How To Use Dry up In A Sentence

  • In the spring, you will be letting the leaves wilt on their own and dry up.
  • Without these sagacities, the brickwork of the tambour, in addition to taking a very long time so that the concrete could dry up and solidify, would surely have been too heavy to support the dome.
  • On the River Darent, in Kent - which as recently as 1996 used to dry up in places during the summer, stranding and killing fish and other aquatic life - the amount taken from the river has been cut by 35m litres a day compared with 20 years ago, increasing river flows and so enabling much greater numbers of brown trout, pike and other fish to live in its waters. Rivers the healthiest in a generation due to stricter pollution controls
  • When you don't share office space with people, things like networking and exchanging information tend to dry up.
  • Dry upland forests contain blackjack oak, post oak, scarlet oak, pignut hickory, and white oak. Ecoregions of Illinois (EPA)
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  • Save long stems and dry upside down for winter decoration. Times, Sunday Times
  • Without this help cancer research would dry up and the same statistics would be facing us fifty years from now.
  • Stir and wash laundry up and down with stirring pulsator.
  • Marijuana is a pistillate hemp plant that yields cannabin and DOES NOT DRY UP AFTER ITS GROWING SEASON.
  • Fresh walnuts are simply walnuts that have been recently picked from the tree, as opposed to walnuts that have been stored for a while, causing their insides to shrivel and dry up.
  • Harvey could feel the land close round him once more, with all its thousands of people asleep, and the smell of earth after rain, and the familiar noise of a switching-engine coughing to herself in a freight-yard; and all those things made his heart beat and his throat dry up as he stood by the foresheet. Captains Courageous
  • Witch hazel contains astringent tannins that dry up the fluid-filled skin and relieve pain by increasing circulation.
  • Shall I dry up these glasses?
  • The capital flows that financed the US current account deficit were already beginning to dry up.
  • That stuff would dry up and blow away if it wasn't weighted down.
  • Catherine, Cam and I decided to head down to the country with our poxy daughter, where we could share entertaining duties while waiting for the spots to dry up. Charlie Condou: The three of us
  • I'll wash and you can dry up.
  • The sordor and filths of nature, the sun shall dry up, and the wind exhale. Nature
  • Earthy particles, entering into the small veins of the tongue which reach to the heart, when they melt into and dry up the little veins are astringent if they are rough; or if not so rough, they are only harsh, and if excessively abstergent, like potash and soda, bitter. Timaeus
  • The coif, we know from the accounts, was of cambric lace; there were gloves of white linen and fine cotton wool to dry up the oil after the anointing.
  • I'll dry up if you wash the dishes.
  • When the flood plains dry up cattle graze on the succulent marsh grass which grew while the plains were filled with water.
  • When I helped Gemma to dry up, the tea towel slid on oily cutlery.
  • So kaleidoscopic is the succession of these "mothers" of Miss Edgeworth, that emotion tends to dry up under it, and even the most patient of biographers wearies a little before the duty of chronicling their various arrivals and exits. Maria Edgeworth
  • Except for the tidally influenced channels, most creeks dry up, with a few pockets of water left in billabongs and permanent swamps.
  • The activists contend a network of dams are diverting water from Lake Urmia, the largest lake in Iran, causing it to dry up. Human Rights Watch: Iran: Child Hanged in Public as Ahmadinejad Prepares for his General Assembly Speech
  • If you ask her what she's good at she will dry up after two minutes.
  • I'll dry up if you wash the dishes.
  • Nonprofit organizations have seen their costs soar, their sources of revenue dry up, and their missions challenged.
  • [HAROLD turns up his eyes, and points downwards] Dry up, Harold! Complete Plays of John Galsworthy
  • Suddenly, with two new batsmen at the crease, the runs began to dry up.
  • Our nation has too many problems for HRC to allow something of this nature to fester, when all she has to do is come out in strong support of Caroline and the 'catfight' memes dry up immediately! Hillary Spokesperson: She Won't Say Anything About Her Successor
  • Investment could dry up and that could cause the economy to falter.
  • These behaviors will likely dry up your cervical mucus and also keep you from ovulating or menstruating.
  • Rivers and lakes can dry up during hot seasons so you can have a great tip only to arrive to find a mud bowl!
  • The county is concerned that the plant will dry up its aquafer. Think Progress » Wall Street Journal Falsely Claims Ethanol is Responsible for High Gasoline Prices
  • We saved up a large sum of money, and it seemed never to dry up.
  • There's no way he can cross it, unless I dry up the Murrumbidgee-bloody-river well, this is a few years into the future, so who knows? Silliness galore
  • Without private flying in Namibia, the supply of Namibian commercial pilots will soon dry up and stop, he said.
  • We'll work till we dry up and blow away, mother an 'me," he added; and Mrs. Mugridge nodded her head in vigorous indorsement. THE SEA WIFE
  • Right, none will be "forced" to sign it, but, if they don't sign it, watch their RNC funding dry up, as well as their endorsements from the party faithful. GOP to unveil campaign pledge after Labor Day
  • I wonder if this is the secret to the runniness myself and a few others experienced–more baking time, esp. with a lattice top, would clearly dry up the filling a bit. Strawberry rhubarb pie | smitten kitchen
  • Most importantly, there is no tap water here, and the wells dry up with the advent of summer.
  • Investment could dry up and that could cause the economy to falter.
  • The dust was dry upon the road. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • The pond was apt to dry up during summer.
  • When the flood plains dry up cattle graze on the succulent marsh grass which grew while the plains were filled with water.
  • Save long stems and dry upside down for winter decoration. Times, Sunday Times
  • Deh nite watchman kuntinuez, “Everyfing dat iz born will dyingz: deh liddlol kittehz adn goggiez, deh giant elolafantz; deh liddlol flowerz, deh giant sekwoyaz; the riverz wash deh mowntinz intu deh seez, deh riverz turn tu dezertz, deh seez dry up; sinetists say dat sumday deh erf will b swallowed bai deh sun; eben deh starz demselvez die.” Wat made u think I’z - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Nonprofit organizations have seen their costs soar, their sources of revenue dry up, and their missions challenged.
  • As she got older, offers of modelling work began to dry up.
  • One dose can dry up wet smelly oxters for as long as a year, say proponents.
  • I wish the conversation will dry up.
  • Investment could dry up and that could cause the economy to falter.
  • Progress would dry up as creative minds wasted their best years in uncreative apprenticeships, under the sour scrutiny of their elders.
  • Will the inane chatter so derided by blogging critics start to dry up?
  • He had to balance conditions inside the incubator to make sure the fungus would not grow and the eggs would not dry up.
  • Anyway, I had no income other than occasional fees from the news media and they would dry up.
  • Furthermore, if the housing market starts to nosedive and mortgage lending slows, new business growth at both firms could dry up, especially when property investors start to get burned.
  • The goal is to dry up the supply of blackbuck antelope and aoudad sheep being trucked to shooting galleries around the country, and to make sure no state becomes a refuge for the next Internet hunting web site. Michael Markarian: Putting a Stop to Pay-Per-View and Pay-to-Kill Hunting
  • When organizations decay, they don't shrink and dry up, they ... congeal. Globalization
  • Investment could dry up and that could cause the economy to falter.
  • He knew this, too, that bitter things are suitable; for to dry up wounds requires exsiccation. Essays and Miscellanies
  • A similar fate confronts hundreds of small recreational ports where boating and sportfishing businesses could dry up because the plows - in this case, the dredges - may not come.
  • The inevitable dehydration that this involves causes the cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds and cushions the brain to dry up, allowing the brain to rattle around inside the skull like a conker in a biscuit tin.
  • Surrounding paperbark swamps and billabongs, where much of the wildlife retreats when it gets really hot and the plains dry up, are just as bountiful.
  • But just as state intervention has been stepped up, government funds have begun to dry up.
  • The same deliverance furnishes the imagery by which the return from Babylon is described (Isa 48: 20, 21). destroy -- literally, "devote," or "doom," that is, dry up; for what God dooms, perishes (Ps 106: 9 Na 1: 4). tongue -- the Bubastic branch of the Nile [Vitringa]; but as the Nile was not the obstruction to the exodus, it is rather the west tongue or Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Investor flight from risk means that debt market liquidity could dry up as interest rates rise.
  • Racing through the kitchen as if a trip to the dishwasher were a minor emergency, chopping garlic as if the global supply might dry up at any moment, they seem veritably propelled by their determination to demonstrate how hard they are working. The Sorcerer’s Apprentices
  • He says his company outperforms its industry in the area of employee retention, even during a downturn about two years ago that saw bonuses dry up in the wake of a failed merger attempt.
  • That fiddling, parading fellow [you know who I mean] made us wait for him two hours, and I to go to a journey I disliked! only for the sake of having a little more tawdry upon his housings; which he had hurried his sadler to put on, to make him look fine, being to escort his dear Madam Howe, and her fair daughter. Clarissa Harlowe
  • In so doing, they dry up efficiently and a balance could be established between their water content and the hygrometry of the local environment. Chapter 8
  • After about forty-five minutes our conversation began to dry up and it was time to go. Broken Lives
  • As grazing lands dry up, cattlemen sell more livestock US Drought Could Trigger Higher Beef Prices
  • Except for the tidally influenced channels, most creeks dry up, with a few pockets of water left in billabongs and permanent swamps.
  • Upon her head was placed a coif to protect the holy oil from running down - the coif, we know from the accounts, was of cambric lace; there were gloves of white linen and fine cotton wool to dry up the oil after the anointing.
  • And when all other topics dry up faster than the dendrobium, you watch TV—very, very loud TV. You Know Where to Find Me
  • Brushy species from adjacent dry uplands occur at the margins, such as honey mesquite, huisache, blackbrush, and lotebush, with some grasses such as multiflowered false rhodesgrass, sacaton, cottontop, and plains bristlegrass. Ecoregions of Texas (EPA)
  • But when you are driving a car, the dopamine and the serotonin and all the fun drugs that normally course through your body just dry up. Times, Sunday Times
  • For oil services firms, the workflow can dry up very quickly. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rain finally drizzled away and stopped; the puddles had already begun to dry up.
  • The dust was dry upon the road. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • When searching for receptive females, males patrol around the habitat and stop to drum on the dry uppermost leaves on the ground.
  • Pretty soon, that source is going to dry up, because the economy will be in shatters. Source: Reid considering hiking Medicare payroll tax
  • Nothing will dry up the fund of information on errors as quickly as the fear of retribution.
  • The sordor and filths of nature, the sun shall dry up. Formations.
  • But when you are driving a car, the dopamine and the serotonin and all the fun drugs that normally course through your body just dry up. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dry up and listen to me.
  • If an ingrowing hair somehow gets past this rigorous regime, apply Ingrowing Hair Cream, which contains tea-tree oil, to dry up the skin and draw the offending hair to the surface.
  • I wish the conversation will dry up.
  • P. emove him, take away his agency, and univerfal nature finks in - to nothing at once, lake away the root, and the branches wi - ther: dry up the fountain, and the ftreams ceafe. Sermons on important subjects, by the late Reverend and pious Samuel Davies, A.M., sometime President of the College in New-Jersey ... to which are now added, three occasional sermons ... memoirs and character of the author, and two sermons on occasion of
  • Various drugs can be used to dry up excessive watery nasal secretions, and decongestants can sometimes be helpful.
  • Wet wool is quite malleable in terms of size, and you can get it to dry up or down a bit just by handling it properly.
  • Sometimes he did: the unexplained absences would dry up, the family coffers would swell and we would become a normal family again. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once your baby stops nursing, your breast milk will slowly dry up.
  • TioRMAiGHiM, to dry up, to make dry» no go tirmaigheadh no. huifgeadha suas 6n ttalamh, until the waters were dried up fromoflF the Earth. Focalóir gaoidhilge-sax-bhéarla, or An Irish-English dictionary. Whereof the Irish part hath been compiled not only from various Irish vocabularies, particularly that of Mr. Edward Lhuyd; but also from a great variety of the best Irish manuscripts now e
  • The nation's breadbasket central provinces this year have seen some grain harvests cut in half, fishing hauls shrink and riverboat shipping lanes dry up.
  • Interest rates could soar, asset prices could fall or cash flows could dry up.
  • Stored rainwater also is a good standby in times of emergencies such as power outages or during periods of extreme drought when wells dry up.
  • But try to dry up at night if engorgement is a problem for you. Endymion’s Sleep | Her Bad Mother
  • It is a very attractive feature and has only been known to dry up once in the summer of 1826.
  • ‘I will record the whole process, as these lotus seed pods fade, wither, and dry up,’ Wang said.
  • The fear of every columnist the world over is that the ideas will dry up, that the thought process will suddenly come to an abrupt halt and you are left staring at a blank computer screen.

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