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  1. even

How To Use e'en In A Sentence

  • a sight for sair een, to see a gold-laced jeistiecor in the Ha'garden sae late at e'en. '' Rob Roy
  • Dalmius nursed the invigorating fire-drink from a horn-flask, ensconced in leather, e'en as his thin hands trembled.
  • Ye're aye cute, dame," I cried, thrawing the bit gy abune, and in a gliffing, doun jumpit the chiel, and a braw chiel he was sure enough, siccan my auld e'en sall ne'er see again, wi 'his brent brow and buirdly bowk wrappit in a tartan plaid, wi' a Highland kilt. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 289, December 22, 1827
  • -- I'm sitten down here, after seven-and-forty miles 'ridin', e'en as forjesket and forniaw'd as a forfoughten cock, to gie ye some notion o 'my land lowper-like stravaguin sin the sorrowfu' hour that I sheuk hands and parted wi 'auld Reekie. The Letters of Robert Burns
  • These prizes should be Hallow-e'en souvenirs, such as emery cushions of silk representing tomatoes, radishes, apples, pears, pickles; or pen-wipers representing brooms, bats, cats, witches, etc. CANDLE AND APPLE Games For All Occasions
  • Ray had a gift for bringing out the musical talent in so many young students and the annual shows were eagerly awaited, filling the Town Hall for a week of nights every Hallowe'en.
  • I have evited striking you in your ain house under muckle provocation, because I am ignorant how the laws here may pronounce respecting burglary and hamesucken, and such matters; and, besides, I would not willingly hurt ye, man, e'en on the causeway, that is free to us baith, because I mind your kindness of lang syne, and partly consider ye as a poor deceived creature. The Fortunes of Nigel
  • It's Hallowe'en this Friday, the perfect opportunity to cast off your tried and tested clothes and make-up and emerge in a more daring disguise.
  • E'en sae, Milnwood," replied Cuddie; "for the puir quean gat leave to come near me wi 'speaking the loun fair, (d-- n him, that I suld say sae!) and sae she bade me God speed, and she wanted to stap siller into my hand; -- I'se warrant it was the tae half o' her fee and bountith, for she wared the ither half on pinners and pearlings to gang to see us shoot yon day at the popinjay. Old Mortality, Complete
  • If hopes were dupes, fears may be liars; It may be, in yon smoke conceal'd, Your comrades chase e'en now the fliers, And, but for you, possess the field. The Secret of the Spirit of Britain
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