
dry kiln

  1. a kiln for drying and seasoning lumber

How To Use dry kiln In A Sentence

  • The Progressive type of dry kiln is adapted to such lines of manufacture that have large quantities of material to kiln-dry where the species to be dried is of a similiar nature or texture, and does not vary to any great extent in its thickness, such, for instance, as: Seasoning of Wood
  • That lumber had to be dry kilned until it was seasoned properly before it could be cut and made into furniture. Oral History Interview with Robert Riley, February 1, 1994. Interview K-0106. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
  • So what we would do was he would take a load of green lumber to Mebane that we had cut at the saw mill and in turn bring back a load of dry kilned to make our furniture. Oral History Interview with Robert Riley, February 1, 1994. Interview K-0106. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
  • While thin stock, such as cooperage and box stuff is less inclined to give trouble by undue checking than 1-inch and thicker, one will find that any dry kiln will give more uniform results and, at the same time, be more economical in the use of steam, when the humidity and temperature is carried at as high a point as possible without injury to the material to be dried. Seasoning of Wood
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