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How To Use Dry season In A Sentence

  • Rosella seedlings are available through local nurseries from September onwards in the subtropics or during the dry season in tropical regions.
  • Even during dry seasons the road maintenance in those areas leaves much to be desired - particularly in the former Venda and Gazankulu and the ANC Daily News Briefing
  • In the dry season, the animals tend to concentrate in the areas where there is water.
  • The amount of water in the pond will diminish as the dry season continues.
  • During the dry season, a strong wind called the harmattan blows from the Sahara across West Africa. Signs of the Times
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  • The rivers of the Park are lined with beaches of white sand and white nutrient-poor kaolinic hydromorphic soils during the dry season and flood over the surrounding forest during the wet season. Central Amazonian Conservation Complex, Brazil
  • I ordered our troops to retreat and disappear like burning grass in the dry season.
  • The protracted dry season has created problems for many sheep producers throughout the agricultural region with paddocks devoid of green grass and pasture.
  • The dry season is characterized by south-east trade winds.
  • Sometimes used for an anabranch, but more often used for one that, in dry season or droughts especially, is cut off at either or both ends from the main stream. Children of the Bush
  • The lean period at the beginning of the dry season with few available fruit resources is tolerated as the marsupials store fat.
  • Ripping is done in narrow bands or planting furrows at a regular interval from each other in dry season.
  • The enemy is going to deliver an attack during the dry season.
  • We should like this to take shape by the end of the year, as the people will be more get-at-able in their villages in such a visitation kind of way than in the ordinary church methods during the dry season. Mary Slessor of Calabar: Pioneer Missionary
  • It is always associated with sweetveld grasses - those grasses which remain palatable through the dry season - and provides much nitrogen to the soil through its root nodules and litterfall.
  • Flavor houses are, not surprisingly, working overtime to produce ingredients for marinades, dry seasonings, and rubs.
  • Summers begin with a hot dry season. Geography Basic Facts
  • The cliffs stand high over a river horribly diminished as the dry season flows towards its dramatic climax. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tree will fruit only in a subtropical or tropical climate where there is a distinct dry season.
  • He reasoned that constructing a dam would enable water to be stored for irrigation in the dry season, and flooding could be prevented at other times.
  • In order to preserve these forest-trees, the underbrush, which is liable to make a conflagration in a dry season, should be removed generally, and the view of the great features be left unimpeded. Our Italy
  • Capture rates in lowland habitats were much higher during the wet season than during the dry season, reflecting the timing of movements downslope and back to breeding grounds at higher elevations.
  • The General and Lady Spears came out and stayed quite a long time during the dry season, giving a very grand party to which nearly everyone was invited.
  • As the monsoons fade and the dry seasons take over, this year particularly there is widespread fear and uncertainty about the future.
  • California fog provides a unifying tonalist palette, especially in the dry season when the hills are dun colored.
  • By contrast, the southern hill slopes along the southern coasts are kept moist during the dry season by the southeast trade winds, and dipterocarp rain forest occurs on the southwest hills of both Lombok and Sumbawa. Lesser Sundas deciduous forests
  • Operation Amazon is timed to coincide with the start of the dry season.
  • The dry season, caused by the Humboldt current, is characterized by cool temperatures (17°C-22°C), a fairly persistent fog (garua) that envelopes the highlands of the larger islands in mist and drizzle, together with southeasterly winds. Galápagos National Park & Galápagos Marine Resources Reserve, Ecuador
  • Tall fescue, a cool-season grass, is good-looking and heat-hardy but requires irrigation to make it through the dry season.
  • During the dry season the land is rock hard.
  • While very little rain falls during the dry season, the amount that does fall is more variable than during the wet season.
  • In the dry season, July to November, the river is an excellent place for observing large numbers of game including lions, leopards, hunting dogs, giraffe, waterbuck, eland and warthogs.
  • If she's been to Guadalajara to scope things out, then she knows the city and knows that it's really smoggy, particularly during the dry season, and she has made it very clear that Guadalajara is the place she chooses. Considering emigrating to Guadalajara?
  • These animals come to the trough, as it is a major water source during dry seasons.
  • The enemy is going to deliver an attack during the dry season.
  • August is the dry season, and wildlife concentrates around the shrinking waterholes of this vast floodplain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Forest or grassland is burned to make swiddens at the end of the dry season in February and March.
  • On the other hand, the dry seasons 1996-1998 do not seem to have resulted in such an effect.
  • Late in the dry season, soil water potential was measured in the interspaces, and beneath the projected canopies of D. articulata and Maytenus boaria, with dewpoint-mode thermocouple psychrometers.
  • Approximately 3,000 red lechwe (Kobus leche), move eastwards from Liuwa Plain to the Zambezi floodplain in the dry season. Western Zambezian grasslands
  • African rivers turn to hard mud during the dry season.
  • Dry grasses and some sedges cover the meadow during the dry season (March-July) when I conducted this study.
  • After such a dry season goal-wise, it was no surprise that both legs of the play-off final between Pohang and Suwon finished goalless.
  • Flower buds are borne on new shoots emerging from the terminal branches at the end of the cool, dry season.
  • Irrigation during the dry season and once during ripening will increase the size of Jamaican sweetsop.
  • As a result of this amazing reverse flow, the lake expands from 2,700 square kilometers in the dry season to no less than 16,000 sq km.
  • Wildebeest and hartebeest, which spend the wetter months along the boundary between Ghanzi and Kgalagadi (in the Kalahari Xeric Savanna ecoregion), move northeast towards the Central Kalahari Game Reserve during the dry season. Zambezian halophytics
  • We were doing the elephant dung counts in the Triangle region and headed out to the Golden Highway, which bisected the West Caprivi in a seemingly endless stretch of white calcrete, corrugated in the dry season and treacherously slippery in the wet season. The Elephant's Secret Sense
  • The tree will fruit only in a subtropical or tropical climate where there is a distinct dry season.
  • The climate is highly seasonal, with a well-defined dry season from late November to mid-May.
  • Unlike mangroves, trees and other vegetation in the scrub sites dropped most of their leaves during the dry season in spring, and standing water was never present on these sites.
  • In this climate there are no real changes of temperature, just a wet and a dry season.
  • In the dry season, the animals tend to concentrate in the areas where there is water.
  • A lawn had grass that had grown long in patches and browned off in the dry season -- lions in a small circus have that same mangy look. SNOWLINE
  • Summers begin with a hot dry season. Geography Basic Facts
  • Consistently high temperatures, with no distinct dry season, characterize the climate of this region.
  • The road is only negotiable in the dry season.
  • In this climate there are no real changes of temperature, just a wet and a dry season.
  • During the dry season the condition of the rivers worsens as water levels drop.
  • The road is only negotiable in the dry season.
  • Above the granite bedrock is a characteristic soil structure, consisting of seasonally well-aerated and well-watered sandy soils of 0.6 m to 3 m in depth that desiccate and harden during the dry season, with an impermeable "duricrust" of cement-like consistency beneath. Itigi-Sumbu thicket
  • When glass or amber is heated by the fire in a dry season, I suspect that it becomes in some degree electric; as either of the electric ethers which is combined with them may have its combination with those materials loosened by the application of heat; and that on this account they may more forcibly attract the opposite one from the air in their vicinity. The Temple of Nature; or, the Origin of Society A Poem, with Philosophical Notes
  • In this climate there are no real changes of temperature, just a wet and a dry season.
  • This site has a humid continental climate with warm summers, cool winters and no distinct dry season.
  • African rivers turn to hard mud during the dry season.
  • The flow in the Ilam Stream has tended to become very sluggish in dry seasons.
  • Unlike species in colder climates, tropical species experience a period of inactivity associated with the dry season.
  • On the contrary, the humidity is so low here that I have to humidify the very dry air, during the dry hot dry season. Dehumidifier
  • In the dry season, all life moves north, leaving the southern plains disappointingly bare and empty.
  • A. holosericea is perhaps the most frequently planted Australian Acacia in development projects because of its superior yield and because it retains a large phyllode biomass during the dry season, while African species shed their leaves during this period (Cossalter, 1986). Chapter 2
  • As usual in the hilly countries of the East, the wide beds and Fiumaras, even in the dry season, will supply travellers for a day or two with an abundance of water, filtrated through, and, in some cases, flowing beneath the sand. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • There are two dry seasons and two rainy seasons, but the equatorial climate is very hot and humid year-round.
  • Leaves may be sclerophyllous or coated on the undersurface with appressed hairs to conserve water, and they remain evergreen throughout an extended dry season. Yunnan Plateau subtropical evergreen forests
  • The climate is humid and tropical with a dry season from January to May and a wet season from June to December.
  • Motorists leave huge clouds of dust behind them as they drive along the village's narrow dirt roads in the dry season.
  • Hmm-I think the problem may be compounded by the fact that the pantry is in the same small room as the clothes washer, which no doubt generates humidity even in dry season. Storing canned goods
  • The amount of water in the pond will diminish as the dry season continues.
  • In South America the "round-headed hassar" of Guiana, _Callicthys littoralis_, and the "yarrow," a species of the family Esocidæ, although they possess no specially modified respiratory organs, are accustomed to bury themselves in the mud on the subsidence of water in the pools during the dry season. [ Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon
  • A sunny, dry season had growers excited for that year's reds.
  • When the dry season started, with all this increased solar energy, gramineous plants sprouted all over the place and smothered the alfalfa. Fidel Castro Addresses ICA on Livestock
  • Wide stretches of the transitional plains are covered by wooded savanna of Terminalia laxiflora with Crossopteryx febrifuga and Butyrospermum parkii, heavily used by the larger mammals such as elephant, during the dry season. Manovo-Gounda-St Floris National Park, Central African Republic
  • The downpour wipes away the layer of dust plastered on everything by the dry harmattan winds that blown down from the parched Sahel during the peak of the dry season. Seasons and Chickens « Cameroon
  • Despite the unwonted showers over the past week, she said, St Lucia was experiencing effects of the dry season.
  • FODDER: The fodder potential is mainly due to the large phyllode biomass produced during the dry season, a period when most non-Australian acacias traditionally used for fodder shed their leaves. Chapter 10
  • In the dry season, July to November, the river is an excellent place for observing large numbers of game including lions, leopards, hunting dogs, giraffe, waterbuck, eland and warthogs.
  • And after a long dry season of neutrals and minimalism, perhaps fantasy fashion is a good thing.
  • The cliffs stand high over a river horribly diminished as the dry season flows towards its dramatic climax. Times, Sunday Times
  • Katwe, a volcanic crater fed by several streams, has no outlet, meaning that intense evaporation during the dry seasons concentrates minerals in the hypersaline water. Why the salt miners of Uganda's lakes are dying for a deal on climate change
  • Their shade reduces evaporation and keeps the soil moist during the dry season, and their roots protect the banks from erosion.
  • Operation Amazon is timed to coincide with the start of the dry season.
  • The cliffs stand high over a river horribly diminished as the dry season flows towards its dramatic climax. Times, Sunday Times
  • Farmers forced to sell or dispose of stock due to the dry seasonal conditions may be able to spread or defer their taxable income.
  • A monsoon climate of alternating wet and dry seasons characterizes the weather.
  • The dry season (May through October) finds the Pantanal at its most pleasant: no flooding, cool temperatures, and big beasts such as tapirs, capybaras, and caimans clustered around water holes.
  • In the dry season, the women would fetch it and carry it home in jars on their heads, or from dirty tanks which gave us diseases.
  • It was a ski resort with hardly any snow in winter because their winter was the dry season. Travels with Rosinante
  • April through mid-November is the dry season, while December through March is the monsoon.
  • This species of hartebeest has its young in the late dry season, some antelope prefer to drop their young during the first rains.
  • August is the dry season, and wildlife concentrates around the shrinking waterholes of this vast floodplain. Times, Sunday Times
  • They aestivate during the dry season but come up to the surface to spawn after the first rains.
  • In addition to grain, queleas also feed on insects and, in the dry season, strip the leaves from trees.
  • Hwange needs about 2,000 gallons of diesel per month to keep all its pumps operating during the dry season, and 1,000 gallons to supply its antipoaching patrols, according to Johnny Rodrigues, who heads a private agency called the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force. Death in the Bush
  • She dropped her gaze to her garden, to the withered plants that she had worked so hard to see through the dry season and which had lived only because she had given them each a small tinful of water each morning and each evening, around the roots; so little water, and so quickly absorbed, that it seemed unlikely that it would make a difference under that relentless sun. Blue Shoes And Happiness
  • During the dry season, and beginning of the rainy, they form pairs and fly in small groups that may nest together in old woodpeckers holes or large termitaries.
  • Tidal action increases the salinity upstream during the dry season.
  • Colorines (pronounced "co-lo-reen-ays") are red flowers that bloom during the dry season (March) on trees in Morelos. Morelos' Exotic Foods For The Brave At Heart
  • During the dry season, our tracks would just tear up the clay and create a cloud of red dust.
  • All trials were conducted in the autumn of 1996, and summers and autumns of 1997 and 1998, during the dry season characteristic of the region.
  • In this climate there are no real changes of temperature, just a wet and a dry season.
  • During our dry season visits, sandy and gravelly beaches lined most of the river, although water levels rose above the beaches during heavy rains.
  • In the dry season, the animals tend to concentrate in the areas where there is water.
  • Consistently high temperatures, with no distinct dry season, characterize the climate of this region.
  • Pediculosis, caused by the sucking louse (Hematopinus tuberculatus), occurs widely among buffalo, and sarcoptic mange (Sarcoptes scabiei var. bubalus) is a serious disease, especially among calves and during dry seasons when wallowing opportunities are restricted. 7 Health
  • Following the dry season, the monsoons hit the community in full force; several people drowned, trapped in the city's storm water runoff channels.
  • Summers begin with a hot dry season. Geography Basic Facts
  • The dry season is characterized by south-east trade winds.
  • When we used to travel to MX from Oregon, we found that the temps during the "dry season" were difficult to handle even when wearing shorts but now that our bodies have acclimatised to Albuquerque, NM, we find the temps in MX to be far easier to handle. CLOTHES - what's hot and what's not in Mexico
  • In this climate there are no real changes of temperature, just a wet and a dry season.
  • The vegetation of these plains changes more or less continuously throughout the wet-dry cycle, from permanent open water communities, invaded by the waterweed Salvinia molesta, which, with the giant sensitive plant Mimosa pigra, is rampant, and to ephemeral communities of herbs, grasses and sedges associated with seasonally flooded, cracking clay soils that dry out completely in the dry season when the southern hills become a refuge for the Park's fauna. Kakadu National Park, Australia
  • In the dry season it is arid, in the wet season it is an unpassable swamp.
  • During the dry season, on the topmost boughs of the lofty trees growing on the gapo lands, large gaily-coloured birds, with huge beaks of the shape of a banana or pacova, are perched, in bands of five or six, uttering loud, shrill, and yelping cries, having somewhat the resemblance to "Tocano! tocano! tocano! The Western World Picturesque Sketches of Nature and Natural History in North and South America
  • These include the black uakari monkey, pink dolphin (VU), grey dolphin, giant otter (EN), and jaguar. harpy eagle, What may be the largest population of Amazon manatees (VU) inhabits the black waters of Amanã Lake during the dry season, migrating during the flood season to várzea forest in Mamirauá, where its preferred foods are abundant. Central Amazonian Conservation Complex, Brazil
  • Some of the crops which have been swept away by water include maize, sorghum, and finger millet which are grown along the river banks without the use of fertilisers during dry season.
  • The dry season is finally here, and after six months the rain and humidity have disappeared and the clouds have cleared.
  • They've come south to graze their cattle and trade in the dry season from time immemorial.
  • That's in the dry season: In the wet roads are flooded from door to door, so pavement, verge, drain and bitumen merge into a seamless black scum where floating objects best remain unscrutinised.
  • All is well here, the rains have come in full, so Im trying to implement the last leg of the tree planting project which is outplanting... trying to get people organized and motivated to come get free trees and free tree guards very valuable here, woven small fences that protect trees from the starving goats and cows that ravage vegetation in the dry season and then to outplant them around their fields as "border planting" to benefit their soil, give them firewood, act as a wind break... In the direction of my daydreams
  • Take cuttings during the dry season, let them dry for ten days prior to planting in cactus mix soil. Caladium, candleabra cactus and canna lily: ornamental plants and flowers of tropical Mexico
  • In a dry season for mentors, will a flood of soft-cover leadership slake an anxious thirst?
  • Because of the dry season there was not one tiny drop of water in the river.
  • In the dry season, July to November, the river is an excellent place for observing large numbers of game including lions, leopards, hunting dogs, giraffe, waterbuck, eland and warthogs.
  • It was a ski resort with hardly any snow in winter because their winter was the dry season. Travels with Rosinante
  • We have to wait for the dry season, when the white pomfret breed.

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