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dude ranch

  1. a holiday resort offering ranch activities (riding and camping)

How To Use dude ranch In A Sentence

  • She went to a dude ranch.
  • Many California dude ranches are working cattle ranches that have existed for generations.
  • They want the Big Scream ride at the amusement park, or sleeping under the stars at a dude ranch, or exploring a city.
  • In general, Jarrett's bunkhouse vacation would not satisfy patrons expecting the trimmings of a fancy dude ranch.
  • Although wranglers are often found listed among dude ranch jobs, there's a lot more to the daily operation of a dude ranch than roping cattle.
  • Days on a dude ranch - particularly after a night like that one - tend to be restful.
  • Hasn't she come a long way since the dude ranch? Times, Sunday Times
  • For the past 10 years, Carla has taken a summer vacation with her husband, Ted, and their two children, Scott, 19, and Karen, 17, at the same dude ranch in Colorado.
  • They gave me a gentle horse to ride at the dude ranch.
  • But dude ranching - staying on a working ranch - has other attractions too.
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