
  1. of plants that bloom during the spring
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How To Use early-flowering In A Sentence

  • For example, early-flowering hyacinths offer a heady and fragrant choice for planting in containers along walkways and at entrances.
  • Crocuses, snowdrops and early-flowering narcissi are especially suitable for planting in grass; they flower early in the year before the first mowing of the grass.
  • 2010/09/: RSTB: (ab$) Flowering phenology, fruiting success and progressive deterioration of pollination in an early-flowering geophyte by James D. Thomson ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • Begin to stake early-flowering herbaceous plants, such as peonies, that are inclined to flop over following rain and strong winds.
  • I am now at 6,000 ft, so my lungs pump that pure air greedily and I am thrilled to find early-flowering edelweiss in the far-as-the-eye-can-see wild-flower pastures.
  • For example, I've planted early-blooming bulbs and forget-me-nots right next to iris, astilbes, and lilies, which camouflage the early-flowering plants as they begin to die back.
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