How To Use Dustup In A Sentence
Anyone recall the dustup that occured when Ted Rall did the comic comparing the boy king to a mentally retarded person?
Think Progress » Bush: Americans Sacrifice ‘Peace Of Mind When They See The Terrible Image’ Of War On TV
The dustup could be a publicity coup for Zynga, which is on the verge of making its stock market debut.
The dustup is the latest scandal in global warming science, coming after the disclosure of attempts to shade climate-science research findings at the U. K.'s East Anglia U.iversity and the failed talks in Copenhagen by environmental policymakers last month.
This means that somehow the dustup is the Clinton campaign's fault?
Key Obama Surrogate Says She Believes Hillary Camp Had Nothing To Do With Obama Turban Pic
LEMON: Jessica, hey, I think "dustup" is putting it mild there.
CNN Transcript Mar 7, 2008

The dustup over such a small purchase is a reminder that U.S. security officials are keeping Huawei on a short leash.
It's incredible to me that you see Obama gaining leverage on this "dustup".
Hillary Hits Obama: "Pennsylvanians Don't Need A President Who Looks Down On Them"
New York Times reports that the "" dustup "over President-elect Barack Obama's selection of Leon Panetta" to lead the CIA appeared to cool Wednesday "after Senator Dianne Feinstein, incoming chairwoman of the Select Committee on Intelligence," dropped her criticism, "saying,
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The dustup between the professors provoked a flurry of articles and op-eds earlier this year, but most of the coverage missed its true import.
It was the same kind of feistiness the Rays displayed in spring training during a dustup with the New York Yankees and a bench-clearing brawl in June on their first visit to Boston to play the Red Sox.
Rays whisk away White Sox in victorious playoffs debut
Denizens of the Seattle blogosphere and loyal readers of this site will recall the dustup which ensued when Capitol Hill’s Victrola Coffee & Art decided to turn off its free 802.11 wireless service on weekends.
Free Coffeehouse Wireless Redux: University Zoka | Seattle Metblogs
Look, the whole Valenti-Althouse "dustup" comes down to one thing: Valenti made a casual mistake by proudly posing with Clinton, then compounded it by revealing her cluelessness of the most basic feminist issues relating to Clinton.
The antenna dustup has already hurt Apple's shares, knocking billions off its market capitalization. The company's shares are down more than 10 percent since the iPhone 4 launch.
The key thing in this so called dustup is Obama is not on records personally stating his position.
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