
drum roll

  1. the sound of a drum (especially a snare drum) beaten rapidly and continuously

How To Use drum roll In A Sentence

  • The snares are a fundamental ingredient to the drum roll as they help blend together distinct strokes that are therefore perceived as a single sustained sound.
  • The Jumbo Queen throne is rolled out onto the stage, and a drum roll builds to a crescendo.
  • And the number one reason why republicans think President Obama should be impeached is … (insert drum roll) 1-He’s an uppity negro Think Progress » ‘Impeach Obama’ billboard ‘not meant to allege any impeachable offense.’
  • A long drum roll introduced the trapeze artists.
  • The opening of Haydn's 'Drum Roll' is fittingly ominous.
  • Suddenly, a drum roll was heard along with the striking of drumsticks on cymbals.
  • They reached their instruments and the drummer gave a drum roll to signify that they were ready.
  • Each of them held a card in their hands, and with a drum roll, Mrs. Livingston announced the Prom Princes.
  • That is what I call drum roll, please, the ethic of identity. The ethic of identity « BuzzMachine
  • Suddenly, a drum roll was heard along with the striking of drumsticks on cymbals.
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