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How To Use Earliest In A Sentence

  • The earliest samples of enamel using glass can be traced to before 2,500 B.C. to the Sumerian and Egyptian civilisations.
  • One of the earliest lullabies in English was written during the time of King Edward II of England in the 14th century.
  • Its stylish reading room was one of the earliest works completed by the architecture firm of De Blacam and Meagher.
  • I trust you will take the earliest opportunity to make a full apology.
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Master English with Ease
  • The song and minstrelsy of Wales have from the earliest period of its history been nurtured by its eisteddfodau. The Poetry of Wales
  • The earliest printed cards sported a nautical theme directed at sailors, who were heavy tobacco users.
  • Leonardo da Vinci was not only one of the earliest European abstractionist, but also a sculptor, an architect , and an engineer.
  • The earliest copy of Plato's Tetralogies is dated about 1,200 years after Plato supposedly wrote the original.
  • Beginning in the earliest Christian community, redemption is understood as cosmic in scope.
  • The OED always gives the earliest known usage of the word and in this case it's, wait for it, Lord Lyttelton, 1760, Dialogues of the Dead. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • They are convicted and must, if the US people are to reclaim their until now unchallenged position as torch-bearers for a better world, be booted out of office at the earliest opportunity.
  • _ -- This affection is almost always met with in adults, and the earliest symptoms are pain and weakness in the legs, and sometimes a slight kyphotic projection of the spinous processes. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • This coin, too, was designed to deal with the question of foreign currency circulating in the state - indeed, it represents one of the earliest attempts to solve that vexatious problem.
  • Like a kid, Mr. Mailer was fascinated by his own naughtiness -- his earliest critics castigated him for the vulgarity of his language, though his editors insisted that he use the word "fug" in "The Naked and the Dead. A Boy's Life
  • Now the microwave oven was pretty old and I'm not surprised it conked out, but the iron was relatively new and I hadn't been expecting it to explode in my hand for another couple of years at the earliest.
  • From her earliest student shorts, repressed sexual desire has been a consistent undercurrent in the New Zealander's work.
  • The by-election is unlikely to take place until mid-October at the earliest because the writ for the poll cannot be moved until Parliament is in session.
  • ‘We're not expecting to find life - it's too cold - but we are expecting to find prebiotic chemistry like that in the very earliest days of Earth,’ he said.
  • It is in Ravenna that the earliest mosaics are preserved, in temple after temple, in museums, presbyteries, baptistries and churches.
  • So in the earliest autumn they were married, Monsieur having previously presented Miss Lucinda with a delicate plaided gray silk for her wedding attire, in which she looked almost young; and old Israel was present at the ceremony, which was briefly performed by Parson Hyde in Miss The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 46, August, 1861
  • An antedating is a word that is earlier than the earliest example we currently know. Boing Boing: December 2, 2001 - December 8, 2001 Archives
  • So from my earliest childhood there was a bond created between myself and my animals, which were little pets like hamsters and gerbils.
  • It has altered the position of the siphuncle, has placed it in the centre instead of leaving it on the back, but it still whirls its spiral logarithmically as did the Ammonites in the earliest ages of the world's existence. The Life of the Spider
  • When will the earliest train to Oslo depart?
  • One of the earliest and most distinguished of the Arabic mathematicians was the ninth century scholar Abu Ja'far Mohammed ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi, who was an astronomer to the caliph at Baghdad.
  • In one of the earliest steps in the evolution of eukaryotic cells, the mitochondrion was derived from an endosymbiosed bacterium.
  • I don't see us returning to the giant brick of a phone like the earliest models.
  • Do artists discover a personal style and develop their themes gradually or are these to be found in embryonic form in their earliest works? Britain's best film directors show some early promise
  • The earliest written reference to Malta is in the biblical account of Saint Paul's shipwreck.
  • This is surely not only the earliest marble statue we possess but one of the first made.
  • No temples in the earliest Rome; meaning of _fanum, ara, lucus, sacellum_. The Religious Experience of the Roman People From the Earliest Times to the Age of Augustus
  • Missus jets out to QLD A.M thursday so I get to collect young fella from Footy training, that 6pm at the earliest, drop at the Marsh, 6.30, turn dunny door around and head for melb, thats 40 minutes obeying the LAW! Cheeseburger Gothic » And some touring admin.
  • The earliest mention of the village is in a 16th-century manuscript.
  • The magnitude of the observed anisotropic flow effect is sensitive to the degree of thermalization at the collision's earliest moments.
  • The earliest opinion appears to have been that canker, as the name indicates, was of a cancerous or cancroid nature. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • In the earliest times the subsellia, usually of stone, of the clergy were placed to the right and left of the cathedra of the bishop in the apse of the basilica. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • Her voice was the pearliest, most musical, and yet most distant of things. Helbeck of Bannisdale — Volume I
  • The minister said she would give a clear and unambiguous statement on the future of the coal industry at the earliest possible opportunity.
  • With a super-duper particle smasher, physicists might be able to simulate the earliest moments of the cosmos.
  • The independent report is now not expected until next summer at the earliest. The Sun
  • The earliest scholarly reports of chain letters date to the first decade of the twentieth century and arise periodically.
  • Among the earliest photographic experiments were attempts to use the camera to record a series of still images using a motorized drive to move the film after each exposure.
  • Their earliest pictures showed life among itinerant farm workers.
  • The first gospel, Mark, can be dated to AD70 at the earliest and, from internal clues, more probably to about AD90.
  • The bony armor of the earliest jawless fish was dermal bone; so are shark scales, shoulder blades, and the roof of your skull.
  • All portraiture is in its origin funerary – that is to say, the earliest known specimens of portraiture are found in tombs, and represent the dead. Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers
  • One man who has known him since those earliest days is Joe Miles, a kenspeckle figure in Ulster rugby, who was chairman of the selectors when Humphreys was first picked to represent the province.
  • Scholars have been aware for a long time of a certain “disconnect” between the version of God preached by Judaism and Christianity—an all-knowing, omnipresent, and all-powerful deity—and the way in which God is depicted in, especially, some of the earliest parts of the Hebrew Bible. In the Valley of the Shadow
  • It should have come to London but the Hackney Empire has delayed its opening until January at the earliest, by which time Hall's travelling players will have moved on.
  • Their intention is assessed as being to seize the oil installations at the earliest opportunity.
  • The recognition of the manurial functions of salt dates back to the very earliest times. Manures and the principles of manuring
  • It becomes even more acute when viewed through the eyes of phlegmatic observers whose upper lips have been conditioned to stiffness from their earliest years!
  • Of the spring bulbs, the crocus are the earliest here. March Bloom Day 2010 « Fairegarden
  • Machinery Hall has illustrated, from its earliest days, the process of development by gemmation. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 17, No. 100, April, 1876
  • To fits of hypochondria and deep dejection he had, as he himself tells us, been subject from his earliest manhood, and he attributes to overtoil in boyhood this tendency which was probably a part of his natural temperament. Robert Burns
  • Smith did not care much for loper in any form; the meat was too strongly flavored for his taste-but it, was better than nothing and kept them from digging too deeply into food they had hauled along, Dora did not share her husband's distaste for loper meat; born there aid having eaten it now and then since earliest childhood, it seemed to her a normal food. \par Time Enough For Love
  • The proximal aulacophore is polymerous, rather than tetramerous (as in most other stylophorans) and superficially similar to that of the earliest stylophoran, Ceratocystis.
  • Please advise your travel plan at earliest date so we make argot acidly.
  • The earliest laughter did not arise from what we call the ludicrous, but from something apparently physical -- such as touch -- though it does not follow that it would never otherwise have existed at all, for, as the mind more fully developed itself, facial expressions would flow from superior and more numerous causes. History of English Humour, Vol. 1 (of 2) With an Introduction upon Ancient Humour
  • Ever since its earliest days, the electronics industry has been on a rollercoaster responds to market demands.
  • Well, it's the earliest images - of independence and freedom, particularly - that do live obstinately on, despite the blessing and the bludgeoning of life's fullness.
  • My earliest recollection, when I was about four years old, was being sent out into the garden by my father to try and catch a very rare butterfly, a gynandromorph orange tip, that is one which is half male and half female and which, therefore, only has the orange tip on one wing. Research in the United Kingdom
  • The earliest are a restrained palette of blues, whites, then a touch of sage-green, manganese purple, and finally the sealing-wax red of Armenian bole.
  • It will be seen, in fine, that in the main Obermüller does not differ from accepted theories in German ethnology, which have long carefully dissevered the Celts from the Teutons, and assigned to each tribe with approximate accuracy its earliest fixed abode in Europe. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 23, February, 1873
  • The Government should not succumb to pressure by vested interests and should make speed governors for vehicles compulsory, at the earliest.
  • Contemporary optics, everything from pocket monoculars to the largest telescopes, operate on nearly identical principles to those of the earliest magnifying instruments.
  • Shaw traced the origins of these expectations to the wreck of the Birkenhead, a troopship and one of the Royal Navy's earliest steamships that had hit a rock and foundered off the coast of South Africa in 1852. Why must a captain never leave a sinking ship?
  • The earliest known recipe for marmalade has been discovered in an 18th century book being auctioned in Edinburgh.
  • On display will be a variety of patchwork and quilting including the earliest exhibit made by Martha Jackson in Westmorland in 1790.
  • But it's now believed to come from ‘kan’ or ‘summit’, because the earliest settlers settled on the summits or hilltops.
  • For example, the earliest version of the theory could only accommodate bosons, whereas many hadrons - including the proton and neutron - are fermions.
  • Fossilized bones that show evidence of human ancestor stone tool use and meat-eating push the earliest dates for those activities from about 2.5 million to 3.4 million years ago.
  • Arrangement of septa in earliest stages pinnate in all quadrants.
  • No deal is expected until 2012 at the earliest so the theme will be the counterattraction to independence, and will occupy what had been up to now a clear field for the SNP. Slugger O'Toole
  • The red rover of that region will disappear as a combatant in the same way, and before the same weapon, as his brother nomad of Algeria, the earliest victim of the conoidal bullet. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 15, No. 85, January, 1875
  • From earliest childhood she'd had a love of dancing.
  • However, we will try out level best to resolve your matter at the earliest and we will update you with an outcome with 48 hours.
  • The term salt is an ancient word, occurring in various forms in earliest English and in related languages. Halite
  • Please return the completed form at your earliest convenience.
  • Understandably, the earliest sociologists had a deep mistrust of urban life. Sociology
  • That responsibility must be exercised from the earliest days of a child's education and the, message made clear in numerous different ways thereafter. Why Not?
  • Scientists are working toward a simple blood test that would reliably detect ovarian cancer at its earliest stages.
  • For example, the earliest version of the theory could only accommodate bosons, whereas many hadrons - including the proton and neutron - are fermions.
  • In one of Lincoln's earliest military problems was involved the process of getting his company "endwise" through a gate. Lincoln's Yarns and Stories: a complete collection of the funny and witty anecdotes that made Lincoln famous as America's greatest story teller
  • The solar telescopes and spectroheliographs of the Mount Wilson Observatory were among the earliest modern facilities for the study of the solar surface.
  • The retrospective exhibition will include the artist's earliest work as well as his last projects - photographs that span the last half of the twentieth century.
  • The earliest chronographs used vacuum tubes for timing and a thin copper wire to start and stop.
  • One of my earliest memories is of sitting at our kitchen table, talking to Gladys, my Zulu nanny, while a pot of mielie pap porridge bubbled on the stove.
  • Until now, the earliest leftovers of cocoa consumption were in residues from a Maya tomb in Guatemala from A.D. 460 to 480.
  •   I looked at the books on the shelves, which I still shared with my father: my music books, of which I was still very fond, among them Twenty Royal Phantasies for Three Viols;  my books on painting, one of which, a translation of Lomazzo's delightful A tracte containing the Artes of curious Paintinge, had shepherded my own earliest assays at drawing; and my parents 'volumes of works by the most noble Sir Philip Sidney. The Stream and The Torrent
  • It was the earliest important building in which the pointed arch (croisée d'ogive) was used in the chapels of the deambulatory, thus inaugurating this wonderful invention of the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • Please rest assured that nothing will get beyond the earliest stages of preparation without full consultation taking place.
  • It seems that they were the earliest and greatest molesters of the Welsh.
  • The principle is that if a second card of a suit that has been led is played at the earliest opportunity, this guarantees that one of the players will be made to be void in that suit.
  • Roy used the philosophical ideas found in the earliest Hindu scriptures to criticize the polytheism and some of the practices of popular Hinduism, such as sati.
  • The earliest piece here is Nacht-Schatten, from 1991, in which microtones colour and destabilise the instrumental textures.
  • Many of us remember the trippy, innocent elation inspired by our earliest Google searches or our first encounters with an in-box full of e-mail on a Monday morning.
  • The word sleuth Barry Popik seems to have found the earliest known publisheduse of the term in its figurative sense. The Grammarphobia Blog » Blog Archive » The gold diggers of Broadway
  • The Historic Places Trust says last week's find of koiwi as well as moa bones, an adze head and other artefacts indicate Maori occupation of the site more than 500 years ago, making it one of the earliest sites found. Radio New Zealand News Headlines
  • Of the pearliest flow, from those pastoral hills. [ The Complete Poems of Sir Thomas Moore Collected by Himself with Explanatory Notes
  • Individuals with minor knee pain, clicking, giving way or a "trick knee" usually are experiencing the earliest symptoms of arthritis.
  • It was as much a new world to me then as it was to those earliest Europeans who waded ashore nearly 500 years before me.
  • Show how this was true with the earliest agricultural cities, with industrial cities, and with the emerging global city. Sociology
  • Interestingly, the late Oligocene whale Aetiocetus, from Oregon, has skull and jaw features typical of baleen whales, and is considered to be the earliest mysticete - yet it also bore a full set of teeth.
  • The earliest music of European origin included quadrilles played by regimental bands in the penal settlements.
  • The flunkeyism, which is a characteristic of all the Germanic races, was peculiarly marked in England from the earliest times, and induced men, even in those "spacious days," not only to overpraise fair hair, but to run down dark hair and eyes as ugly. The Man Shakespeare
  • Wood was often, if not exclusively, used for the earliest Greek temple-images, those rude xoana, of which many survived into the historical period, to be regarded with peculiar veneration. A History of Greek Art
  • From the earliest days of childhood, the brain is subjected to a myriad of input, from countless sources.
  • For _impar_ used of elegiac verse, compare Hor _AP_ 75 (the earliest instance) 'uersibus _impariter_ iunctis', _Am_ II xvii 21, _Am_ III i The Last Poems of Ovid
  • From earliest morning the street that led to “the Castle” had seen a strange procession of poor and aged women pass, carrying flowers grown in window-gardens in the scant sunlight of the long Northern winter—“loved up, ” they say in Danish for “grown”; in no other way could it be done. Elizabeth tells her Story
  • The earliest stages are very small and white, the latter stages have a characteristic hard-shell appearance and are yellow-brown in color.
  • Greek astronomer who mapped the position of 850 stars in the earliest known star chart. His observations of the heavens form the basis of Ptolemy's geocentric cosmology.
  • We do not know how earliest settlers viewed the forests, but the Celts deeply reverenced trees; indeed, the word ‘Druid’ is related to that for ‘oak.’
  • The Methodist Church has supported ecumenical efforts from its earliest beginnings.
  • Happy the author whose earliest works are read and understood by the lustre thrown back upon them from his latest! for then we receive the impression of continuity and cumulation of power, of peculiarity deepening to individuality, of promise more than justified in the keeping: unhappy, whose autumn shows only the aftermath and rowen of an earlier harvest, whose would-be replenishments are but thin dilutions of his fame! The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 30, April, 1860
  • Earlier archaeologists, most notably the British prehistorian Glyn Daniel, had concluded from stylistic similarities and differences among stone monuments that the earliest of them were constructed on Crete, Malta, and other sites in the Mediterranean. The Goddess and the Bull
  • It was surprising to find, however, that the earliest migrants were both more likely to send remittances and to send higher amounts of remittances.
  • From the earliest battles against swamps and unpredictable tides, to the occurrence of fatal wharfside fires, the history of Port Adelaide is infused with misfortune and tragedy.
  • The shelter now in Yarra Park is the earliest example of a portable, timber cabman's shelter.
  • This quotation is a favorite of liberals, although it does not appear in the earliest and best manuscripts of the Gospel of Luke. Think Progress » Conservative Catholic League President Bill Donohue Defends Beck: Many Of His Critics Are ‘Phonies’
  • One of the earliest models of dominant firm behaviour is obtained by considering a situation in which one firm has an informational advantage over the other.
  • In India, however, where interrogations like genethlialogy were introduced in the second century by the Yavanajātaka, the relationship of the art to the second type of divination (familiar through the versions of Babylonian omen literature in the saṃhitās) was not ignored; from the earliest times the need for ritual purity and preparation is stressed. ASTROLOGY
  • We do know, however, that it will be in February or March next year at the earliest.
  • The dissyllable termination, which the critick rightly appropriates to the drama, is to be found, though, I think, not in Gorboduc which is confessedly before our authour; yet in Hieronnymo, of which the date is not certain, but which there is reason to believe at least as old as his earliest plays. Preface to Shakespeare
  • Benbow, a chartist, who was one of the earliest pamphleteers to articulate the idea of a labour theory of value, called for a whole month's holiday to promote the happiness and liberty of all mankind. In praise of… a grand national holiday | Editorial
  • Brad Penny won't be back until next week at the earliest, and rookie left-hander Nate Teut was ineffective in his major league debut Saturday against Milwaukee, taking the loss, then getting sent to Triple-A Calgary. - National League East
  • Because coal and ash handling are already accommodated, these sites are logical candidates for the earliest conversions from oil to coal.
  • It is an eight-day walk from the nearest town to the earliest gold fields, and the only way to bring in supplies is on the backs of native porters.
  • The earliest quilts on colonial American beds were made of whole cloth, with the visual interest created by the quilting patterns highlighted by the gloss of the elegant fabrics, such as silk and glazed worsteds.
  • The earliest evidence of a man-made habitat dates to about 2,000,000 BCE and comes from Olduvai Gorge in Central Africa.
  • Romance appears hundreds of years later, and it _appears more immediately and earliest in connection with precisely those districts in which the passage of the few Teutonic, Slavonic and other barbarians had been least felt_. Europe and the Faith "Sine auctoritate nulla vita"
  • McAdams's story proceeds mostly as a chronological narrative of events on the island, from the earliest planning of the facility to its eventual closure at the end of the war.
  • In the earliest days the city gate is mentioned as the place of public resort, where people met for business and to discuss news.
  • Pursuivant, to the Bishop of Albertstown, to the Lord Chancellor, with an exposition of the wicked injustice and hardness of heart of lawyers, and the inexpedience of taking the poor child from her earliest motherly friend, expressly chosen by her father. Modern Broods
  • Ambitious, brilliant entrepreneurs revolting against the old-line, hierarchical, East Coast work culture defined the Valley's earliest days.
  • I don't find this solution "coincident" - it seems an apt explanation if the earliest version of a manuscript we have seems to already reflect some sort of mutilation. Scriptural Evolution
  • While this may have been true for the cases of the three earliest civilizations, further study of early Chinese civilization shows that irrigation-based agriculture did not play a major role in developing hierarchical institutions, and the absence of major river valleys in Mesoamerica and the region of the Andes civilization brought an end to the old “river valley theory” of the origins of civilization. D. Comparisons
  • Schoolcraft presented perhaps the earliest example of a dendrochronological approach to dating a set of garden beds for a site in the Grand River Valley of western Michigan.
  • The chief source of our doctrine, however, is tradition, which from the earliest times declares the impetratory value of the Sacrifice of the Mass. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • "My earliest musical memory is of starting to learn piano at the age of about five.
  • One of our earliest industrial containers, glass is made by melting sand, soda ash, limestone, and cullet (recycled crushed glass) in furnaces heated to 2,700 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • The matchlock is one of the very earliest forms of firearms.
  • Political parties have always figured prominently in Congress since the earliest days of the American Republic.
  • They are also one of the earliest genres of literature. Times, Sunday Times
  • With a little more mental bandwidth this summer, I started re-viewing the earliest footage we shot for my grandfather's documentary.
  • One of the earliest recorded epidemic diseases was leprosy. An Introduction to Community Health
  • Bicolor barrenwort is one of the earliest to bloom.
  • The disadvantaged students for whom antielitist solicitude is expressed are the very ones who suffer when we fail to introduce traditional literate culture into the earliest grades. The Theory Behind the Dictionary: Cultural Literacy and Education
  • It is the earliest known webpage that exists, but not quite the first. Times, Sunday Times
  • The earliest that can be dated goes back to 1200 BC but others could date from 2500 BC.
  • Several objects have been attributed to him and have been cited as the earliest known examples of English refined white earthenware, or creamware.
  • Aside from yard switchers, some of the earliest road locomotives were small units used on branch lines in isolated situations.
  • The earliest vineyards were selected to provide a sunny aspect, commonly on a hillside slope, a sufficient depth of soil, and access to water for the roots.
  • The greenstones of the Kaapvaal craton in the northeast have been found to contain unicellular and biogenic filamentous structures, signs of some of the earliest forms of life. Nama Karoo
  • One of my earliest memories is of counting ration coupons with my father.
  • She was clearly one of those solitary temperaments whose earliest companions were things, whose inscapes spoke to her soul.
  • In the earliest cosmologies, man placed himself in a commanding position at the centre of the universe.
  • In addition, we wish to discuss our costs overruns with yourselves and the client at your earliest convenience, in hopes of coming to some settlement that is fair to all parties.
  • Berlin academy conducted its transactions first in Latin, next and for many years to come in French, and one of its earliest presidents, a man of special competence, pronounced German to be a noble but frightfully barbarized tongue. Voltaire
  • In chronological terms, Paviland is early in the European series of burials and is actually the earliest with a firm radiocarbon date measured directly on human bone.
  • Also among the earliest daffs are the Cylamineus group, named for their reflexing flower petals which resemble those of Cyclamen. Hellebo-R-Us « Fairegarden
  • The need for additional staff should be identified at the earliest opportunity after consideration of alternative means of meeting the shortfall.
  • They were the last social group to accept Islam, and some of the earliest deviations from orthodoxy matured in the Muslim countryside.
  • The earliest section of the quiz requires you to match the replies given by some random selection of, eek, ordinary people.
  • In the earliest years of this organization, there was a cartoon strip about WHO, a serious adventure story that ran in a number of newspapers.
  • Our father had been a sensualist of heroic proportions from his earliest childhood. GALILEE
  • Probably the most informative analysis of mammal-like reptiles as transitional forms is the one which focuses, in detail, on the presumed changes from advanced cynodonts to the earliest mammals.
  • The earliest use of the term was recorded in Texas circa 1850.
  • The earliest scientific name that might apply to the southern Dolly Varden of North America is “Salmo lordi,” a name published in 1866 for a char from the Skagit River of Washington and British Columbia. Trout and Salmon of North America
  • This is a transitional period and fingers crossed the new services will be available in April at the earliest.
  • I'd order them in order of appearance: diamond (primordial), olivine (one of the earliest condensates), ice (a late condensate), aragonite (post-planet formation). Universe Puzzle No. 3 | Universe Today
  • The supposed “mystery” here is that a 1993 paper by Labandeira and Sepkoski showed that “by the middle Jurassic the earliest commonly accepted date for the origin of Angiosperms 65% (low estimate) to 88% (high estimate) of all modern insect mouthpart classes were present”. Behe and bugs: Genesis of a Creationist canard? - The Panda's Thumb
  • Surgical intervention is required at the earliest sign of an abscess.
  • Why is the earliest documentary evidence from 1964, when most people remember ska from earlier than that?
  • When they finally did become leafy, the first trees emerged and gave rise to the earliest forests.
  • Interpretive techniques such as dodging and burning and adjusting contrast and saturation, have been used since the earliest days of photography.
  • His earliest compositions were songs for a former prog-rock band; the songs were "disjunctive" even for that free-form style, he said. stories
  • Cinchona bark had long been used by indigenous people as a remedy for fevers, and at the end of the seventeenth century, a British physician, in one of the earliest controlled studies of a drug, proved that its effect was unique to what was then known as tertian fever. MANUFACTURING DEPRESSION
  • The earliest presentation with cancer of the bowel in this series was 21 years.
  • That the language contained a very large number of monosyllabic words is, however, certain; and as phonetism is necessarily syllabic, we may assume that the earliest Egyptian scribes had a rich mine of syllabic forms to draw upon. Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers
  • The earliest known inhabitants of South Africa were Pygmies and Khoisan.
  • Armouring of the extension to Wellington airport runway in 1955 was one of the earliest projects to use Tetrapods.
  • The earliest humans used those needles to sew warm, waterproof clothing: fur jackets, sealskin boots and waterproof parkas.
  • Saturday Night Live" has, since its earliest days, shamelessly flirted with bad taste -- and sometimes taken a wicked delight in heaving itself over the line, rather than just tiptoeing up to it. Tom Shales reviews the opening show of SNL's 36th season
  • Rucellai's famous formal innovation is likewise significant here, for his is one of the earliest and most influential examples of versi sciolti, or unrhymed hendecasyllabic verse.
  • The Society of St. Vincent de Paul was probably the earliest lay orgainzation established in new Zealand, a conferrence formed at Christchurch in July, 1867, by the Rev.Fr. Chasteagner, S.M., being the first founded in Australasia. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • He had seen women of sixty, rouged, and jewelled, and furbelowed, foot it deftly in the halls of the Faubourg St. Germain in his earliest youth; and this cheery, healthy woman, with lingering blooms on either cheek, and uncapped head of curly black hair but slightly strewn with silver, seemed quite as fit a subject for the accomplishment. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 46, August, 1861
  • Coins from the earliest days of Australian settlement to modern decimal currency are displayed.
  • Theirs is the earliest block at the west of the long south-facing front. Times, Sunday Times
  • The earliest mention of the village is in a 16th-century manuscript.
  • The earliest method was to derive a contratenor altus from the written discantus by singing the same notes simultaneously at the 4th below, which produced essentially a chain of what would now be called 6-3 chords, varied and punctuated by single 8-5 chords, though with some decorative passing notes and suspensions, particularly at cadences, and on occasion more licentious dissonances. Archive 2008-02-01
  • It is well attested in the earliest sources. Christianity Today
  • The earliest appearance of the word puppeteer in the New York Times was in the May 23, 1920, article, "Puppeteering as a Fine Art," which covers Van Volkenburg and other puppeteers of the time. Robert Loerzel: Chicago, "Puppeteer" City
  • With many generations to come, the name of César de St. Auban must perforce be familiar as that of one of the greatest roysterers and most courtly libertines of the early days of Louis XIV., as well as that of a rabid anti-cardinalist and frondeur, and one of the earliest of that new cabal of nobility known as the petits-maîtres, whose leader the Prince de Condé was destined to become a few years later. The Suitors of Yvonne: being a portion of the memoirs of the Sieur Gaston de Luynes
  • Outside of manufacturing, Sears, Roebuck was one of the earliest users of the multidivisional structure. Fit, Failure, and the Hall of Fame
  • Where there is evidence of a breach it will be considered at the earliest opportunity by the national executive committee as part of established disciplinary procedures. Times, Sunday Times
  • The earliest known astrological records date back to Babylon, 1645 BC, and the earliest horoscope dates back to 410 BC.
  • The human body has been of primordial interest as an object of imagination, representation and investigation across millennia, from the earliest cave drawings to the present day mapping of the human genome.
  • Johnny-B's paternal grandfather had staked out a stout chunk of the Olympic Peninsula and the timberlands around Lake Chelan to become one of the earliest lumber barons of the Pacific Northwest.

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