How To Use Dumbfound In A Sentence

  • Dumbfounded, I forgot all about my camera until the eagle was out of sight.
  • (I am not sure about this I think the only thing that might 'dumbfound' Australians is a rise in interest rates. - Comments
  • Dumbfounded, I responded tartly, “Well, that suits me, because as you well know I make a most suitable mistress.” Exit the Actress
  • But what is dumbfounding to me, and which is, in part, the point of this article, is how hidden Tyndale remains, how misprized and how thoroughly uncelebrated. David Teems: The Other English William
  • His denial that he had witnessed the accident dumbfounded me.
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  • Start taking Penis Enlarge Patch and dumbfound her with your size. Matthew Yglesias » A Stimulus Plan in Case We Ever Get Really Desperate and Insane
  • What dumbfounds me, though, is when they call me ‘mate’.
  • He was completely dumbfounded by the incident.
  • The breathtaking display of skill and derring-do by the cadets of the National Cadet Corps on Sunday left one dumbfounded.
  • If a PC dumbfounds you by thinking his way out of certain death or manipulating a situation the way a pianist manipulates a keyboard, another die for the pool is a concrete way to acknowledge the feat. D&D 4e – A Board Game? « Geek Related
  • (Hat tip to Streetwise Professor, who has a posting commenting on this "dumbfounding" high rate of alcohol-related deaths in the heat of the Robert Amsterdam
  • Every now and then my own life does dumbfound me.
  • A particularly dumbfounding product that was introduced shortly after John began serving overseas was the AXE Recovery Invigorating Electrolytes Shower Gel. Oscar Raymundo: Marines Don't Love the Smell of AXE in the Morning (or Ever)
  • But what is dumbfounding to me, and which is, in part, the point of this article, is how hidden Tyndale remains, how misprized and how thoroughly uncelebrated. David Teems: The Other English William
  • Key seemed too dumbfounded at the fusion to do anything more than keep himself aloft above the pool.
  • Stopped just eighty-six meters from a collision, the frigate's commander was no doubt dumbfounded by the sudden reversal of position.
  • But, as I crunched the vegetables more, my tongue was dumbfounded by a surprise flavor.
  • You'll dislike this show while watching it, but an hour later you'll be dumbfounded by its cunning.
  • Jerome was dumbfounded at the double life his longtime chess partner had been leading.
  • ‘Music is important for me,’ she says, probably dumbfounding her detractors in the process.
  • Teachers, students and parents stood behind yellow police tape and watched dumbfounded as their school was engulfed in amber flames.
  • Unfortunately, most political systems dumbfound and dumb-down the masses and castrate the power of the people. Kingsley Dennis, Ph.D.: The Transformation of Social Life
  • Callum had stepped back, blinking rapidly, his expression dumbfounded. My Seduction
  • You are going to see Mr. Solovyov?" the old doorman said, his lower lip dangling in dumbfounded trepidation. This Side of Ultima Thule
  • He's a little dumbfounded at reviews of the film that criticize the repetitiveness of some dialogue or inarticulate speech, two of the aspects that make the film feel true.
  • I started getting interested in Blythe when I wanted to make a three-dimensional self portrait, and was dumbfounded by the enormous community of customizers working with the Blythe Doll. Boing Boing
  • -- much of which he gets from far-left sources like Media Matters for America and Think Progress -- on Friday's Countdown show accused FNC's Brit Hume of making a "dumbfounding" admission that "he was fed a buffet of daily talking points" by the "lunatic fringe, right wing" Media Research Center, which the MSNBC host identified as a Web site "run by the perpetually angry Brent Bozell. - Exposing Liberal Media Bias
  • Francis arose, the entrance of his sister apparently having no effect on him, much less the same effect she had on Christine who found herself rather dumbfounded in the presence of such regality.
  • When it comes to chasing someone on land, it will leave you dumbfounded as it cruises at a supersonic speed with its belly ballooned like heavy grit.
  • She was dumbfounded by the terrible news.
  • He was dumbfounded when Ryskamp didn't apologize.
  • For me, it just absolutely dumbfounds me how, as citizens of the United States, we own these parks, we own these national forests.
  • a circle of policemen stood dumbfounded by her denial of having seen the accident
  • Dumbfounded, all I could do was watch - wincing with pain as the caterwauling shook the fillings in my teeth - until the noise ceased.
  • We were dumbfounded at this rudeness and I got up and knelt on the clay floor.
  • They were dumbfounded by all the damage done by the storm.
  • She was dumbfounded at this magical event, and stood there open mouthed for a long time, looking at this strange object in her own hand.
  • Her mouth was like a cave as she stood dumbfounded by the array of weird electronic devices, and their sheer size.
  • I know they're going to say that isn't a fact.… but it dumbfounds me.
  • Palin once again shows the dumbfounding lack of experience and education that is her trademark. Obama brushes off Palin on nuclear deal
  • He was utterly dumbfounded at the bad news.
  • I knew she was a strong woman, not just in battle, but even this showcase dumbfounded me.
  • It left me absolutely dumbfounded to see the 25-foot high walls, to see how towns have been split into two.
  • If I fail," and Warren was dumbfounded, even after the unreal scenes which had prologued this situation. The Ghost Breaker A Novel Based Upon the Play
  • We are dumbfounded by frivolous concerns about violence preventing such an effort to succeed.
  • Minor minions also decided to get in on the act of being totally dumbfounded as to what to do.
  • Jerome was dumbfounded at the double life his longtime chess partner had been leading.
  • As the main characters are Michael Palin (whose pathological pliability is perfectly caught by Harry Hadden-Paton) and Terry Gilliam (Sam Alexander, who makes his character's grudge against his native U.S. unpredictably attractive), you expect Mr. Thompson to have written his play in Python-length sketches (like the bisexual war hero in a World War II-skit that has to be explained to dumbfounded network executives). The Witty Bits of a Play
  • Mr. Harding was some minutes quite dumbfounded, and Mr. Arabin could only talk in short, spasmodic sentences about his love and good fortune. Barchester Towers
  • Allison also accuses the Bush administration of "dumbfounding" passivity in response to North Korea's weapons program, which experts identified as "a greater potential threat than Iraq" in the days after 9/11. EVERY REASON TO BE AFRAID
  • Last July, when Pan went to withdraw some money from the bank, he was dumbfounded to find that all the money in his US and Hong Kong dollar accounts had evaporated.
  • The mage was jittering nervously as Lushya simply stood there dumbfounded.
  • This grapefruit sized meatball is baked with melty mozzarella and tangy marinara, and when it arrives at the table, customers are dumbfounded.
  • Mickey turned and looked at Jackie in dumbfounded amazement. Word Help Needed Please
  • Despite the many heinous acts of extortion, revenge and intimidation that Keshari had seen in action over the years, it never ceased to dumbfound her the kinds of things that Ricky and those he employed could pull off and get away with. Larger Than Lyfe
  • Instead, given new life, the Jaguars took full advantage and won the game, leaving the Colts at 2-2 and second-guessers with a legitimate beef about Caldwell's dumbfounding, Jim Zorn-like clock management decision. Know when to fold 'em
  • With my mouth agape I shook her hand, dumbfounded.
  • Florent Malouda scored the winner on Saturday but he is as happy veering infield as dumbfounding markers on the outside. Chelsea manager shrugs off heckles and looks to rectify familiar faults
  • Now at that point, faces just sort of go blank, people are dumbfounded.
  • But after shaking off the flabbergast and the dumbfound he got that expression on his face, the one when he looks like a goddamn boob and he's psyched to tell me something. Josephine Skinny Jeans: Chapter 1
  • Colin went on to dumbfound the poor copper telling him that he (Colin) was on the relevant council committee and he knew about these things. A tribute to Colin Rosenstiel
  • Many industry watchers were dumbfounded at the overt bias and political boosterism.
  • On several occasions during a trip to London last week I was dumbfounded by the evidence of this.
  • My guess is that harold has a low "dumbfound" threshold ... Sound Politics: Ballot measure policy briefs
  • It still dumbfounds me and many who share an enthusiasm for boating.
  • So, needless to say I was again dumbfounded by yet another ridiculous event in this whole debacle. Car Stereo Company Tries To Install GPS, Causes $12,398.54 Damage To Your Car - The Consumerist
  • Jenna Jameson, a former adult star and current owner of her own studio, told Radar. com that she was "dumbfounded" by the lack of condom use on sets: Kellee Terrell: Why the Porn Industry's HIV Problem Is Our Problem, Too
  • It was all in the news and I was just dumbfounded by what I was hearing on the TV.
  • I was struck when my friend was so dumbfounded by the name Shem Walker. Elon James White: Echoes of Gates' Arrest in Brooklyn?
  • The apparition is myself, and I stare dumbfounded as my double punches me in the stomach.
  • Much of the crowd appeared dumbfounded as Franken took the microphone and sounded like he'd just downed a fifth and maybe smoked a little something, too.
  • But at the hotel, pitcher Jim Bouton was dumbfounded: "This was the first time he could ever remember their parsimoniousness outweighing their arrogance. The End Of A Dynasty
  • (recall the dumbfounded look and continuing to read a children's book). Obama criticized for terror response
  • He puts all his materials and maneuvers in plain sight, almost like the magician who obligingly shows you that there's nothing up his sleeve before he dumbfounds you.
  • Neil no longer looked bored or impatient; he look dumbfounded.
  • I'm left dumbfounded when a Protestant asks me how I can pretend infallibility is not contradicted in light of this.
  • The other gaped at them dumbfounded, a cigarette falling from his open mouth.
  • Now it was Adam who was dumbfounded as he stared in astonishment at the card in his hands.
  • Tyler's face was stupefied into dumbfounded shock; he had turned pale.
  • I am always dumbfounded by the utter lack of taste displayed in selecting the most popular choices on the jukebox.
  • He was utterly dumbfounded at the bad news.
  • Yet in some of his writings, Greene suggests that this weighs against deontological ethics, indicating that deontology is just a kind of rationalization of unreconstructed emotional prejudices, seeking (as Nietzsche said of Kant) “to prove, in a way that would dumbfound the common man, that the common man was right.” The Starry Heavens Above and the Moral Law Within (the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex)
  • And now instead of bursting forth into cries of delighted wonder, as I had expected, my companion stood mute and still, her hands tight-clasped, viewing now the splendour of these falling waters, now the foam-sprent deeps below, like one quite dumbfounded. Black Bartlemy's Treasure
  • Paladin dispelled the forcewall he had created and started towards the girl, who was staring at him apparently dumbfounded at being rescued. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Jmilb’s Review Forum
  • The ability of all these top-level singers to deliver whole programmes from memory never ceases to amaze and dumbfound me.

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