- a small Leclanche cell containing no free liquid; the electrolyte is a paste and the negative zinc pole forms the container of the cell; used in flashlights, portable radios, etc.
How To Use dry cell In A Sentence
- The highest GOX expression levels (1552 units of secreted protein per gram dry cell weight) were achieved with the strain K. marxianus CBS 6556, using an episomal system in which the INU1 promoter and terminator were used to drive heterologous gene expression, together with the INU1 prepro sequence, which was employed to drive secretion of the enzyme. BioMed Central - Latest articles
- Manganese dioxide is used to: manufacture ferroalloys; manufacture dry cell batteries (it's a depolarizer); to "decolorize" glass; to prepare some chemicals, like oxygen and chlorine; and to dry black paints. Manganese
- Evaporation is faster (and accompanied by a slower loss of strength) in a dry cellar, resulting in an undesirably harsh style of brandy.
- This term is employed in contradistinction to the later developed cell, commonly termed the _dry cell_. Cyclopedia of Telephony & Telegraphy Vol. 1 A General Reference Work on Telephony, etc. etc.
- A current from the dry cell _Ba_ is constantly flowing through the main, or so-called potentiometer circuit, _ABCDGEF_. The Working of Steel Annealing, Heat Treating and Hardening of Carbon and Alloy Steel
- Power source by deserve to bring supply of common on lumbar leather belt dry cell.
- Its presence, generally in the order of 0.2 g/g dry cell weight in most cryptobionts, enables them to resist extreme dehydration, high temperatures, X-rays and also, in some species of tardigrades, pressures as high as 600 MPa.
- The gravity cell, while cheap and effective, is inconvenient for general use, owing to the fact that it cannot be easily transported, and the _dry cell_ has largely supplanted all others, because of the ease with which it can be taken from place to place. General Science
- Over the past three decades we and others have established that disaccharides such as trehalose and sucrose are almost certainly involved in stabilizing the dry cells.