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How To Use E-mail In A Sentence

  • ASCII is the standard language of Internet e-mail and newsgroup text, among other things.
  • The 7100, which also works as a phone, should appeal to customers who want a single device for calls and e-mail.
  • We welcome submissions through e-mail because that saves us the bother of retyping the selected manuscripts.
  • We filter all the e-mails in the evening to verify whether any bogus votes are cast.
  • Last Thursday, campus officials received a bomb threat that was sent over the university e-mail system.
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  • E-Mail etiquette requires some kind of signature at the end of a message, despite the header that appears with each incoming item.
  • Checking e-mail is just about tailor-made for this purpose.
  • What's interesting about the idea of an anonymous e-mail search engine is that you could search on content keywords and probably get your mail without even remembering your account name.
  • It is a commonly held misconception, due to the informal traditions of electronic communication, that e-mails carry less weight than letters on headed notepaper.
  • Personal digital assistants offer everything, from e-mail, word processing and time and billing to reading e-books and playing games.
  • Lacking auditory and visual cues, the e-mail message or newsgroup post can be productively ambiguous in tone.
  • So many onliners take no care in the choice of words used, or how the content of their e-mail will reflect on them.
  • E-mail also is an important way that the Net connects strangers who share personal passions.
  • There aren't many films that metaphorically made ... jdogzz: love the first three cant wait till the forth one comes out my e-mail is: alew: It ` s not ryan gosling in the last photo - it ` s the the director of the film Film Junk
  • Which had followed with depressing inevitability, as he'd gathered from her Christmas cards and occasional e-mails. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • His work now goes beyond regular online advertising into other media such as mobile telephony and e-mail.
  • The Trojan arrives in an e-mail with an attachment that is zipped and contains an executable.
  • Their e-mails were 'tortured haikus of indirectness', so he told me. Relationships Of Mutual Mistrust
  • It is possible to attach executable program files to e-mail.
  • Others include Vontu and Patron Systems, whose software also detects potentially explosive e-mail and messages and either allows senders to "remediate" them or takes action like blocking messages from being sent. Stop That E-Mail!
  • The problem with e-mail is that it is so non-negotiatory. Why e-mail is bad for business.
  • In recent weeks, Northwest and USAir began offering their own e-mail discounts on their Web sites.
  • And that's another difference: Kate's e-mail "entrapped" Kinsella; Warman's e-mails aren't as subtle -- he doesn't entrap people into uttering racist remarks, he outright plants those racist remarks himself. Kate McMillan's prank - Ezra Levant
  • In recent weeks, Northwest and USAir began offering their own e-mail discounts on their Web sites.
  • Briefly, I'm inundated with other matters, which also explains why so many e-mails are languishing in the ‘To Be Answered’ folder.
  • We have our own sergeant on phone call and e-mail. Times, Sunday Times
  • I applaud all the top 5 finishers, very decent reply times for e-mail, really all winners.
  • Keen only pauses for a single paragraph to broach the enormous issue of whether the internet and e-mail are actually changing the way our brains work. Times, Sunday Times
  • For quick input, the stylus isn't terrible, but writing long e-mails or even inputting several contacts can be grueling.
  • Fourth, they won unusually complete access to sources of information, including e-mail communications among major participants.
  • … Compounding the headaches for warm-mongers is a probe being launched by the British Parliament into the Climate Research Unit e-mail scandal. Think Progress » After warmest January in history, Vancouver airlifts in snow for Winter Olympics.
  • I did an unannounced radio silence yesterday: no sending personal e-mail except in emergencies, no reading anything online -- lj, Facebook, comics, news, nothing. Barnstorming on an Invisible Segway
  • You can start today by e-mailing a quick message to 5 friends about John McCain and his reform message.
  • Within your company, you can control spam by implementing strict internet and e-mail policies.
  • He was struggling to read a funny e-mail, but it rendered him speechless, so he segued into the next song without introduction.
  • The farang then left for Europe, but did receive an e-mail three months later.
  • Taylor Rafferty: London - Emilia Whitbread at +44 (0) 20 7614 2900 New York - Jessica McCormick at +1 212 889 4350 E-mail Aktuelle Nachrichten
  • Any queries relating to purchases will be quickly answered via e-mail.
  • Now most work is accomplished via Internet meetings, video teleconferences, e-mail, and other electronic media.
  • A whistle-blower's e-mail from someone at the authors' institution indicated that data in the study were fabricated.
  • This blog entry discusses getting a phishing scam e-mail, and then some further logistics behind what might stop these from happening (and how to avoid getting scammed yourself).
  • A guy known mysteriously as "GST" e-mailed me about my article.
  • Apart from the run-of-the-mill stuff like e-mail and word processing, he is teaching himself to use the computer to draw schematic diagrams.
  • The dictator in pinstripes was in Geneva addressing the meeting at a time when it is well known that his regime is planning to tighten its grip on the net by routing all e-mail through a government-owned hub.
  • Don't let those nasty e-mails and phone calls deter you from your position. Williams launches ad campaign against Harper
  • I urge you instead to just e-mail me at snively [at] mit [dot] edu and we'll discuss content and I'll go ahead and make changes as needed. MIT Admissions
  • SONIC REDUCER Music journalism pet peeve no. 538: e-mail interviews that allow mealymouths and word mincers to dodge and defer from behind an iron wall of monosyllables. Site Feed
  • It is a contest being fought by e-mail, direct mail and telephone, alongside the traditional door knock.
  • Can you explain how the e-mail system works?
  • In previous court proceedings, “MPAA lawyers presented e-mails and testimony that showed Real worked hard to find a way to get past ARccOS and RipGuard, including the hiring of an overseas company that the MPAA alleges is run by ‘Ukranian hackers’,” says CNet News, adding: Fair Use? ‘Not under the DMCA,’ says MPAA
  • Others perform regular random sampling of employees' e-mails. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then their e-mail address started bouncing my messages.
  • If the design of your hard copy resume includes columns, bullets or bitmapped graphics, adapt a less complex layout for your e-mail version.
  • The combo package integrates a webcam, instant messaging, texts and e-mails in one free package.
  • What makes this phase such an illusive time-drain is our wariness of being caught by the non-relevant e-mail. Globe and Mail
  • The student complained McCormick was falsely saying they were dating, that he was calling her obsessively and had punched a wall and said "I could have hurt you" after seeing her hug another guy, according to an e-mail Hansen sent administrators recapping the allegations. WCAX - Local News
  • This application sends an e-mail alert when specified limits are exceeded.
  • Grant Morrison doesn't reply to e-mails, but this looks a go.
  • I wish I had brail e-mail ... but since I dont, somebody read this to Brutha Patterson, the Clintons have LOST their MOJO ... Paterson says Clinton frustrated, not desperate
  • Also, faxes can be sent to multiple fax machines-a fax mail-out-or faxes and traditional e-mail can be combined.
  • The beauty of e-mail is its speed and ease of use.
  • One cannot expect that ordinary users have different usernames, passwords and e-mail addresses for all of the Web sites that they visit.
  • Sending e-mail with a carbon copy to the whole project team is temptingly easy, but beware of its overuse.
  • Users can upload any file and then share it by posting the link on blogs, forums or in e-mails with their friends. Times, Sunday Times
  • I find it much better than shoehorning e-mail through a WAP browser.
  • Regular updates on movies screened at the theatres and film news will be e-mailed to the web site's of registered users.
  • Notify me of followup comments via e-mail wyrdling: yup, you can. atabout 90\% they look better. but, apparentl ...
  • They wrote me a very ominous e-mail saying if I relisted the item horrible things would happen to me.
  • If others with more knowledge of the procedure e-mail me, I'll put out a further update.
  • A flurry of letters to local newspapers all over the country triggered a steady flow of chatty reminiscences by letter, e-mail and phone.
  • You manage your e-mail by archiving it on cheaper storage devices.
  • The e-mail is "spoofed" -- made to look as if it comes from a known sender, perhaps someone else in the company or at a partner company. - News
  • For every person's information in the input list, we first retrieve the country name by the person's e-mail address (line 10 of Listing 3).
  • It was bought by a nice man in [redacted], who three days after he received the phone, e-mailed me to say he'd taken the phone to the T-Mobile near his home to have it activated only to be told that a brand new phone, which was still in the box and had all the accessories in plastic, was broken and couldn't be repaired. T-Mobile: We Can't Help You, Sell Your Brand New Defective Phone On eBay - The Consumerist
  • Whether sent via e-mail or snail mail, my letters are always signed with the simple title ‘Viewer’ beneath my name.
  • Internet e-mail is obviously far less secure than the postal system, where envelopes protect correspondence from casual snooping.
  • I suddenly imagine myself dropping words like "quixotic" and "evzone" into e-mails and blogs just to up my score. Crave: The gadget blog
  • Scam Sensor uses a proprietary heuristic algorithm to identify fraudulent e-mails.
  • Somehow the New Yorker's arcane use of a diaeresis (coöperation) or acute accent (élite) seems quaint - and doesn't interrupt a reader's flow like an additional, superfluous word; even e-mail doesn't itch. Bruce Gilardi: The Gray Lady Doesn't Get the 'Message' (and is Promoting Porn?)
  • SOLOMON: Well, certainly, snail mail still exists, however, as suggested by the term snail mail, it is a slow process and parents do like to hear from their children on a more regular basis and certainly e-mail can accomplish that. CNN Transcript Jul 10, 2004
  • A little further down in my inbox were two e-mails – one at 8:05 AM and one at 10:39 AM – stating “Wo bleibt die QS?” Das gehört nicht zum guten Ton « Musings from an overworked translator
  • He traced the history of free products from Jell-O's giveaway of billions of free recipe books starting in the '20s to today's free e-mail programs and beyond.
  • The right to e-mail a person will become a cherished privilege.
  • Quotes are fine and sometimes apropos depending on the conversation's tone and topic, however, keep in mind who will be reading the e-mail and the perception your opinion via the quote you include will leave.
  • Known as SoBig.F, the new variant behaves much like its older siblings, infecting Windows machines via e-mail and sending out dozens of copies of itself.
  • And it's up to each of us to protect our own little corner of cyberspace, by patching our software and being wary of unsolicited e-mail.
  • Once you are satisfied with your creation, a simple click of the finish button brings up your e-mail software and you are ready to send your pictures.
  • Police Sgt. Shayne Toler said in an e-mail that he had talked to Idell Wednesday. Home
  • Detectives are still investigating, and have set up an e-mail address to encourage further witnesses to come forward.
  • Little information is directly employable for end-user tasks, such as printing booklets, mirroring Web sites or searching through e-mail.
  • You wouldn't use the Big Chief tablet and a pencil to scrawl paper letters to your customers: take the same care with your e-mail.
  • If you are sending work-related files to a personal e-mail account you could be breaking the law.
  • Most mass mailers have links posted on each message you can follow to opt-out, and at worst, you could always change your e-mail address.
  • The government is going to have a tough task in Russia, as maintaining good debt ratios would require cuts in social spending and pensions over the medium-term, which is politically difficult," Charles Robertson, global chief economist at Renaissance Capital in London, said in an e-mail yesterday. -- Top News
  • We take letters by e-mail, fax or post. Times, Sunday Times
  • So far, Saha plans to install networked servers running Linux to handle most e-mail and web-related tasks for each of the 70 schools in the area.
  • Telemedicine using e-mail or Web sites holds promise for enhancing communication, especially in the area of dermatology, which is visual in nature and is the frequent reason for both visits to the general practitioner and referrals. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • Support for government interception of cell phone and e-mail communication, for instance, increases with age.
  • Some weeks, your ego gets a little boost when someone sends you an e-mail about something you wrote or approaches you in person.
  • While I'm in a bit of a ratty mood, does anybody want to have a guess about which smug London-based website e-mailed me overnight?
  • I elegantly e-mailed the company, who sent back a ‘dear occupant’ type response assuring it's ‘aware of the varied taste preferences and dietary needs of our consumers,’ but not specifically addressing any point, plaint or plea.
  • As to the bad things, the thing I can think about is writing E-mail will degrade my hand writing.
  • Leaked internal e-mails appeared to reveal that, until last year, sales staff were encouraged to overcharge some customers for boiler and central heating installation.
  • Questions will come from Winfrey, the studio audience and from viewers via e-mail and phone.
  • Some of the e-mail messages, purloined last November, were mean-spirited, others were dismissive of contrarian views, and others revealed a timid reluctance to share data.
  • Properly used, e-mail writing mode can facilitate EFL writing to transfer from Product Writing to Process Writing.
  • E-mail will transform to V-mail if Internet broadcast network is successful.
  • It's just about impossible to type normally on the simulated keyboard, since it's across from the user's hands, not below them, making e-mail a hunt-and-peck affair.
  • Contact Tammie Irwin at tammie.; chapter e-mail at atlanticaviators@yahoo. com; chapter Web site at www. Latest Headlines
  • Others e-mailed from home, rejoicing in the delights I was experiencing.
  • She wears a corslet and buskins of scale-mail, which latter her robe discloses.
  • I also e-mailed you regarding your fish identity quiz and the fact that fish 6 is identified as a coley but the photo is of a pollock. In praise of … the Big Fish Fight | Editorial
  • A gentleman by the name of Martin responded to my e-mail.
  • He criticises his own players in public, lambasts the fans if attendances are down, admits the team stinks when it does, and occasionally entertains journalists by reading them his personal e-mails.
  • On the night of the shooting, Jaw had been badgering her about her past relationships and insisted on seeing copies of recent e-mails.
  • The messaging feature allows group mailing lists to be established for e-mail retrieval and for selective information to be captured simply.
  • E-mail me your work when you're done, and I'll look it over!
  • Peter from Aston Rowant e-mails in on that allotrope business. BBC News - Home
  • Spam clogs our mailboxes daily to the point where it threatens viability of e-mail as a communications tool.
  • What makes this phase such an illusive time-drain is our wariness of being caught by the non-relevant e-mail. Globe and Mail
  • I use my e-mail nearly as much as the phone now and I find the internet a great tool for sourcing information for our shows.
  • The big improvement in my life recently has been my BlackBerry, which allows me to check my e-mails throughout the day.
  • I recently received an e-mail from a friend stating how the "expletive" - Democrats were trying to steal the election via "expletive" - ACORN registering a "expletive" - bunch of criminals and non-existent, non-entities and how the "expletive, expletive, expletive" - need to be taken out and shot. What is "known" about ACORN
  • So, I e-mailed the pictures to John, who writes A DC Birding Blog, and he identified it as a female boat-tailed grackle (Quiscalus major). Archive 2009-05-01
  • And a lot of them would just as soon not get this junk e-mail.
  • Gilead spokeswoman Cara Miller said in an e-mail the project is in keeping with the company's efforts to "normalize" testing in "traditional and non-traditional settings, and help empower local leaders to effectively communicate to their communities the value of knowing one's HIV status. D.C. brings HIV testing to a captive audience at the DMV
  • This morning, I shopped for a keyboard stand for my new iPal, learned how to use Pages, and e-mailed an animated love story involving octopi to my dad, all while my eyelids were still at half-mast. Suzan Colón: RIP: The... Pause
  • Rather, he said, at about 10:30 a.m. E.S.T., millions of people worldwide received spam e-mail messages containing links to Twitter and other sites.
  • If not, drop me an e-mail. biscuitblog is the name of the e-mail and the provider is earthlink which is a dot net. see you have to write it out like this or face the deluge of spams from people who scour blogs to grab e-mail addresses. Archive 2007-01-01
  • While this site says little about the claimed nutritional benefits of wheatgrass and offers only a few recipes, the service is efficient and e-mail queries were answered with friendly promptness.
  • Because of the large volume of e-mail received, the President cannot personally respond to each message.
  • When the godson was in high school, the godfather contacted him by e-mail.
  • You can try covering floor vents, blocking fire doors open or e-mailing complaints. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have received a number of e-mails from persons asking me why I am doing this.
  • Cyber Promotions is in the business of sending bulk e-mail messages advertising various products and services.
  • As long as unsolicited e-mail was not entirely offensive, I usually found it fairly amusing, even the commercial sort.
  • The English agent even had the cheek to send an e-mail saying he was doing a bunk and planned to emigrate to Italy.
  • Before the National, our co-worker e-mailed his friend to say he was backing a horse to win the Grand National as a tribute to his girl.
  • Many people do not bother, but they can also consult the specialists by phone or e-mail. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jen was using the notebook to get her e-mail and check her newsgroups on the Internet.
  • Based on the subject lines of e-mail spam featuring songs by like-minded Web songsters, it may help pave the way for a new brand of musician who can rock your world without ever leaving the basement.
  • One of the other writers is the same as me, so we formed an e-mail support group where we can give each other a hard time when we start to slack off. Why am I so honest? « Sven’s guide to…
  • Once you've got the always-on e-mail set up, every buzz in your pocket demands a quick check. Times, Sunday Times
  • Police are encouraging residents to join their e-mail information line in a bid to crack down on criminals.
  • On the other hand, although e-mail messages are faceless, they are by no means characterless.
  • It is possible to attach executable program files to e-mail.
  • Inscriptions: Caroline Plovier, 06 16 42 42 35, en transmettant vos coordonnées complètes: Nom, prénom, adresse, téléphone, e-mail. Archive 2009-02-15
  • Save your e-mails for conveying real information.
  • We ran Mailwasher Pro to filter out the garbage in the nine e-mail accounts we check from that workstation, then ran NEO.
  • In the last seven days we have received numerous telephone calls, letters and e-mails from representatives and members of the 41 organisations on the list, disassociating themselves with the PEGG initiative.
  • Allow 21 days to receive confirmation of your booking by e-mail or post. The Sun
  • Several airlines are experimenting with selling tickets in cyberspace via silent auctions or last-minute fare deals publicized by e-mail.
  • Remember that any time a file is viewable, the file can be copied, e-mailed and otherwise compromised.
  • The worm then sends itself to all e-mail addresses it finds in the recipient's files.
  • This week I was supposed to be guesting on the blog of some friends, as well as replying to a growing pile of e-mails, paying bills and other.
  • Refusing to use the word "goodbye", she released a new e-mail address, to her fans so that they will stay in touch. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • I suspect if you e-mailed her and let her know you weren't interested in renewing, she could take it from there. Lord of the Rings: Return of the Lapse
  • Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to 1-210-HELOISE or e-mail it to Hints From Heloise
  • Several airlines are experimenting with selling tickets in cyberspace via silent auctions or last-minute fare deals publicized by e-mail.
  • Inside, the rooms feature an on-command TV system with e-mail and internet access.
  • E-mail trends and tactics change all the time, while issues unheard of just a few years ago, such as deliverability, are posing new challenges. ClickZ News Blog
  • E-mail is and hastily called symposia are ripples, says physicist Joel Primack of the University of California, Santa Cruz, are no less than "the handwriting of God. 'The Handwriting Of God'
  • Can you explain how the e-mail system works?
  • Many of us remember the trippy, innocent elation inspired by our earliest Google searches or our first encounters with an in-box full of e-mail on a Monday morning.
  • However, the best we can hope for if the redirect document fell out is to e-mail the maintainer to ask them to re-insert.
  • Anyone who's around teenage girls or techy men knows someone who checks e-mail, text messages or Facebook pages after turning out the light at night and before going to the bathroom in the morning.
  • So-called spoofing services, which for the most part are legal in the U.S. and the U.K., allow users to choose which number shows up on the receiving phone's screen or is transmitted into the phone carrier's voice-mail servers. Easy-to-Guess Passwords Open Door to Hackers
  • They sent a global e-mail to all staff.
  • Let's get to another e-mail from Mike in New York, who wants to know, "Is there any hope for those who are afflicted with a condition known as alopecia areata? CNN Transcript Aug 21, 2004
  • Nominations from coaches for Happy State Bank Athletes of the Week can be e-mailed to sports writer Preston Mitchell at sports@ amarillo. com. Undefined
  • Television stations say just before the first blast in Ahmedabad they had received a 14-page long e-mail warning of an attack from a group calling itself "Indian Mujahedin.
  • Like Milano, however, the beautiful people have become what they have so long resisted: nerds whose addiction to Twitter, Facebook and even e-mail rival that of the sweatiest 13-year-old comic book fan. Celebrities Who Love The iPad
  • An attitude construed as enthusiasm when conveyed face to face is indistinguishable from aggression in voice-mail mes-sages or faxes.
  • The company claims that it will be the first program to integrate E-Mail, scheduling and calendar functions into one package.
  • The allows users to surf the Internet and send e-mails or text messages.
  • The General Group OAS has implemented such functions as E-mail, management of receiving and sending document, session management, callboard and so on.
  • Incoming mail, unless it's personal, is scanned and arrives not in a physical mailbox but on computer, along with e-mail.
  • M: 07738 397 242 or via E-mail: annalise. Press Releases
  • In the e-mail, I thought to myself, I would explicate my apparent teenage gawkiness from the previous day as the consequence of being mortifyingly embarrassed and hapless.
  • In her nervousness, she accidentally dropped the printout of Tyler's E-mail on the floor. CIRCLE OF THREE: BOOK 8: THE FIVE PATHS
  • There is, of course, money to be raised on the Internet but it involves the much slower and methodical work of building sizable e-mail lists and then cultivating these people over time.
  • I was told to acknowledge receipt of them, either by e-mail, telefax or normal mail.
  • That's the time-off we manage to squeeze in during the business boondoggles to the Caribbean, or the hours not spent checking in via e-mail or cell phone.
  • If you're like me, you've gotten many e-mail messages lately cajoling you to buy anti-virus software.
  • Yes there have been mistakes emerging, and the 'climategate' e-mails demonstrate that scientists are human. Times, Sunday Times
  • Please send me an e-mail if you notice anything wonky.
  • They said it also violates privacy rights by outlawing some expression within private e-mail correspondence between individuals.
  • Some servers are shipped from the factory with software preset to relay e-mail messages automatically.
  • Make sure that you don't become a magnet for spam e-mails and junk mail after shopping online. Times, Sunday Times
  • E-mails provide instant communication and yet distance the sender because they're so impersonal.
  • In an exclusive e-mail interview, Dr. Arvid Carlsson of Sweden argues that fluoridating the drinking water should be stopped.
  • Like e-mail, SMS is asynchronous, which allows users to respond when it is convenient.
  • It wouldn’t surprise me if 25 years from now server-based alphanumeric e-mail and text messaging/paging are viewed as little more than historical curiosities, and the holding in Quon will have to be interpreted by analogy — probably bad analogy — like that old “HDD is just like a file cabinet” paradigm judges used to be so fondof. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Fourth Amendment, New Technologies, and the Case for Caution
  • She argues that e-mails on private accounts are not public records unless an official is using that e-mail to "transact" public business. - Sports
  • A patchwork of conflicting laws will do nothing to improve the ease of use of e-mail communications.
  • I happened to have been interviewed for the article, and the e-mail box is already clogging up with a variety of feedback, some of which take me to task for my comment that bodyboards are really revolutionary.
  • Explicit e-mails he allegedly sent led to his ouster on Mar. 7.
  • He told the Committee that the e-mails had defaulted to his jokes folder automatically because they had been sent to him by friends and he had been too busy to open or delete them.
  • There are tens of thousands of e-mails in that trove, a lot of people speaking unguardedly, unwisely and impolitically. You shall know them by their work
  • Now state regulators are reviewing an anonymous e-mail from someone claiming that during tests leading up to the Feb. 1 "cutover," FairPoint created a computer program "to deceive the audience into believing they were watching a real demonstration" of its readiness. The News Tribune Blogs

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