How To Use Each week In A Sentence
She laid a little of her pay away each week.
I have put a great deal of time, and no little money, into saving York City and it breaks my heart to see players who cannot, or will not, play decently get praise each week while youngsters, who are still learning the game, are pilloried.
Throwing a cup of bicarbonate of soda down a septic toilet each week will help to reduce acidity, and encourage the growth of waste-digesting bacteria.
So each week we ask our favourite male celebs to share their must-have stylish buys.
The Sun
set aside a certain sum each week

PC Gamers will have the chance to transform their basic machine into a fully-equipped 'supersystem' each week through the end of the month.
Government funding to Social service departments who pay 230-pounds for each resident each week will be cut substantially in April.
In one of the several shows taking place each week, lights transform the awning into a canopy of tropical trees.
By your leave, I should like to return each week to reexamine him.
They're not kidding themselves about their age, but ice hockey lets them forget about it for a couple of hours each week.
He spent many hours each week inside a $1,2000 hyperbaric chamber and sprawled on silver-lined "earthing" sheets that are purported to speed the recovery of tissues.
Yahoo! Sports - Top News
It's a puzzle where all my money goes each week.
Goundsman John Yates each week would harness a horse named Jenny to the club roller.
I wanted to put all your minds at rest - my wife reads my article each week and has not taken offence (so far, anyway).
There is no classroom; students participate in a conference call each week for about two hours with an instructor.
And because the farm is a business, 17.5% of each week's rent comes straight off the top for the VATman.
A study conducted by scientists at Yale University and published in 2008 reported that, compared to pregnant women who ate less than one serving of chocolate a week, those who consumed five or more servings of chocolate each week during their third trimester had a 40 percent lower risk of developing the dangerous high blood pressure condition known as preeclampsia.
You can do this each week before your staff meeting together.
Christianity Today
BBC World Service attracts audiences of at least 150 million listeners each week.
Each delivery was a separate supply even though payment was made each week.
Each prisoner spends an hour each week with a personal counsellor.
The Prisons We Deserve
We are selling about 200 cattle each week and just short of 2,000 hoggs and lambs which is a good indicator of the demand.
Each week the City Attendance Officer called to check the registers for absentees.
The process of filling the balloons with saline solution each week has been more painful than expected.
Times, Sunday Times
There will be themed events each weekend and in the final week our Viking heritage will be celebrated with saga, dance and song.
We get through an unbelievable amount of food each week.
It is definitely a bit more tricky for those who have extensive movements of livestock on and off the farm each week.
Each week, sometimes twice weekly, food stores advertise their specials in the local newspapers.
The scandal means nearly 1,500 potentially dangerous suspects are put back on the streets each week.
The Sun
You wouldn't believe the number of shots I look at each week where the subject is slouching like a slummock.
Volunteers should be available for a 3 hour period each week, and should have a friendly outgoing personality and helpful, caring disposition.
So each week we ask a male celeb to tell us about their must-have things.
The Sun
Thanks you, though, Fraser, my NoW quid each week is now one of the best I spend. teledu
Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
Most courses involve an average of eight hours attendance at college each week.
Its city centre is being re-built, with new shops, clubs and bars opening each week.
Each week teams would have to carry out vaguely ludicrous tasks under the tuition of Glenn Reynolds.
Don't accept him swearing but make sure you and your fiancé spend time with him each week so there's no risk he feels pushed out.
The Sun
The number of cigarettes smoked has been ‘significantly related’ to the headache index score and to the number of days with headache each week.
Students are asked to prepare material in advance of each weekly seminar.
So each week we ask a male celebrity to share their must-have things in their life.
The Sun
Students learning computer studies spend two days each week in a computer lab and four days in the classroom.
We don't like being pinned down at the same hour each week to watch our favourite telly shows.
Times, Sunday Times
It's a puzzle where all my money goes each week.
Each week a speaker will present the various aspects of an election issue and participate in a discussion with the students in attendance.
A big thank you also to Richard and Louise for the tasty food served each week.
His name is Francois "Frank" Pluviose, a 42-year-old New York City cabdriver who commutes to work each week from Reading, Pennsylvania -- a two and a half hour bus ride -- and he is totally immune to the disease of cynicism that has managed to infect so much of our politics for too many years.
Mike Barnicle: Driving Through History
Showing visitors the links between agriculture and the landscape has been an important part of the thinking behind each weekend's programme.
On Charles Cotesworth Pinckney's two plantations on the South Carolina coast, as appears from his diary of 1818, a detail of four slaves was shifted from the field work each week for a useful holiday in angling for the huge drumfish which abounded in those waters; and their catches augmented the fare of the white and black families alike. [
American Negro Slavery A Survey of the Supply, Employment and Control of Negro Labor as Determined by the Plantation Regime
She'd laid aside a few pounds each week from her wages.
I read You say each week and find the comments regarding wrong buses, road signs and times of football matches rather irksome.
Times, Sunday Times
Granada Plus is giving us the chance to wallow in nostalgia by rerunning the series each weeknight.
Each week in my print culture course we have little assignments related to the topic of the week.
Each week another dire e-commerce venture sinks vaingloriously beneath the mire.
They deserve a lot of credit for the way they compete each week, knowing that most teams regard them as easy prey.
If I hit the gym three noon hours each week, I can keep in moderately good condition.
Hot and cold : Bev Vincent
The roundup is compiled each week based on submissions by TPA member bloggers.
Easter Lemming Liberal News
Love Bites features three vignettes per episode that follow tattoo artist Judd (Grunberg) and wife Colleen (Constance Zimmer), single New Yorker Annie (Becki Newton) and then a different guest-star each week.
VIDEO: Love Bites Star Greg Grunberg Explains What an "Eye-Gasm" Is
Don't accept him swearing but make sure you and your fiancé spend time with him each week so there's no risk he feels pushed out.
The Sun
A choir will be evicted each week until viewers choose the nation's favourite.
Times, Sunday Times
Radio producers have to remind themselves each week that radio broadcasting isn't about selling records, but about entertaining an audience.
These are snap beans right here; we plant about an acre each week and there are eleven varieties, one of which is a baby haricot vert.
Each week different sports balls were given away - footballs, rugby balls, basketballs, netballs and volleyballs.
Cards will expire half a year after issuing , Two hours fixed time slot each week.
We do the same and put out only one bag each week which isn't full, but I fear we are in the minority.
We get through an unbelievable amount of food each week.
You wouldn't believe how much I spend each week on assorted nuts and seeds to feed the dear little birds, not forgetting the cost of bird boxes and bird tables, some of which these days have proper tiled roofs and are as big as a house.
So each week we ask a male celeb to share their must-have things in their life.
The Sun
You don't have to become a teetotaller but limit your drinking to two drinks a day and give yourself one alcohol free day each week.
The same show would be downloadable in four different versions each week.
For years many councils have filled their paddling pools with clean water at the start of each week, chlorinated them manually and tested the water twice daily to ensure the chemical was at the correct level.
Each week the whistling dustman came down the back garden, hoisted the full dustbin on his shoulder, carried it up the garden and tipped the contents into the dustcart.
Each week we find ourselves constantly scrambling to fit the opening, an active game, all the program work plus a campfire and taps into a two hour window.
The volunteer leaders guide the group on a different route each week.
Tony himself suggested attending at different times each week in order to familiarize himself with different subject areas of the curriculum.
On average, so the guide says, a new restaurant, cafe or bistro is opening in one of the cities each week.
Each week they will have to navigate the ship as well as performing testing tasks and challenges to earn treats and privileges.
Each week, two participants will email a short story or novel excerpt to the entire class, to be read and critiqued the following week.
Weekly physical therapy with Heidi is going really well, meaning that you squawk less and less each week we put you through your exercises.
Mary and the agency counselor meet each week to discuss the progress of his groups.
Brian is surprised and please when Frank turns up each week to pay his instalments on the cost of the stolen tools.
What about the 10 police officers that are going to be layed off or the rotating closings of fire stations each week?
Sun-Times Media Group Hits Pothole on Sale
The cockroach episode of thirtysomething included a scene that the programme makers also used on the opening credit sequence each week.
I've been thrilled from the beginning just to be part of a wonderful team of writers, and that thrill not only remains, it increases with each week of coverage.
Evan Dawson Becomes LENNDEVOURS' Finger Lakes Editor
These other workers laundered their clothing only once each week at a laundromat; they did not have enough clothes to wear clean work clothes every day.
This is not surprising when detainees are held in wire mesh cages measuring 9ft by 8ft and each prisoner is allowed only one hour outside his cell each week.
In the evenings I led groups in 'stargazing;' and one morning each week I led a ten-mile canoe trip through the
Robert C. Richardson - Autobiography
I used to work with an Express columnist - her face rather toothily smirks out at you each weekday.
Several decades later, Thornborough gave Whitacre a half-crown in exchange for a grain of rye that was to be doubled in number each week for a year.
The Farmers Market will provide customers the chance to order full, half or even sections of lamb pre-cut and packaged each week.
Each week, the show took them and viewers on an emotional and mind-bending roller coaster ride, through a dizzying loop of supernatural forces, armed conspirators and, of course, romance.
She was in service and was employed at the Ashcroft Academy, a school for young gentlemen at Wentworth, where she stayed throughout the week returning home each weekend to be with her family.
After accelerated training he arrived at a military hospital in India and, as the only resident doctor, he spent each week preparing for the bibulous round of a visiting Harley Street grandee.
I've been setting aside a few pounds each week.
If you are paid weekly, the company will not deduct tax from the first 192 you earn each week.
Times, Sunday Times
Besides the jackpot there are five prizes of 40 each week and also prizes for promoters.
Do crunches as described in the test, working up to three sets of 15, resting for one minute between sets, on three nonconsecutive days each week.
Now pedestrians hurry past each week as they walk along one of the shortest streets in York.
A choir will be evicted each week until viewers choose the nation's favourite.
Times, Sunday Times
Students learning computer studies spend two days each week in a computer lab and four days in the classroom.
The Beano alone each week moves about 135,000 copies, and every Christmas both annuals are bestsellers.
The winning recipes each week will appear in forthcoming Food52 cookbooks.
Fall Vegetable Recipes: 4 New Eggplant Ideas From
Crain Communications Inc, a privately owned publishing company based in Detroit, ships about 1.2 million specially barcoded periodicals each week, says Joyce McGarvy, the company's vice president of distribution.
U.S. Census Tracks Mail, Raising Fears Among Some
Don't accept him swearing but make sure you and your fiancé spend time with him each week so there's no risk he feels pushed out.
The Sun
You don't have to become a teetotaller but limit your drinking to two drinks a day and give yourself one alcohol free day each week.
This means each week there will be guaranteed jackpot winners and no rollover.
Times, Sunday Times
The soup changes each week, and on our visit it was a pork goulash.
Each week or so, his route driver also drops off brochures with tips on how to "be a smart snacker.
The Great Banana Challenge
Students are asked to prepare material in advance of each weekly seminar.
The Bible lesson each week reflects the theme in some way.
We do the same and put out only one bag each week which isn't full, but I fear we are in the minority.
Various travel Web sites and even the airlines themselves are sending notices of low-priced fares and accommodations each week by e-mail.
She has retained this love of 'parish pump' news, with two pages of readers' letters each week and a section for local news.
Times, Sunday Times
Social anthropologist Silvia Basua spends several hours each week helping families to gather the documents they need to register with the state.
He has to give me one phrase in each week for a point on his chart.
The Sun
Each week, local newspapers carried public notices offering employment to stonebreakers and carters.
Each week we ask a male celeb to share their must-have things.
The Sun
Each week we provide a cartoon in need of a witty one-liner.
Times, Sunday Times
Although the authors warn teachers not to use the games as a formula and to be more experimental, a game each week could become so rewarding that eurhythmics may appear throughout the lesson.
A gardener comes in each week to trim the ornamental trees and bushes.
Featuring some of the sassiest veterans of RuPaul's Drag Race as professors of fabulousness, RuPaul's Drag U each week coaches three "biological women" with self-esteem issues to "unleash their inner diva" in a raucous, hilariously ribald and often unexpectedly touching crash course in self-acceptance and confidence building.
Matt's Picks: Week of June 20-23
His body was slimmed down for endurance, but he still had the muscles that bespoke several trips to the gym each week.
The music teacher comes twice each week to bridge the awful gap between dorothy and chopin.
Select one topical current affairs issue each week and swot up on it from newspapers and magazines.
Each week we will pull out the name of a winner who will receive a voucher to take their friends or family for a meal at Chicago Rock.
So each week we ask a male celeb to tell us about their must-have things.
The Sun
I would receive a small amount from it for each week 's housekeeping.
Times, Sunday Times
There is no classroom; students participate in a conference call each week for about two hours with an instructor.
Each week, he produces a videocast for Mac users.
We get through an unbelievable amount of food each week.
I've been setting aside a few pounds each week.
These are the people who rock up to class each week just because it makes them feel dead sexy.
Morgan Mundane was the street-wise bookie and eternal railbird, all of them springing full-form from the sly mind and mouth of Steve Cannon each weekday afternoon. - Top Stories News
Students learning computer studies spend two days each week in a computer lab and four days in the classroom.
The move will put another 500 heavy lorries onto Britain's roads each week.
Government funding to Social service departments who pay 230-pounds for each resident each week will be cut substantially in April.
At the end of each week a coin is tossed.
Principles of Corporate Finance
The cockroach episode of thirtysomething included a scene that the programme makers also used on the opening credit sequence each week.
So, for the time being at least, Hurt is settled in theatre, the only catch being the 10 bananas he must eat each week in the line of duty as Krapp.
The two-year-old plant has the capacity to make 3,000 barrels of crude biofuel each week.
Each week, the show took them and viewers on an emotional and mind-bending roller coaster ride, through a dizzying loop of supernatural forces, armed conspirators and, of course, romance.
A special ‘Wall of Values’ at the front of the store promotes products on sale each week.
We get through an unbelievable amount of food each week.
E courses, while in fact, it's really not enough to promote students' psychological healthiness only through two P. E lessons each week, whether from time or pertinency.
The advisors will be advising students to draw their entitlement each week but to save some money regularly to meet unexpected expenses.
Is the ephedra / caffeine mix leading to a pound of fat loss each week, or is it the diet?
They presently look like a team that could drift farther into oblivion each week.
Prisoners were issued with enough personal kit to allow for three changes of socks and of underwear each week.
The Prisons We Deserve
This old established family firm, with ten shops throughout the city and others centred in Haxby, Scarborough, Knaresborough and Leeds, served thousands of regular customers each week.
Everyone is weighed each week and the slimmer who loses the most weight each week is praised and earns the title of ‘Slimmer of the Week’.
He can cover positions and add stability without the need to chop and change the names each week.
The Sun
Approximately 15 people graduate from the federally funded San Diego Job Corps each week, and 15 replace them.
This will help smoothen volatilities in the weekly data and also give us time to verify the price inputs that come in each week," said the official, who asked not to be named.
India to Stop Weekly Release of Inflation Data
It was interdenominational, with a different minister travelling out from town each week, giving sermons alternately in English and Afrikaans.
About 50 traders such as butchers, bakers and newsagents close each week.
Each week we will feature one of her cartoons, which provide amusing insights into Southampton's rich past.
Not only must you pick the high scorers each week, but you must differentiate your roster from owners in front of you.
It also suggests that they would be willing to put their money where their mouths are when it comes to stemming the flow of pollution from the 150 million plastic carrier bags used in the United Kingdom each week.
Each week, I watch, forcing myself to remain apathetic and not get excited.
Amrie’s Take on TV: DRIVE | the TV addict
The club has tickets on sale which facilitate people who wish to enter the lotto each week.
It's cultural shorthand for the thousands of people who've been part of the "floorshow" experience and the hundreds of thousands more who return each week to have an uninhibited good time.
Archive 2006-08-27
Just 200 extra calories each day add up to one-half pound of extra body fat each week.
You can enter up to ten raffle lines each week.
The Sun
It is measured by league-tables of output, by comparative GDP figures and by productivity measurements published each week in the back of the Economist.
This is a personal favourite, impatiently awaited each week.
Nationwide studies reveal that savings card holders spend an average 33 percent more, or $ 36, on groceries each week.
Once a selection of eligible bachelors are chosen, the audience then gets to decide who gets kicked out each week as Lisa dates them every episode.
As the fount of all knowledge, the pastor's job is to overflow with spiritual truth each week while the congregation sits and absorbs this wisdom.
Each week, on the same day, either the black bin with household rubbish and the blue box with tins and plastic were collected, or the brown bin for garden rubbish and the green box for paper.
There was a cook, a bearer (the cook's assistant; he did the shopping), a sweeper (Rajasthan is dusty, so the sweeper did indeed spend his days sweeping – when he wasn't dusting), plus a gardener and the dhobi man (who collected the laundry each week).
My Indian summer
These unmanaged or under-managed markets charged very little - we paid a mere $5 to $15 each week - and sales were lower.
As many as eight spots on the home page change each week, in response to measurements of consumer interest.
A word of thanks are extended also to the quizmasters, the people who donated spot prizes, and to all who took part each week.
You can enter numbers from both draws and play up to ten raffle numbers each week.
The Sun
You can enter up to ten raffle lines each week.
The Sun
But this book is not just about the sport's elite competitors but also acknowledges those club athletes who are far from the sharp end of the field, despite devoting hours to training each week in all weathers.
Students are asked to prepare material in advance of each weekly seminar.
Our pastor preaches a sermon each week that is nearly always inspirational, relevant, comforting, educational and challenging.
Most volunteers normally spend a couple of mornings, afternoons or evenings on duty each week.
I run on my own and enjoy the solitude, while gradually seeing myself improve each week.
Times, Sunday Times
As we all know, NBC runs an old episode of Saturday Night Live very early Sunday morning each week… and they run the full 90-minute versions of them, not the 60-minute cutdowns that are more often available.
Here's the part where you all think that I'm a freak who speaks with the dead and has séances each weekend.
The aerobics instructor varies the routine each week.
The course is timetabled for one period each week.
And while it has thus far been unable to realize a minor profit, at least it has each week conjured the meshugaas of Damian and of Kalvos.
I hadn't even heard of PotterCast, the regular Harry Potter podcast website that, gives a Harry Potter fan more than an hour of Potteresque entertainment each week in the form of the latest news and intriguing discussion.
Archive 2006-07-01
Each week, it seems, the writing gets a little sharper, pithier, wittier.
STATE DINNER: Here's the animated Obama/Hu Jintao party you DIDN'T see...
By your leave, I should like to return each week to reexamine him.
For the last five years we have been going skydiving each weekend.
Adelaida Parra coordinates seven literacy groups each week spending long hours travelling by bus between the distant shanty towns.
It is very prescriptive and outlined how much time to spend on certain areas as well as which words to teach each week.
Each cheetah is also fed a whole rabbit once each week.
Smithsonian Mag
The Nigerian government, however, estimates that £5.5 million-worth of its crude is tapped by the gangs each week, and sold to international grey marketeers.
Advertising thousands of NVQ Assessor jobs, Tutor, Trainer, Lectuer, Verifier, Manager and Director jobs each week.
Literacy News – 90th Edition « News « Literacy News
Friday practices during the fall were usually scrimmages and Adrian had learned to look forward to them each week; but this week was different.
Each week, the leaves were lifted, and seeds with an emerged radicle were counted as germinated and removed from the flats.
So each week we ask a male celeb to tell us about their must-have things.
The Sun
The clinics take place in courses of seven weeks, with appointments of one hour each week.
At the end of each week a coin is tossed.
Principles of Corporate Finance
Students learning computer studies spend two days each week in a computer lab and four days in the classroom.
So the men were hardly less separated from their families than the Mexican construction workers who labor on building sites in Seattle, sending money home each week to relatives they mostly see in creased photographs in their billfolds.