How To Use Drunk In A Sentence

  • Two workboats, ancient battered things with rusting plates, shouldered into it from either side like a couple of drunks supporting a comatose companion.
  • Paraguay tea, which they call matte, as I mentioned before, is always drunk twice a day: this is brought upon a large silver salver, with four legs raised upon it, to receive a little cup made out of a small calabash or gourd, and tipped with silver. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume 17 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
  • And if from this conjunction a baby was born, the infernal rite was resumed, all around a little jar of wine, which they called the keg, and they became drunk and would cut the baby to pieces, and pour its blood into the goblet, and they threw babies on the fire, still alive, and they mixed the baby's ashes and his blood, and drank! The Name of the Rose
  • The faces he recognized were those of the laziest and most incapable workmen in the town -- men whose weekly wages were habitually docked for drunkenness, late hours, and botchy work. The Bread-winners A Social Study
  • He is rolling drunk.
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  • The guest got very drunk so they bundled him into a taxi and sent him home.
  • A drunk was standing in the middle of the street, swaying uncertainly and trying hard to stay upright.
  • Not so with this trivial, lawless country club set of the 1920's, drunk part of the time and reckless all of it, codeless, dutiless, restless. Definitions: Essays in Contemporary Criticism
  • It cannot be smoked, drunk or gambled away. Times, Sunday Times
  • The mobs of drunken men are whooping it up upstairs.
  • Around me the room was pleasantly dark, rolling in drunken contentedness.
  • On the sidewalk Soapy began to yell drunken gibberish at the top of his harsh voice.
  • There's no insight into Alexander's transition from beloved leader to drunken megalomaniac; one minute he has his subjects hanging on his every word, and then next thing you know he's declaring himself a god.
  • The wandering wraiths, addicts and drunks that you see around town didn't just come about out of the blue - they were produced by the education system.
  • Some of his more drunken friends burst into song.
  • The manciple accuses the cook of being drunk, and the cook falls off his horse after giving the Manciple a dirty look.
  • My dad was pulled for drunk driving.
  • The airline fired him for being drunk.
  • The laughter wasn't very loud, it sounded normal, unlike the laughter of a madman, or a drunken pirate.
  • She soon became very drunk and forgot about mankind, so they were saved from destruction.
  • If you buy into the grave danger proposed exception to jl, I wonder how drunk the guy has to be to constitue grave danger. The Volokh Conspiracy » Chief Justice Roberts Dissents from Denial of Fourth Amendment Case — Again
  • Everyone became equally loud, crude and garrulous, the technically sober behaving identically to the genuinely drunk.
  • The jury later wrote to the coroner, deploring the fact that an unseaworthy ship could put to sea with a drunken captain.
  • I'm just still in a daze, wandering round the town centre at lunch, like some half-cut junkie, drunk on death.
  • He's apologizing for what he calls his despicable words after he was arrested for drunken driving. CNN Transcript Jul 31, 2006
  • Now he sits before a half-drunk coffee, a plate of untouched biscuits and an overflowing ashtray.
  • When standing on the dancefloor, I could have been in any typical club around Leicester Square or Piccadilly Circus… plenty of drunks, try-hards, sleazes, idiots, and easy girls all packed in.
  • Guess it would have been OK if the discombobulated old drunk had skittled some kid on a zebra crossing.
  • Tenements, rookeries, and cheap rooming districts exercised a huge symbolic power over the public imagination as centres of vice, squalor, drunkenness, traffic in sex and stolen goods, and general depravity.
  • Overeating and drunkenness both violated social moral codes, although the latter appears to have been a much weightier transgression: intoxication is frequently listed among the serious crimes — "pleasurable living," adultery, theft — mentioned by Sahagún's informants. 47 Indigenous drinking practices also shocked Spaniards who had their own ideals of moderation when it came to alcohol consumption, a topic that we look at in Chapter 4. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • I have not seen such a drunken shambles for ages - he was really struggling, slurring his words, the lot.
  • He was frequently drunk and died when she was young. Times, Sunday Times
  • He must have been very drunk, for at last the heavy sleep gripped him with the suddenness of a magic spell, and the last word lengthened itself into an interminable, noisy, in-drawn snore. Youth And Two Other Stories
  • Weave a circle round him thrice, And close your eyes with holy dread, For he on honey-dew hath fed And drunk the milk of Paradise.
  • Every year at Christmas drunken driving takes its toll.
  • In a language that invents descriptive terms with drunken abandon, all food writers suffer from the meagre cupboard of gastronomic terms. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said tougher standards were needed to crack down on thugs and drunken yobs.
  • This child spent his first eleven years in San Francisco, trailing his father up and down the hills, watching him swim in San Francisco Bay, and cringing from the blows that a drunken dad might aim at his head. Robert Frost
  • He said he had drunk around 13 vodkas and ten pints of lager during the day.
  • People who drives when they are drunk should be heavily penalised.
  • Surely, days of giggling about drunken escapades were long gone, too?
  • The state makes almost a quarter of each year's wine production into brandy and the aniseed-flavoured spirit raki (like arak) which, drunk with water, is the Turks' favoured alcoholic drink.
  • They are extremely handsome and sensual, and glory in a drunken brawl.
  • It can be tough when your father, the prime minister, has just indulged in pulpitry about drunken yobs.
  • Contrary to popular myth , the majority of accidents are not caused by speeding or drunkenness.
  • He was so drunk that he had lost the power of speech.
  • ‘I'm not anti-Semitic,’ Ken tells his ex-wife during a drunken barney at a New Year party.
  • The landlord refused to serve him because he considered him too drunk.
  • Surely, as this puny, completely drunk man lay on top of that poor child, any one of them could have yanked him off?
  • The coffee mug hovered halfway to his mouth, undrunk, as he watched Project Runway with rapt attention. My Fair Succubi
  • Before the night was over he was going to beat the shit out of that no-good, fucking drunk.
  • Will drunk college students attempt to scale the seven metre structure?
  • Her speech was slurred but she still denied she was drunk.
  • My country, right or wrong," is a thing that no patriot would think of saying except in a desperate case. It is like saying, "My mother, drunk or sober.". G.K. Chesterton 
  • Basically, it's stuff to get drunk with; that is really what alcohol is for.
  • They will deduce that there are fewer officers on the lookout for proper offenders, such as drunken drivers or those without insurance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Does he feel there would be fewer drunk driving convictions if these cases were judged by juries as opposed to a judge?
  • The visiting pack were in awesome form, consistently making ground at the edges of the rucks and gradually wearing down the home eight, who by the end resembled a bunch of bedraggled and punch-drunk boxers.
  • The landlord refused to serve him because he considered him too drunk.
  • Why, if Ponce de Leon had found the fountain of youth and drunk of it as bibulously as we are apt to guzzle the cup of achievement, he would not only have arrested the forward march of time, but would have over-reached himself and slipped backward through the years of his age to become a chronic infant in arms. The Joyful Heart
  • Some come buzzing drunkenly off the ceiling, motor around loudly, and butt against the light.
  • The drunk was picking at one of his pockets, he had pulled it inside out.
  • ‘You must have drunk a lot of orange juice,’ he said, implying I would have been safer with turps.
  • Because to be dribbling drunk in front of a sober person is simply too embarrassing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not only this, but, fortified by the fact that I had drunk his lager by mistake, Ken managed to hit the winning double in the second leg of the last match.
  • He got drunk and had a fight with Jim.
  • Perhaps it was her upbringing in the slums of Dundee, where squalor and drunkenness were a sad part of daily life, that made her more able to cope.
  • This is a play where priests are elderly and drunk, old ladies mutter curses and blessings, supernatural visions are everywhere and nobody can open their mouth without uttering a mystical insight.
  • It was claimed that after fleeing the property, Kilcullen drunkenly telephoned police and said he had carried out the attack because he was "skint".
  • Civil injunctions are enforced by the court staff and not by the police, but there is no means of calling out the tipstaff or bailiff at midnight on a Saturday night to deal with a drunken partner.
  • Police say they are winning the war against violent drunks who cause mayhem in the West End of the city at weekends.
  • The first time he had drunk it he had been violently sick, then had fallen to the ground in a dead faint as the mildly poisonous root exploded through his system.
  • Glastonbury is stereotypically viewed as a four-day binge for mud-caked, drunken teenagers.
  • Hey, some of the greatest drunks of history were winos.
  • But if (to borrow language from the mint of Gorgias86), if only the attendants will bedew us with a frequent mizzle87 of small glasses, we shall not be violently driven on by wine to drunkenness, but with sweet seduction reach the goal of sportive levity. Symposium
  • Then he let the cony-catcher go and returned home, drunken with chagrin and concern as with wine. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Spade in hand, with his head full of Roman castrametation and geometrical problems, a prince, scarce emerged from boyhood, presents himself on that stage where grizzled Mansfelds, drunken Hohenlos, and truculent Verdugos have been so long enacting, that artless military drama which consists of hard knocks and wholesale massacres. History of the United Netherlands, 1590-99 — Complete
  • He was not a harmless old drunk, but a bigoted, racist reactionary who made a fortune from the oil industry.
  • Tak the drunkard frae his whusky, the deboshed frae his debosh, the sweirer frae his aiths, the leear frae his lees; and giena ony o 'them ower muckle o' yer siller at ance, for fear 'at they grow fat an' kick an 'defy God and you. Robert Falconer
  • AOC Chablis is straightforward Chablis and better in quality than Petit Chablis, which is grown on outlining areas and is best drunk young, between two and four years. The Draw of Chablis
  • He was drunk; he seemed excited and tired, as if he had just come down off methedrine.
  • He had been in a drunken street brawl.
  • That's a lot of pressure to be putting on kids who basically just want to get drunk, hang out, and cruise chicks.
  • Eight objectors have written to the council saying a new licence would mean loud music, late night drunks, loss of parking and damage to their cars.
  • All crimes great and small could be traced to postcapitalist avarice, egoism, sloth, parasitism, drunkenness, religious prejudices or inherited depravity. Gorky Park
  • Here we stopped for a day and a night that Xavier and his crew might get properly drunk on tafia, while Nick and I walked about the town and waited until his Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Winston Churchill
  • On the other side they were considered as wild red necks, rowdies and drunks.
  • She points to the Oscar Party Legs, the ones a drunken Jack Nicholson tried to violate after he won for Cuckoo's Nest, and the understated Nonprofit Fundraiser Legs she wore to Jerry Lewis Telethons, and the fake-tanned State Dinner with Reagan and Gorbachev Legs that the Secretary of State made her cover up with a long hemline, because their shade matched Gorbachev's birthmark. Centipede
  • The water has not been ‘predrunk’; it is not abstracted from a river and is as good as the best water you could find anywhere, even bottled.
  • Maury doffed his fedora and ran a hand through his scarecrow hair and told me that he had lived in terror as a boy because his father was a drunk.
  • I still hope to find out what motivated a Psy female to have sex with a drunk Changeling male (in Dorian's past)? Hostage to Pleasure Release!!
  • The drunk, singular in his rebellion, had bitten her hand while they pinioned his limbs down.
  • The weekend's traffic effort from the Gardai was part of a national push to clamp down on dangerous and drunken driving.
  • Drunkenness in its first degree presents you with a miniature picture of the symptoms of the more advanced stages of ebriose poisoning.
  • Not only this, but, fortified by the fact that I had drunk his lager by mistake, Ken managed to hit the winning double in the second leg of the last match.
  • | Reply | Permalink yes, jimmy raised billy, made him a drunk. and i don't recall the neanderthal ravings of hugh rodham. enlighten me. GOP Senate Candidate's Son: "Slavery Gets Shit Done"
  • One man was so drunk as to be barely conscious.
  • Joe had never been privy to her thoughts and fears and dreams and giggling drunken confessions in the same unguarded way Chrissie had. FALLEN WOMEN
  • In the 1970s, a third of drivers killed had drunk more than the law allowed. Times, Sunday Times
  • That the body (which is received and eaten,) is the _proper_ and _natural body_ (der rechte natuerliche Leib) of Christ, _which hung upon the cross; _ and the blood (which is drunk) is the _proper_ and _natural blood_ (das rechte natuerliche Blut) _which flowed from the side of Christ_. ' American Lutheranism Vindicated; or, Examination of the Lutheran Symbols, on Certain Disputed Topics Including a Reply to the Plea of Rev. W. J. Mann
  • Bob's speech was slurred, and he sounded drunk.
  • He talked of his harsh, unsympathetic upbringing in which his often drunken father physically abused his wife and children.
  • Cola said a blitz on drunken drivers over a seven-hour period resulted in 17 arrests.
  • At the same time he paints a sad picture of the dreamland inhabited by his drunks, druggies and small-time punks.
  • So I thought until I was stuck in traffic for a good hour and a half on elmwood, as drunk irish frat guys screamed "HEY" to me, or someone else in the road. Drunk & Irish
  • A witness gave testimony that the accused was drunk.
  • Nutrient expert thinks, teenager period should nurturance is drunk " macrobian soya-bean milk " habit, this has profit greatly to preventing cardiovascular disease in the future.
  • In the same way that slimming pills claim to make you feel full without eating, these pills make it possible to feel drunk without actually consuming excessive alcohol.
  • Dad is a crofter and a raddled drunk, who has an accident with a sheep that puts him in bed for a few days.
  • That was until someone rapped on her door and her eyes open, the sun glaring into the window like a cop with a flashlight going to a car full of drunken teens.
  • `Elaine," he said, and at first she thought he was drunk but then heard the resolute, clear, unarguable: `I can't come here anymore! DANSVILLE
  • Markham suggests colewort - a sort of cabbage - boiled in ale, the ale to be drunk at every meal.
  • Which has been improved by some, on this side the water, into an excuse for getting drunk every day in the week, for fear that the _specific day_ should be missed. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 13, No. 352, January 17, 1829
  • During that time he was savagely beaten, he built and renovated a small house for himself, panhandled, spent days on end drunk, took drugs, rode along on thieving runs and stood in soup kitchen lines.
  • Kibo and I found him and I never should have told them and I should have kept him secret and had him always and let them stay drunk at the beer shamba. Hemingway on Hunting
  • He gave the women at the bar a drunken leer.
  • I had a terrible head and was extraordinarily drunk.
  • He was so drunk he fell over in the road.
  • He went from tipsy to very drunk in an instant. The Sun
  • Dent started to walk away, but was arrested after swearing at police. He had already been fined for two other drunken episodes in April.
  • With the painstaking dignity of an all-day drunk, he said: Day of Honey
  • Will the driverless car refuse to carry drunks? Times, Sunday Times
  • I went out and got well and truly drunk.
  • I got my bearings reasonably quickly, though, despite spending more time drunk than sober in the city centre.
  • Their suffering is generally caused by adults: a parent has died, or run off, or otherwise acted irresponsibly, drunkenly, selfishly, dissolutely.
  • He stumbles through the movie wearing the glazed expression of a hopeless drunk.
  • She decided it was a good thing he'd been drunk - an unexpected bonus; she was perfectly certain he didn't normally imbibe to excess. ON A WICKED DAWN
  • Apart from the single ecstasy dose, she believed she had drunk only a glass of wine that night.
  • He was more than just a drunk, the father; he was a kind of Micawber, a lawyer with big ideas and inventions that didn't sell. Undefined
  • Engle makes Sherry adorably effective as an effable, devoted (brings his lunch to work) wife who deals reasonably well with that pesky little transgression and is funny as hell when she learns while drunk that Joe's old flame is married to the renegade preacher. James Scarborough: Bail Me Out, the Hudson Guild Theatre
  • (For those that are Christians among them, as namely the Russians, Grecians, and Alanians, who keep their own law very strictly, wil in no case drinke thereof, yea, they accompt themselues no Christians after they haue once drunke of it, and their priests reconcile them vnto the Church as if they had renounced the Christian faith.) The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
  • Since when does a misdemeanor drunk - in - public need 2 detectives?
  • The fact of the matter was that her brain was reeling about, punch-drunk after the twelve-round contest of this interminable day. LAST SHOT
  • The only Nickleback song I like is the one about getting feloniously drunk and breaking stuff. The Nervous Breakdown
  • Could it be the drunken, tight-fisted old mother?
  • The tea has to draw before being drunk.
  • One night, I observed a group of drunken men waiting half an hour for the red lights to appear.
  • Now he was silently, morosely drunk and, as the evenings progressed , soddenly drunk.
  • It's like watching a sober guy walk his drunk friend home; just one stumble and they both hit the sidewalk.
  • Given that there was no question of drunk driving, we were fairly insistent on being told what we were being pulled over for.
  • I wasn't a goody-goody; I mean, I drank at parties and all, but I generally found getting drunk seemed to be both dangerous and pointless.
  • One afternoon everybody (except the sheriffs) were put on alert, because the "south-side" car was planning on making some pruno, and inside the walls of the camp that meant drunken gang members, which led to riots, usually. Strange Reaction
  • Her drunken antics this week almost made me switch off. The Sun
  • The driver arrested after the accident which killed former president Nelson Mandela's great grandchild will face a charge of drunken driving and culpable homicide, Gauteng police said.
  • I am off to my sister's house for a night of drunken revelry and debauchery.
  • The water here is clear and rippling and can be drunk directly.
  • Their traditional accompaniment is salsa borracha - “drunken sauce” - made with pasilla chiles and pulque. Wrap It Up: A Guide To Mexican Street Tacos - Part I
  • When you work in a student bar, how can you not expect to have drunk people puking, fighting and putting gum in ashtrays?
  • The result is a vodka with silken, subtle flavors that, unlike most, can be served at room temperature rather than chilled and can be drunk as a digestive as well as in a martini or a mixer.
  • I drunkenly choked on the beer I was drinking at the time and felt suddenly sexually unsure about not only men in general but women in general as well.
  • Kurosawa initiated his best work in 1948 with Drunken Angel , in which he teamed Takashi Shimura ( as a blustery alcoholic doctor ) and a young Toshiro Mifune ( as a hotheaded gangster ) .
  • In upcoming scenes, the two have a drunken row and she dashes across the road. The Sun
  • When drunk frequently or in large quantities, alcohol is addictive.
  • Every year we put a tree in water, and every year the water gets undrunk. Dec. 14: Goodbye! Maybe. Or not. Sigh. – The Bleat.
  • I saw nothing of the man but his posture of loose-limbed, helpless drunkenness and the ill-assorted covering of filthy clothing that concealed it.
  • Also, I have now tried all the kinds of tisane in the house and sorted them for which ones are to go find themselves new homes and which ones are to get drunk up by me. Barnstorming on an Invisible Segway
  • She had had three experiences in which she had collapsed in a "drunken" stupor while driving her car. An Alternative Approach to Allergies
  • And of course the extra booze drunk during festivities can quickly cause a gut to expand.
  • FYI he will face a longer sentence than under the law you pined for and he wasn't legally drunk. Getting Rid of the Ride-Free Zone « PubliCola
  • Besides, there's various degrees of drunkenness, the term bein 'relative. The Texan A Story of the Cattle Country
  • At least drunk drivers look out of their windscreen. The Sun
  • One witness to the accident said the driver appeared to be drunk.
  • There can be found a different class of drunk, swilling back copious amounts of G and T or champagne and stuffing their faces with complimentary food.
  • He said he had not a stiver, but he was drunk enough. Lay Morals
  • Macy is bound and determined to make Frank utterly unlovable, which is to say an actual drunk - despite what - News
  • The old lady is going to throw my ass out of the house for getting drunk and puking on my new shirt!
  • ‘She's drunk,’ Matt realized suddenly, his mouth hanging open in disbelief.
  • Naples was altogether different, but even here it must be admitted that her conception of deserving people was not at all that set forth in those novels of Dostoievski which Albertine had taken from my shelves and devoured, that is to say in the guise of wheedling parasites, thieves, drunkards, at one moment stupid, at another insolent, debauchees, at a pinch murderers. The Captive
  • At night, our brainy babe sports a bikini, hits the local dive, and does the naked frug in front of a bunch of drunken longshoremen.
  • Tom got into a drunken brawl in a bar.
  • Rome would be the gainer by it if her very constables were elected to serve a century; for in our experience we have never even been able to choose a dog-pelter without celebrating the event with a dozen knockdowns and a general cramming of the station-house with drunken vagabonds overnight. Sketches New And Old
  • The first toast at every festival here was drunk in his honour, and, besides the first of May, one day in every week was held sacred to him, and, from his Saxon name, Woden, was called Woden's day, whence the English word "Wednesday" has been derived. Myths of the Norsemen From the Eddas and Sagas
  • Apparently sensitive to criticism, the bull forgot all about the matador and charged at the drunk.
  • The rest of the village was in full attendance, for it was not every day in the week that the "tambour," the town-crier, had business enough to render his appearance, in his official capacity, necessary; as a mere townsman he was to be seen any hour of the day, as drunk as a lord, at the sign of "L'Ami Fidèle. In and out of Three Normady Inns
  • Commanders were to deglamorize drinking, educate service members on its harmful effects, punish drunken driving severely, and de-emphasize alcohol at social functions.
  • Though I never touched a drop of booze that day, I had a drunken smile on my face from start to finish.
  • I got completely drunk at my sister's wedding.
  • Then the cup went round and they drank late into the night, and when they had drunk the voidee cup, Osberne led the newcomer to the guest-chamber, and kissed him with good-night, but made no show of knowing who he was. The Sundering Flood
  • Were you surprised to see those drunk scruffy bastards start moshing?
  • They will deduce that there are fewer officers on the lookout for proper offenders, such as drunken drivers or those without insurance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her father was supposed to do it, but he is too drunk, so Tess and Abraham load the wagon and begin the journey to market.
  • I was sitting around the fire pit in my backyard with a handful of straight male friends when drunken conversation inevitably turned to sex.
  • Link ahem…As a finnish person, i feel it necessarily to point out that finland is only a tango loving, drunk suicidal depressed nation…it is also the nation where Santa lives :D if you post a postcard in europe, asia and africa atleast adressed to “santa” will end up in Rovaniemi, Finland. A Rare Day in the Limelight - The Caucus Blog -
  • I had a conversation of sorts with a very drunk man at the bus stop.
  • When one of our children, nieces or nephews or close friend is killed or maimed by a drunk driver it will be too late.
  • Burgundy's pinot noir is regularly drunk with game birds, wild fowl and boar.
  • William was lying spread-eagled on the grass, blind drunk.
  • It would be tragic if he suffers yet another body blow, fails to recognise it, and chooses to remain in the fray punch-drunk and disoriented.
  • She smashed up his car in a drunken rage.
  • A haven of genteel entertainment might persuade local residents that there were pleasurable and respectable alternatives to a knock-down drunken blowout every weekend.
  • Again, I'm prepared to be wrong about this, but I don't see cashiering McChrystal happening, given that the depiction of the "rift" here amounts to some personal slights, some unguarded drunk-talk among aides, and McChrystal's sincere belief that Karl Eikenberry's criticisms felt like a "betrayal" from a friend. Stanley McChrystal Under Fire: What Does It Mean For Counterinsurgency Strategy?
  • They'll deny it to the day they die, but if my parents met any other way than by stumbling drunkenly into each other at some kegger, I'll eat my shoe.
  • While the figures for drug-driving are lower than drunk-driving, they show that almost a quarter (22%) of the drug-users surveyed did drive within a few hours of taking drugs.
  • Drunk or sober, he was driven by a manic energy and impatience that made him a difficult friend and an almost impossible husband and father.
  • The last festival I went to was terrorised by drunken yobbos and violent episodes.
  • I couldn't understand what the man was saying; he was as drunk as a lord.
  • I eventually found them in a bar, both as drunk as skunks.
  • He got drunk three times a week and made copious notes about Kate Molland and the human condition in his journal.
  • As one of the Algonquin wags might put it when too drunk for fresher bon mots, the dame was STACKED. The Favored Five
  • So from a form like Mid IE *maxéd̰a- 'to rejoice', we can simply proceed as I had explained in my previous post which relies on a certain phonotactic-based rule I'm now hypothesizing during the Pre-IE event of Syncope that changes initial sequences of expected **CHe- (C = continuant, H = laryngeal) to *Cä- instead (MIE *maxéd̰a- 'to be rejoiceful' eLIE *mäd̰- PIE *mad- 'to be drunk'). Drinking in more of the drunk-joy connection

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