How To Use Dry out In A Sentence

  • Some people go to alcohol recovery centers in order to dry out.
  • Put the top back on that felt - tip pen or it will dry out.
  • Local companies have also provided dehumidifiers to dry out the classroom damaged by the van.
  • That tends to dry out in the sun and sand, much like a beachcomber's skin.
  • It is usually prepared with the pargo (sea bream), one that does not readily dry out when exposed to heat because of the fat content of its skin. The cuisine of Nayarit
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  • Fur, leather and suede are manufactured with oils and fats that dry out over time.
  • It was pretty nice to have a full kitchen to whip up some sammies, and a living room and fireplace to warm up and dry out by.
  • However the return of dry conditions over the inland in the late spring (earlier in northern areas) allowed this abundant vegetation to dry out.
  • The washout was caused by heavy rains on Thursday but did not become apparent until the Des Moines track started to dry out on Friday afternoon.
  • If you rake windrows to dry out any stems on the bottom, leaves are apt to crumble and fall away, leaving just sticks for hay.
  • THE CLINIC WAS housed in an ancient hospital where crackpots and rummies went to calm down and dry out. The Almost Archer Sisters
  • So, my job was to dry out the string - I microwaved it, would you believe - and then to hang up the cards.
  • Lipstick will cake and dry out in humidity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Without moisture, our corneas, which serve as protective domes for the front of the eyes, would dry out and could become cloudy or injured.
  • Latest reports say it is now the rainy season in Iraq, the tents are water-logged and troops sleeping on the floor in an aircraft hangar or in an airport until the tents dry out.
  • But it is an acid so use with caution as it could sting or cause a mild allergic inflammation and may dry out the skin. The Sun
  • To prevent this shrinkage, the wet cloth would be placed on a large wooden frame, a "tenter", and left to dry outside. Pam Holland Designs and Productions
  • He went to an expensive clinic to dry out.
  • CAM also occurs in some resurrection plants that are desiccation-tolerant and can shift between biosis and anabiosis as they dry out and are rewatered, respectively.
  • One word of caution, once the inoculant is moistened, use it all & do not let it dry out or you will kill the rhizobia.
  • If the soil is allowed to dry out the tree could die.
  • Paint over the affected area and it will soon dry out and drop off. The Sun
  • After the installation of the heat pump, the underfloor heating was switched on to dry out the new lime plaster and bring life back to the house. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this story a bird is sent down to earth to dry out some of the mud in the primordial slush so that islands can be formed for the Ainu.
  • After the rain, come wind and sun, to dry off the standing water, — to dry out the free water in the surface soil, and to drink up the water of the subsoil, which is slowly drawn from below. Draining for Profit, and Draining for Health
  • Again, don't splash water inside the car because soaked underfelts can take ages to dry out.
  • The chemicals are water-borne and the timber takes a long time to dry out.
  • We have left the paint to dry out.
  • Chemicals like chlorine can get into your contacts and dry out peepers.
  • I was quite alarmed to feel the foils scraping the sand halfway across even at high water, so as I didn't want to get neaped, I retraced my route back to Walney where I decided to dry out for the night.
  • If the soil is allowed to dry out the tree could die.
  • Water the plant regularly and don't let the soil dry out.
  • Turn the oven off, set the door ajar and leave the meringues overnight to dry out. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lipstick will cake and dry out in humidity. Times, Sunday Times
  • They can send the laundry out, they can order food in … but even the airiest apartments turn stuffy after a while. Spitzer in Exile
  • The GCS is fairly close to a road shoe in terms of build and design but with some key differences, like its extra-firm heel, quick-dry outsoles and high-traction treads.
  • Paint over the affected area and it will soon dry out and drop off. The Sun
  • Innovative ink technology won't dry out, even when markers are forgetfully left uncapped for three days.
  • Frequent blowing and rubbing with tissues can dry out the skin on your nose, causing chapping.
  • When left in an unventilated area, or worse yet in the back of a hot car or trunk, wet boots dry out too slowly, accelerating decay of the leather.
  • Sit tight, and hope that when they dry out the vinyl skin will tighten up again.
  • In dry weather, rusty woodsia fronds dry out and curl up, but they can turn green again after a rain.
  • Double-pot small plants or those that dry out quickly such as oxalis, laying in a layer of moist peat between the two pots.
  • She went into a clinic to dry out.
  • Stop watering around April, store the pots upright or on their sides, anywhere convenient - under a greenhouse bench is a good place - and leave them to dry out.
  • Place them in a dark, cool cellar where they will dry out and become dormant.
  • The post excavation procedure included the removal of all mud and adhering material from the bones and placing of the remains in a cabinet where they were allowed to dry out slowly.
  • I felt my lip curl, and the inside of my mouth dry out and tighten as if I had been sucking lemons.
  • Each is taught tasks such as picking up dropped items, opening and closing doors, helping remove clothing, and even emptying laundry out of the washing machine.
  • He checked into Cedars Sinai Hospital to dry out.
  • In fact, bundles will generally dry out to some degree during the summer months.
  • Whoever does not drown is the witch, and we have all sorts of good logs here in Minnesota we can dry out for that eventuality. markgritter noted that this would leave Gov. Barnstorming on an Invisible Segway
  • The same winds dry out the stacked brushwood, which settles imperceptiblyas a pheasant or a leveret, when surprised, settles itself stealthily into the ground. Wildwood
  • If the soil is allowed to dry out the tree could die.
  • Lift bedded out begonias while still in leaf; put them in boxes in a dry shed or greenhouse to dry out and die back gradually.
  • Make sure that the hole you put it into is wet as those little roots can dry out very fast.
  • Deep tillage or applying anhydrous ammonia with knives can dry out the soil, so it could be impossible to place the seed in firm moist soil, even with a hoe drill.
  • The plaster will have to dry out before you can paint the room.
  • If it begins to dry out, spray it with water.
  • She set it down and returned to the window, but no matter how carefully she focused her mind, she simply could not scry Rhodry out. A TIME OF WAR
  • Water the plant regularly, never letting the soil dry out.
  • For the gnocchi: While the potatoes are still warm, scoop out the flesh and allow to dry out for about five minutes.
  • Clay masks cover similar ground as exfoliators by cleaning pores, but they also smooth your skin and dry out pimples.
  • Allow to dry out; a hairdryer or hot air gun helps. Times, Sunday Times
  • Eight dehumidifiers and eight dryers were used to dry out the house, she said.
  • One other great advantage of the plate is that it provides a wide surface upon which to dry out.
  • These three instances may be only the tip of the iceberg as the government can usually rely on acquiescent federal judges or coerced plea bargains to keep most of its dirty laundry out of view.
  • Women who were washing laundry outside their houses, and talking to their neighbour about the latest village gossip, looked up in surprise at the sound of hoof beats.
  • I also had to leave the biscotti in the oven a lot longer than indicated so they would dry out and crisp a little more.
  • Make sure you do this as soon as you empty the demijohns - don't allow them to dry out. Times, Sunday Times
  • The plaster will have to dry out before you can paint the room.
  • Thrush Remedy is an effective treatment that will not stain, sting, or dry out your horse's hooves.
  • Because their diet was so healthful — Cárdenas thought chile and maize tortillas helped to cleanse and "dry out" the bad humors from the body — they rarely suffered from such maladies as "rheumatism, de ijada, urine or stomach [problems]. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • If your bread isn't stale, pre-heat the oven to 215 degrees, cube the bread, and dry out the cubes in the oven for 10 minutes.
  • In addition, toners containing high concentrations of alcohol can dry out the skin and should be avoided.
  • He went to a clinic in Arizona to dry out.
  • Avoid small, unglazed terracotta pots; they dry out too quickly.
  • For amaryllis, allow the bulbs to dry out from mid-August through mid-November, then water and feed to promote bloom.
  • He has my window open and my space heater running to try to dry out the carpet, and he'll replace that if necessary.
  • Over the last 10 years he has steadily built up his smallholding and uses a traditional harvesting method involving a binder that ties the cut straw into sheaves which are then propped together to dry out.
  • Like all other game birds, quail need to be cooked carefully to avoid overcooking, as the flesh can dry out.
  • If the soil is allowed to dry out the tree could die.
  • This colored "taffy" is cut into circles about the size of a tortilla, and hung on a clothesline to dry out a bit more. November in Talpa: month-long celebrations
  • They can send the laundry out, they can order food in ... but even the airiest apartments turn stuffy after a while. Confessions Of Eliot Spitzer: Newsweek
  • During the day, shopkeepers and businesses hang their laundry out to dry in the parking spaces.
  • Each night the boats are dehumidified in their sheds to dry out water absorbed by the hulls.
  • More importantly, we needed a place to let the bikes dry out a bit so we could reoil the chains and gears in the morning. Shift
  • In summer, water the plants regularly and never let the soil dry out.
  • Water the plant regularly and don't let the soil dry out.
  • Water the plant regularly and don't let the soil dry out.
  • You mustn't allow them to dry out completely, but avoid the temptation to overwater. Times, Sunday Times
  • The plaster will have to dry out before you can paint the room.
  • Loss of permafrost increases the potential for many northern shallow lotic systems to dry out from a warmer temperature regime. Effects of climate change on general hydro-ecology in the Arctic
  • Kangaroo meat is very low in fat so it can easily dry out during cooking.
  • By contrast, people who become stagnant at midlife dry out and shrink like prunes.
  • Because of the very low water-cement ratio and the open matrix that allows air movement through the concrete matrix, pervious concrete can dry out very quickly.
  • Potted peppers often have a tendency to dry out faster, drop blossoms and even stop producing fruit after a few seasons.
  • Wood coated with varnish will not dry out and split, will not absorb moisture and rot, is unaffected by dirt and pollution, and will be unstained, by oily or greasy spills.
  • If the markers do dry out, they are easily revived by running the tips under water and recapping overnight.
  • Bitterns are one of the UK's rarest birds, with only 30 breeding pairs left as marshland habitats dry out.
  • Balls then move to the ‘drying room,’ an air-conditioned, dehumidified area where they dry out from the effects of the dampening room.
  • Plant out bowls of hyacinths and daffodils that have finished flowering in the house, before they dry out.
  • Use your chopstick to work soil under the root ball and down to the bottom of the container; this eliminates air pockets that can dry out your roots and kill them.
  • Environmentalists say that diverting water from the river will lower the water table and dry out wells.
  • I felt my lip curl, and the inside of my mouth dry out and tighten as if I had been sucking lemons.
  • It needs to dry out a bit before we can recoat it with a water-based wood preservative.
  • Water the plant regularly, never letting the soil dry out.
  • Allow it to dry out and go dormant in late summer.
  • It condemned the dredging and embankment of the Joumine and Malah canals which dry out the marshes, encourage halophyte growth and access by poachers, and recommended a visitor center and cleaning up pollution from the hammams. Ichkeul National Park, Tunisia
  • What I didn't like was the cruel way the north wind would dry out my lips to such an extent that a huge ugly gash always appeared on my bottom lip.
  • We have left the paint to dry out.
  • I quickly scooped him up and dropped him into his tank of pure spring water so he didn't dry out but I didn't see this lasting long unless he started to win the home-turf advantage coin tosses.
  • The weather would dry out in time to resow the cotton. Excerpt: Mudbound by Hillary Jordan
  • Sugar concentrations will be reduced by wetness on the crop - thus, once these crops dry out they are most likely to be relatively easy to preserve provided they can be ensiled properly.
  • Anderson's wife, Ana, a garden designer, said that because container gardens dry out quickly, she prefers water-wise plants such as English broom, alyssum, sedum or thyme. How to soften the transition from sidewalk to front door
  • She carefully arranged the dishcloth over the faucet so that it would dry out. Rogue Oracle
  • Avoid soap on your areolae and nipples, as it tends to dry out the skin.
  • Inside, the shells are emptied or crammed full of the creatures that created them: waved whelk and wentletraps, oysters and scallops, some of them dead, others trying to re-water themselves or dry out a bit in the sand.
  • My wife had to tape my eye shut and put sauve in my eye to not dry out at night. Former senator Norm Coleman diagnosed with Bell's palsy
  • Environmentalists say that diverting water from the river will lower the water table and dry out wells.
  • The painstakingly raised and restored Vasa and Mary Rose, favourites of Kings Gustavus Adolphus and Henry VIII respectively, are threatened by a chemical reaction as their hoary old timbers dry out.
  • The plaster will have to dry out before you can paint the room.
  • Water the plant regularly and don't let the soil dry out.
  • However, stuffing algebra down the throats of unmotivated students will dry out any seeds of potential interest in the subject.
  • Apparently, the covenants of our homeowners association forbid the airing of laundry outside.
  • Place them in a dark, cool cellar where they will dry out and become dormant.
  • The spots were caused by microbes growing on the painted walls, which had not had the chance to dry out before the burial took place. Times, Sunday Times
  • A restoration company removed all the carpets in the single-story, ranch-style home, and holes were bored to dry out the walls.
  • Environmentalists say that diverting water from the river will lower the water table and dry out wells.
  • South and west exposures dry out more quickly, making these areas ideal for your most drought-and heat-tolerant plants.
  • In summer, water the plants regularly and never let the soil dry out.
  • The astringent action of the alcohol will dry out your skin.
  • And collecting bedding thrown about by the hurricane force winds, pulling the mattresses under the lean-to's and hanging the bedding up to dry out of the drizzle and rain that is expected worldwide.
  • The vegetation of these plains changes more or less continuously throughout the wet-dry cycle, from permanent open water communities, invaded by the waterweed Salvinia molesta, which, with the giant sensitive plant Mimosa pigra, is rampant, and to ephemeral communities of herbs, grasses and sedges associated with seasonally flooded, cracking clay soils that dry out completely in the dry season when the southern hills become a refuge for the Park's fauna. Kakadu National Park, Australia
  • The flood water subsided within an hour, leaving Mr and Mrs Ingram with soggy carpets to dry out.
  • She set it down and returned to the window, but no matter how carefully she focused her mind, she simply could not scry Rhodry out. A TIME OF WAR
  • Using toner also helps combat oil buildup (Olay's contains witch hazel and aloe, so it won't dry out your skin).
  • We left the wood in the shed to dry out.
  • Made of a gelatinous thermoplastic material, the product acts like a solid adhesive and will not dry out.
  • To determine and utilize the proper months or seasons to girdle or fell different kinds of trees: Bald cypress in the swamps of the South are "girdled" in order that they may die, and in a few weeks or months dry out and become light enough to float. Seasoning of Wood
  • Low agricultural lands are now submerged in water due to heavy rains, which will dry out in Autumn and will generate another picturesque view.
  • Inspect and let soil dry out and clean and disinfect saucers under pots.
  • The only cure was to get soaking wet while trying to dry out the distributor that generated the electricity that made the car go.
  • He went to a clinic in Arizona to dry out.
  • It is fairly close to a road shoe in terms of build and design but with some key differences, like its extra-firm heel, quick-dry outsoles and high-traction treads.
  • Remove the potatoes from the pan and leave in a colander for 10 minutes to dry out a little. Times, Sunday Times
  • How could clothes not dry out on a warm sunny day?
  • The spots were caused by microbes growing on the painted walls, which had not had the chance to dry out before the burial took place. Times, Sunday Times
  • Put the top back on that felt - tip pen or it will dry out.

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