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How To Use Dynamite In A Sentence

  • Alfred Nobel invented dynamite, a product in which the explosion-prone nitroglycerin is curbed by being absorbed in kieselguhr, a porous soil rich in shells of diatoms. Physiology or Medicine for 1998 - Press Release
  • Darius is a punishing hitter who provides dynamite run support.
  • Seven years before US Surgeon General Luther Terry would announce a link between smoking and cancer, this information was political and business dynamite.
  • In 1867 he patented this material under the name dynamite.
  • The analysis of the collective psychological errancy of that time combined with the footage was a dynamite commentary on what went wrong.
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  • Nitroglycerin makes up about 75% of the materials used in the manufacture of dynamite.
  • He told a crowd outside the Santa Maria courtroom: ‘There is some dynamite stuff on these tapes.’
  • Combined with other compounds, they created a massive dynamite-type bomb.
  • Trees were broken and cracked open, and buildings had been blasted apart as if by dynamite.
  • Accompanied by Flipside, whose rhymes are always slick and savvy, the two performed a dynamite set.
  • Alfred persevered, first inventing the blasting cap and then discovering that a silicaceous earth, kieselguhr, would stabilize nitroglycerin, thus making dynamite. Nobel, Alfred Bernhard
  • Combined with other compounds, they created a massive dynamite-type bomb.
  • Trains lines were dynamited, and civilians were attacking police stations and disarming police officers and taking them prisoner.
  • Mr Collins said: ‘This issue is turning into political dynamite around the country.’
  • Coming from a Socialist politician, the phrase is political dynamite. Times, Sunday Times
  • DYNAMITE: The term applies to TNT's bittersweet Men of a Certain Age, continuing its terrific second season, but not so much to the instantly tiresome new legal dramedy Franklin & Bash, which implodes in the belief that aggressive quirkiness, smarmy frat-boy sexual innuendo and a "suits are douches" philosophy will endear its Peter Pan protagonists to a wide audience. Matt's TV Week in Review
  • If this is true, it is, pardon the term, political dynamite.
  • She wrote in her autobiography that The Manchurian Candidate was ‘a dynamite film,’ though she had worried about working with Frank Sinatra.
  • Last year biofuels were blamed for soaring food prices and the use of food for fuel has become political dynamite in some countries. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dynamite By Louis Adamic (1931) Louis Adamic 's "Dynamite" was — and remains — the only popular overview of the violent clashes that accompanied the flourishing of American industry from the Gilded Age through the New Deal. Terror in America From Another Era
  • Last year biofuels were blamed for soaring food prices and the use of food for fuel has become political dynamite in some countries. Times, Sunday Times
  • Further macabre details of summary executions, including the use of dynamite to dismember prisoners, are expected to be released soon.
  • I know that catalpa worms are dynamite on cats so if this is actually catalpa ground into paste it may be good. I just bought a tube of catalpa worm paste for catfish bait. Any know how it works?
  • For a party which prides itself on equality and liberal values, this is dynamite. The Sun
  • He then used dynamite to blow open the doors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its first display included daredevil stunts on motorbikes with performers jumping through fire and over each other from ramps, and a trick cyclist jumping over a box of dynamite.
  • When Nobel invented dynamite, he thought it was a fantastically helpful thing to be used in mining.
  • Oh, I forgot to tell you -- she palavered Burnett into lending her eight rifles for her men, and three cases of dynamite. Chapter 16
  • They hope the dynamite new storyline will boost morale. The Sun
  • The chemical engineer who has 32 years of experience in flammable and explosive material said damage from that amount of dynamite could be devastating.
  • Both songs were potentially political dynamite in the divided country. Times, Sunday Times
  • His comments were political dynamite. Times, Sunday Times
  • Peaceful cities are affrighted by the crack of rifles and the snarl of machine-guns, and the hearts of the shuddering are shaken by the roar of dynamite. WANTED: A NEW LAW OF DEVELOPMENT
  • To each his own, but the guys at Dynamite seem to be doing nothing more than "aping" every trend that either Marvel or DC has already burned through - many times over - and that is just not the way to make it long term in this business. "Fighting Mad" over Fighting American!
  • Dynamite Entertainment presents the ultimate in thrilling mystery as they unveil Sherlock Holmes! Dynamite Entertainment Sneak Peek for the Week of November 4, 2009 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • Does this dynamite duo have some high-test fuel in their karate tanks, or did the first Rage and Honor siphon it all away?
  • Lyttelton's behind-the-scenes dealings with the government were potential political dynamite in two ways. THE GUARDSMEN
  • The icy ground was dynamited to dig a 20,000-yard trench for a common grave.
  • You can count on some dynamite protest music, spoken in many tongues.
  • Eventually a few sticks of dynamite are employed to rid the backwoods of a lumbering odiferous fiend from the Prehistoric era.
  • Previously, the Army Corps dynamited a stretch of river levee in southern Missouri, flooding 200 square miles of farmland in an attempt to alleviate pressure from the Mississippi. Floodgate opens to divert Mississippi River
  • The abortion issue is political dynamite.
  • If his real name emerges, his story would be political dynamite as he might be willing to disclose reams of information concerning dozens of murders.
  • That teenager singer is really dynamite!
  • Such intervention would be political dynamite in America. Times, Sunday Times
  • This Week in DVD, Black Dynamite, Cabin Fever 2, coco before chanel, Good Hair, halo legends, Hunger, Law-Abiding-Citizen, revanche, spring fever kingdarius black dynamite is no less than a buy because it was hilarious! and basically tha funniest movie i've seen since 40yr old virgin and saying its a rent is just plain disrespectful This Week in DVD & Blu-ray: Law Abiding Citizen, Black Dynamite, Cabin Fever 2, and More | /Film
  • Lyttelton's behind-the-scenes dealings with the government were potential political dynamite in two ways. THE GUARDSMEN
  • We got all of it lugged up here to the hideout and that dynamite is hid real good. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1021
  • Gunpowder reigned supreme until the invention of more powerful substances, notably nitroglycerin and its offshoot, dynamite.
  • (of vulcanite), fixed at the bottom of the tanks, into rubber buckets, and is ready for use in the preparation of dynamite, or any of the various forms of gelatine compounds, smokeless powders, &c., such as cordite, ballistite, and many others. Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
  • It's just like somebody threw a couple of sticks of dynamite in there and it exploded upward and fell down.
  • Associated Press A dynamite blast sent debris high into the air as a U.S. Marines demolition crew blasted Japanese resistance in a cave on Okinawa on the Ryukyu Islands on May 21, 1945, during World War II. Moments in the Marine Corps
  • Who loves quiet conversations about feelings or ideas, and can give a dynamite presentation to a big audience, but seems awkward in groups and maladroit at small talk?
  • Black Dynamite sings that one Christmas song: *sings* I’m… dreaming of a white… woman… HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM BLACK DYNAMITE
  • They used five tons of dynamite to blow up the rock.
  • The solemn abjuration which is now proposed in the name of Neo-conservatism resembles a charge of dynamite. The Contemporary Review, January 1883 Vol 43, No. 1
  • Tindall was dynamite, and Steve Thompson, the debutant hooker, a huge man in attack.
  • Who loves quiet conversations about feelings or ideas, and can give a dynamite presentation to a big audience, but seems awkward in groups and maladroit at small talk?
  • They hope the dynamite new storyline will boost morale. The Sun
  • Terrorists dynamited the dam.
  • They also uncovered more than 60 sticks of wired dynamite in the trunk of a car parked in a Vallejo garage.
  • He told me that the self-made bomb looked like about 10 dynamite sticks that were set to go off yet only one actually ignited.
  • Oil wells that be disused in shallow sea are severe to affect sea-route. cannot cut off it effectively by dynamite commonly. and water affect jet a certain extent.
  • King of the bungers was the “Tuppeny Bunger”, shaped and coloured like a small stick of dynamite.
  • The Wardencliff Tower sat until 1914 when it was dynamited by someone.
  • They hope the dynamite new storyline will boost morale. The Sun
  • Guerrillas dynamited the mayor's mansion in Ramadi.
  • Dynamite, efficiency of, 118. frozen dynamite, 116. gelatine dynamite, 119. properties of kieselguhr dynamite, 116. Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
  • The local fishermen use dynamite, so the coral was dead, too. Times, Sunday Times
  • He dynamited land to build roads that are still in use today.
  • The actor, as a restrained Reverend, puts in a dynamite performance, in contrast to his over the top roles in several recent films.
  • Before I went down the carabinero explained that the mine up the road about 20 k had had one of its sheds robbed of dynamite.
  • The letters are bound to be political dynamite. Times, Sunday Times
  • They used five tons of dynamite to blow up the rock.
  • He plays the likeable rogue who uses an outlawed method of fishing: blowing the fish out of the water with dynamite.
  • A blasting cap, containing fulminate of mercury, could be set off by a spark or by a jolt, causing the dynamite sticks to explode. PAINT THE WIND
  • Just think of all the dynamite department store options in women's sizes.
  • How else to explain why the ubiquitous lechery of "Hey Nineteen," the dynamite-strapped character of "Don't Take Me Alive" and the tricky jazz harmonies of "Peg" remain on classic-rock radio after so many decades? Funk Yards, Beacon Blues
  • The dynamite, the detective said, there were impurities, a residue of ammonium oxalate and potassium perchloride that might mean the bomb was homemade, and the dead bolt on the front door was shattered. Fight Club
  • The dog was being walked by his two owners when he came across a jerrycan of flammable liquid that was wired to several sticks of dynamite.
  • As he had long since bitterly learned, any white man was as much dynamite as was the mysterious death-dealing missile he sometimes employed. CHAPTER X
  • Police say the 70 sticks of dynamite were too old and unstable to remove.
  • The rock was dynamited
  • Whereas a senator bolling his legislative assistant is dynamite, people in private business can and do screw pretty much whomever they like, and absolutely nobody in that community seems to think much about it. Mother Of Storms
  • Their new album is dynamite.
  • I have sat on the Big Rock, where the dynamite is kept, of which I have been made keeper. THE DEVILS OF FUATINO
  • His wife is pregnant: in today's politics, this is dynamite.
  • He then used dynamite to blow open the doors. Times, Sunday Times
  • A man landed in court for fishing with dynamite in the Finke River near Glen Helen.
  • The last dynamiter they sent to work with us, although a formidable technician, was very nervous.
  • Munito di zaino a propulsione e pistola al plasma, Dynamite Dog da la caccia a Puke, la pulce dello spazio. No Fat Clips!!! : Atomic Monsters
  • Their new album is sheer dynamite.
  • OUR pop stars like their gigs to be a blast with explosive routines and dynamite costumes. The Sun
  • Lyttelton's behind-the-scenes dealings with the government were potential political dynamite in two ways. THE GUARDSMEN
  • For decades, the coral formations and their marine life have been literally devastated by crude dynamite fishing techniques and trawling.
  • From the veranda he had seen him fling sticks of exploding dynamite into a screeching mass of blacks who had come raiding from the Beyond in the long war canoes, beaked and black, carved and inlaid with mother-of-pearl, which they had left hauled up on the beach at the door of Meringe. CHAPTER III
  • They will want to drill sticks of dynamite into the piles of your house.
  • The Army has got to be where it comes from but that is political dynamite. Times, Sunday Times
  • The explosive power of this substance is inferior to that of gun-cotton or of dynamite, but far greater than that of ordinary gunpowder; one grain of picric powder producing an effect equal to that of thirteen grains of common powder. The Survivors of the Chancellor
  • Sous l'océan, sous l'océan La vie est super Mieux que sur la terre, je te le dis Tu vois l'esturgeon et la raie Se sont lancés dans le reggae On a le rythme, c'est d'la dynamite, sous l'océan Triton au flûteau La carpe joue d'la harpe La rascasse d'la basse Et les rois du rap - Articles related to EU ends tuna fishing season early
  • Gas vapors are incredibly explosive - one cup of evaporated gas is equal to four sticks of dynamite!
  • Already gangs of men were preparing to blast the frozen monster away with dynamite.
  • As far as cauterisation of the tissues is concerned, this question has been practically settled in the negative, since actual determinations of the heat immediately after the moment of impact have been made, and again it has been shown that butter is not melted, and that neither gunpowder nor dynamite is exploded, by firing bullets through small quantities of those materials. Surgical Experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900 Being Mainly a Clinical Study of the Nature and Effects of Injuries Produced by Bullets of Small Calibre
  • He's sold millions of books over the years, keeping prepubescents and spotty adolescents alike hooked on his dynamite prose, all while pretending to do real work.
  • I could see how the flavors - especially the apple pie spices - could make for some really dynamite caramel corn.
  • They hope the dynamite new storyline will boost morale. The Sun
  • He detonates distracted droves like dynamite, desolates communities with doublespeak. The Liar
  • When it came to April Fools', he dynamited decorum and put moderation to the torch. The Beginning
  • The rock was dynamited
  • Again, the special is heaps of food: chicken udon with a dynamite roll of sushi and a lovely piece of salmon for $8.95.
  • This ‘ammonium nitrate-fuel oil’ or ANFO explosive has replaced dynamite as the explosive of choice for many peacetime uses.
  • A guilty verdict would be political dynamite and would have paved the way for the prosecution of other individuals.
  • They used five tons of dynamite to blow up the rock.
  • Easily accessible in just 8m of water, the wreck has been salvaged and subsequently used for target practice in the 1950s, before being dynamited as a navigational hazard.
  • His play was considered political dynamite despite the fact that the setting is quite general.
  • How did Republicans defuse an issue that looked like political dynamite?
  • It needed dynamite to tunnel the St. Gotthard -- dynamite directed by science -- and as I read this I fell a-thinking. King of the Jews A story of Christ's last days on Earth
  • Cape governor Sir Harry Smith in 1848 gave an object lesson to suspectedly recalcitrant Chiefs when he ordered a wagon loaded with dynamite to be blown up in their presence. South Africa: The Peasants Revolt
  • If the proposals became public they would be dynamite.
  • And now we turn it over to my esteemed colleague, who did a dynamite job last night anchoring in a very difficult situation.
  • This is one of the most explosive chemical mixtures known to man, the stuff that makes dynamite blow.
  • Their new album is sheer dynamite.
  • In the olden days you searched for oil with dynamite. The Sun
  • Both songs were potentially political dynamite in the divided country. Times, Sunday Times
  • Can you bust out of a jail cell with dynamite?
  • It was dynamited, and today its site is a riverside park.
  • I wish more horror movies or any could mine this vein, because I think the combination of Judeo-Christian scare tactics and old school spookery is a dynamite combo. Spook-no-show
  • Large quantities of rock had to be dynamited, taken to the surface, crushed, and then treated by chemical process.
  • Is that Lola Falana one dynamite singer, or what?
  • That teenager singer is really dynamite!
  • That night, Locke, Jack and Kate blow open the hatch using 200-year-old dynamite from the Black Rock, and find Desmond down below. 'Lost': When are we?
  • My guess is that both sides consider this to be political dynamite and will try to avoid making it an issue.
  • Miners experienced in working with explosives stole dynamite from their own pits and used it.
  • Without a word, two of the Laps scootered off to the nearest town - almost 200 miles away - to buy more dynamite.
  • I took a seat on the doorsill that faced away from the gully where Smokey had put the dynamite and covered my ears with my cupped hands. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1021
  • What they have to understand is that this place was once just a hole in the ground cut by teams of labourers with picks and shovels and lots and lots of dynamite.
  • This is a weakness that should be considered anew - although that too would be political dynamite.
  • It's a dynamite article, whether you saw the movie or not.
  • A blasting cap, containing fulminate of mercury, could be set off by a spark or by a jolt, causing the dynamite sticks to explode. PAINT THE WIND
  • What the bill doesn't do, critics stress, is commit the government to earmarking more money to bail out the banks, an idea that is political dynamite.
  • Because the thing I didn't like about Moulin Rouge was its artificiality, which is the same thing I don't like in Wes Anderson movies or Napoleon Dynamite can that opinion be distilled to earn someone a million dollars? Archive 2008-12-01
  • The letters are bound to be political dynamite. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not that it's a stinker, I just didn't think it was all that great, which is a shame as it has a dynamite cast.
  • I don't like dynamite, it sweats gelignite, but I've got shock-resistant packing in my cooler chest. SNOWJOB
  • It fires beer cans stuffed with concrete and dynamite detonators.
  • OK, as an opening gambit the line is not exactly dynamite. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its first display included daredevil stunts on motorbikes with performers jumping through fire and over each other from ramps, and a trick cyclist jumping over a box of dynamite.
  • The largest number of vendors and the largest contingent of delegates should have been a dynamite combination.
  • Crime statistics are political dynamite, and the media is trying constantly to light the fuse of public alarm.
  • The increasing popularity of these fish for saltwater home aquariums has resulted in collectors destroying many reefs with dynamite and cyanide so as to meet the market demand for prime specimens.
  • She or her sailors dynamited fish daily, while the Balesuna natives were paid tobacco for bringing in oysters from the mangrove swamps. Chapter 7
  • Dynamite Entertainment has announced Red Sonja #32 will kick off the next big story arc for the she-devil with a sword. Red Sonja #32 kicks off new event | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • When a stone is quarried using dynamite, the molecular structure is shattered, making the stone weak and destroying its life and sound.
  • And he, who had been hurled uninjured through the air by a miracle of fortune, had divined that white men in themselves were truly dynamite, compounded of the same mystery as the substance with which they shot the swift-darting schools of mullet, or blow up, in extremity, themselves and the ships on which they voyaged the sea from far places. CHAPTER X
  • ‘He's a dynamite player,’ says a spokesperson of the independent scouting service.
  • Will provided me with a copy of the chapter concerning the interview, and let me just say that it's absolutely jaw-dropping, dynamite stuff.
  • When he's right, he's dynamite the young sidearmer held batters to a .173 average, the lowest of any closer last season. - Forget Game 7, Yanks' Rivera is best of the best
  • Nobel invented many powerful and relatively safe explosives and explosive devices, including the ‘Nobel patent detonator’, dynamite, blasting gelatin, and almost smokeless blasting powder.
  • The forms known as gelatine dynamite differ from blasting gelatine in containing certain proportions of wood-pulp and potassium nitrate, &c. Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
  • The kid is dynamite and a new five-year deal and a £7million price tag only serve to underline the fact.
  • If Dilara spoke Kurdish, she’d be seeing the word dynamite on the side. The Ark
  • It is known that they stole a large amount of dynamite from the local stone quarry. The army has arrived in Lerdo
  • Coming from a Socialist politician, the phrase is political dynamite. Times, Sunday Times
  • A growing theatre company is developing its circuit of rural venues by bringing a piece of contemporary dynamite to local stages.
  • To create "Arch," a rock and steel structure on the boardwalk at Redondo Beach in Seattle, John dynamited and fractured a 40-ton slab of solid rock then reassembled it intentionally leaving a few parts out like a jigsaw puzzle. Darby Roach: Sculptor John T. Young, Turning Swords into Plowshares
  • But for a solid month they ran Dynamite, then after swapping a few others, brought it back for another few weeks of steady business.
  • His comments were political dynamite. Times, Sunday Times
  • They know fine well that the amount politicians are paid is political dynamite.
  • There are no quotable Dynamite moments - the nearest we get to a zinger is the rugby union result "Nottingham 25, Broughton Park 4, Nuneaton 26" - but the struggles of Towers and his co-presenter are strangely mesmeric. The Guardian World News
  • The local fishermen use dynamite, so the coral was dead, too. Times, Sunday Times
  • It would be the dream location for young kids and older players through the Greater Toronto area, a dynamite rink for the larger city in the heart of the downtown.
  • On a recent weekend, Dynamite, one of only two youth teams in the league, swept the older and burlier Samaritan Village squad in a double-header under a searing sun, seizing first place. Treating Addicts Using Bats, Balls
  • One trip to our hideout was all that it took to get all of the dynamite carried away. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1021
  • He went after bootleggers, who sent him and his family death threats, he raided a Chinese opium kingpin who was paying off Buffalo cops, cracked down on coal profiteers, prosecuted strikers who had dynamited a rail line, and even had Schwab in court on liquor violation charges. Wild Bill Donovan
  • They're using dynamite to blast away rocks to put a road in.
  • The Army has got to be where it comes from but that is political dynamite. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fifty yards of track was blown up with dynamite.
  • Catalogs provide some dynamite information on good varieties.
  • OUR pop stars like their gigs to be a blast with explosive routines and dynamite costumes. The Sun
  • N.cessity did not call the phonograph into being, nor the incandescent light, but the high explosives, dynamite and T.N. T. (trinitrotoluol) met real wants. The Last Harvest
  • Then the house was dynamited, destroying a whole side of it.
  • Fifty yards of track was blown up with dynamite.
  • Now Sam trained them to use explosives, to lay charges of dynamite and use rifles.
  • a stick of dynamite
  • Miners threw sticks of dynamite at riot police outside the congress building and the presidential palace.
  • A megajoule is the rough equivalent of a stick of dynamite. The Cardinal of the Kremlin
  • There are structures in our politics that need to be dynamited. Matthew Yglesias » Combative Politics
  • It needed dynamite to tunnel the St. Gotthard -- dynamite directed by science -- and as I read this I fell a-thinking. King of the Jews A story of Christ's last days on Earth
  • When Nobel invented dynamite, he thought it was a fantastically helpful thing to be used in mining.
  • He hates Lew Prescott from a long time ago, and he hates the thought of his backyard turning into a taconite dynamite range, so he hired you to stop it by scaring people away from buying the land. Heaven’s Fury
  • The Board of Prison Directors gave me my choice: a prison trustyship and surcease from the jute looms if I gave up the nonexistent dynamite; life imprisonment in solitary if I refused to give up the nonexistent dynamite. Chapter 4
  • That would be political dynamite - the opposition are certain to attack any benefit cuts.
  • The abortion issue is political dynamite.
  • The Warrior saw that the Hangman's human bombs had lit their fuses of dynamite.
  • Copps on the other hand, felt that it was political dynamite to breach what she calls the sanctity of medicare. What is Copps’ real agenda?
  • Viewers also get to see what 700 sticks of dynamite and 3,000 gallons of gasoline in plastic garbage cans look like before they explode.
  • I'm sure that some of the whackier people out there think that the president personally attached dynamite to the oil rig and blew it up! Political fallout for Obama amid oil spill disaster?
  • He therefore refuses to pay the outstanding instalments on the dynamite and, in fact, sells some of it to Edward.
  • How did Republicans defuse an issue that looked like political dynamite?
  • Captain of the Yard, believes to this day that the dynamite is somewhere in the prison. Chapter 2

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