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How To Use Druggist In A Sentence

  • ‘Only the druggist down at the corner,’ replied the patient.
  • = -- Although the makers have claimed special virtues for this remedy, it is in reality an extract of hamamelis or witch-hazel, and probably differs little in its application or results from the ordinary marketed extract made by the average druggist. The Home Medical Library, Volume II (of VI)
  • It took a little longer that it should have because the druggist had to check hundreds of tiny bottles until he found the right ointment.
  • Not only do druggists lose sales, but purchases of other products - from sunscreen to pantyhose - also shrink.
  • Take half an ounce of samphire, dissolve it in two ounces of aquævitæ, add to it one ounce of quicksilver, one ounce of liquid storax, which is the droppings of Myrrh and hinders the camphire from firing; take also two ounces of hematitus, a red stone to be had at the druggist's, and when you buy it let them beat it to powder in their great mortar, for it is so very hard that it cannot be done in a small one; put this to the afore-mentioned composition, and when you intend to walk on the bar you must annoint your feet well therewith, and you may walk over without danger: by this you may wash your hands in boiling lead. Miracle Mongers and Their Methods
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  • These images were successfully adapted by manufacturers, druggists, and beauty salons to promote the sale of skincare products.
  • Instead, Maureen returned to the nearest town of any substance, several hours away by road, and in sign language described to a druggist what she had seen.
  • The druggist was indignant at what he called the manoeuvres of the priest; they were prejudicial, he said, to Hippolyte’s convalescence, and he kept repeating to Madame Lefrancois, Madame Bovary
  • The reader may choose to think of him as possibly no more than a sublunary druggist; it may be so, but my faith is better — I believe him to have evanesced, 11 or evaporated. Confessions of an English Opium-Eater
  • The druggist was indignant at what he called the manoeuvres of the priest; they were prejudicial, he said, to Hippolyte's convalescence, and he kept repeating to Madame Lefrancois, "Leave him alone! leave him alone! Madame Bovary
  • To the bootleggers, speakeasy operators, crooked druggists, fake rabbis, fallen priests, alky cookers, and various other violators dragged into court, the fines were simply fractional additions to their overhead. LAST CALL
  • Something that makes the druggist rich, the doctor rich, the company rich. BAD MEDICINE
  • At the register the druggist tells her ‘If you're going to use this under your arms don't use deodorant for a few days.’
  • The druggist suggested a preparation to relieve the ache.
  • The centre is equipped with a dispensary having all herbal medicines and expert druggists from the AVP.
  • These images were successfully adapted by manufacturers, druggists, and beauty salons to promote the sale of skincare products.
  • The druggist measured out a bottle of cough mixture according to the prescription.
  • “I have begun to import dripstones from Teneriffe, and thought of you immediately,” said Cousin James-the-druggist, tucking the dripstone back into the box. Morgan’s Run
  • Richard knew of oranges, as did a few others; he had read that some great houses contained “orangeries” and had once seen an orange displayed by Cousin James-the-druggist, who imported lemons to obtain their oil. Morgan’s Run
  • The druggist filled the doctor's prescription.
  • But the druggist said that he would cure himself with an antiphlogistic pomade of his own composition, and he gave his address — “Monsieur Homais, near the market, pretty well known.” Madame Bovary
  • Sales to addicts were rationalized by the realization that spurned customers could simply go to another druggist - or a street dealer.
  • Recently, some pharmacists have refused to sell the morning-after pill or refer patients to other druggists, citing moral beliefs.
  • The son of a Nottingham druggist and shopkeeper, he moved to London early in life and established himself as a publisher and editor.
  • The first Koreans to move to American were ginseng dealers, who disembarked in Hawaii in 1896, and grocers and druggists soon followed.
  • From there, Eli went home to Cerro Gordo, where he got married, became the town druggist, served as postmaster, and eventually started up three newspapers.
  • He kissed his hand to her, sipped from his condensed milk can a man-size drink of druggist's alcohol, and to her again kissed her hand. THE PRINCESS
  • By our leading English druggists are now dispensed a _succus verbasci_ (Mullein juice), of which the dose is from half to one teaspoonful; a tincture of _Verbascum_ (Mullein), the dose of which is from half-a-teaspoonful to two teaspoonfuls; and an infusion of Mullein, in doses of from one to four tablespoonfuls. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • On the Place he was accosted by the blind man, who, having dragged himself as far as Yonville, in the hope of getting the antiphlogistic pomade, was asking every passer-by where the druggist lived. Madame Bovary
  • The plate was first coated with collodion, a toxic and inflammable mixture that could be bought from druggists since in its simple state it was used to dress wounds.
  • Both would appear seven years later in It's a Wonderful Life, as Clarence the Angel and Mr. Gower, the druggist, respectively.
  • He calls the druggist and gets it fixed, but doesn't complain to the man's boss.
  • Oh for the good old days when it was acceptable to go to the druggist, whisper “paregoric” to him/her, and a few drops brought blessed silence! The Sound Of Crazy | Her Bad Mother
  • Here is the The Druggist's General Receipt Book's intrepretation of the "Turkish" and "Arabic" dishes of palamoud and racahout as fortifying drinks based on chocolate. The Old Foodie
  • Oh for the good old days when it was acceptable to go to the druggist, whisper "paregoric" to him/her, and a few drops brought blessed silence! The Sound Of Crazy
  • It was the druggist herself I spoke to, not a clerk.
  • The druggist dispensed a prescription.
  • The plate was first coated with collodion, a toxic and inflammable mixture that could be bought from druggists since in its simple state it was used to dress wounds.
  • I know you cut it close to the wire, but I hardly think a chat with the druggist would've made much difference.
  • Take half an ounce of samphire, dissolve it in two ounces of aquaevitae, add to it one ounce of quicksilver, one ounce of liquid storax, which is the droppings of Myrrh and hinders the camphire from firing; take also two ounces of hematitus, a red stone to be had at the druggist's, and when you buy it let them beat it to powder in their great mortar, for it is so very hard that it cannot be done in a small one; put this to the afore-mentioned composition, and when you intend to walk on the bar you must annoint your feet well therewith, and you may walk over without danger: by this you may wash your hands in boiling lead. The Miracle Mongers, an Exposé
  • What grocer, hardwareman, druggist, or any other of the different tradesmen of the metropolis, ever wrought out of nothing the majestic structures or the enormous traffic which is represented by some of our dry goods concerns. The Continental Monthly , Vol. 2 No. 5, November 1862 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • My druggist assures me it has no narcotics, mainly Tylenol.
  • I know of some immortal poems that were written by a druggist's clerk, and some by a gager of liquid barrels, but none by a cable-car conductor. The Journal of Arthur Stirling : the Valley of the Shadow
  • Spermaceti was known, probably from classical times onwards, as a rare and precious unguent, "resolutive and mollifying," as M. Pomel, "chief druggist to the late French King Louis XIV," says in his treatise on drugs, translated into English in 1737. More Science From an Easy Chair
  • An elderly woman, who happened to be the druggist's wife, asked us questions about our home town, Army life, our business in Troy, etc.
  • This dame, the cateress, hired me to carry a load and took me first to the shop of a vintner, then to the booth of a butcher; thence to the stall of a fruiterer; thence to a grocer who also sold dry fruits; thence to a confectioner and a perfumer cum druggist and from him to this place where there happened to me with you what happened. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The large show carboys in the window, containing coloured water, became the familiar sign of the chemist and druggist.
  • Marie shredded the book's pages, enclosed the shreds within gel capsules, put the capsules inside a glass druggist's bottle, and sealed the bottle with a cork stopper.
  • These, not being officinal, fail to find a place on the shelves of the ordinary Pharmaceutical druggist. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • Out of the saloon he went and met Sylvester West the druggist stumbling along in the kind of heavy overshoes called arctics.
  • This dame, the cateress, hired me to carry a load and took me first to the shop of a vintner, then to the booth of a butcher; thence to the stall of a fruiterer; thence to a grocer who also sold dry fruits; thence to a confectioner and a perfumer cum druggist and from him to this place where there happened to me with you what happened. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • While she taught high school, Duke's late husband, a druggist in town, served as county sheriff for sixteen years.
  • [485] Our druggists supply an officinal tincture of Colchicum Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • These all depended on hand cutting and rolling of the pills, usually done by the druggist who dispensed the medicine.
  • The druggist suggested a preparation to relieve the ache.
  • He knows the characters' feelings, and alternately takes on the roles of narrator, philosophical druggist, host, master of ceremonies, commentator and friend to the audience.
  • There's a funny scene in The Summer of '42 where teenage boys try to buy rubbers from a suspicious druggist. April 2005
  • When the druggist's wife saw this, she said to her, "O my lady Miriam what aileth thee that I see thy case changed and thy face grown pale and show disfeatured? Arabian nights. English
  • The tincture of "kino" -- of which from ten to thirty drops, mixed with a little sugar and water in a spoon, and given every two or three hours, is very efficacious and harmless -- can be procured at almost any druggist's. The Whitehouse Cookbook (1887) The Whole Comprising a Comprehensive Cyclopedia of Information for the Home
  • He left the grammar school in Narberth at fifteen to become apprenticed to a Narberth druggist.
  • A small glazed earthenware jar formerly used by druggists for medicaments.
  • The growing presence of everyday medical practitioners, like apothecaries and druggists, made magic obsolete.
  • A small glazed earthenware jar formerly used by druggists for medicaments.
  • An alki-stiff is a tramp who drinks druggist's alcohol. Chapter 13
  • “A dripstone,” said Cousin James-the-druggist proudly. Morgan’s Run

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