due east

  1. the cardinal compass point that is at 90 degrees
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How To Use due east In A Sentence

  • Tell me this is due east. Man of Honour
  • They were all three with the round-up, and were making a circle through the Bad Lands; the wagons had camped on the eastern edge of these Bad Lands, where they merged into the prairie, at the head of an old disused road, which led about due east from the Hunting the Grisly and Other Sketches
  • The one big main fjord comes in and splits into three arms, one going back practically due east; one, roughly, south; and one, roughly, north. The Rape of Norway
  • From here, you go due east until you get to a forest.
  • Pretty well "heeled," they took a course nearly due east, and in the direction of the Pan Handle of Texas. The Authentic Life of Billy The Kid
  • Carry on up the ridge to the summit, then descend south-east to reach a steep little spur dropping almost due east.
  • A helicopter pilot has to fly to a point 200 kilometres due East.
  • Two large stones also stand almost due east and west to mark the local equinoctial positions of the sun.
  • They'd not driven the cattle in the most likely direction, which was south, but due east, straight into the center of Double - 8 range.
  • Two large stones also stand almost due east and west to mark the local equinoctial positions of the sun.
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