
How To Use Earless In A Sentence

  • ‘I am not afraid of neologism,’ wrote the fearless Professor Fowler.
  • A fearless person could not be courageous, because courage is all about the mind dominating fear.
  • And a younger, sprier Edwards fearlessly taunted his tormentor, U.S. Attorney John Volz, once rising to his feet for a toast in a French Quarter bar while trilling, “When my moods are over, and my time has come to pass, I hope they bury me upside down, so Volz can kiss my ass.” FLY FISHING WITH DARTH VADER
  • Let these wives first step into the pyre, tearless without any affliction and well adorned.
  • This little package of dense black fur is fearless but unaggressive, happy to please but not a pushover, a tad stubborn but a complete lovebug.
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  • When you are young you are fearless and learn more quickly. Times, Sunday Times
  • The grassy slopes were grazed by apparently fearless and footsure sheep, and in parts the sheer cliffs were occupied by seabirds - fulmars, kittiwakes and auks.
  • Gray, a barnstorming centre-forward in his day, is equally fearless as a commentator.
  • It is hard to avoid stormy waves when you are sailing in rivers;and it is hard to avoid brambles when you are climbing rugged mountains.We hope you can fearlessly fight the stormy waves and hack your way through the jungle.
  • … reminds me of an image Deirdre Bair sketches in her biography of the game young Samuel used to play diving fearlessly from the tops of tall trees, crashing through branches to the ground. 2009 May 05 | NIGEL BEALE NOTA BENE BOOKS
  • Yet similar themes recur - Barker is a fearless writer, unafraid to return to business she feels is unfinished.
  • Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers, but to be fearless in facing them. Let me not beg for the stilling of my pain, but for the heart to conquer it. Rabindranath Tagore 
  • The colour of the walls in the master bedroom momentarily stopped the fearless skateboarder in his tracks, however. Times, Sunday Times
  • Competition in the ring was ferocious as fearless competitors risked their knuckles and aimed to split the conker at the end of a leather string held by their opponent.
  • So is the fearless rozzer losing his touch? Times, Sunday Times
  • She was a really feisty, fearless woman who loved to laugh. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fearless, lawless and sowing misery with a careless abandon, their reign seems uncontested. Times, Sunday Times
  • He took up the cause of persecuted and imprisoned writers across the globe, met world leaders and made fearless, contentious speeches. Times, Sunday Times
  • An intimidating squad of fearless men whose job it is to maintain the moral rectitude of the country by sniffing out depravity at source. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • This October, fearless female boxer and health advocate, Laila Ali is partnering with DoSomething. org to knock out teen obesity in the 'Healthy School Challenge.' Laila Ali & Challenge Kids To Get Fit
  • I admired his fearlessness with Couples, marvelled at the word acrobatics in the Rabbit series, read of his psoriasis, childhood stammering and problems of self-image, counted the novels and short stories and wondered, 'How does he do it?' Daily News & Analysis
  • Expect, too, plenty of backbenchers to step forward fearlessly to criticise the leadership.
  • Hunt was also to write that he and Millais used to stand in front of the Raphael cartoons (then at Hampton Court) and judge them fearlessly, also that they condemned Raphael's Transfiguration (which they had never seen) 'for its grandiose disregard of the simplicity of truth, the pompous posturing of the Apostles, and the unspiritual attitudinising of the Saviour.' Cosa Nostra
  • A fearless person could not be courageous, because courage is all about the mind dominating fear.
  • The Trotters boss gave a half-time team talk urging his players to be fearless. The Sun
  • Most were young, hardy, physically fit, courageous, fearless, bold, endowed with fortitude and endurance, and ever ready for a fight.
  • I believe that if they saw me fearless, and coming among them for friendly purposes, they would leave off hooting; but the notion frightens granny, so I am a prisoner. Dynevor Terrace: or, the clue of life — Volume 2
  • To keep growing and to become more fearless. The Sun
  • Set to music by Ryuichi Sakamoto and Bach, Fearless Mine features a sextet performing eye-catching, colorful, and kaleidoscopic pointe work. The Francesca Harper Project Premieres New Works «
  • I am always struck by Pollini's extraordinary ability to integrate even the most fearless of contrasts into a convincing whole.
  • It is hard to avoid stormy waves when you are sailing in rivers;and it is hard to avoid brambles when you are climbing rugged mountains.We hope you can fearlessly fight the stormy waves and hack your way through the jungle.
  • They should do this fearlessly, taking care only not to endanger the security of the nation. Times, Sunday Times
  • You can learn from how fearless the goalkeepers are in one-on-one situations. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was a gay, mad young dog, grandly careless of his largess, fearless as a lion's whelp, lithe and beautiful as a leopard, and mad, a trifle mad of the deviltries and whimsies that tickled in that fine brain of his. CHAPTER XIII
  • Often the young people go home in tears, or in a tearless rage, when they have seen the child and faced this terrible paradox. Jesse Kornbluth: Happiness In 'Omelas' Depends on the Suffering of a Single Child. Could You Live With That?
  • Vampyre umbral skulker until sunlight dwindles then bat becomes nocturnal prince throat ravager, claret quaffer, night wraith fearless charlatan, blood drunkard but at dawn's flushing kiss he yields to light Archive 2006-08-01
  • Peter was a voracious reader, a tireless networker, intrepid and fearless at approaching the biggest names, and dogged in working with authors to finish their manuscripts.
  • And the message of the book is that every time we take a step towards where we want to go, even when we are afraid, we build what I call a fearlessness muscle. CNN Transcript Sep 15, 2006
  • Along with their fearlessness it's the candidness of these three interrupters, who have made their lives open books from which they preach a new gospel of peace, that pulls you into the movie.
  • I began writing a chick lit and my Fearless Leader and groupies all women over 50 btwsaid my protag was "unlikable" if she was 35 and doing the things she was doing. Do you like Miss Snark?
  • He's a modern artist of the old school: utterly fearless, profoundly confusing and completely bonkers.
  • HELEN MARTEN chosen by RICHARD WENTWORTHSculptor Richard Wentworth is quite clear why 24-year-old Helen Marten is a young artist to watch: "I admire her sureness, fearlessness and lack of hubris," he says. Meet the best new artists in Britain
  • Whatever the origin, we know the dachshund was developed and refined by the German foresters into an excellent tracker and fearless hunter.
  • The slave fearlessly lammed into his master.
  • Bainbridge pulled up his sagging trousers and struck the pose of a fearless sea captain.
  • The fearless animal trainer even goes for dip in a swimming pool where he and 16-year-old polar bear Agee enjoy a watery cuddle together.
  • Be fearless and unafraid because really, you're only going to meet yourself.
  • I'm going to go find something, and when I come back I want you to be tearless, ok?
  • This was a movement of drama and anarchy embracing violence, danger and fearlessness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sobbing tearlessly, she explained that the government had closed the local polyclinic.
  • When not shooting movies like Mean Girls and Georgia Rule, she has fearlessly gone from her natural red to brown to blond to black and back again.
  • As misty rain fell in patches, Clarke was quick to slide forward, back or sideways, and lofted the ball fearlessly.
  • The author showed again her utter fearlessness when it comes to attacking the big subjects and her determination to bring philosophical discussions into the realm of highly readable and entertaining literature.
  • This time despair overtook me, but it was tearless.
  • ZARRELLA: Like the bufo toad that excretes a poison that can kill a dog, and this fearless night nole (ph). CNN Transcript Oct 13, 2009
  • Basel needed a boost, and an apparently fearless young winger would be it. Times, Sunday Times
  • He felt possessed of a preternatural strength and fearlessness.
  • Socrates, the fearless Utopianism of Plato, the ambitious encyclopaedism of Aristotle, mark the dawn of a new courage and a new wilfulness in human affairs. The Pivot of Civilization
  • Gertrude was brought up to be physically fearless and intellectually confident.
  • Fearlessly, it went on its endless journey, league upon league to the furthermost regions of Asia, in utter solitude, mysterious.
  • Richard the Fearless, had built nearly a hundred years before -- new trouble threatened him, as word came that King Henry of France, the "suzerain," or overlord of Normandy, deeming his authority not sufficiently honored in his Norman fief, had invaded the boy's territories, and with a strong force was besieging the border castle of Tillieres, [H] scarce fifty miles to the south. Historic Boys Their Endeavours, Their Achievements, and Their Times
  • Just a couple of years ago, I wrote a column about the advent of tearless onions that included some background on why onions make us cry in the first place. A half-billion years of irritation
  • Fearlessly, she disappeared from her home for hours without her mother knowing where she was.
  • Be fearless and unafraid because really, you're only going to meet yourself.
  • Then those who "intrude" (thrust, that is) themselves into the fold, who by natural insolence of heart, and stout eloquence of tongue, and fearlessly perseverant self-assertion, obtain hearing and authority with the common crowd. Harvard Classics Volume 28 Essays English and American
  • The level brows shaded eyes that looked straight out at him, fearless, unconcealing; the richly curved lips were parted in a dazzling expression of happiness. Gold Out of Celebes
  • There are no love songs on this album, and very few signs of self-doubt, just a calm assuredness and a fearless determination.
  • He attacked the ball with courage and fearlessness from first bounce to last.
  • Below nestled a shingle cove of limpid water and fearless little fish, qualities that tend to bring the boy out of the man.
  • Frye is a double threat on offense; a solid perimeter shooter with a fearless streak.
  • I. iii.176 (130,9) [left in the fearful guard] [W: fearless] Dr. Warburton has forgotten that _fearful_ is not only that which fears, but that which is feared or causes fear. Notes to Shakespeare — Volume 01: Comedies
  • He went straight into the town and entered the marketplace fearlessly, at the time when the multitude filled it.
  • The under-16-year-olds Optimist sailors (many as young as nine) were fearless - not only of the north-easterly, but the awesome speed of the multihulls zooming in and out of their fleet of tiny craft.
  • As Warwick passed the door that led from the garden, he brushed by a young man, the baudekin stripes of whose vest announced his relationship to the king, and who, though far less majestic than Edward, possessed sufficient of family likeness to pass for a very handsome and comely person; but his countenance wanted the open and fearless expression which gave that of the king so masculine and heroic a character. The Last of the Barons — Complete
  • Famous for her fearless and dynamic approach, the Russian takes physical risks that few others dare. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now, its taken for granted the puck is going hit some part of the fearless, athletic, and enormous monster in the net. Matthew Yglesias » America The Beautiful
  • Triangle, named for her high-peaked white brow, is the troop's alpha animal; her infant is fearless.
  • Funny, profane and fearless, she has become one of America's biggest television celebrities.
  • Standing where these fearless ski racers begin their descent, the view was slightly daunting. The Sun
  • In the past 18 years he has transformed himself from a spirited iconoclast, fearlessly lampooning the excesses of the rich and famous, into an aspiring member of the haute bourgeoisie.
  • He was a quintessential fearless big-wave rider and the first native to do aerials and floaters and 360s.
  • Well, worry no more, for this fearless column has a solution.
  • Immersing himself in battle with at least seeming fearlessness became the photographer's specialty.
  • I have written before about the allegorical setting, two stanzas earlier, for this tearless spiritual depth, when the immortal sea/ Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • Fundamental change also requires a certain fearlessness, of course and a real willingness to trust the public †both qualities lacking from the current CBS approach. Exploding TV: Where’s the plug? « BuzzMachine
  • The midwives worked fearlessly in some of the toughest areas of London, walking alone through unlit streets in places where policemen patrolled in pairs. Times, Sunday Times
  • My eyes were dry and tearless as I took one last look back at the castle.
  • When gazed upon by so many strangers, some of the Snake men appeared to be more nervous, and did not handle the reptiles in the fearless manner which marked earlier performances.
  • After initially telling police that she had been carjacked by a black man – and making tearless pleas for the safe return of her kids on national TV – Smith later confessed to strapping the two children into her Mazda Protege and letting the car roll into John D. Long lake in Union County. Haley To Oprah: Talk To The Hand
  • Today these interviews still seem fearless and incisive and free from the gladiatorial razzamatazz that characterises the genre today. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a serviceman he was reliable, displaying grit, fearlessness, and devotion to duty, as well as being cheerful and optimistic.
  • I need help … just a little help, please, she said, crying a tearless cry. Dirtier Than Ever
  • No matter what they did she bobbed up again, fiery, fearless, clouting to the left and the right with her wit.
  • fearlessly, he led the troops into combat
  • In addition, he possessed of himself all the natural attributes of chiefship: the gigantic stature, the fearlessness, the pride; and the high hot temper that could brook no impudence nor insult, that could be neither bullied nor awed by any utmost magnificence of power that walked on two legs, and that could compel service of lesser humans, not by any ignoble purchase by bargaining, but by an unspoken but expected condescending of largesse. THE BONES OF KAHEKILI
  • Isella was found to be a mother; and then the storm burst upon her and drabbled her in the dust as fearlessly as the summer-wind sweeps down and besmirches the lily it has all summer been wooing and flattering. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 07, No. 43, May, 1861 Creator
  • He would drive out each day, a flask of iced tea in one pocket, a bottle of cognac in the other - every inch the fearless veteran war photographer.
  • Fearless of scoffing, and of the ostent, let us take our stand, our ground, and never desert it, to confront the growing excess and arrogance of realism. Democratic Vistas: Paras. 90–119. Collect
  • She has also gained a reputation for being fearless when it comes to controversial subjects. Times, Sunday Times
  • To keep growing and to become more fearless. The Sun
  • Even if you're a Republican, you have to admit it was all too easy for all of us to "feel smart" in contrast with the fearless malapropist George W. Bush. Search Engine Land: News About Search Engines & Search Marketing
  • The battleships and destroyers following HMS Fearless arrived on the scene at a speed of 21 knots.
  • Several lizard species that are adapted to the exposed, sun-baked landscape of West Texas are indicative of the succulent desert shrubland: the round-tailed horned lizard, the checkered whiptail, and the greater earless lizard. Ecoregions of Texas (EPA)
  • The Royal Navy has three carriers equipped with Harrier aircraft but its ageing assault ships have been decommissioned - Fearless only a fortnight ago.
  • A fearless reaper, it pivots on its tower to face the wind, propellerlike rotor already scything around, faster and faster.
  • Our fearlessness shall be our secret weapon. John Green 
  • The muscle-bound St. Petersburg native stripped to the waist and plunged fearlessly into the icy river.
  • Found within it the atheling band asleep after feasting and fearless of sorrow, of human hardship. Beowulf, translated by Francis Gummere
  • The best antidote to error is the full and fearless proclamation of the truth.
  • Already some of those fearless frontierswomen, the amazons of the Fortieth, had come ahead with bag, baggage and babies and moved into the log huts of their lords as contentedly as they would have taken quarters at the Grand Central in Omaha, but Mesdames Flight and Under Fire
  • One little girl - one sinless, harmless, tearless little girl - found enough strength inside herself to rise to her feet and stumble out of the graveyard.
  • Game brief introduction: The pirate of impersonation fearlessness, the detection enchant of the treasure hide!
  • I had been tearless, too frightened, and I had looked at her, and I had apologized.
  • It has everything to do with where your heart is and being fearless and full of hope.
  • There is a certain fearlessness associated with entrepreneurs. Women Grow Business » What Are They ON?! Entrepreneurs and Their Mindset
  • The 50-year-old sexpert fearlessly promotes sexual health and condom usage throughout the Caribbean and the diaspora.
  • This October, fearless female boxer and health advocate, Laila Ali is partnering with DoSomething. org to knock out teen obesity in the Laila Ali & Challenge Kids To Get Fit
  • Young people are fearless. Times, Sunday Times
  • Roberts is a riveting presence, tearless, with saucer eyes.
  • The young Alabamian was a gifted artillerist, unquestionably fearless in combat, and worthy of promotion.47 Cavalryman of the Lost Cause
  • Of course, over time ministers sometimes promoted officers whom they found sympathetic to the cause, but in general the service was respected as the giver of fearless and impartial advice.
  • The bereaved person may weep tearlessly and experience a sense of emptiness.
  • He found fearlessness an extremely difficult state to conceive, like the hereafter.
  • Fate loves the fearless. James Russell Lowell 
  • Being a firefighter requires much more than a brave, fearless approach and a calm nature.
  • The university mountaineering club introduced him to rock climbing at which he quickly became expert, having a slight, wiry build and a fearless approach to steep rock. Times, Sunday Times
  • She remained for some time apparently unimpressionable, tearless, sighless, but in the innermost depths of her heart moved mighty passions. Clotel; or, The President's Daughter: A Narrative of Slave Life in the United States. By William Wells Brown, A Fugitive Slave, Author of "Three Years in Europe." With a Sketch of the Author's Life
  • Come back next week for part two of our two part interview with Eugenia Lovett West where she shares tips and techniques for mystery novelists and also about how important fearlessness is when writing a novel. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » AUTHOR INTERVIEW:Eugenia Lovett West, part 1
  • He's a reserve fullback and running back, good receiver out of the backfield and fearless on special teams.
  • As celebrated in their own eyes, these are always the true, the fearless, and the incorruptible revealers of corruption.
  • A kindly, gray-whiskered old gentleman came tottering and rocking into view, his rosy, wrinkled face beaming benediction on the world as he passed through it -- on the sunshine dappling the undergrowth, on the furry squirrels sitting up on their hind legs to watch him pass, on the stray dickybird that hopped fearlessly in his path, at the young man sitting very rigid there on his bench, at the fair, sweet-faced girl who met his aged eyes with the gentlest of involuntary smiles. The Tracer of Lost Persons
  • Calculation comes in rewrite and editing; creation comes in losing oneself in fearless territories. Alchemy on the First Page
  • The main elevator parts which we can provide are below: Controller , Gearless machine , LED ceiling , interphone COP ; and the designing and manufacturing for some special (luxury type) cabin.
  • It is this kind of forceful and fearless character that intuitively knows how to play to make an audience's hair stand on end. Times, Sunday Times
  • He quickly discovered that Sutasoma was authentic, that he was utterly sincere in his fearless commitment to charity, truth and compassion for the benefit of all.
  • This is far from the first time that BBC sources have turned out to have suspect backgrounds and/or motives - either unnoticed or undeclared by our fearless BBC inquisitors.
  • What I admired most about this book was the writer's fearlessness in portraying herself truthfully.
  • They should do this fearlessly, taking care only not to endanger the security of the nation. Times, Sunday Times
  • I look forward, in the interests of justice and fearless investigative journalism, to future exposés.
  • We want to encourage parrhesia-the Greek concept of fearless speech Foucault discusses. Spirituality
  • Unfortunately, unlike cutting taxes, cutting spending is a task that even the most fearless of politicians usually finds too hot to handle.
  • He was a fearless campaigner and a legendary figure for the Labour movement. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your role as a defence counsel is to fearlessly advocate for the person you are representing.
  • He led them inside with his typical fearlessness.
  • She has already proved herself to be fearless after performing a parachute jump for the charity last year.
  • This column likes to think of itself as pretty fearless, but there are some subjects which are so explosive that I hardly know how to start.
  • But there was no rain in them, never any rain; the sky was as tearless as she.
  • No, they had a fearless leader screaming at them about fear and impending doom.
  • In The New Yorker, she actually called these six hours of chic ‘fearless,’ as if the film had defied the censors of a police state.
  • YOU Matt, with your fearless devotion to revealed truth, have patiently and unalterably mainlined the notion of an increasingly unavoidable doomsday scenario directly into my brain. Matthew Yglesias » The Beautiful People
  • The Neustrashimy (Fearless) missile frigate is tasked with protecting Russian vessels, and foreign ships with Russian crew members, from potential pirate attacks. Sudan weapons ship was israeli
  • I only wish that I could be self-possessed enough to offer it fearlessly, which is something Lucinda has talked to me about. Mike Ragogna: With Love To Seamus, Lucinda, and Leonard : A Conversation With Matthew Ryan
  • The descent was rugged and romantic, along deep ravines and defiles, overhung with crags and cliffs, among which they beheld numbers of the ahsahta or bighorn, skipping fearlessly from rock to rock. Astoria, or Anecdotes of an Enterprise Beyond the Rocky Mountains
  • Facing the challenges of working in microgravity calls for fearless heroes and feats of courage.
  • Then Miss Stein gets out and sits on a campstool with pencil and pad, and Miss Toklas fearlessly switches a cow into her line of vision. » Blog Archive » The Curious Habits of Gertrude Stein and Alice Toklas
  • A fearless goalie is almost impossible to score on from 20 feet and out — if he can see the puck. Matthew Yglesias » America The Beautiful
  • Intrepid implies absolute fearlessness & especially suggests dauntlessness in facing the new or unknown.
  • He scored four times and thrilled the footballing world with his audacity, his fearlessness, his youth.
  • What does this reveal about their stance as fearless truth-tellers always prepared to rebut the lies of the corporate press?
  • A fearless milkman used his milk cart to ram into a robber's getaway car just minutes after being threatened with a gun.
  • The slave fearlessly lammed into his master.
  • She was a really feisty, fearless woman who loved to laugh. Times, Sunday Times
  • Only those who think they are brave and fearless will be allowed entry into what will be the spookiest house in the midlands on the day.
  • Lightning quick, fearless in the tackle and always in the thick of the action.
  • We've got a decent record away from home and they are quite fearless at times. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sure, the combination of Carrey's zealous contortionism and the Farrellys 'fearlessly low humor will make you laugh (see Jim wrestle a dying cow, see him locked in mortal combat with himself, see him pee all over the wall). Gross And Grosser
  • At one moment they would pass a group of giraffe, running in their ungainly fashion to one side; hartebeests, impalla and other varieties of antelope were everywhere, gazing in fearless fashion at the train. The Rogue Elephant The Boys' Big Game Series
  • Instead, the crux of his approach is a certain fearlessness in asking questions, a refusal to dismiss any option as simply taboo. The Accidental Foreign Policy
  • And alas, for the sword that swung then, unscabbarded, by each man's side and for the knee that never bent to any and for the fearless eyes that watched unblenched while the gods lamed each other with their lightnings in the thunder-shaken storm! The Workingman's Paradise An Australian Labour Novel
  • The fearless teenager is practising his mountain unicycling skills in preparation for a charity ride.
  • The fearless could try tandem skydiving, sharing the exhilaration of jumping out of a plane with somebody else has got to be intense, in a good way. Times, Sunday Times
  • As celebrated in their own eyes, these are always the true, the fearless, and the incorruptible revealers of corruption.
  • Since man had by now known the taste of being fearless and unafraid.
  • But moments that behold me in measurable days promise short-term, tearless despair.
  • It's little wonder that she used to consider herself to be fearless on stage but much less confident in front of a camera.
  • But at its best, especially in the fiction, there is a fantastic sense of energy, intellectual fearlessness, contingency, reckless dash.
  • The princess snapped shut her parasol and then suddenly ran forward fearlessly through the water with a whoop.
  • We had to stick together and we needed a more fearless approach. The Sun
  • These are fearless people who are strapped to rigs on the top wing of a 1940s biplane while the aircraft performs a sequence of loops, rolls and turns in front of air show crowds across the country.
  • When Aoi had told her, Sara simply stood there, her brown eyes wide, yet tearless.
  • Her latest song is about what all of her best songs are about: dealing fearlessly with the consequences of her latest mistake.
  • I am fearless, intrepid, bold. Times, Sunday Times
  • In addition to Ani's profound lyrics and fearless voice, the diverse variety of instruments - including clarinet, saxophone, flute, trumpet, and flugelhorn creates a uniquely blended sound.
  • Another poet, Tennyson, wrote of the tearless, bereaved wife of a dead warrior.
  • Curry on the other hand were tenacious, fearless and hungry for the victory which has copper-fastened their greatest ever season.
  • The conductor led his musicians fearlessly through the complicated tempo changes.
  • They're gutty and gritty and fundamental and fearless.
  • It comes round or oval, lidless and sometimes earless, most often with vertical sides, though in the round version the sides could slope to a small flat base.
  • It is worth nothing the qualities this historian ascribes to them: they were fearless, high-principled, deeply versed in ancient and modern political thought, astute and pragmatic, unafraid of experiment, and --this is significant--"convinced of man's power to improve his condition through the use of intelligence""---Barbara Tuchman "An ambiguously worded political compromise written hundreds and hundreds of years ago."
  • Ruby is diving up on to the table and appears to be doing the splits, utterly fearless. Times, Sunday Times
  • And then came the young and fearless Rashford. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, sometimes a brazen BFF is so bold, brash and fearless that her naughty behavior threatens to get you both in deep trouble.
  • There is a fearless advance, and your skirmishers are your forlorn hope. Battle Studies
  • A beautiful day; the budgerigar had long gone, but other birds trilled and twittered fearlessly, silenced only during the actual battle. THE THORN BIRDS
  • All fearless in her virgin purity, she listened neither to the Goblins who eyed her hungrily from the shapeless trees and besought her to show them favour, nor to the warnings of compassionate Fays who bade her return to the Crystal Tower. The Fairies and the Christmas Child
  • There is such anair of noli me tangere around the compound that even though there is asmall, unguarded opening in the fence, no one – no one – tries to enter it, not even the normally fearless paparazzi who stand outside ina cluster, sweating patiently in the heatof the sun. Glastonbury 2010: Meet the celebrities
  • They were skilled and fearless horsemen who herded longhorn cattle up the trails from Mexico and Texas to provide beef to various military posts in the Wyoming territory.
  • The reason is simply the reputation, the prestige this Service has built up for absolute fearlessness from the very first. India's Future in the Empire
  • The Ghazis of Mughal India used marijuana to induce fearlessness.
  • A fearlessly virtuosic rendering of the double stops in the cadenza capped a spectacular performance that breathed new life into a repertoire staple!

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