernstein: The Debt Crisis: It's All Connected, Man
  • He's earmarked £25,000 for an in-house videoconferencing studio.
  • He recently assured the Capital City Development Forum that Rs.75 crores had been earmarked for the purpose.
  • The president gave up the moral high ground on spending not so much with the "stim" but with the $400 billion supplemental spending bill, larded as it was with 9,000 earmarks. ChronWatch - Articles
  • In fact, many of those efficiency savings have already been earmarked in the prebudget report in December. Gordon Brown Says Budget Will Help Reduce Deficit
  • In a statement issued here, a spokesman for the PDP said the latest arrangement announced by the Centre '' allotting '' mini hydel projects to the state, while earmarking all major projects for the NHPC was like adding insult to injury. Undefined
  • Of the additional funding almost £10m is earmarked for national pension contribution changes.
  • Let's say you have earmarked a player that you think can do all the things we've talked about but then you find that he might not actually want to come.
  • It expounds the essential earmark of garbage and the limitation of garbage function transformation: garbage classification.
  • With the group stages earmarked for the middle of the season, fingers are firmly crossed for some untypically warm and sunny weather to help the competition kick off on the right note.
  • Where does a lot of that earmark money end up anyway?
  • He is still earmarked by the club as one for the future.
  • And to pull the tourists in, land has been earmarked for a number of visitor attractions, one of which could be a reconstruction of a fort from Braveheart.
  • To assist with this, consideration might be given to earmarking Army units to specific regions, at least for the purposes of cultural and linguistic training.
  • The money is earmarked for engineering, marketing and sales of the start-up's customer satisfaction software.
  • Roughly $700,000 was earmarked for a trust fund for Terri, and $300,000 for Michael.
  • Democrats and Republicans are being held in the spotlight for their earmarks.
  • I am always ready to believe the worst when warranted, but this has all the earmarks of a wild rumor.

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