How To Use drug-addicted In A Sentence
- But Rick realizes that the drug-addicted teenager who committed the ugly crimes has grown into a different person.
- I hear the paste-eater is a drug-addicted whackjob who has imaginery conversations with his drugs (um, I did a lot of drugs and they never, uh, talked to me), the telcos are actively helping the government spy on us (um, duh) and lying about it, the Right is crying their mascara-stained eyes out for some civility the turd blossom might get indicted and even Newt “killing-the-government-to-save-it” Gingrich knows when to jump ship. Think Progress » Gingrich on NSA Phone Records Program: Administration’s Conduct Can’t ‘Be Defended By Reasonable People’
- Unfortunately, there's a dirty cheater willing to do anything to win, even if that means shafting the dean's high-strung, drug-addicted genius son.
- Limbaugh is a blubbery, drug-addicted hypocrite — the perfect face of the Republican Party. zooman Says: Matthew Yglesias » John McCain, Dittohead
- But Rick realizes that the drug-addicted teenager who committed the ugly crimes has grown into a different person.
- Judges and magistrates in the Doncaster area have been told to stop using a new style of sentencing aimed at reforming drug-addicted criminals because the initiative has run out of funding.
- GOLD:An aging artist who is losing his vision employs a drug-addicted street hustler to paint his paintings for him in a mutual quest for salvation.
- Mr. Zhao said that unlike Mr. Ai, he did not directly oppose the party, though his subjects, from oppressed peasants to drug-addicted rock musicians, live on China's margins.
- Third, reduce the number of offenders under long-term parole supervision and stop sending technical violators back to prison (particularly where it comes to drug-addicted parolees). Daniel Abrahamson: Fixing California's Broken Prison System