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How To Use Dusty In A Sentence

  • Poor Amelia, it was a good deal for her to be called prettier than a very dusty boy in a fight. The Copy-Cat, & Other Stories
  • So the image of the bespectacled fuddy-duddy in his dusty library is a straw man: I would hazard that print publishing experts are actually on the cutting edge of new media. Publishing’s not as out of it as you think
  • The treaty usually took place in the dishevelled drawing-room, after a round of the widely parted chambers, where frowzy beds, covered with frowzy white counterpanes, stood on frowzy carpets or yet frowzier mattings, and dusty windows peered into purblind courts. London Films
  • Are we going to see small clouds of dust when fighting on dusty grounds?
  • Shops were ripped open and their contents strewn through the dusty streets. Times, Sunday Times
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  • The noonday sun beat down fiercely; dusty air carried the stink of rotting garlic after a prolonged dry spell.
  • Parlez-vous français, mesdemoiselles!" cried madame, and we filed out into the dusty street, at the corner of which sat another of our visible tokens of the coming of the season of flowers; a dirty, shriveled old Irishwoman, full of benedictions and beggary, who, all through the summer, sold "posies" to the passers-by. Six to Sixteen: A Story for Girls
  • Mr Boffin having been several times in communication with this clerkly essence, both on its own ground and at the Bower, had no difficulty in identifying it when he saw it up in its dusty eyrie. Our Mutual Friend
  • At the end of a dusty trip to an outlying village of skeletons, I would have ravenous hunger. THE ZANZIBAR CHEST: A Memoir of Love and War
  • Still more profound a touch is that where Ottima, daring her lover to the "one thing that must be done; you know what thing: Come in and help to carry," says, with affected lightsomeness, "This dusty pane might serve for looking-glass," and simultaneously exclaims, as she throws them rejectingly from her nervous fingers, "Three, four -- four grey hairs!" then with an almost sublime coquetry of horror turns abruptly to Sebald, saying with a voice striving vainly to be blithe -- Life of Robert Browning
  • In consequence the autumn colours are muted, just soft dusty yellows for the most part.
  • Plant several poppies as your tall center flowers, then add colorful snapdragons or blue salvia, candytuft, pansies, and sweet alyssum or Dusty Miller to fill out your container.
  • The khansamah would appear to be the only functionary in residence until the hour of departure draws near, when a whole party of underlings -- chowkidars, bheesties, and sweepers -- appear from nowhere in particular; and the lordly traveller, having presented them with about twopence apiece, rolls off along the dusty white road, leaving the khansamah and his myrmidons salaaming on the verandah. A Holiday in the Happy Valley with Pen and Pencil
  • Her sober, kindly capableness evolved from the slovenly little house and the untended children, from the dusty rooms and neglected kitchen the kind of order and neatness which had been plain to see in Robin's more fortune-favoured apartment. Robin
  • At intervals during his literary career, I have tried to add a bit to his stature, he “looks shorter than he actually is,” and so on; but for the most part we find him described as a sparrow, a small, dusty brown sparrow — “soon he was, sparrow-like, hopping and darting this way and that in search of crumbs of information.” Death of Jezebel
  • The men push and pull carts through the dusty streets of the city.
  • There is a year-round drought and all the peasants that we saw on the road were covered in yellow mud on their hands and faces, their hair was standing up like straws and their clothes were dusty.
  • For some, a museum is a dusty place; a tomb for memories. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mary Jane smells old leaves, and the dusty, familiar scent heartens her.
  • The long, hot dusty afternoons, where time hangs still, and dry leaves fly in sad whirls before collapsing to the ground, the inertia and sloth that drives even the most energetic into a huddle, the sense of despair.
  • Get close enough to see its pale and dusty blue bloom and you get a lovely whiff of the Mediterranean.
  • It didn't sound like the creaky door, or even footsteps on the dusty floor.
  • I got home safe, with a carful of dusty camping gear and a camera full of memories.
  • She noticed that his skin was a pale, dusty white and his breath was shallow.
  • He navigated the boat onto the dusty sand and switched the noisy engine off.
  • And strangely, deep in a dusty fold of my cerebral cortex, something stirred. Times, Sunday Times
  • The boys are dressed like dusty caballeros and the gals are decked out like the pretty señoritas on old Havana cigar boxes.
  • Why should it be when all you ever heard was some old fogey in a dusty gown declaiming Cicero or Beowulf? CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • Will and Ben deserted Jim at the gate to the dusty yard to pay tig with the chickens they had to put in the coop.
  • Tanks rumble along the dusty road and helicopter gunships hover. Times, Sunday Times
  • Plant several poppies as your tall center flowers, then add colorful snapdragons or blue salvia, candytuft, pansies, and sweet alyssum or Dusty Miller to fill out your container.
  • It is the first systematic account of the history of English public law and is no dry dusty musing but packed with forensic and creative writing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The building was like a fortress, a tall gray monument of dusty windows and old bricks, guarded by crude metal fences all around its perimeter.
  • The chestnut delphin slowed to a stop, Danielle halting alongside on Dusty. Writer Ferrets: Chasing the Muse
  • And in the dusty biscuit-making place of the potters, among the felspar mills in the furnace rooms of the metal workers, among the incandescent lakes of crude Eadhamite, the blue canvas clothing was on man, woman and child. When the Sleeper Wakes
  • Ten years rushed now upon me with dusty, vibrating, unresting wings; years of bustle, action, unslacked endeavour; years in which The Professor, by Charlotte Bronte
  • Rolling hills, jagged rock barrens, steaming swamps, and dusty grey ashlands all appear crisp and clean to the eye and have an amazing amount of variety.
  • A quick twist took Agia out of her pavonine gown; it lay about her brown, dusty feet like a heap of precious stones. The Shadow of the Torturer
  • She ran her finger along the dusty shelf.
  • Maffei 2 is a spiral galaxy thatalso has a disk shape, but with a bar-like central bulge and twoprominent dusty spiral arms.
  • The dusty barren ground was littered with piles of unburied corpses.
  • We need not look for ‘proof’ by poring over the dusty records of the meticulous pillagers, marauders, and savvy tradesmen.
  • Over by the bar a good-looking boy in the dusty clothes of a trailhand just in from Virginia City and his oxlike older brother had gotten into a vociferous argument over a girl with a dark-haired gambler, their voices rising higher and higher over Ishmael's quiet instructions to Jason. Ishmael
  • For there, high on a ledge in a dusty corner of the upstairs room, was a kestrels' nest complete with five eggs.
  • A houndstooth wool anchored the season, with touches of dusty rose and pale lemon.
  • He stopped pacing when a beam of dusty sunlight struck his face.
  • Always wear a dust mask when you apply bonemeal, guano, or any other type of fertilizer that's dusty.
  • Gatekeeper and speckled wood butterflies flit between hemp agrimony, dusty ferns, patches of yellow bird's-foot trefoil and blue tufted vetch. Country diary: St Stephens-by-Saltash
  • Will was loved for his vivid colors, the creation colors of the Edenlike islands, including the urinous mango-juice yellow, green from crushed hibiscus leaves, dusty purple from wild plum trees on Java, and a peculiar russet in his _Country Road_, _Kamuela_ was a pigment of red clay he had scraped from the very earth he had depicted. Beard
  • The film starts well with an amusing scene in some dusty outback schoolroom where a class of dazed children listen to a middle-aged bank manager wax about the wonders of compound interest.
  • They would then have to try and piece together how the tune may have sounded, based on the chords and on other bits of sheet music which they might have come across while clearing out dusty attics.
  • “Delight Higgins,” Slyly Silas said as he pushed aside the dusty yellow cretonne curtain that separated his business from his house and entered the office. City of Glory
  • When the sun rose its light was pale and the air was dusty and dark. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our beat-up Citroën is a welcome distraction for the traffic-stalled touristsin the lanes beside us; they have hours to go before reaching the sea, the color of whichmimicsthe hue of dusty blue coating our car evidence of organic farming here at the vinery, where our family car doubles as a tractor-delivery vehicle... door dents and all. French Word-A-Day:
  • It will batter the dusty old complacencies of a medium that's coasted through the centuries unchallenged. Times, Sunday Times
  • The album opens with pair of songs that might very well have been recorded on a huge, old organ in a dusty roller rink.
  • Dusty cobwebs collect in the corners of the room.
  • I like a lonely puppet, lost and I follow like a shadow another puppet, never show will not move, was abandoned in the corner of dusty, alone in despair, in a desperate sad, then continue to missing you.
  • Miss Morgensen hesitated, then wrote the word motherfucker onto the dusty surface of the chandlery window with the tip of her finger. Let The Dead Lie
  • Searching through dusty boxes, I found a framed photograph that a friend gave me during a difficult period in my life. Times, Sunday Times
  • A dusty-faced boy was now raking the coal and wood from this into a tidy, white pile of ash.
  • The dusty canvas that covered it was worn through in several places, leaving small holes in the fabric.
  • Clerks in dusty stores moved with the majestic inertia of tall ships becalmed. Michael Winship: Washington and Change: Cash You Can Believe In
  • We gathered on a dusty patch in front of the playing fields for a game of marlies.
  • Dusty flags are again unfurled. Christianity Today
  • Instead of dense woodlands there was dry thorny scrub, cacti and open bare dusty areas. SPIX'S MACAW: THE RACE TO SAVE THE WORLD'S RAREST BIRD
  • Rain trickled incessantly down each man's face and glistened in dusty beads upon foreheads, clothing at last gave way to complete saturation, and water, collecting in pools until over ankle deep, oozed slushily in and out of the eyelet holes. Norman Ten Hundred A Record of the 1st (Service) Bn. Royal Guernsey Light Infantry
  • Aquamarine is the new lime green, coral is the new taupe, dusty rose is the new periwinkle, shell is the new cream.
  • Gatekeeper and speckled wood butterflies flit between hemp agrimony, dusty ferns, patches of yellow bird's-foot trefoil and blue tufted vetch. Country diary: St Stephens-by-Saltash
  • The car sped along the dusty highway.
  • A dusty pile of sheet rock tumbled from one of the high, unsteady shelves and landed beside Barbara.
  • The two started down the dusty road and John was quick to follow, but his father's words pulled him aback.
  • Through the next hour, during which the gentle morning breeze had a little freshened, the dusty vapor had developed itself far and wide into the appearance of huge aerial draperies, hanging in mighty volumes from the sky to the earth; and at particular points, where the eddies of the breeze acted upon the pendulous skirts of these aerial curtains rents were perceived, sometimes taking the form of regular arches, portals, and windows, through which began dimly to gleam the heads of camels 'indorsed' Narrative and Miscellaneous Papers
  • `Good, good, daughter," came the words, a whisper, a mere crepitation from behind those dusty curtains. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • Madame sighed and lifted the hem of her long, dusty rose pink dress out of the snow with her free hand.
  • They emerged in the dusty, cobwebbed cellar full of old crates and barrels.
  • His face, which was colourless, deeply grooved, with sculpted lips, was severe and so shadowed it was like dusty ivory. LOOKING FOR THE SPARK
  • More than half of the bed frames were dusty or stained.
  • This particular editor saw genius in the works where meticulous historical research combined with a quality of writing that breathed new life into the dusty genre of ‘historical fiction.’
  • So there we were, on that dusty street in ‘High Noon’ eyeing each other down the barrels of our guns.
  • I have a host of similarly faded and dusty memories of my boyhood that pop up unbidden when I'm in a situation that stimulates my memory.
  • North we walked, three abreast, a mile and a half along a dusty track that penetrates and bisects the moor.
  • That mug of butterbeer, those curtains, that dusty bookshelf: they've all been carefully chosen to create an atmosphere for the films. Oscars 2011: Will the Brits win big in the technical categories?
  • Her dusty auburn hair was long and wild as she stepped down from her horse.
  • A young man looked at Ozzie, who was standing in the hallway, smiling, in his shirt and dusty Jeans.
  • Savino eyed my dusty blue trousers, man-tailored shirt, and blazer, and did a double take when she noticed my shoulder holster. 7th Heaven
  • Luther walked down the dusty streets of Cantrip, runnels of sweat trickling down his back.
  • The bumpy road took us through ramshackle villages and dusty towns past waving schoolchildren in white uniforms. The Sun
  • All of this leads me to a question that has been sitting heavy on my mind since a non-specific person * blink blink* took a couple of pictures at the Devil's Slide off-ramp … somewhere laller-ing about the dusty regions of the Wasatch mountains … Jenny On the Spot: Woman, mother, glitterer, friend. I *heart* coffee.
  • One dusty street has all the town's shops, with a small grid of deteriorating roads and tumbledown shacks huddling between the sea and the low, brushy jungle that somehow looks poised to devour the suburbs.
  • Long, drowsy, dusty days when the shade of trees calls the saunterer into the woods to seek out dark, cool places by small streams.
  • Mix in foliage plants such as dusty miller, ferns, liriope, or dwarf nandina.
  • The place smelled musty and damp, even though it was at the end of a hot, dusty canyon.
  • His dusty and impoverished desert nation, after all, is under attack from all sides, rhetorically and literally.
  • Chris is a fine chap and a fine journo who has done wonders with the dusty old left-wing mag over the past few years, and his efforts to save the title deserve to succeed. Paul Linford
  • When we entered the church, the long, dusty sunbeams were falling aslantwise through the dome and through the chancel behind it ... .. Passages from the French and Italian Notebooks, Complete
  • I relished each snort and stomp from our mounts as we rode along the grey dusty road.
  • I had not to trudge these dusty roads on foot with a broken-down good-for-nothing scatterling; I trod rich carpets, and slept under silken curtains. What Will He Do with It? — Complete
  • It isn't just the sausage and bacon that make this place oily; it's the tables and chairs, the dusty potted plants in the window and the grumpy waitresses with their dinner lady hairnets.
  • Can MP3 really send CDs to the same dusty bin as vinyl records and cassettes?
  • It was nothing extraordinary; only a knee-high circular table with four surrounding stools occupied the dusty, cramped space.
  • She was in what appeared to be a darkened room of some sort; a small, stuffy room full of grey, dusty objects.
  • These are spaces in which the spider feels at home: dusty and old fashioned, fusty and dimly lit. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ancient, dusty floorboards groaned miserably as Jacob laboriously climbed off his mattress.
  • And dusty, unread books are a giveaway that some academics' offices are just dead space. Times, Sunday Times
  • It seemed to drag on forever, with intervals of my interrupting sister, saying that the seats were too cushy or hard, or the windows were too clear or dusty, or it was too bright or dark.
  • And there I was-dark, red hair, messily tied up and in dusty clothes - whoopee.
  • You turn up a bit grubby, with a dusty old backpack, and they look rather alarmed.
  • I take the mug out to the cloakroom and tip the dusty brown nothingness away down the sink.
  • When the family was cleaning out her unit in their fourplex, I spied a dusty, battered sanshin on a chair. A Tale of Two Grandmothers
  • That dusty old English moralist John Milton loved to wax poetic about mankind's mad descension into hell.
  • This year, says Griffiths, Johannesburg City Parks will continue greening the many treeless and dusty suburbs of Soweto, Lenasia and Eldorado Park, with indigenous trees.
  • The air was stale and the dusty atmosphere was enough to make all of them hesitant to breathe.
  • High on the dusty, sun-baked sierras Pedro's whistle barrelled and echoed off the forest-covered hillside.
  • It was almost four in the afternoon when two oldsters faced off in the dusty tinku plaza, shuffling their feet almost shyly.
  • Furthermore, he does not convey this sort of information with a dusty delivery, but with unbridled enthusiasm. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ceiling arched up to a height of thirty meters, and the entire room was a pale, dusty cream colour.
  • At first light, when alpenglow fires the high summits with radiance like the burn of a gigantic campfire, the dusty surface of the old snowpack glows with eerie luster.
  • It was the afternoon of a hot, dusty August day when a worn, travel-stained pilgrim drifted laggingly into the office of the Mark Twain: A Biography
  • His buckskin breeches, usually immaculate, were scraped and dusty, as were his boots. DEVIL'S BRIDE
  • The rising sun slowly turns the drab greys and dull browns of the mountains to patches of pale gold and dusty pinks.
  • If they're right they can pull their dusty prediction out of the archives and look prophetic.
  • His iron public spirit, his inevitable devotion to duty, unconscious and instinctive and uncensorious, combined with a guilty sense that her youth and beauty had been uprooted by him, and put into a dusty distant soil. Balloons
  • The Bird Cage theater, crumbling, dusty, and decaying, is the Old West. BACK!
  • Dusty Springfield, the darling of British blue-eyed soul, performs her greatest hits and a few surprises to an adoring crowd in this 1979 concert.
  • The same colours ran up the striated bark of the pine trees whose needles were beginning to acquire the sated, dusty green of summer.
  • Finding myself in want of a particular Gazetteer which was not to be found in the office, and being in no mood to take a clerk, however uncritical, into my confidence, I called a hansom and drove straight to the Museum; where, having ensconced myself in the reading-room with the work in question, I prepared to devote a dusty and laborious morning to the service of State. The Right Stuff Some Episodes in the Career of a North Briton
  • In the searing hot sun, the road-gang convicts endure back-breaking physical labor - chopping dusty weeds by the side of the highway.
  • What she finds in the dusty old junk shop is a lot more than she expected, and the leprechaun is the least of her worries. The Enchantment Emporium by Tanya Huff review
  • The Restaurant du Soleil, where the marriage feast was held, was an earwiggy hostelry on the outskirts of the town, sheltered from the prying roadway by a screen of green lattice and a series of _tonnelles_, the dusty arbours, each furnished with table and chairs, beloved of The Belovéd Vagabond
  • Left: Pitch handling at Doncaster. Special clothing was worn for handling this very dusty cargo.
  • We artists are indestructible; even in a prison, or in a concentration camp, I would be almighty in my own world of art, even if I had to paint my pictures with my wet tongue on the dusty floor of my cell. Pablo Picasso 
  • He watches warily as a young man in dusty boots walks down the unpaved street, pushing a flat cart carrying bright yellow plastic chairs, chickens, and a little girl.
  • She had thick framed, black glasses perched on her nose, and she was carrying a pile of dusty books.
  • Heading up to the top of the mountain for the afternoons finals the athletes were pummeled by high winds and dusty whirlwinds.
  • With scarcely any natural life save for a multitude of rock formations and thin brush, the flat, dusty wasteland was more of an eyesore than an eyeful.
  • Ramey Wine Cellars A NUANCED VISION | Hyde Vineyards in Napa, source of a great Ramey Chardonnay David Ramey was driving on a dusty road through the land of tequila and mezcal when he had what he describes as his "coup de foudre"—otherwise known as his road-to-Mexicali moment—and realized, improbably, that he wanted to make wine. Wines That Favor Balance Over Power
  • In her hand was a dusty plastic baggie containing an ounce or so of some brown powder. TROPIC OF NIGHT
  • The house was dusty and cobwebs lined the walls.
  • Well, there's no reef at El Gouna itself, so each morning would-be divers climb into a minibus and head off down a dusty unmade road to a small scruffy dock where Dive Tribe's day-boats await.
  • A navy diagonal pinstripe over a dusty pink and gray background creates this picture-perfect diagonal striped tie by Gucci, boasting flawless design and timeless style.
  • He reappeared a moment later, clutching a rather dusty and battered deck of cards.
  • The journal was dusty and beginning to fall apart.
  • The floor mats have also accumulated their share of dirt and crumbs, the paint job and hubcaps have a few minor road dings, and the dashboard is dusty.
  • The whole residence was blanketed in a dusty atmosphere that made me sneeze often when the windows were shut up tightly as they were on this particular day.
  • When the gong and clappers on a doorbell unit or the plungers on a mechanical chime unit get dirty and dusty, dip a cotton swab in alcohol to clean them.
  • However, once they start to close down, they can be some of the most imploded, recalcitrant white wines out there during their period of hibernation, and will often only show a dusty, chalky soil component on both the nose and palate that often give the impression of corkiness. Natural wines, premox, chenin blanc, 07 Port and Rhone – John Gilman | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • And we all know it will have helped New Zealand clear out the cobwebs in the dusty areas. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was pulling dead roots from the dusty earth.
  • There, on a dusty windswept plain, a small wooden statue of a man in robes teeters upon a short pole.
  • But when you peel away the layers of time, even if it's through dusty photos and yellowed newspaper accounts, you realize he deserves a place among hockey's immortals.
  • The awning is dusty and worn and the two windows facing the street are obscured with neon beer signs. Midtown Happy Hour: Muldoons in Running For Best Burger and Beer Deal | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • It's no longer about who made your dress, but at what out-of-the-way dusty market you found it. Way Off the Runway
  • In a dusty Mexican border town called Manchester, an aged gunslinger downs his last whiskey in the Cornerhouse Saloon before a vicious high-noon shoot out with the local scallies, nay… banditos…
  • The car pulled up too fast and skidded on the dusty shoulder of the road.
  • I like a lonely puppet, lost and I follow like a shadow another puppet, never show will not move, was abandoned in the corner of dusty, alone in despair, in a desperate sad, then continue to missing you.
  • The web is also like being stuck in a giant uncatalogued library, with every dusty shelf offering up hidden treasures; you just have to hunt for them.
  • The bumpy road took us through ramshackle villages and dusty towns past waving schoolchildren in white uniforms. The Sun
  • Can MP3 really send CDs to the same dusty bin as vinyl records and cassettes?
  • He yawned and inhaled the dusty, musty air that he had become so familiar with over the last five years.
  • It was gray and dusty, and sweat had streaked long rivulets across his cheeks.
  • That dry, sawdusty chicken breast and cardboard salmon you've had is the result of this over reliance on "fire" and "microwaves" for your culinary needs. Cara Parks: The Sous Vide Supreme: At $449, Succulent, or Just Suck? (REVIEW, PHOTOS)
  • dusty unoiled roads
  • Each footstep raised a small cloud of dusty ochre Virginia clay, turning the olive drab of my fatigues a rusty red.
  • An opulent jewel in the dusty, cracked landscape, it became a haven for birds, being visited by pied kingfishers, mountain chats, spoonbills, bokmakieries, a pair of black-shouldered kites.
  • Thick cobwebs hung in the dusty corners.
  • I think about my teepee, my tomahawk, my stocky bay horse who is standing even now, a striped blanket thrown over his back, ready to gallop me over the plains, into the red and dusty West.
  • There's something wrong with the dusty old ranch house, though, as strange sounds and spooky visions begin to haunt the crooks.
  • Yes, I know that archives exist, but archives are invariably dusty, filled with cobwebs and virtually uninhabited.
  • Must this, and that fair flower of Freedom which, despite the jeers of latter-day striplings, sprung from our fathers’ blood, must that too degenerate into a dusty quest of gold, —into lawless lust with Hippomenes? V. Of the Wings of Atalanta.
  • Clerks in dusty stores moved with the majestic inertia of tall ships becalmed. Michael Winship: Washington and Change: Cash You Can Believe In
  • Rather, they are produced by bits of dusty debris shed by orbiting comets and asteroids.
  • The parking lot is full, the grass is covered with cars, there are even cars out on the street, everywhere there are cars, and in each car are people sheened with sweat, going nacreous as onions fried in butter; I can see through their clammy melting skin to the dry dusty dust of their bones. Wine Poetry
  • Outside this Los Angeles low-rise, the city is sticky, dusty and polluted.
  • Set in various dusty and grubby locales across the world, it's essentially a photorealistic scramble in various juicy cars. The Sun
  • Good foliage plants for fillers are low-growing artemisias, dusty miller, and golden, purple, or tricolor sage.
  • The place was very dusty and cobwebs hung like a massive veil over the shelves of aged books.
  • Mr. Parson's "Bitters," which itself sounds as if it should be in a small bottle on a dusty backbar, answers that and then some. Gift Guide: Books on Cocktails
  • Upstairs, besides the bedrooms, was a little chapel with some remains of Gothic carving, and a few interesting pictures of the fifteenth century; a cunningly contrived priest-hole, and a long gallery lined with dusty books, whither my lord used to repair on rainy days. Vanishing England
  • She, too, had slept that night under the stars, and when morning came she was still in the dusty, torn, powder-stained clothing she had worn as cannonier, and afterward while working over the wounded. Ten American Girls From History
  • I see oriental paper globes hanging like decomposing cocoons while exotic candles overload the dusty air with their stale perfume
  • Clocks made from computer parts, pulp novels and funky record sleeves tick away the slightly dusty afternoon to the somnolent beat of ‘Stand by Me.’
  • Don't forget to factor white and blue into your planting scheme; both do a great job of cooling off and separating drifts of hot-colored plants, as do gray-foliaged plants such as santolina, artemisia, and dusty miller.
  • She parted the drapes of the canopy wider and sat upon the dusty bed.
  • Glazed cabinets retain the airiness of open shelving, without the hassle of dusty, greasy dishes lingering on an open shelf.
  • Indeed, within the Tarantula complex many such dark and dusty clouds are seen in silhouette as they obscure bright nebulosity behind them.
  • Settling on a floral sundress in tones of dusty pink, light brown and cream teamed with a pair of cowboy boots, she pulled her copper coloured hair back into a messy ponytail up high on her head and left her room.
  • There on the pavement these inexpert children of a pacific age, untrained in arms and uninured to violence, abandoned themselves to amateurish and absurd efforts to hurt and injure one another — of which the most palpable consequences were dusty backs, ruffled hair and torn and twisted collars. The History of Mr. Polly
  • After the prayers, Hamad Qadduri stood in his auto parts store, a dusty hovel off a muddy street.
  • Like a flashbulb illuminating fog, light from the outburst of a star has revealed its dusty surroundings.
  • His parents are so dull and dusty, you wonder whether he was a foundling.
  • He then sidles brazenly up to Dusty and Recondo who are monkeying around with a GI Joe bike.
  • Guarding the entrance of the churchyard, four poplar trees stand erect, save when, as the wind harries them, they bow alternately to the arid, dusty earth and towards the dim vista of tow - coloured steppe and snowcapped mountain peaks. Through Russia
  • The strings are so old they sound like dusty clothes lines that are grossly out of tune.
  • Hers was draped with dusty red velvet, and there was a worn armchair alongside her in the same material.
  • Dusty leaped after the mustangs. Jack nearly fell off. He clutched the reins in one hand and the saddle horn in the other.
  • D'or parked in a dusty clearing that was already chockablock with cars. SIGNIFICANT OTHERS
  • It's a difficult place to be - the desert is incredibly barren and dusty. The Sun
  • After about a mile, we came to a fork and took the right branch to a dusty, unmarked parking area.
  • Romantic images and bucolic country scenes of happy grape pickers, hillside vineyards, and dusty bottles in old cellars are featured in all the brochures.

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