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How To Use Duple In A Sentence

  • The duplex houses are better where the bedrooms are on the first floor.
  • And what caps this dizzy display is not seriously ordered fugato, let alone a full fugue, but a comically stilted allegro dance in duple rhythm, with octave leaps, mostly in two parts with chordal intrusions.
  • Duplex apartments start at €310,000 for a two-bedroom unit, while three-bedroom duplexes with gardens are available from €385,000.
  • Traditional dances - kozachok, hopak, metelytsia, kolomyika, hutsulka, and arkan - differ by rhythmic figures, choreography, region, and sometimes by gender, but share a duple meter.
  • This two bedroom duplex apartment has a private entrance hall and retains original Victorian features including high ceilings, decorative architraves and period fireplaces.
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  • Cahaba residents rented from the government until 1947, when the houses and duplexes were sold to individuals at prices ranging from $4,400 to $9,000 each.
  • Three-bedroom duplex houses start at £174,950 and have around 124 square metres of accommodation.
  • Each of the two-bedroom duplex townhouses in this phase will range in size from 82 to 98 square metres, with prices from €224,900.
  • We were looking for a duplex or a triplex, but triplexes are really hard to come across.
  • But now the first of five translucent duplex and triplex apartments in the building at 1055 Park Ave. has just gone into contract at what brokers say was a distressed price for the prime location — less than $1,850 a square foot. Glass Condo, Rock-Bottom Price
  • On April 4th at about 4 o'clock in the evening, the Dupleix anchored in Pondicherry harbour. Aurchlives, Aehton, and April flower
  • Systems serving a single family dwelling, duplex, or triplex, require an installation permit from the local health department.
  • Plus his girlfriend moved here, so he tagged along to live in a chintzy duplex near the Jean-Talon Market.
  • Further experiments with small duplex oligos are planned to probe this issue.
  • We have been driving on the Hill of the Roses, where he stopped in front of a huge duplex.
  • Unlike larger polypeptides and proteins, small nucleic acid duplexes and hairpins do not have a dense core to which this effect would apply.
  • Both apartments and duplexes have a generous electrical specification.
  • Both musicians relished the dancing hemiola figures in the third movement, shifts of the downbeat between duple and triple groupings, and played with impressive bravura and accuracy. Music review: Zuill Bailey and Orion Weiss at the Kennedy Center
  • If proper operation ensues, the port remains configured for full duplex transmission.
  • Bryan Derballa for The Wall Street Journal The centerpiece of the duplex is a cast-iron and mahogany staircase that was welded together inside the home. Hand-Crafted in Tribeca
  • Exemptions on the thousands of apartments, single-family, and duplex homes built in that short five-year period amounted to almost a billion dollars.
  • In the triplex, the Hoogsteen basepaired dT strand blocks the major groove of the duplex.
  • Actually, the Helmer score is notated in free rhythm, but a duple meter is suggested. Archive 2009-05-01
  • The sections in sesquialtera can then be conducted by simply altering the even tactus of the opening duple meter to an uneven tactus, without changing the timing of the full tactus beat itself.
  • The balanced pressure duplex phosphor bronze diaphragm is a highly sensitive modulating unit thermally programmed to provide accurate steam conserving operation.
  • This principle was covered by Edison's Patent No. 162,633, and was known as the "diplex" system, although, in the patent referred to, Edison showed and claimed the adaptation of the principle to duplex telegraphy. Edison, His Life and Inventions
  • The second issue, the interpretation of time signatures and the relationship between duple and triple time, is more controversial.
  • The diagnosis is based on the results of duplex ultrasonography or angiography, or both.
  • However, this system may be most appropriate for vascular specialists and surgeons due to its complexity and requirement for objective testing using Doppler studies, duplex scanning, plethysmography, and phlebography.
  • This paper introduces a distributed duplex system with high availability in real-time applications.
  • which include single family dwellings, duplexes, triplexes, and apartment blocks.
  • The three-bed duplexes are located on the bottom two floors of the blocks with the two-bedroom apartments above.
  • Prices for the three bedroom duplex houses, which measure 108 square metres, start at €400,000.
  • Three-bedroom duplexes with 1,195 sq ft of living space start at €385,000 and two-bedroom townhouses of 820 sq ft are priced from €360,000.
  • The standard input capacity is 600-sheets (upgradeable to 1,600 sheets), and there's a 30-sheet automatic document feeder (ADF) and an optional automatic duplexing accessory.
  • So the effect of personality model hi this era is duple, too.
  • Two duplex apartments are stacked above a shop at ground level, the floors linked by a narrow communal staircase inserted into an intermediate slot between the new and old buildings.
  • A modular design means you can easily snap on options such as duplex, extra paper trays and mailbox feeders.
  • Observe that man," said Duplessis, pointing towards a gentleman who had just entered; "the other day he was the popular hero -- now, in the excitement of threatened war, he is permitted to order his _bifteck_ uncongratulated, uncaressed; such is fame at Paris! here to-day and gone to-morrow. The Parisians — Volume 10
  • Closed circular DNA usually exists in a supercoiled, plectonemic configuration, in which the DNA duplex is wound around another part of the same molecule to form a higher order helix.
  • The Land Mobile Radio system provides intermixed digital voice and data transmission over multiple 9,600 baud, half-duplex channels.
  • He likewise observes that it is a proper medium between the different feet above-mentioned: -- the proportion between the long and short syllables, in every foot, being either sesquiplicate, duple, or equal. Cicero's Brutus or History of Famous Orators; also His Orator, or Accomplished Speaker.
  • An adaptive electronic transmission signal cancellation circuit separates transmit data from receive data in a bidirectional communication system operating in full duplex mode.
  • This paper gives the particular description of theoretical analysis and practical design for duplexer in the mobile communication system.
  • It, on the other hand, can support full duplex communications.
  • More than 70 freestanding two-story houses in six configurations-from two-bedroom duplexes of 1,000 square feet to four-bedroom dwellings of 1,800 square feet-have been built so far.
  • It can be a house, duplex or apartment, but not a caravan or mobile home.
  • Only serious timpanists with outstanding intonation skills should attempt Batigne's Duplex.
  • Conductors should mark the changes, and conduct them (beating the half-note, as much as possible); singers need only keep an even quarter-note pulse, whether duple or compound, and follow the natural rhythm and accentuation of the text. Introits for Treble Choir
  • The first batch of 40 two-bedroom apartments and three-bedroom duplex houses were completed and sold last February.
  • This principle was covered by Edison's Patent No. 162,633, and was known as the ` ` diplex '' system, although, in the patent referred to, Edison showed and claimed the adaptation of the principle to duplex telegraphy. Edison, His Life and Inventions, vol. 2
  • SE of Lang San the fault zone broadens out to form a strike-slip duplex geometry.
  • SAS supports dual-port and full duplex communication between servers and disk drives.
  • To achieve high-quality IP telephony communications, a gateway must send a full duplex stream of small data packets in real time to satisfy the time division multiplexed telephony interface.
  • Finding an optimal schedule for general sheet sequences (e.g., with mixed simplex and duplex sheets in the same document) is still exponential.
  • Flats in the square sell for more than 3 million while rental prices for duplex apartments can reach up to 8,000 a month. Times, Sunday Times
  • The holoenzyme recognizes specific nucleotide sequences on the DNA duplex ( promoters ).
  • This elite section is where you find the big penthouses and duplexes.
  • Helicases are protein motors that use the energy of NTP hydrolysis to dissociate the hydrogen bonding between the nucleic acid duplexes and also to disrupt other non-covalent interactions between complementary base pairs.
  • a duplex transaction
  • The shared disk allows all the members access to the same data set, and any member or CF failures (in case of duplexed CF) do not impact the database availability.
  • Duplex simply means printing on both sides of the paper and it is recommended both for environmental and cost reasons.
  • Duplex scanning allows both sides of a two-sided document to be scanned in a single pass.
  • duplex telephony
  • In the three-bedroom duplex houses, the ground floor accommodation comprises a living room, separate kitchen/dining area and cloakroom.
  • There are also a few two-bedroom duplex townhouses available with prices starting at £160,000.
  • Its 70 doubles and eight duplex suites spread over two floors, with views of the chasm. Times, Sunday Times
  • In order to approach the theoretical limit of decode-and-forward strategy for the half-duplex relay channel, a cooperative LDPC coding structure and its corresponding optimization scheme is proposed.
  • Ms. Candler happens to be the broker that brought hedge-fund star Scott Bommer and his wife to an uncombined duplex at 1060 Fifth, which sold in January for $46 million exactly, a co-op record. Astor Heir Picks Georgia-Bred Broker to Sell Brooke's 778 Park Duplex
  • Lands and Fair Trading Minister Doug Shave said the changes would streamline and clarify legal provisions relating to ownership and insurance of properties such as duplexes, triplexes, villas and townhouses.
  • Over the past few months he has shed more than 30 pounds and moved his family into a Park Avenue duplex, jetting back regularly to Vivendi's Paris headquarters on the company plane.
  • We are transported to a room in the house of Citizen Dupleix, the menuisier, in the month of July, 1794; or, in the calendar of the Zanoni
  • These cables are either duplex, triplex, or quadruplex, consisting of one, two or three insulated conductors wrapped around a bare aluminum or acsr neutral.
  • The name means ‘style’ in Urdu, and the restaurant occupies the same duplex that used to house Girafe.
  • The duplex audio would allow officers to hear each other at the far ends of the county and the dispatcher, even if they were talking, to hear an officer who began to transmit in contention.
  • As I stood at the lower landing of this duplex.
  • This means that the buyer of this duplex flat in a large Victorian house can look forward to surroundings as scrubbed up as this newly refurbished property. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is an undersupply of this type of property in the city because during the past two years developers concentrated on building duplex and apartment complexes instead of suburban houses.
  • There are a number of apartment types on offer, including two-bed duplex units with separate kitchens, and apartments with an open plan layout.
  • The primary difference in the Karp transcription (Vol. 2, pg. 206) and the Helmer transcription (pg. 243) is that the former is in triple meter and the latter, duple. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Conductors should mark the changes, and conduct them (beating the half-note, as much as possible); singers need only keep an even quarter-note pulse, whether duple or compound, and follow the natural rhythm and accentuation of the text. Introits for Treble Choir
  • These products are high-performance, fully integrated duplex data links for bi-directional comms in fibre channel and other datacom applications.
  • (B) Full length PknJ was purified as GST-tagged protein of ~93 kDa which migrates as duplet. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • But the genius of Clive reversed the situation with dramatic swiftness; the French authorities at home, alarmed at these dangerous adventures, repudiated and recalled Dupleix (1754), and the British power was left to apply the methods which he had invented. The Expansion of Europe
  • One is for good quality standard apartments, duplex units or townhouses in central city locations or beside major employment or commercial centres.
  • “Georg.” iii. 87, “at duplex agitur per lumbos spina.” On Horsemanship
  • The final duple arrangement is ‘Classical Prosody’ and ‘Prosody and Period’ -- the latter worth the price of admission by itself. THE PROSODY HANDBOOK: A GUIDE TO POETIC FORM by ROBERT BEUM & KARL SHAPIRO
  • What we know: it's something written by the date of the film, it involves at least one mallet instrument, and it contains at least 15 or so seconds of music in straight duple meter. L'Oiseau de Feu
  • The reason I thought this paper was important is because in pediatric urology, the argument is made for a lower uretero-ureterostomy mostly done open instead of a high uretero-pyelostomy done laparosocpically for duplex anomalies. Health News from Medical News Today
  • Thus, it is a reliable component in communication systems, and supports full and half duplex, high-speed non-blocking store-and-forward switching and autonegotiation as well as Layer-2 switching. EE Times-Asia
  • All of the self-catering apartments and duplexes in the development are fully fitted and decorated to a very high standard.
  • There is full planning permission for a scheme of 12 two-bedroom duplex apartments and 18 car parking space.
  • While Dupleix died in penury, Clive died by his own hand when he was not yet 50. `Garden House'. Once home to Robert Clive
  • Detects mutations by enzymatic cleavage at mutation sites due to mutant: wild-type heteroduplex formation Transgenomic Expands Distribution of SURVEYOR® Scan K-RAS Mutation Detection Kit With CE IVD... -- OMAHA, Neb., Sept. 13 /PRNewswire/ --
  • Hooke, the contemporary of Newton, gave it the balance-wheel, with the spiral spring, and various escapements in succession were devised, such as the anchor, the dead-beat, the duplex, the remontoir. History of the Conflict between Religion and Science
  • Two unit properties are commonly referred to as a duplex; three units a tri-plex, four units a four-plex, quadplex or quadruplex. Mortgage News Daily - Mortgage And Real Estate News
  • On one street, I was told that every other house was a duplex that hosted students, neither registered as lodging nor paying fees.
  • The setup A duplex garden flat, with the front door accessed via a communal hallway. Times, Sunday Times
  • These oligomers are not expected to form dimeric duplexes and contain no canonical GpC sequences.
  • Rhythm chants would be based not only on the usual duple and triple meters, but also on unusual meters.
  • Within five minutes they pulled up in front of a blue and white duplex, surrounded by several more identical duplexes.
  • Great hushes, mighty crescendos, time for every duplet and triplet to be grounded yet to resonate with momentum. Times, Sunday Times
  • An adaptive electronic transmission signal cancellation circuit for separating transmit data from receive data in a bidirectional communication system operating in full duplex mode is disclosed.
  • A total of 42 units are now available, at prices from €243,000 for a two-bedroom duplex apartment with a private roof garden and 70 square metres of accommodation.
  • Laraine and Francine have second jobs: Their mother and disabled brother live in Francine's duplex, which is 10 blocks from their childhood home, and they help her take care of him. Nancy Ruhling: Astoria Characters: The Sister Act
  • The duplex flat has two bedrooms and two terraces; access is via a granite staircase or lift. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the city centre, apartments and duplexes saw healthy investor activity due to the tax incentives in operation.
  • The imageRUNNER ADVANCE 6055 delivers output speeds of up to 55 ppm in black-and-white and single pass duplex scanning at speeds of up to 200 ipm Canon U.S.A. Honored with Ten Awards from Buyers Laboratory, Inc. - Yahoo! Finance
  • This was technically innovative since the two fibers for a duplex link were located in one ferrule.
  • Certainly, the rhymthic structures are quadruple and duple (with the exception of "Hitler In My Heart" where we are given 5's and 7's), but within those thoroughly square and masculine rhythms, there is a litheness, a suppleness, a winding and breathing, a certain fluidity that is thoroughly feminine. Antony and the Johnsons--Quintessentially Queer Music
  • They still live in the duplex, now old and weather-beaten.
  • The spacious three-bedroom duplex apartments contain between 102 and 139 square metres of living space and are priced from €257,000.
  • From a musical perspective, these were melodies written in minor keys, in duple meter, at times in the rhythm of a marche (in most cases, a slow marche), in strophic form. Hebrew Song, 1880-2000.
  • Snowdon residents have been duelling it out by petition concerning Addington House, a drug rehab centre recently transplanted from NDG to a semi-detached duplex at Earnscliffe and Dupuis.
  • She knew a couple of friends elsewhere who lived together under the pretense of sharing an apartment or duplex.
  • I love Dupleix and Old Food is worth looking out for. Fresh apple muesli
  • Hunc hominem decet auro expendi, huic decet statuam statui ex auro; 640 nam duplex hodie facinus feci, duplicibus spoliis sum adfectus. erum maiorem meum ut ego hodie lusi lepide, ut ludificatust. callidum senem callidis dolis compuli et perpuli, mi omnia ut crederet. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • Venous leg ulcers were diagnosed according to clinical criteria and confirmed with duplex Doppler ultrasonography, ascending phlebography, and foot volumetry when the ulcers had healed.
  • With the luxury market now soaring, Ng is not resting on his laurels and says he expects a duplex on the 79th and 80th floors to fetch an even higher price.
  • Natalie Keyssar for The Wall Street Journal Inside, however, the duplex is an eye-catching space decorated with colorful artwork and eclectic furnishings from the couple's travels around the world. An Interior Surprise in Queens
  • The diagnosis is based on the results of duplex ultrasonography or angiography, or both.
  • In Bristol, the former general hospital has been converted into penthouse and duplex apartments overlooking the harbour. Times, Sunday Times
  • Historical monuments representing yesteryears stand tall in the union territory, such as the Aayi Mandapam, the statue of Dupleix, the French War Memorial, and the statue of Joan of Arc.
  • Most important, she helped to secure almost $8 million in grants and loans to build new pastel-colored duplexes with running water, toilets and central heating.
  • The larger-than-life SoHo duplex of a hotelier and fixture on the party circuit . A Globe-Trotter's New York Pad
  • Show apartments are open today from 2-5pm while the agents are also taking bookings for three-bed duplexes and five-bed houses elsewhere in the Addison Park scheme.
  • For example, it is not a good idea to include one family on the beach of Maui LLC in leasing the same as a duplex on the wrong side of the city. Name Series | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • By the end of this year, Pangnirtung will have also received 11 social housing units, both duplexes and single dwellings.
  • These cables are either duplex, triplex, or quadruplex, consisting of one, two or three insulated conductors wrapped around a bare aluminum or acsr neutral.
  • When complete, KilgobbinWood will include a number of apartment blocks as well as five-bedroom detached, semi-detached houses, townhouses and duplexes.
  • The development comprises a mix of three bedroom townhouses, four bedroom semi-detached and detached houses along with two bedroom apartments and three bedroom duplex houses.
  • Flats in the square sell for more than 3 million while rental prices for duplex apartments can reach up to 8,000 a month. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many of these cards also include 3D, surround sound and full duplex features.
  • In this environment, I began the transition to experimental molecular biology by using the heteroduplex method and electron microscopy to study the structure of plasmids of the sex factors and drug resistant factors of bacteria. Phillip A. Sharp - Autobiography
  • This category is restricted to people living in units, duplexes or Green-street style dwellings where lot sizes are 400 square metres or less.
  • CLVIII, 550); and a hundred years later we find Pope Innocent III stating, "there are two kinds of palls or corporals, as they are called [duplex est palla qu dicitur corporale] one which the deacon spreads out upon the altar, the other which he places folded upon the mouth of the chalice" (De Sacrif. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • There are two ways of spelling out the interpretation of so-called duplex conditions of the form K (ˆ x) K². Discourse Representation Theory
  • EL, Herring B, Rodrigo AG, Mullins JI (1995) Genetic subtyping of human immunodeficiency virus using a heteroduplex mobility assay. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • A base station radio frequency device provided by the embodiment of the invention comprises a shell, an intermediate radio frequency processing unit and a duplexer.
  • Natalie Keyssar for The Wall Street Journal Also in the duplex is a home office that Mr. Lynskey created with stainless steel countertops. An Homage To Keith Haring
  • While it offers interesting features like full duplex capability which allows callers to interrupt one another over IP - what is most impressive about the product is its clarity and lack of delay.
  • The residential sector is 10,000 square feet in size and will include single family, duplex and multi-household residences constructed out of alternative building materials.
  • This combination of features enables the user to hear and be heard in even the noisiest environments, while its full duplex communication technology ensures a natural flowing conversation.
  • In full-duplex radio, the two transmitters use different frequencies, so both parties can talk at the same time.
  • For instance, a mark engine module controller may export exactly two functions, namely printing a simplex or duplex sheet.
  • The simple melody derived from a pentatonic scale and the prevailing dotted rhythm in compound duple meter elicit the feeling of a slow, graceful Korean traditional dance.
  • Apartments and duplexes became the norm rather than the exception, much to the delight of rookie buyers and older couples trading down.
  • Another board named Duplex board (or boxboard) is similar but the inner layer is made from grey (ie unbleached) chemical pulp. 3 Packaging materials
  • A total of 13 different unit styles will be available, including duplexes, townhouses and houses.
  • Those two lots will each see one single-family residence fronting West Fifth street with a duplex built on the downward slope toward the rear of the property.
  • Some owners are duplexing their old houses for extra income.
  • There are duplex family suites, but the master suites around the pool work best. Times, Sunday Times
  • Larger two-bedroom apartments and duplexes measuring 67 to 105 square metres cost between €265,000 and €429,500.
  • The microstructures of duplex stainless steels consist of ferrite and austenite in approximately equal amounts.
  • The Duplex system consists of a prefilled PVC -, DEHP -, and latex-free IV bag containing the drug and diluent in different compartments that are separated by a quick-release seal.
  • According to a preliminary report, nine lots in the area range in width from 22 to 28 feet, house a single family home, could hold a secondary suite and provide density similar to duplexes.
  • This means that the buyer of this duplex flat in a large Victorian house can look forward to surroundings as scrubbed up as this newly refurbished property. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ron Davis, a graduate student in Norman's lab at the time, had previously developed the heteroduplex method for visualizing deletions in phage genomes with the electron microscope. Phillip A. Sharp - Autobiography
  • These cables are either duplex, triplex, or quadruplex, consisting of one, two or three insulated conductors wrapped around a bare aluminum or ACSR neutral.
  • Council modified its original motion to allow for demolition and the construction of single unit buildings and duplexes.
  • For instance, St. Martha was adopted in 1276, St. Wenceslaus in 1298, in 1300 the feasts for the Nativity of John the Baptist, Peter and Paul, and Mary Magdalene were raised to totum duplex. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • The townhouses and three-bedroom duplexes will also include fireplaces, en suite bathrooms, downstairs guest bathrooms and tongue and groove timber flooring on the top floor.
  • News that the city may be hiking property taxes on undivided properties - duplexes and triplexes - is guaranteed to anger low-income housing advocates across the city.
  • The resolution also includes a clause reiterating an existing law that prevents more than four unrelated persons from living together in one house or duplex.
  • Rathgibson's 'U'-bend tubing cell is able to supply custom-bent heat exchanger elements using a large variety of tubing materials including all major stainless steel grades, numerous types of duplex stainless steel, super austenitic steel, and ferritic or super ferritic steel. Manufacturingtalk - manufacturing industry news
  • But the reader's experience likely would have been more full-bodied if instead of, "…seen from Central Park West in the mid-70s," the caption had read, "...seen from Bono's amazing $50 gazillion duplex penthouse where he spends all of one week a year. Secret Views on Display
  • These four movements are variously named: the first two are called _falling_, the second two _rising_; 1a and 2a are called _duple_ or _dissyllabic_, 1b and 2b _triple_ or _trisyllabic_; 1a is called The Principles of English Versification
  • Thus far we have referred to two systems, one the neutral or differential duplex, and the other the combination of the neutral and polar relays, making a diplex system. Edison, His Life and Inventions, vol. 2
  • duple (or double) time consists of two (or a multiple of two) beats to a measure
  • While the sale was still in escrow, she had it delivered to Aldinger's empty duplex for storage, according to court records. Archive 2009-07-01
  • Both musicians relished the dancing hemiola figures in the third movement, shifts of the downbeat between duple and triple groupings, and played with impressive bravura and accuracy. Music review: Zuill Bailey and Orion Weiss at the Kennedy Center
  • He had improved his own diplex, combined it with the Stearns duplex and thereby produced a system by means of which four messages could be sent over a single line at the same time, two in each direction. Edison, His Life and Inventions, vol. 2
  • A few months after I left, peace was made between England and France, and by its terms Dupleix had to restore With Clive in India Or, The Beginnings of an Empire
  • A shielded twist pair cable can be connected in parallel with keyboards up to up to 32, each of which can have two—way semi duplex communication respectively with the relevant equipment.
  • The property has full planning permission for 30 residential units comprising six three-bedroom townhouses, 12 two-bedroom duplexes and 12 one-bedroom apartments.
  • In this work, the molar concentrations of the oligonucleotide duplexes are related to the double-stranded molecules 15-bp long.
  • The duplex flat has two bedrooms and two terraces; access is via a granite staircase or lift. Times, Sunday Times
  • Under the plans the Wheatley would be converted to provide two, two bedroom duplexes and a pair of two bedroom flats.
  • The development will eventually have more than 500 apartments, penthouses, duplexes and three-storey family homes on the 38 acre coastal site.
  • In addition, it is proposed to construct a duplex apartment containing a one-bedroom home on the ground floor and a two bedroom home spread over the first and second floors.
  • For example, here is a passage from a computer manual with the jargon italicized: “The RZ887-x current loop interface allows the computer to use a centronics blocked duplex protocol. Jargon
  • Testicular volume and blood flow in the spermatic artery were measured by scrotal ultrasonography and color duplex sonography preoperatively, three months postoperatively and then every six months.
  • i am not wrong-able from the werewolf and the ... pseudo jobs english glasnost the unutterable refrain duplex in the shrine found a photo booth in ... absolute devolute devolute The Unutterable
  • Unlike larger polypeptides and proteins, small nucleic acid duplexes and hairpins do not have a dense core to which this effect would apply.
  • Leaving behind the triumvirate, we enter into the duple meter of blank and, then, free verse. THE PROSODY HANDBOOK: A GUIDE TO POETIC FORM by ROBERT BEUM & KARL SHAPIRO
  • The plans provide for eight dwelling-houses, six ground floor apartments, six duplex apartments, an office and all ancillary site works.
  • Its 70 doubles and eight duplex suites spread over two floors, with views of the chasm. Times, Sunday Times
  • A shielded twist pair cable can be connected in parallel with keyboards up to up to 32, each of which can have two—way semi duplex communication respectively with the relevant equipment.
  • The primary drive is by a pair of duplex chains driving a pair of countershafts to the drive wheels at a ratio of about 20-1, via a pair of Go-cart chains.
  • He described the pavan as a processional dance in duple time, with two single steps and one double step forwards, followed by the same sequence in reverse.
  • All of the printers in the new system can handle duplex printing.
  • Thus on the liquidation of the Duplessis inheritance Mme. Derues would be entitled nominally to some 66,500 livres, about £11,000 in English money. A Book of Remarkable Criminals
  • Also available are three-bedroom duplexes on the ground and first floors; these have 105 square metres of accommodation and are selling for €228,000.
  • So the effect of personality model hi this era is duple, too.
  • This paper gives the particular description of theoretical analysis and practical design for duplexer in the mobile communication system.
  • This is because, unlike the regular duplex voice service, it need only be pseudo-realtime.
  • Twenty-one switches are interconnected in a tree topology, with Fast Ethernet trunking, providing 200 Mbps full duplex communication paths.
  • One of these applications2. 1 embraced an invention by which two messages could be sent not only duplex, or in opposite directions as above explained, but could also be sent ` ` diplex '' -- that is to say, in one direction, simultaneously, as separate and distinct messages, over the one line. Edison, His Life and Inventions, vol. 2
  • The azygos organ presents as a symmetrical unity, and the duplex organ as a symmetrical duality. Surgical Anatomy
  • Millett IS, Herschlag D, Doniach S (2005) Probing counterion modulated repulsion and attraction between nucleic acid duplexes in solution. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles

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