duck soup

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How To Use duck soup In A Sentence

  • Three times I can remember it: the ending tunnel silhouette in "The Third Man," falling rubble jarringly breaking up a scene (by splicing the foreground and midground) in of all things "Duck Soup," and noticing a borrowed composition from "La Dolce Vida" (namely, a long shot where multiple people were running and the camera followed them) showing up in "Little Miss Sunshine. Reverse Storyboarding
  • My new boss is duck soup, but his wife is difficult to handle.
  • My new boss is duck soup, but his wife is difficult to handle.
  • DUCK SOUP ($19.98; Universal) -- The Marx Brothers are one of movie's greatest pleasures and their string of "animal" pictures (Horse Feathers, Monkey Business, Animal Crackers, Duck Soup plus The Cocoanuts in this reissue) are considered their screen peak with Duck Soup the peakiest of the peaks. Michael Giltz: DVDs: How Good Is Matt Damon? Damn Good
  • I'd like to have the sliced duck soup with mushroom.
  • On the table was kiam chye (pickled veggie) and duck soup, asam fish (blackened and fried), leatherjacket fish, black ink solong (squid), fried shanghai greens, chicken wings, and prawn salads. ChuiCon 2006, part 6a (addendum)
  • The Presidential Library goes through the Charlie Chaplin films, Buster Keaton comedies, Leni Riefenstahl's 1935 extreme propaganda film, Triumph of the Will, and the Marx bros Duck Soup, to name but a few.
  • Xiahe Lu, Lujiang Datong Road section of the duck soup, taste particularly good.
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