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How To Use Duplication In A Sentence

  • Furthermore, functional and structural divergence might, in some cases, precede rather than follow gene duplication.
  • Furthermore, these gene duplications evolved after the split between the common ancestor of nymphalid and papilionid butterflies.
  • The main point was that the total genetic capacity of a species may increase due to gene duplication.
  • In this manner the brain avoids duplication of function.
  • Also, few modern regulating structures exist and the systems need to be rationalized to eliminate duplication or resources and increase the irrigable area.
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  • One particular quirk of syntax occurs remarkably often in both poems: duplication of a monosyllabic word with asyndeton, within a line.
  • This duplication may either be accounted for on the theory of chorisis above alluded to, or by supposing that the extra corolline whorl is due to a series of confluent petalodic stamens; that the latter is the true explanation, in certain cases at least, is shown by some flowers of Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • A few years back charities and voluntary organisations had a mutual respect for one another's services and duplication did not happen.
  • Hats off to the Proms for avoiding unnecessary duplication and ensuring maximum diversity. Times, Sunday Times
  • This suggests the occurrence during primate evolution of a previously undescribed pericentric inversion subsequent to the cluster duplication.
  • The surprise of the Lord Keeper was scarcely less unpleasing at the duplication of the expected arrival; his mind misgave him strangely. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • This provides further evidence that the POU domain gene family arose from a series of gene duplications.
  • Before beginning this attempted duplication we ought perhaps to remind ourselves exactly what polynomials are.
  • The research council would create groups that would set research standards to avoid duplication, review grant applications, and make recommendations for disbursement of the funds.
  • Quebec platelet disorder is an autosomal dominant bleeding condition associated with a gain-of-function defect in fibrinolysis resulting from a 78 kb tandem duplication on chromosome 10q24 that includes - medical news plus CME for physicians
  • There could be a serious loss of efficiency through unnecessary duplication of resources if these activities were to be fragmented. Collins Dictionary of Economics
  • Well, it looks as though a little wasteful duplication was a price worth paying. Times, Sunday Times
  • Exit and Entry record for invitee to China within a year and the duplication of verification form for the settlement of exchange from the correspondent banks both should be presented.
  • Now, there are some interesting restrictions on English reduplication, but the plain fact of it is incontestable (at least in every North American dialect I've ever come across).
  • The differential diagnoses for tailgut cysts include teratoma, dermoid cyst, duplication cyst (enterogenous cyst), anal gland cyst, and anterior sacral meningocele.
  • The two clusters evolved by duplication of an ancestral gene cluster before the divergence of the human and great ape lineages.
  • the purpose of intervention is to prevent unnecessary duplication of lawsuits
  • Though confusingly three different and variously incompatible recordable DVD formats are created resulting in some unnecessary duplication of effort, zounds!
  • Rearrangements can occur during the recombination event, with duplications of the wild-type counterpart of the mutant locus producing a recombinant that would otherwise be inviable.
  • Now, the idea there, as I understand it, is to avoid unnecessary duplication between submissions.
  • When you're dealing with laws, there'll be a duplication of advices that are being received.
  • One of the more common congenital abnormalities (meaning abnormalities that exist at birth) is duplication of the ureters, in which a kidney has two ureters coming from it instead of one.
  • We must avoid wasteful duplication of effort.
  • Coordination of clinical trials throughout Europe could greatly enhance the potential of new investment in this area and would avoid duplication of effort.
  • A second case of grammatical negative transfer is the use of reduplication when using nouns, which is a common practice in Chinese, but indicates redundancy in English.
  • this kind of duplication is wasteful
  • These are new recordings, and not literal duplications of what can be heard on the original film soundtracks.
  • OoL via undirected chemical processes gene duplication is an undirected chemical process. Casey Luskin on Kitzmiller & Information
  • Endoreduplication has also been described in Arabidopsis leaf tissues and in parenchyma and cortex root cells of various species.
  • It is a colossal duplication of effort for the universities to hold big public examinations only to find that it contains no useful information. Times, Sunday Times
  • This provides further evidence that the POU domain gene family arose from a series of gene duplications.
  • Perhaps what should be considered is a better system for cross-referring reports, precluding duplication.
  • The popularity of the album was partly due to developments in printing, which was changing from a text-based industry to one increasingly concerned with images, a shift that culminated in photo-offset printing and photoduplication.
  • In the teleost lineage several genes including ERbeta (but not ERalpha) have undergone gene duplication generating two genes in many fish species including zebrafish. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • But removing duplication of effort by different business arms can lead to the potential for large cost savings through consolidation of services. Computing
  • We can further reduce the data duplication done by the kernel if the underlying network interface card supports gather operations.
  • Try to avoid wasteful duplication of effort.
  • As for hoopoe, I will quote The Century Dictionary, definition and all, with its abbreviations expanded: "The form hoopoe was doubtless originally pronounced like hoopoo, which, with hoophoop, first appears about 1667-78; an imitative variant or clipped reduplication of the earlier hoop, apparently after Latin upaupa …. OUPblog
  • If you think about it, the reduplicated form could easily lend a resultative nuance if analysed in this way since the reduplication would have originally stressed the non-stative quality of the verb either "repetitive" in nature as for punctual actions, or "continuative" as for non-momentaneous ones while the *h₂e-set of personal endings would ensure a completive aspect in contrast to the non-completive *mi-set. Rethinking the reduplicated perfect in Indo-European
  • This will boost production and offer fresh opportunities to remove duplication. Times, Sunday Times
  • This avoids duplication, cuts cost and gives everyone greater clout against the increasingly competitive forces of the global food sector.
  • The bootstrap analysis for this data set showed that most of the internal branches of the duplication tree are strongly supported.
  • Ancient genome duplication ( events ) have been identified in diverse organisms , such as yeast, vertebrates, and Arabidopsis.
  • Results: All of 6 hydronephrotic, 5 out of 9 developmental and 1 out of 2 hypoplastic duplication of kidney were diagnosed on CT imaging.
  • Several serial duplications in the beta subunit are found in apes and Old World monkeys but not other primates.
  • No significant increase in cells with chromosomal aberrations, polyploidy or endoreduplication was observed at the concentrations analyzed.
  • Whether full or partial, reduplication can serve to intensify an adjective, place a verb into the future or the past, pluralize a noun or scatter its distribution, render an action continuous, or simply imply repetition.
  • New legislation means vastly increased workloads in administration, much duplication of work and huge amounts of statistics.
  • His planned tablet, which he calls the XO-3, will be developed open source and offered up for duplication to any willing PC maker. News
  • In a weird duplication of manifest destiny, the white folks (plus assimilates without a culture of their own) are now going to educate, civilize, interbreed with, and take control of the indigenes. Mind Meld Make-Up Test with Geoff Ryman
  • CNVs in humans and chimpanzees often occur in equivalent genomic locations: most lie in regions of the genomes, called segmental duplications, that are particularly 'fragile'. Innovations-report
  • A duplication-transposition model based on seven duplications and four transpositions of MHC class I genes has also been proposed.
  • Other nonspecific features include intimal proliferation, duplication and/or fragmentation of the internal elastic lamina, a sparse perivascular inflammatory infiltrate, and fibrinoid necrosis of the intima.
  • disestablished" because their existence resulted in the duplication of functions, Hlongwane said. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • By including genes from various cnidarian species belonging to Anthozoa, Scyphozoa and Hydrozoa, our analysis allows to identify lineage-specific gene duplications or losses through the comparison of the topology within the gene tree with the known phylogenetic relationships between included species PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The researcher used cluster sampling in this study and also eliminated participant duplication.
  • To avoid duplication of effort, the three federal agencies work together and usually accept each other's examinations. Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
  • Some successful reforms have included the introduction of one-stop border posts that harmonise immigration procedures, reduce transaction costs and duplication of efforts, enhance border security and increase revenue. Weaning countries off aid | Jonathan Glennie
  • So there is duplication, and because of that it will be ta-ta to Early Childhood Education.
  • A key proposition that underpins our understanding of dosage sensitivity is that duplication or deletion of the genomic region containing a gene will result in a significant up - or downregulation of expression of the gene PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Furthermore, each major cnidarian lineage experienced specific duplications: group C HOX9-14 genes were independently duplicated in the Scyphozoa and in the Hydrozoa, and several duplications increased the number of HOX2 genes in the Anthozoa (figure 1). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The metrical scheme is an illustration of 'duplication' applied to antistrophic structure: a quatrain question (strophe 1) has a couplet answer (strophe 2); then the quatrain is duplicated into an octet Select Masterpieces of Biblical Literature
  • One explanation might be that duplication of this region confers a selective growth advantage.
  • Other proposals to speed up care cases will tackle duplication and remove needless argument from the court process. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since 'to know' is not an action and since reduplication expresses a resultant state from an *action* as outlined above, naturally there can be no reduplicated forms possible for these stative verbs. Archive 2009-09-01
  • General Frank P. Blair had been elected as well as Garfield, and it was in Blair's case that the issue was made by those who objected to the legality of what they called a duplication of offices. Military Reminiscences of the Civil War, Volume 2 November 1863-June 1865
  • Experts said the e-book, which netizens can download from the Internet, can easily fall prey to illegal duplication and distribution.
  • Peatman E, Liu ZJ (2007) Evolution of CC chemokines in teleost fish: a case study in gene duplication and implications for immune diversity. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Readership duplication and the extremes of circulation size add a surprising twist to these class divisions.
  • There is also a great deal of duplication across the industry. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such duplication of effort was not only a waste of resources but also a potential nightmare for those waiting on the test results.
  • Local authorities, health boards and quangos will also be expected to merge their administrative wings, to reduce duplication.
  • Misuse of any duplication program could result in proceedings against you by a software vendor.
  • Tandem and segmental duplications of resistance genes have frequently been observed in other plants.
  • It is aimed at making the prosecution process more efficient and avoiding duplication.
  • But as we and other organizations have observed, a lack of transparency, visibility, and basic data -- not to mention the lack of a lead coordinating agency for contingency operations -- has caused or contributed to duplication, gaps, and cross-purposes, and has permitted unnecessary incidents of waste, fraud, and abuse. David Isenberg: The State Department Takes Charge: Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid
  • The gene duplication event that gave rise to class I and class II knox gene superfamilies occurred before the divergence between bryophytes and spermatophytes.
  • Before duplication the ancestral sarcomeric α-actinin had the functions of both ACTN2 and ACTN3 in terms of tissue expression and functional isoforms. α-actinin evolution in humans - The Panda's Thumb
  • Duties have been reassigned to avoid wasteful duplication of work.
  • Nevertheless, duplication of Hox genes has been observed, notably in the planarian D. tigrina in which the genes DtGtHoxC and DtGtHoxE were proposed to derive from a recent duplication event.
  • In a tight financial climate, universities increasingly want to avoid duplication and inefficiencies to avoid excessive government intervention in their affairs.
  • The result was chronic duplication of effort and wasting of money. A Rock and a Hard Place
  • These data further support the hypothesis that duplication and differentiation giving rise to cardiac and skeletal genes occurred following divergence of the urochordate and vertebrate ancestors.
  • We do insist that appointments are on an exclusive basis to avoid duplications and a dispersed marketing effort.
  • This contributed also to persistent readership duplication, with the average middle-class reader in the 1960s still reading about 1.25 national dailies.
  • Good progress has been made in efforts to cut out duplication and also take off the names of those since found safe and well.
  • A mechanism leading to tandem sequence duplication may involve DNA damage followed by DNA synthesis, strand displacement, and ligation.
  • Since 'to know' is not an action and since reduplication expresses a resultant state from an *action* as outlined above, naturally there can be no reduplicated forms possible for these stative verbs. Archive 2009-09-01
  • This reduces the duplication of effort that results when these responsibilities are handled by individual departmental offices. Human Resource Management in Government
  • It is a congenital abnormality which covers a spectrum ranging from a simple bifid renal pelvis to a complete ureteropelvic duplication.
  • How then do your cells avoid such needless duplication? The Harper Dictionary of Science in Everyday Language
  • This homolog maps on chromosome 10L and is part of the most recent set of segmental duplications in the maize genome.
  • Events of DNA duplication were described in many eukaryote genomes, but are the duplication dynamics similar in all eukaryotes?
  • Unauthorized duplication is a defilement of applicable laws.www. '/' 6''07396-6089-2'8''multimedia'disc '. Archive 2009-12-01
  • The plot highlights several potential false negatives with similar expression and hybridisation strength as the called deletions/duplications. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • You should check this before purchasing additional cover to avoid unnecessary duplication. Times, Sunday Times
  • Consequently AFT will provide complete duplication of leaded gasoline performance advantages while satisfying the environmental concerns requiring lead elimination from the gasoline pool.
  • Try to avoid wasteful duplication of effort.
  • We can further reduce the data duplication done by the kernel if the underlying network interface card supports gather operations.
  • The processes used for mass duplication of early gramophone records were remarkably similar to those used throughout the era of analogue disc recording.
  • Then, when this shift had completely gone through and pretonic *a *e; Reduplication developed again, but this time the result of the again inserted schwa was different resulting in *i. Rethinking the reduplicated perfect in Indo-European
  • Deduplication systems also work their magic at the subfile level. How to modernize your backup infrastructure
  • In this process new genes are created by repeated gene duplications, and some genes may later become pseudogenes or even be deleted from the genome.
  • Mechanisms are clearly needed for sharing of data, archiving of all relevant findings whether positive or negative, and avoiding duplication of effort.
  • Although the presence of such duplications has been suggested previously, this is the first substantial evidence of a segmental duplication that post-dates the evolution of the Brassica and Arabidopsis lineages.
  • The best results were obtained by the local alignment method LALIGN, as the analyzed sequences contained numerous gaps, insertions, and duplications relative to the canonical hobo sequence.
  • The division of a cell into a pair of genetically identical daughters depends on accurate chromosome duplication and segregation.
  • Gene duplication is cited as a mechanism for the development of complexity. 2010 March - Telic Thoughts
  • A more frequent change among the monopetalous orders is the duplication or triplication of the corolla, in consequence of which there appear to be a series of corollas enclosed one within the other, the lobes of which generally alternate with one another, but which sometimes are superposed. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • Uncertainty also leads to duplication of effort and can ruffle feathers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The problem with copyright laws lies in the fact that they all assume that duplication is an expensive process, which is why the publisher needs to be protected. Matthew Yglesias » Intellectual Property is About Consumers
  • We do insist that appointments are on an exclusive basis to avoid duplications and a dispersed marketing effort.
  • Four nutritionists identified related concerns: the lack of a clear referral process and duplication of services.
  • Much of this activity has led to duplication of effort, reinventing wheels and territorial infighting. Times, Sunday Times
  • I know that the thought of extra spending and unnecessary duplication of phone number listings might grate on the minds of those tasked with making sure dollars are spent right.
  • The solid line indicates the linear relationship between duplication and loss in different subfamilies.
  • Gene duplications underlie the diversification of genes and the origination of novel gene functions.
  • We do not know the stages through which the eye has passed to its present perfected state, but, since the number of simple eyes (facets) has become very much greater in the male than in the female, we may assume that their increase is due to a gradual duplication of the determinants of the ommatidium in the germ-plasm, as I have already indicated in regard to sense-organs in general. Evolution in Modern Thought
  • This suggests the occurrence during primate evolution of a previously undescribed pericentric inversion subsequent to the cluster duplication.
  • In these studies, the duplications are produced by transformation of the cloned DNA and its insertion into ectopic chromosomal locations.
  • However, if you take a step back and think about it logically, if you can solve the duplication issue then you would not need to deduplicate. InformationWeek - All Stories And Blogs
  • In fact, duplications are so prevalent that they have had time to become duplicated themselves, giving rise to triplicated loci!
  • To prevent duplication within a state, a progression of prefixes is used for the three-digit numbers.
  • Why not cut out all that wasteful duplication and bring together the two main tax-collecting agencies? Times, Sunday Times
  • Communists claimed that the duplication involved in competition is wasteful, and therefore we should have a centrally planned economy. The Capitalist Threat
  • According to their localization, these deletions or duplications frequently provoke major respiratory chain function defects, with consequent cellular energy supply deficiencies.
  • Complete eukaryote chromosomes were investigated for intrachromosomal duplications of constitute a major part of the genome.
  • Complete reduplication gives a verb frequentative force with, sometimes, diminished intensity.
  • In some cases, the answer turned out to be a process of duplication and innovation.
  • If we clone deer at all, rather than their racks, we should select animals for duplication based on their ability to get through a rough winter or survive a drought.
  • Like almost every other hit I clicked on, it seems to me an example of inadvertent duplication (dittography).
  • Genome duplications are also proposed to have occurred in fish, maize, Arabidopsis, S. cerevisiae, and Xenopus.
  • For them, "coordination" meant avoiding duplication. Christianity Today
  • Using sarcomeric α-actinin as an example, after duplication of a gene capable of multiple interactions/functions, there are two possible distinct scenarios besides gene loss. α-actinin evolution in humans - The Panda's Thumb
  • Mrs Candler said books would remain important to the Discovery Centre, although the reference side might be slimmed down to reduce duplication.
  • Although it is not possible to differentiate among these models here, we note that rates of protein evolution and intron evolution both exhibit an approximate twofold increase after gene duplication.
  • This duplication may either be accounted for on the theory of chorisis above alluded to, or by supposing that the extra corolline whorl is due to a series of confluent petalodic stamens; that the latter is the true explanation, in certain cases at least, is shown by some flowers of Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • With the fight over Data Domain, de-duplication is hot. 5 Companies That Should Be on Dell’s Shopping List
  • Now, there are some interesting restrictions on English reduplication, but the plain fact of it is incontestable (at least in every North American dialect I've ever come across).
  • Services are in the process of being centralised to avoid duplication of treatments and spreading staff too thinly across both Epsom and St Helier hospitals.
  • Where the split occurs along the body determines how much duplication of organs there is and the degree of competition between the two heads.
  • Angela Eagle MP pointed out to Chief Secretary to the Treasury Danny Alexander in the Commons this week, if you have time to wade through the site you'll find duplication, repetition and some rather extreme ideas - such as sterilisation for the poor and workhouses for benefit claimants. Blogposts |
  • In our experiments, we used three strains carrying chromosomal duplications with known endpoints.
  • In the year ahead we need to consolidate certain forums in order to better reflect our priorities, become more focussed, avoid duplication and permit us to utilize our personpower more efficiently. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Wedding gift lists ought to be no more than suggestions, and a means of avoiding duplication, not a catalogue of fixed requirements. Times, Sunday Times
  • The screen that generated these new sc alleles also produced autosomal duplications.
  • The two clusters evolved by duplication of an ancestral gene cluster before the divergence of the human and great ape lineages.
  • That would simply lead to a proliferation of bodies, unnecessary duplication of costs and effort, and coordination problems.
  • It wants to make better use of the money by reducing waste and duplication. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is an obvious danger of excessive duplication when broadly similar organizations conduct broadly similar campaigns.
  • Scale free networks can be explained through the simple process of duplication and preferential attachment.
  • Aristotle, for instance, argued that being qua being is the subject of metaphysics when a term reduplicates itself, this is called a reflexive reduplication; Leibniz's principles of identity presuppose reduplicative analysis; Anscombe has noted that her use of the phrase 'under the description' in discussing intention is reduplicative. Archive 2005-01-01
  • The timing of expansion coincides with proposed large-scale duplication event in the chordate lineage.
  • Always good to avoid duplication of effort. Times, Sunday Times
  • wasteful duplication of effort
  • Fixed UI exploit allowing ACU duplication.
  • I've never heard of it - the ‘razzle’ in razzle-dazzle is just a variant reduplication of dazzle.
  • The process of duplication ensures that at least one copy of your information is available in the event the primary copy is disrupted.
  • According to their localization, these deletions or duplications frequently provoke major respiratory chain function defects, with consequent cellular energy supply deficiencies.
  • Especially the cooperatives '"cuadrilla" work procedures repeatedly lead to difficulties due to the parallellism or duplication of work performed by these small mining teams. Chapter 8
  • Much of this activity has led to duplication of effort, reinventing wheels and territorial infighting. Times, Sunday Times
  • This seems to be a waste, a duplication and a confusion of strategy and direction.
  • On average, nodes preceding gene duplications occur earlier in the phylogenetic trees than speciation nodes.
  • A bifid ureter with a blind-ending branch is a rare form of partial duplication of ureter.
  • So irrefragable, in the mean time, that what they have once said, they must and will maintain, in whole tomes, duplications, triplications, never yield to death, so self-conceited, say what you can. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Immediately behind the external urethral orifice it forms a small secondary reduplication, attached along the bottom of a depressed median raphé, which extends from the meatus to the neck; this fold is termed the frenulum of the prepuce. XI. Splanchnology. 3c. 5. The Penis
  • Normally, the check method of binary is not suitable to the multiple value data. The duplication code and complementary code given in the paper can be applied to check arbitrary value data.
  • Most search engines have duplication filters in effect that look past formatting changes and do a very good job of detecting duplicate content.
  • This article talks about the translation of reduplication quantifiers in English noun phrases.
  • Why are there so many segmental duplications in the human genome?
  • amphidiploid: same as allotetraploid autopolyploid : polyploids created by chromosome duplication within a species basic chromosome number (monoploid number): the number of different chromosomes that make up a single complete (chromosome) set. Lynn Margulis: "Definitely a Darwinist" - The Panda's Thumb
  • The aim here is to reduce duplication of effort and increase knowledge sharing across the public sector. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the primary care physician isn't in the loop, there can be duplication of medicines and other problems, " said Dr. Lori J. Heim, president of the American Academy of Family Physicians.
  • It turns out that invertebrates only have one kind of α-actinin, and vertebrates made their suite of four in the process of a pair of whole genome duplications. α-actinin evolution in humans - The Panda's Thumb
  • A council spokesman said that the aim was to streamline and, where possible, merge services to avoid duplication. Times, Sunday Times
  • Concerning typical PIE reduplication now, one would expect that *h₃elh₁- is properly reduplicated as *h₃e-h₃elh₁- whereas **h₃elh₁-h₃elh₁- would break the general rules, although full reduplication might seem to some more aesthetic than the characteristic partial kind. The hidden face
  • We must avoid wasteful duplication of effort.
  • Both strains exhibited macrochaete duplications, eye defects, and loss of wing material consistent with dominant-negative effects of the Mam truncations described previously.
  • Well, it looks as though a little wasteful duplication was a price worth paying. Times, Sunday Times
  • Much of this activity has led to duplication of effort, reinventing wheels and territorial infighting. Times, Sunday Times
  • [18] At this point there is another _lapsus calami_ by the transcriber of the manuscript, resulting in another reduplication. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 27 of 55 1636-37 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
  • There is duplication of effort and duplication of costs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ahmed seems to assume that this larger number has arisen by duplication from the n 1 -1 8 complex.
  • Every guarantee card that is given has the model and the design number printed in order to avoid duplication.
  • Newsletters, email, and the intranet can create lots of duplication and mixed messages.
  • BMP Additional Commissioner P K Srihari said that officials were working on plugging loopholes in the TDR scheme - to prevent document duplication and use of fake TDR certificates.
  • Further, the tonsil extends for a variable distance under cover of the glossopalatine arch, and is here covered by a reduplication of mucous membrane; the upper part of this fold reaches across the supratonsillar fossa, between the two arches, as a thin fold sometimes termed the plica semilunaris; the remainder of the fold is called the plica triangularis. XI. Splanchnology. 2b. The Fauces
  • In this process new genes are created by repeated gene duplications, and some genes may later become pseudogenes or even be deleted from the genome.
  • The ICH agreement induced several revisions in This allows for a regulated mutual recognition of July 2001 and June 2003, to describe the preparation clinical data, which should signi fi cantly reduce of the CTD, enforced in April 2005. the number of useless duplications of clinical studies and consequently save development Module I: Regulatory information such as applica - resources (see Chapter 18). tion forms and information on attached documen - tation. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • By helping to launch the de-duplication industry, Data Domain sparked an industry-wide effort to deliver efficiency, prompting every major vendor, including NetApp, to embark on a build, buy or partner strategy. With Data Domain, NetApp Gets Back in the Game
  • Choose a deduplication solution that can deduplicate at the byte level without impeding backup performance.
  • The main point was that the total genetic capacity of a species may increase due to gene duplication.
  • They will help the part-timers to be as effective as possible, and to avoid the duplication of effort. THE AGE OF CONSENT
  • Conclusions Trajectory , Voiding cystourethrography, especially retrograde urethrography, are effective means for diagnose urethral duplication.
  • The result is inefficiency, the unnecessary duplication of services, extra pressure on overstretched surgeons and their teams and needless trauma for patients.

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