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How To Use Duster In A Sentence

  • They'll get the customary 20,000 fine and rap with a feather duster. The Sun
  • When crop-dusters come under fire, it is up to DynCorp helicopter pilots to provide support.
  • Dark sunglasses graced her face as her black duster jacket swirled in the wind.
  • Both offer everything from shirts and suspenders to frock coats and dusters (long coats).
  • – Asking B. Mac for screenwriting advice is like asking a cropduster pilot to fly a fighter jet. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Some advice for authors interested in writing screenplays and/or video games
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  • The average age of the typical crop duster is 60, the number of crop dusters is dwindling, and the profession can be dangerous. 10 Businesses Set for Extinction in 10 Years | Impact Lab
  • Then, hoping I wouldn't see, he whisked around the house with a duster, wiping up all the dust I had missed.
  • The problem certainly isn't with the committedness of the performances; Cath Whitefield is ferocious as Electra, her face like a knuckle-dustered fist from start almost to finish. Review | Theatre | Electra | Gate | Brian Logan
  • Soon, animals that need to attach themselves to a hard surface, like this 11)tunicate and these 12)featherduster worms, make the wreck their home.
  • If we’re dropped on by, like, a crop duster, Cipro is what you’ll need. Excerpt: Love Stories in This Town by Amanda Eyre Ward
  • It's worth taking your vacuum cleaner, dusters, disinfectant, dishcloths and drawer-liners with you in the car.
  • The duster comes with a machine-washable replacement sleeve. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are likely to spin huge webs during autumn and will keep the ‘dusters’ in the family busy.
  • In honor of the occasion, judge Steven Tyler is wearing a duster coat with fur print lining, and judge Jennifer Lopez is dressed as a jonquil. 'American Idol' 2011: ... and then there were 12
  • Leather culottes, cropped denim flares, ripped jeans, a stylish 1970s suede midiskirt and silk duster coats all feature. Times, Sunday Times
  • Aggie: Use a damp duster. The Sun
  • She pulled her duster closer around her and shivered at the icy blast of wind Mother Nature sent her way.
  • In another there is a room, lit coldly by far too many fluorescent tubes, where you can go to buy nightgowns, camisoles, teddies, housecoats and dusters.
  • He gave her one last longing glance, grabbed his duster, and walked out the door.
  • She held her feather duster by handle.
  • From the less known feather dusters to the famous clay terracotta horse sold in leading Indian emporiums - Bengal produces a wide variety of handicrafts.
  • She couldn't quite seem to place the changes that appeared to have occurred on the streets as she walked them on her own with her heavy boots and fluttering duster coat accompanying her.
  • Another blink, and I was in form-fitting jeans, a green spaghetti-strap tank, and a gray duster.
  • I see beastly flashbulbs of many thingummies moving in the landfall without the slightest knuckle-duster of the landfall I see all the many thingummies going about the landfall. Parajanov Contra Zizek (oder selbst proclaimed Brechtian Beast Z vs aSublime moving picture for magnitude of efficacy.)
  • In a recent interview, Mr. Busey said that while he was a drug addict, he snorted cocaine off his dog, who had rolled around in the white stuff: “I went in like a cropduster with my nose flying first and snorted the cocaine off the dog.” Gary Busey Snorted Cocaine Off His Dog | Best Week Ever
  • When Mr. Kirwan and his wife went "automobiling," they dressed in vintage dusters and goggles that would have been worn by a motorist of that era. C. Gordon Kirwan Jr., businessman, car enthusiast, dies at 84
  • Everyday wear, especially at home, consists of short pants for boys, and dusters, loose skirts, shirts, and short pants for girls.
  • Yesterday, I was sourcing a special kind of duster and drying cloth for a Russian client.
  • The other drove a 1972 Dodge Duster and wore a Lumberjacket and Jeans.
  • I'm talking about soap, detergent, sponges, mops, dusters, disinfectant wipes, and so on.
  • The speaker at the July meeting stood before the members with an electric travel iron in one hand and a duster in the other.
  • Decked out in psychedelic dusters or classic Carnaby Street fashions, she was statuesque and enigmatic, a combination of cool and casual that balanced out well with the mournful classics she crooned.
  • I tackled it with a swipe from my duster and then a vigorous rub-down with polish and a dust cloth.
  • Would it cost so much to employ a groundsman to keep the grass down and a few cleaners to give the place the once-over with a duster every now and then?
  • One of my concerns, echoing those of Duster, is the manner in which external traits previously linked to race might now become microscopic objects of distrust and abnormalcy.
  • Anyone who mocks her will face the wrath of my feather duster. Christianity Today
  • As I finished each of the major rooms I took the vacuum out to empty straight into the trash and gave the dusters a jolly good shake downwind.
  • I well remember in my early days we used the feather duster-all that happened was that the movable dust was stirred up, only to settle over a wider area-so the feather duster is no longer used. What Shall We Fight it With?
  • A white duster coat and flatform sandals add a cool edge to your workwear. The Sun
  • DuPont moved and fought like a professional boxer – and on each fist he had a savage knuckle-duster with spikes on the outer edge. 2008 December « Official Harry Harrison News Blog
  • The stove and chopping board were brand - new, and in one corner stood a multicolored feather duster.
  • It is introduced that the work principle, structure trait, technological and economic quota, application for Model QFTC total boiling type pyretic duster.
  • He stepped forward and picked her up, as easily as lifting a feather duster.
  • Merriam also noted that bioclastic beds occurred in the Susan Duster Limestone Member, and that the shell fragments were so numerous as to constitute a coquina.
  • THEY say football matches are decided on the slightest of margins, but misuse of the feather duster is another thing. Times, Sunday Times
  • “And your knuckle-duster only cost me a couple of teeth …” In the Rue Pigalle
  • I'm talking about soap, detergent, sponges, mops, dusters, disinfectant wipes, and so on.
  • Brooms, brushes, mops and feather dusters, hand-operated mechanical floor sweepers, not motorized, of other animal or vegetable materials.
  • We cleaned with brooms, dusters, buckets, and scrubbing brushes.
  • Both offer everything from shirts and suspenders to frock coats and dusters (long coats).
  • First use the duster, then use a wet mop to wipe the floor.
  • Ear tags, back rubbers, dusters, and pour-on insecticides are not effective in controlling stable flies. CattleNetwork
  • Fields of coca are sprayed with glyphosate herbicide from cropduster-type aircraft, killing coca plants and any other crops in the area. The Illogical War on Cocaine
  • There stood two boys aged about 10 or 12 years of age, complete with buckets, sponges, scrubbing material, car wash liquid and dusters, all bought for this enterprising adventure to earn some money.
  • No, I'm referring to arguably the most famous sequence in North by Northwest, Cary Grant's encounter with a cropduster plane out in the middle of nowhere. William Bradley: North by Northwest's 50th Anniversary Edition: Enduring Appeal and the Mad Men Factor
  • Hold on to your cammies and steelheads, ladies and gents … looks like we got ourselves another Omar the feather duster. #2 with a dustpan. bob h says: Matthew Yglesias » More Failure for Obama’s Law Enforcement Approach to Terrorism
  • She grumbled to herself while she cleaned around with a feather duster. Seminary Boy
  • One was also cautioned for carrying an offensive weapon after a knuckle-duster and a knife were found.
  • They'd cleared everything out pretty well; the only things they'd missed were a feather duster in the utility cupboard and a trowel stuck through the rafters in the shed.
  • He would doubtless have changed his mind on seeing Maigret suddenly glance at the camelhair overcoat belonging to one of the customers and hanging on the coat-rack, go up to it, thrust his hand into the pockets and pull out a knuckle-duster; and then on hearing the Superintendent remark goodhumouredly: In the Rue Pigalle
  • ‘And if this is to be my home, I must begin learning how to fit in,’ she thought, brushing the worst of the dust from her boots with the edge of her duster before setting off down the street.
  • These were not men who wielded feather dusters.
  • The Pink Chic range aimed at women drivers includes a £12.99 car cleaning kit consisting of shampoo, polish, a dashboard shine pad, a synthetic chamois and a duster and cloth.
  • Anyone who mocks her will face the wrath of my feather duster. Christianity Today
  • Jine in, Br'er Stoker," called Philippa, laughingly waving her duster in the doorway. Flip's "Islands of Providence"
  • She took a deep breath and covered her dress with her purple duster.
  • He wore a canvas duster over his overalls that came down to his ankles.
  • Just give me a vacuum, a duster, some soap and a cloth and I'll fix it up as good as new.
  • a duster and toddles about meddlesomely, spying out dust so diligently that whilst she is flicking off one speck she is already looking elsewhere for another. The Doctor's Dilemma
  • At 7 am Desire announced that a well was a 'duster' -- had no oil -- kicking off hundreds of accusatory messages, conspiracy theories and recommendations. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • West-Central classroom, and the rowdy crew of London roughs hulking and hustling on the benches, learning per medium of "the dodger," that one's duty to one's neighbour was not to abuse him foully without cause, to refrain one's hands from pocket-picking, shop-raiding, hustling, and jellying heads with brass-buckled belts or iron knuckle-dusters, and not to get drunk before Saturday night. The Dop Doctor
  • This was the case with Christiani who, ten years previously, when arrested, had promptly struck Maigret with his knuckle-duster and who was now owner of a couple of “houses” in Paris and another at Barcelonnette. In the Rue Pigalle
  • I almost expected to see a feather duster in his mouth.
  • Three people were arrested and weapons including a knife, knuckle duster and hammers were seized. The Sun
  • I won " t beat you with the feather duster ang more .
  • Swinging a leg over the seat he fished the key out of his duster pocket and cranked the engine into life.
  • She had been wearing a full length black western style duster when she entered but she had doffed it with considerable flair, like a magician unveiling a clever trick, and hung it on the rack next to the door.
  • I may have a feather duster down my pants.
  • The best bed-chamber, with its hangings of crimson moreen, was opened and aired -- a performance which always caused my eight little brothers and sisters to place themselves in convenient positions for being stumbled over, to the great annoyance of industrious damsels, who, armed with broom and duster, endeavored to render their reign as arbitrary as it was short. A Grandmother's Recollections
  • it was the kind of duster not experienced in years
  • Charmion stayed in London to hurry up tradesmen, and make uninteresting purchases of pots and pans, and dusters and door scrapers, and the other needfuls which every house must have, but which are so dull to buy. The Lady of the Basement Flat
  • My taste buds puckered right up, so I threw on a cardigan duster, and my slippers and went running downstairs.
  • Equally well represented in these waters are invertebrates such as crinoids, nudibranchs and featherduster worms.
  • Getting hit by somebody wearing a knuckle duster is going to hurt at the best of times, so I dread to think what one that packs a 950,000 volt punch will feel like. Knuckle Blaster Stun Gun | Impact Lab
  • Hold on to your cammies and steelheads, ladies and gents … looks like we got ourselves another Omar the feather duster. #2 with a dustpan. bob h says: Matthew Yglesias » More Failure for Obama’s Law Enforcement Approach to Terrorism
  • She was stilled dressed in her pajamas, which she wore a light blue duster over, and a pair of light blue slippers.
  • It houses thousands of weapons, including guns and ammunition, knives, knuckledusters, coshes, crossbows and swords.
  • Three people were arrested and weapons including a knife, knuckle duster and hammers were seized. The Sun
  • I'm surrounded by dense foliage -- sabkha and mizren trees, mostly, but there are also lots of the bofra trees that remind me of feather dusters, and groves of the alkamaar trees that yield an edible fruit which looks like a date but tastes like a blueberry. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • After all, what can be more humdrum than a team of people armed with Hoovers, dusters and cans of furniture polish sweeping through a building?
  • Weapons wanted in the amnesty include those with a blade or sharp point, such as knives and machetes, CS gas canisters, coshes and knuckle dusters.
  • He slipped the knife, the knuckle-duster and the revolver into his overcoat pocket, and with apparent unconcern searched in every corner of the place, even opening the ice-box and the telephone booth. In the Rue Pigalle
  • In the pages of every celebrity bible, there seemed to be no escape from her rich walnut tan, flashing diamond knuckledusters and distinctive gravelly features.
  • Now, wotcher goin 'to do wiv that duster, Miss?" she inquired. Back to Billabong
  • They rubbed it with pink feather dusters, buffed it with white shammies and coated it with polymer sealant.
  • She was giggling as she listened, hands in the pockets of her red duster coat and head turned attentively towards him.
  • I slipped my revolver into my right-hand pocket and a knuckle-duster over my left fist, where it was ready and yet would not stop me from being able to work my flashlight. Carnacki, the Ghost Finder
  • In fact, come round my place of a weekend and chances are you'll catch me with a feather duster in my hand. The Sun
  • Cut off the arms and neck hole and divide the two sides in two to make four dusters: dampen them slightly and they work a treat without the use of polish.
  • Are you any good with a feather duster? The Sun
  • Jumping up, she fetched the carpet sweeper and a duster from the kitchen, and set to work with feverish energy. Tradecraft
  • And if you could get him to nip round with a feather duster, I would be most grateful.
  • Of course they did not use what we call knuckle-dusters, nor did they even double their fists, except when moving round each other, and as "gloves" were unknown, they struck out with the hands half open, for they had no wish to bleed each other's noses or black each other's eyes for mere amusement. The Hot Swamp
  • Finally, after six minutes of this, the cropduster plane begins its attack on Cary Grant, sending him diving, running through the corn field to hide. William Bradley: North by Northwest's 50th Anniversary Edition: Enduring Appeal and the Mad Men Factor
  • Whether a quick run round with a duster or a complete bottoming with bucket and sponge, it's one of those things you do.
  • While, on the one hand, there were no extra liberty days, no delicacies added to the meagre forecastle fare, nor grog or hot coffee on double watches, on the other hand the crew were not chronically crippled by the continual play of knuckle-dusters and belaying pins. A CLASSIC OF THE SEA
  • If you want to leave them hanging during cleaning you can use a duster, dust cloth, spray or vacuum.
  • The hawk molted, shedding feathers as quickly as an illused feather duster. Slice Of Cherry
  • It was a great exercise in learning to play without specific goals and to realize the many sensations one can create with any object, be it a feather duster, a hairbrush or a bunch of cable ties.
  • We cleaned with brooms, dusters, buckets, and scrubbing brushes.
  • Weapons wanted in the amnesty include those with a blade or sharp point, such as knives and machetes, CS gas canisters, coshes and knuckle dusters.
  • A plump woman in a black dress with a white bonnet and apron had come out of the parlor, a feather duster in her hand.
  • She slipped her long duster coat off, draping it over her shoulder.
  • But horsefeathers doesn't mean this little clump of galactic partners is nonsense… Horsefeathers are what we need to make an intergalactic duster just to see them! "Horsefeathers" – NGC 7770/71 Galaxy Group by Ken Crawford | Universe Today
  • Grant is on his own in "North by Northwest" (1959), dodging a killer cropduster in one of the most celebrated sequences in film history. Feeling Lucky at the Movies
  • TAKING the feather duster to that antique vase may seem a good idea - but it could clean you out of cash. The Sun
  • But every time my mother would punish me by whipping me with the duster, my father would rush over to shield me.
  • Her duster was a dark purple and her shirt was a black tight top with a few patches of color on it.
  • The boom has stretched right across Hampshire, with even the makers of blue and yellow dusters - the colours of Saints' away strip - reporting a huge boom in business.
  • It houses thousands of weapons, including guns and ammunition, knives, knuckledusters, coshes, crossbows and swords.
  • Then motor "togs" -- a long linen duster, with a cap and goggles -- seemed a most convenient mask for so many young men, who were not vain enough to want to don doublet and hose. The Motor Girls
  • He gave his counter a polish with a soft duster.
  • Three people were arrested and weapons including a knife, knuckle duster and hammers were seized. The Sun
  • Both offer everything from shirts and suspenders to frock coats and dusters (long coats).
  • And once you've done that, can you clean the bathroom mirror and give the living room a once-over with a duster?
  • I need a large supply of dusters or J-cloths to dust the books as I sort them.
  • Dressed in a green duster that was buttoned up over a simple black dress and a pair of black flats, she had dark brown hair that was somewhat tangled and very long.
  • She pulled her duster closer around her and shivered at the icy blast of wind Mother Nature sent her way.
  • And the wood-handled cloth dusters were also very popular.
  • Residents of the hall closet - feather dusters, fly swatters and dustpans - all wait their turn to perform.
  • Cut off the arms and neck hole and divide the two sides in two to make four dusters: dampen them slightly and they work a treat without the use of polish.
  • She told me to make my bed and gave me what she called a duster for the purpose of cleaning the iron bedstead. Prisons and Prisoners: Some Personal Experiences
  • I pulled out a duster, the coat was netted and the netting was shaped like spider webs.
  • Now, surely I'm not the only one who cuts up his old underpants to make dusters, am I?
  • An officer found the man passed out behind the wheel with a can of "duster" - pressurized gas used to blow debris from computer keyboards - in his lap. The Shad Plank
  • He explained: 'I went in like a crop duster with my nose flying first and snorted the cocaine off the dog. The Sun
  • The street was empty but for an old woman — charlady she seemed to be — standing with a duster in her hand on the doorstep of the next house. On Forsyte 'Change
  • Slain roosters are deplumed for use as feather dusters, and are cooked in a special dish called talunan, while others are simply buried by their grieving owners.
  • Then, with a swivel of her bellybutton and a whisk of her pink feather duster, all was peace and love.
  • Things will go higgle-ty-piggle-ty, sure as the world," said Kat, balancing on the edge of the table, and fanning with the duster. Six Girls A Home Story
  • Brooms, brushes, mops and feather dusters, hand-operated mechanical floor sweepers, not motorized, of other materials.
  • She turned around, face streaked with grime and hair dangling limply from beneath the kerchief, brandishing the duster.
  • She wore a long, black, hippie-ish looking dress with an long, loose, indigo blue duster.
  • A white duster coat and flatform sandals add a cool edge to your workwear. The Sun
  • In another there is a room, lit coldly by far too many fluorescent tubes, where you can go to buy nightgowns, camisoles, teddies, housecoats and dusters.
  • Dust by hand rather than with that dreaded feather duster. The Sun
  • It's Boston meets Barcelona, only cleaner, thanks to a small army of boiler-suited Syrian street-sweepers with ostrich-feather dusters.
  • And the production is exuberantly creative: boats are suggested by sails and frames; pliers and a feather duster become a parrot. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her fist encased in a knuckle-duster hit Marie square between the eyes. Faceless
  • Imagine the cropduster truly flying at you in North by Northwest, or just those opening credits of Vertigo. What classic movie do you most want to see in 3-D? |
  • Duster, president of the American Sociological Association, writes that research on isosorbide dinitrate and hydralazine (BiDil), produced by NitroMed, incorrectly links a biological idea of race to heart disease and that socioeconomic factors better explain susceptibility to heart disease. Philosophy in the Ketchup Mine
  • She loved nothing better than to bottom the house after a row with dad, who would take the appearance of mop and duster as his cue to slope off down the pub.
  • He wore a long leather duster and had a polearm of some kind slung over his shoulder and a pistol on his hip in a holster strapped on over his jeans. Crossed
  • It's all quite wonderful right up to the moment when the cropduster plane crashes into the tanker. William Bradley: North by Northwest's 50th Anniversary Edition: Enduring Appeal and the Mad Men Factor
  • He literally covered his tracks by throwing away shoes he wore and carrying a duster to wipe away finger prints.
  • First use the duster, then use a wet mop to wipe the floor.
  • Fill up the duster drawer and feel a frisson of eco responsibility. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shake the bottle well, apply with a clean cloth and polish with a soft duster.
  • This is no time for a rap across the knuckles with a feather duster. The Sun
  • The duster is next, click on it and the teacher will bend down to pick it up; click on the teacher again and the boy nearest to her will use her as a dart board (ouch!). Archive 2008-04-01
  • The pensioner, living in sheltered accommodation, agreed to buy more than £20 worth of dusters and went to get the money, but when she turned her back he followed her into the house and asked her for her handbag.
  • You can't go to a party dressed as a feather duster!
  • One of his hands, though, drifted to the leather duster she still wore draped about her body.
  • Three people were arrested and weapons including a knife, knuckle duster and hammers were seized. The Sun
  • In another there is a room, lit coldly by far too many fluorescent tubes, where you can go to buy nightgowns, camisoles, teddies, housecoats and dusters.
  • I just leave a few dusters and cleaning products out.
  • He could be defeated only with the use of a cropduster. Google Zeitgeist vs Jozin z Bazin | the POLSKI blog
  • The old man, perhaps mistaking the signet ring for a knuckle-duster, put some space between them. Disordered Minds
  • Worse than all, he finds himself confounded with a still lower class, known at Bar Harbor as "the tourist" -- elsewhere called the excursionist -- who comes by the hundred on the steamers in linen dusters, and is compelled by force of circumstances to "do Reflections and Comments 1865-1895
  • She irons beautifully, and she is a dab hand with a feather duster. Times, Sunday Times
  • The security guard talks to someone on his radio and then pulls out a grimy duster and wipes the window clean.
  • Cut off the arms and neck hole and divide the two sides in two to make four dusters: dampen them slightly and they work a treat without the use of polish.
  • Decked out in psychedelic dusters or classic Carnaby Street fashions, she was statuesque and enigmatic, a combination of cool and casual that balanced out well with the mournful classics she crooned.
  • However, no rice grower has reported an accident - something they always do to collect the insurance on their crop dusters.
  • Here presumably Miss Wharton and her fellow helpers would arrange the flowers, wash out their dusters, refresh themselves with tea.
  • He gave his counter a polish with a soft duster.
  • Add to this the chalk dust which rises every time she uses the duster to clear the black-board and you have an environment which assaults the vocal system of every teacher day in and day out.

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