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How To Use Drug user In A Sentence

  • He's never been involved in the drugs scene at all and he's not a drug user himself.
  • Light drug users also had increased scores on the Compulsive scale, which suggests increased conformity to social norms.
  • Indigenous paraprofessional health educators (outreach workers) identified and screened active drug injectors using street outreach and drug user social networks.
  • A drug user who admitted heroin dealing to fund his habit has been jailed for five years.
  • So too with the cost of mental health care and of rehabilitation programs for drug users and for alcoholics.
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  • Despite a government campaign to depict the victim as a drug user and thief, Egypt's independent press refused to drop the story and thousands of Egyptians staged silent vigils to demand justice.
  • In fact, the residents abandoned cultivating their traditional crops like barley, maize, millet and potatoes soon after the Malana charas became famous among drug users around the world in the 1980s.
  • The criminalization of responsible drug users is only one of the many pointless aspects of drug prohibition.
  • Also the claim that the hostel is full of drug users and undesirables is completely false as many of the residents are young parents with babies or young families with small children.
  • A couple of day's later the columnist's topic for the week was that of the drug user.
  • Strathdee is an associate dean of Global Health Sciences at the University of California San Diego. She's been studying injection drug users in Tijuana, Mexico.
  • In Dublin two years ago, some church fonts were removed when it was learned that drug users rinsed their syringes in the holy water.
  • Brown and Weissman found that women injection drug users were more likely than men to report daily injection of heroin and speedball (heroin and cocaine).
  • Active drug users were identified and screened for eligibility by indigenous paraprofessional outreach workers in the community.
  • This approach encompasses initiatives that aim to work with current drug users.
  • Almost three-quarters of intravenous drug users who were previously imprisoned reported that they had injected three or more years ago, compared with 36% of injectors among new entrants.
  • In its draft, "Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) IV Drug Safety Five-Year Plan, " the agency says it will focus on hiring the staff through fiscal year 2009.
  • A casual drug user has an ice cream habit and a champ is some one who refuses to reveal their supplier.
  • Drug users, abusers and addicts are now considered to be in the ultra high risk group.
  • Does quitting cigarette smoking help or hurt the polydrug user in treatment for drug use?
  • Turning recreational drug users into unemployable ex-cons is not a good use of tax dollars.
  • The virus is by no means the exclusive preserve of cocaine and other drug users. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are operating at the level of secondary or tertiary prevention, or early and late intervention of individual chronic drug users.
  • In each case, the drug user had been injecting heroin into subcutaneous tissue.
  • The better solution would be to license drug users. Times, Sunday Times
  • AIDS can be spread among drug users through the use of shared syringes.
  • Their solution was to accept poly-drug users in the ketamine group - and to match with a control group of poly-drug users, who had never done ketamine. Mind Hacks: Through the k-hole
  • A clinic that provides drug users with clean needles, syringes, and a safe place to inject could substantially reduce syringe sharing, according to a recent study.
  • The majority of these cases of heterosexual transmission resulted from sexual contact with a partner who was an intravenous drug user.
  • They alleged that surveillance indicated the venue was a den of iniquity and a haven for drug users and underage drinkers.
  • Most were hard-core drug users who had been injecting for 12 years on average.
  • Under this pioneering project, drug users are given the option of registering to be referred to professional help rather than face the summons.
  • The better solution would be to license drug users. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mapping provided us with written snapshots of the movements and activities of drug users throughout the community in time and space.
  • If you tax pot as commodity and allow the people to regulate themselves then cops wont have a reason to group stoners and other drug users together.
  • There was some correlation between heroin and homicide rates, but it turns out that a lot of heroin users are poly-drug users, including testing positive for cocaine. Travis Briefing On The Radio Address
  • The report also recommends the establishment of a drugs-free hostel to aid drug users who have completed detox or rehabilitation programmes but remain homeless.
  • Perhaps it is like that for rock stars, but it's pretty rare that it's like that for your average recreational drug user.
  • Fears drug users and ex-offenders could be housed in an old people's sheltered complex in Leigh have been dismissed by council chiefs.
  • Last week, Riverside County voted 3-2 to reject a proposal to provide clean hypodermic needles to intravenous drug users.
  • Among drug users, abused youth were significantly younger than their nonabused peers in mean age of onset of marijuana, cocaine, and uppers use.
  • It can also be spread among drug users via shared hypodermic needles.
  • A casual drug user has an ice cream habit and a champ is some one who refuses to reveal their supplier.
  • AIDS can be spread among drug users through the use of shared syringes.
  • The individual who is initially a voluntary user can become a compulsive drug user, an addict.
  • The nine-month undercover sting saw two police officers infiltrate drug users and dealers in the town and buy heroin and crack cocaine from them.
  • Aimed at drug users and their families, the film centres on former drug addicts who were addicted to heroin cocaine, speed and ecstasy.
  • A final design issue that was explored was ‘chill out rooms’ where drug users could relax after fixing in the injecting room.
  • Intravenous drug users are at particular risk of contracting the disease.
  • Just re-reading 15: 22 post, I had a mental image of an IVDU (Intravenous Drug User) trying to mix, load & shoot a shot while wearing boxing gloves. Cheeseburger Gothic » Gettin paid to watch TV…
  • The three tricksters sold the pills to drug users, swindling them out of 60 baht per pill and giving them a severe headache in the process.
  • Counselling and drug detoxification should also be targeted to injecting drug users in holding cells.
  • Drug addicts, especially injecting drug users, sex workers, those in prison and those referred to as transients and migrants remain at the top of the nation's list of ‘high-risk’ groups.
  • Drug users go to great lengths to beat these tests -- such as adulterating urine samples -- but today's drug tests are increasingly sophisticated and can identify true positives and negatives despite the attempts of those trying to cover up drug use. Business Know-How Newsletter. Ideas to market and manage small businesses.
  • The virus is by no means the exclusive preserve of cocaine and other drug users. Times, Sunday Times
  • Do drug users commit property crimes to support their drug habits?
  • Intravenous drug users are in a high - risk category for hepatitis C.
  • It's kind of like we've demonised injecting drug users to be very singular people.
  • When drug users are caught, they must appear before a three-person "dissuasion commission, " which might mandate treatment if the person is a repeat offender.
  • But do they suffer the same level of discrimination as drug users or addicts?
  • They were also concerned about Sparrow Hill being so close to Broadfield Park, which they said was used by alcoholics and drug users.
  • Finally, the vast majority of those who attend raves and dance clubs are existing drug users.
  • He was in a stable heterosexual relationship with his partner of over five years and denied being an injecting drug user.
  • The virus is by no means the exclusive preserve of cocaine and other drug users. Times, Sunday Times
  • Teenage drug users in Alice Springs take offence to being called addicts, junkies, criminals and so on.
  • It revealed that 48 percent of the drug users were addicted to ‘solution’ - a name given by the street children to inhalants such as petrol, additives, paints and a mixture of whitener and correction fluid.
  • The virus is by no means the exclusive preserve of cocaine and other drug users. Times, Sunday Times
  • Should we actually give syringes and needles, or light, non-addictive drugs to intravenous drug users?
  • Robbie said that he would still be a drug user if the substances did not cause him to put on weight.
  • Intravenous drug users are at particular risk of contracting the disease.
  • The tent had a rubber floor and accommodated three drug users injecting at any given time.
  • Nothing is that simple, and you cannot put all drug users into one big group.
  • Residents from the rest of the district oppose both drug users and Gitano drug dealers.
  • Chinese law stipulates that a drug user who is arrested must be detained for 15 days.
  • During that raid a large number of drug users were arrested, but the manager was not one of them.
  • Cash has also been earmarked to analyse how best to provide help for the parents and carers of drug users.
  • There was never any sense that he was a recreational drug user at all, but -- but there was questions about was there an overuse of certain painkillers and even, you know, the latest report about the Diprivan or the Propofol, which was that short-term sedative that was very, very dangerous that could have been used to help him go to sleep at night. CNN Transcript Jul 9, 2009
  • In each case, the drug user had been injecting heroin into subcutaneous tissue.
  • There are many ways of alleviating the social, health and criminal justice costs of dependent heroin (and other drug) use, in ways that engage, support and habilitate offenders and drug users. Giving evidence to the Chilcot inquiry, Tony Blair said: “I...
  • In the last three weeks, up to 25 drug users have come here every night to shoot heroin and cocaine into their veins.
  • Back in the 1980s drug users were a public nuisance in Zurich.
  • Included in the populations of people at increased risk for B. cereus infection are cancer patients, intravenous drug users, or patients that have had other words, the people who are likely to use alcohol swabs. Alcohol pads and swabs recalled due to bacteria contamination
  • Intravenous drug users are at particular risk of contracting the disease.
  • The virus is by no means the exclusive preserve of cocaine and other drug users. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, the overall use of the drug will endure for some time as a generation of drug users continues its habit.
  • A lot of people are now poly-drug users; they are not just sticking to one but mixing. News round-up
  • I have got to try and control my cravings and stay away from drug users, which is going to be difficult because most of my friends are drug users.
  • The police issued a warning to all drug users in the city.
  • In my last week I was intimidated by drug users, ordered around like a lackey, and threatened.
  • Back in the 1980s drug users were a public nuisance in Zurich.
  • Illegal drug users who overdose will no longer be reported automatically to police by ambulance staff.
  • In addition to last April's bust, Hengchun police said last summer they also arrested drug users at Baishawan, a secluded beach they believe to be a favorite spot for ecstasy users.
  • When drug users are caught, they must appear before a three-person "dissuasion commission, " which might mandate treatment if the person is a repeat offender.
  • It's no coincidence that there is a higher rate of drug users in these areas.
  • Pneumonia was the clinical symptom most strongly associated with seroconversion among drug users.
  • The purpose of the lights is to prevent drug users from injecting into their veins.
  • You may disagree with it, but it's social policy on the same lines as that toward drug users or speeders.
  • Finally, even for the most hardened drug user, the overdose of a close friend is likely to be a traumatic and significant event, more readily recalled than the ephemera and vicissitudes of daily drug activity.
  • Medically supervised injecting centres can help resolve this paradox and improve public health by minimising the risk of drug users injecting unsafely in public places.
  • Drugs Help Mainliners Has support groups and provides advice for people with HIV/AIDS who are, or have been, drug users.
  • ­also a stigma and bad feeling towards drug users but every one of them is also somebody's son or somebody's daughter and mothers need to know their children are being looked after by someone who isn't judging them. - News
  • Results for ecstasy and traditional hard drug users were highly invariant, but the ecstasy users' rate of previous hard drug use was much higher than that of any other group.
  • Pupils of St Peter's are likely to encounter drug users wherever they wander, be it down to the boathouse by the river or crossing Clifton Road.
  • The closure threatens the supply of clean, sterile needles to local intravenous drug users.
  • The report says drug users should be given access to sterile syringes and a substitute drug such as methadone. The Sun
  • A casual drug user has an ice cream habit and a champ is some one who refuses to reveal their supplier.
  • Police know that drug users and dealers are often those also involved in thefts of luggage and valuables from the station.
  • Marija Tosheva is Program Director of Healthy Options Project Skopje (HOPS), a Macedonian NGO which since 1996 has run outreach and advocacy programs with sex workers and drug users, promoting safer behavior and enabling access to legal, health and social services, as well as resocialization and reintegration of sex workers, drug users, and their families. Video screening: NYC, July 23, Sex worker advocates in Macedonia « Bound, Not Gagged
  • The vast majority of drug users are recreational, and there are so many of them that they are a majority.
  • The virus is by no means the exclusive preserve of cocaine and other drug users. Times, Sunday Times
  • In each case, the drug user had been injecting heroin into subcutaneous tissue.
  • In Inverclyde, nearly 80% of drug users inject, compared to just under 60% for Scotland as a whole.
  • He said Barton Farm was a well-known hang-out for alcohol and drug users in the town and it was a constant worry to him that they would target his pub.

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