How To Use Drug addict In A Sentence

  • She was on a cocktail of drink and drugs when she burgled a total of four houses to fund her drug addiction.
  • Drug addicts, alcoholics, bulimics, anorexics, and sex addicts line up to claim social causes of their problems.
  • The four persons who were beaten and burned not only were homeless, but were reported by police to be drug addicts.
  • She has called for more support to be made available for former drug addicts coming out of prison.
  • The program is based on the premise that drug addiction can be cured.
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  • A former drug addict and reformed hellraiser, he's on the comeback trail with a sickly song that gradually starts to work its way up the charts.
  • Her mother is a drug addict and has been in and out of jail for over a decade, and Megan's insatiable craving for affection is both tragic and repellent.
  • The police decided to crack down on drug addicts.
  • Families and communities disintegrate under the crushing burden of drug addiction.
  • Drug addicts shoot up in the back alleys.
  • In reality, she was a former drug addict who spent three years behind bars for smuggling drugs into jail. The Sun
  • The self-confessed drug addict admitted possessing heroin with intent, but claimed that he was only looking after it for another person.
  • The drug addict is his own enemy - slowly killing himself using drugs as a weapon. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Issues such as drug addiction require sensitive handling when featured in TV dramas.
  • The dad of three had battled booze and drug addiction for many years. The Sun
  • He survived long battles with alcoholism and drug addiction, brawls, accidents and bypass surgery. Times, Sunday Times
  • The program is premised on the idea that drug addiction can be cured.
  • Some forms of drug addiction, for example, and some liver diseases are contraindicated, meaning that use of Vivitrol by persons having these problems is risky business. Dr. Rock Positano: Vivitrol: A Cure For Alcoholism?
  • Intake of potentially hepatotoxic drugs, intravenous drug addiction and previous blood transfusions were ruled out in all patients.
  • People tend to regard drug addicts as the dregs of society.
  • Many parents are worried about drug addiction among the schoolchild.
  • He believes that needle exchange schemes encourage drug addiction.
  • It is the supporters of the current system who are not serious about fighting drug addiction.
  • In other words, this therapist was an alcoholic and a drug addict.
  • Locals say many inhabitants are alcoholics and drug addicts who spend the day sleeping indoors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many are afflicted by alcoholism, drug addiction, and depression.
  • The majority of drug addicts will commit crimes to feed their habit.
  • Has anyone ever done a serious study on the economic impact of drug addiction, alcoholism, prostitution, crime, divorce, pollution, economic disparity, and psychological illness caused by a capitalist society in appraising its efficiency? Letters to the Editor
  • There is fear its use will spread among the thousands of hard drug addicts in Dublin.
  • The crew's foreman is a player recovering from drug addiction after having been suspended from baseball — Texas Rangers star Josh Hamilton. Shark sighting likely gives ABC a boost in British Open ratings
  • He believes that needle exchange schemes encourage drug addiction.
  • Relocating is what led to the drug addiction, prostitution, and death that freaked out a generation of readers in Go Ask Alice, and to the teenybopper dipsomania of Sarah T.: Portrait of a Teenage Alcoholic. What Girls Want
  • She helped him fight his drug addiction.
  • Drug abuse is a suicidal act. Men dig their own graves by being addicted to the deadly pleasures of psychedelic drugs. The drug addict lives to die for ecstasy and hallucination, and they cannot avoid a horrible fate. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • The judge's disqualification is the latest in a series of twists in the case of Joseph Teitgen, a drug addict-turned-informant who is accused of fatally shooting Vallejo Police Officer Jeff Azuar during an arrest in Heroes or Villains?
  • The drug addict will do anything in order to satisfy the cravings for the taste of the hallucinating drugs. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • In a recent interview, Mr. Busey said that while he was a drug addict, he snorted cocaine off his dog, who had rolled around in the white stuff: “I went in like a cropduster with my nose flying first and snorted the cocaine off the dog.” Gary Busey Snorted Cocaine Off His Dog | Best Week Ever
  • That journey took me down into alcoholism and drug addiction. Times, Sunday Times
  • He demeaned people who were drug addicts while he was popping damn near every legal painkiller on the market.
  • They almost have to withdraw from the adrenaline, much as drug addicts have to experience discomfort when "kicking "their habit. Survive the Nine to Five - a woman's guide to working well
  • For drug addicts, the need to feed the addiction takes priority over everything else.
  • Ferguson punched Bishop in the face and grappled him to the floor, leaving the drug addict ‘battered and bruised’.
  • Ten years ago he was a hapless drug addict. The Sun
  • If this seems odd to you it is because you are not an alcoholic or drug addict. The Sun
  • I have lived a kind of hell when I was a drug addict
  • Eventually, the withdrawal of the high-sugar chow triggered the release of a molecule known as corticotropin-releasing factor, or CRF, which causes anxious and depressive feelings and has been linked to relapses in drug addicts. News
  • His party says the key to tackling drug addiction is rehabilitation rather than criminal penalties. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this category fall some of the adaptive activities of psychotics, autists, pariahs, outcasts, vagrants, vagabonds, tramps, chronic drunkards and drug addicts.
  • In reality, she was a former drug addict who spent three years behind bars for smuggling drugs into jail. The Sun
  • Fortunately, Judge Jones sounds reasonable and sensible, and not a little put out by the obvious chicanery of the drug addict and his flunky laundering donations through a church.
  • The drug addict is his own enemy - slowly killing himself using drugs as a weapon. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • People tend to regard drug addicts as the dregs of society.
  • We treat it very much like we would treat alcoholism or drug addiction.
  • The drug addict will do anything in order to satisfy the cravings for the taste of the hallucinating drugs. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • His mother, a drug addict who had become a criminal to feed her habit, was doing a long stretch in prison.
  • Of particular urgency is establishing Gospel drug addict rehabilitation center and Chinese school for them.
  • Alcoholism is a disease that creates temporary madness and insanity. Drug addiction is a disease that destroys health and humanity. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • The fire which swept through a number of derelict buildings in Bedford, used by the homeless and drug addicts was probably arson, investigators have confirmed.
  • Alcoholism and drug addiction are killer of mental and physical health. Alcoholic and drug addicts are killing themselves slowly. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Unfortunately, Breau was cursed with massive drug addictions, which helped lead to his untimely death in 1984.
  • She battled mental health issues and drug addiction for many years. The Sun
  • But Brian has accepted a youth pastorship at another church and will have the opportunity to preach more in Sunday services and other outreaches through town (this church is run by a ministry that works with the homeless, drug addicts etc). Brile Diary Entry
  • She's had to look after herself while her mum fights drug addiction. The Sun
  • We aren't talking about the mentally ill, or drug addicts, or just plain bums -- the usual stereotype of the homeless. Archive 2005-09-01
  • She was surprised to find out she had supposedly stolen items from the store and was a drug addict.
  • But the outlook from the end of the street is a row of ugly, derelict homes which provide shelter for drug addicts and vandals, named by residents after the notorious New York district.
  • Furthermore, because alcohol and other mood-altering chemicals are cross-addictive, we shall probably always have drug addiction as well.
  • The restrictions put by the police after fall of dusk and the nuisance created by voyeurs, flashers, wayside Romeos, drug addicts and gays are just some of the issues that people face.
  • «link» sharen: I went to GP last week and witness the clinic sells "medicine" to cachexic looking guys. i suspect they are drug addicts. Planet Malaysia
  • The drug addict does not care about what is important or worthwhile in life, such as family, career, finance, and social relationship. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Drug addicts, alcoholics, bulimics, anorexics, and sex addicts line up to claim social causes of their problems.
  • Treat yourself like a recovering drug addict who needs to go cold turkey. The Sun
  • He believes that needle exchange schemes encourage drug addiction.
  • Dutch police in Leeuwarden are trying to find out if drug addicts raided a pet shop and stole three exotic toads whose warty skin is said to induce hallucinations when licked.
  • She guided Naomi's career and supported her through drug addiction, a number of failed relationships and a string of public bust-ups..
  • A study by the Irish Penal Reform Trust last year found that 20 per cent of drug addicts had injected for the first time when they were in prison.
  • Drug addicts are being sold impure substances which are far more harmful than the real thing.
  • If there were fewer drug addicts, it is likely that there would be fewer criminal offences.
  • The likelihood that one of them will commit a crime or become a drug addict is quite slim.
  • Many people of a bohemian persuasion passed through her living room, from artists to drug addicts, not that those classifications were mutually exclusive.
  • A drug addict who raided his mother's home after he shinned up the drainpipe is behind bars for 16 months.
  • Our endeavour is to make children aware of these evils such as drug addiction, alcoholism and other dangerous things. Indian State Bans Sex Education | Impact Lab
  • Many on the estate blame the council's letting policy, which meant young people with no idea of social niceties, and drug addicts, managed to get flats.
  • Drug abuse is a suicidal act. Men dig their own graves by being addicted to the deadly pleasures of psychedelic drugs. The drug addict lives to die for ecstasy and hallucination, and they cannot avoid a horrible fate. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • At the time he was desperately trying to pay of debts he had built up through his drug addiction using heroin and crack cocaine.
  • He is a drug addict, hooked on a mix of cocaine and meperidine.
  • Locals say many inhabitants are alcoholics and drug addicts who spend the day sleeping indoors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Drug abuse is a suicidal act. Men dig their own graves by being addicted to the deadly pleasures of psychedelic drugs. The drug addict lives to die for ecstasy and hallucination, and they cannot avoid a horrible fate. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • We need a quantum leap in treatment and rehabilitation of young hard drug addicts.
  • Scientific tests on stains found in the bathroom at the home of a drug addict accused of murdering a pensioner, gave a mixed DNA profile of both the man on trial and the pensioner, a jury heard yesterday.
  • The problem of position the nature of drug addicts which puzzled the administrator for a long time has been solved with the implementation of the Anti-drug Law.
  • We are happy to provide needle exchange schemes for drug addicts, and their addictions are treatable.
  • His drug addiction had turned him into a husk of his former self.
  • But everyone surfaces wearing the expression of drug addicts who have just acquired a fix.
  • The prison reform group says one problem is a lack of treatment for drug addicts in jail.
  • Alcoholism and drug addiction are killer of mental and physical health. Alcoholic and drug addicts are killing themselves slowly. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • They heard from victims of crime undertaken to fund drug habits, families of drug addicts, former addicts, police and many of the organisation which exist to help addicts.
  • It went wrong for us fairly quickly, mostly as a result of my worsening drug addiction.
  • The sight of a computer keyboard or a blank page gave me the same rush that drug addicts get from seeing their freebasing paraphernalia.
  • The perception that many people have of street beggars and the homeless is that they are a bunch of alcoholics or drug addicts.
  • The drug addict is his own enemy - slowly killing himself using drugs as a weapon. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Drug addicts were at ease with her. The Sun
  • Almost everyone here knows someone whose child is struggling with drug addiction.
  • I don't care if he was a drug addict, an alcoholic, a woman-hater or womaniser or both.
  • The homeless drug addict tested positive for cocaine. The Sun
  • We're not convinced a romance between these recovering drug addicts is the most sensible idea. The Sun
  • The grandfather-of-eight said: ‘She used to let all sorts in - drug addicts, drunks, layabouts and gangs of young tearaways.’
  • Naylor acknowledged, in a letter to the judge, that he was a drug addict.
  • But when I got to high school, my parents were calling me a drug addict anyway.
  • The self-confessed drug addict was arrested 13 months ago.
  • Everybody in the system knows that prison does not help drug addicts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Drug abuse is a suicidal act. Men dig their own graves by being addicted to the deadly pleasures of psychedelic drugs. The drug addict lives to die for ecstasy and hallucination, and they cannot avoid a horrible fate. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • For drug addicts, the need to feed the addiction takes priority over everything else.
  • Plans to move a drug addiction clinic near a city centre shopping area have met with a mixed reaction.
  • Drug addiction in Shanghai has maintained a rapid growth rate, with the number of young drug-takers growing the fastest.
  • Drug addiction is a self- punishing disease that ruins mental, psychological and physical health. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • When a mouse's running wheel is taken away, its brain shows a jump in neurological activity much like the symptoms seen during withdrawal from drug addiction.
  • Now, I'm no degenerate drug addict or anything, but I do like to toke on the occasional stick now and again.
  • He's only 24 years old and a drug addict.
  • She was often helping a battered wife or a person battling drug addiction or someone needing a place to stay for the night.
  • Knuth and her husband, Dean (a lovely soul), deliver the bedroom set, complete with floral linens, to the ailing woman's home in Kalamazoo's dodgiest neighborhood, meeting drug addicts and would-be thieves along the way. Cathleen Falsani: Thrift Store Saints: Tales of a Second-Hand Savior
  • Drug addicts were at ease with her. The Sun
  • There are a few cases of lycanthropy, such as drug addicts being locked up after claiming to be seeing satanic visions, growing hair and even chasing rabbits in their spare time.
  • They were less "grungy" as Nirvana which is why they weren't breakthrough like Nirvana was. nirvana had an eccentric drug addicted mediocre songwriter to bring them in the spot light. Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • Naylor acknowledged, in a letter to the judge, that he was a drug addict.
  • Treat yourself like a recovering drug addict who needs to go cold turkey. The Sun
  • Hanoi Riot police used tear gas to repel hundreds of drug addicts trying to escape a compulsory rehabilitation centre. Times, Sunday Times
  • In fact, acupuncture is now used very successfully for all types of drug addiction.
  • The video, which was taped over the last two years, features scenes of two young men with shaved heads dousing unsuspecting vagrants and drug addicts with a liquid.
  • Rubel had yaba addiction, as they came to know that Rubel was a drug addict they forbade Iti to develop any relation with Rubel. The New Nation
  • Aimed at drug users and their families, the film centres on former drug addicts who were addicted to heroin cocaine, speed and ecstasy.
  • She was embarrassed about her drug addiction and wanted to do something about it.
  • Drug addiction is a self- punishing disease that ruins mental, psychological and physical health. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • The former drug addict had previously served as least two sentences for robbery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two of my brothers are lonely alcoholics and drug addicts.
  • Special restrictions exist on the prescription of medicines for drug addicts.
  • Psychedelic drugs are the false friend of the human mind, and a hidden killer of the drug addicts. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Psychedelic drugs are the false friend of the human mind, and a hidden killer of the drug addicts. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • As for the guy down your street, treat him like a drug addiction and go cold turkey. The Sun
  • The former drug addict had previously served as least two sentences for robbery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Drug addiction reduces a man to a mindless and ridiculous thing, and creates social parasites and criminals. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • It shows that life for many prisoners is one of drug addiction, random violence and long periods spent locked up in their cells.
  • In drug addiction, infections such as hepatitis and septicaemia get into the blood stream through infected needles.
  • The people who ran the men's home would bargain with judges to get convicts who were drug addicts out of the jails and into the home.
  • The drug addict loses the sense of dignity, responsibility, self- esteem and self- respect, and he forgets how to live like a human being. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • The 28-year-old heroin drug addict is banned from the city centre and from begging inside the outer ring road for five years.
  • At the time, many cities seemed consumed with social pathologies like illegitimacy, crime, and drug addiction.
  • His eyes took on the glazed expression of a drug addict contemplating his next fix.
  • Everybody in the system knows that prison does not help drug addicts. Times, Sunday Times
  • An attempted comeback last year foundered when he failed again to secure a place on the Tour, and in June he booked himself into a clinic that specialised in depression and drug addiction.
  • Drug addicts, especially injecting drug users, sex workers, those in prison and those referred to as transients and migrants remain at the top of the nation's list of ‘high-risk’ groups.
  • Hurley won the lotter and his store exploded, Kate blew her dad up, Sayid torchered people, Charlie was a drug addict…It goes on. Lost: Lighthouse - Pink
  • To compound whatever he saw or experienced in the trenches of the First World War, the man was an alcoholic and a drug addict.
  • I slept and stayed in the drug addict's ward with the rest of the skanky addicts, but the whole adolescents building, including the mental ward, had lunch in the same hall so that they could ‘socialise’.
  • The suit alleged Love called Dawn Simorangkir a “nasty lying hosebag thief,” said she was a drug addict and a prostitute and accused her of stealing thousands of dollars. The Volokh Conspiracy » 2009 » July
  • For the first time, pictures taken during police interviews show Britain's worst serial killer refusing to look at photographs of victims and claiming another elderly patient was a drug addict.
  • Many people of a bohemian persuasion passed through her living room, from artists to drug addicts, not that those classifications were mutually exclusive.
  • People try drugs out of curiosity, to have a good time, to improve athletic performance, or to escape from stress, anxiety or depression, but all drug addicts are willful victims themselves. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Traders claim that drug addicts collecting their daily fixes at a newly-transferred chemist shop are killing Leigh town centre.
  • Ten years ago he was a hapless drug addict. The Sun
  • Burglary has traditionally been a quick and easy way for drug addicts to fund their habits.
  • There is a genuine debate about how to deal with the harm done by drug addiction.
  • The drug addict admitted the burglary and robbery in Leamington Spa. The Sun
  • The fourth factor is alcoholism and drug addiction in general. The Family Nutrition Workbook
  • Another such symbol of triumph is the Richards Town Park, which was in a state of disuse and used as a den by drug addicts about eight years ago.
  • The homeless drug addict tested positive for cocaine. The Sun
  • His drug addiction had turned him into a husk of his former self.
  • People tend to regard drug addicts as the dregs of society.
  • People try drugs out of curiosity, to have a good time, to improve athletic performance, or to escape from stress, anxiety or depression, but all drug addicts are willful victims themselves. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • One idea would see drug addicts and alcoholics lose sickness benefits if they refused treatment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Women wearing revealing dress and the desperate looks associated with drug addiction can be spotted in front, usually at night, but often in broad daylight.
  • The scheme is part of a campaign to bring people back to the parks, which in the past have provided hiding places for under-age drinkers, drug addicts, sex attackers and bag snatchers.
  • Participants are offered help in everything from fighting drug addiction to getting a job.
  • It is now widely accepted that a high proportion of crime is the result of drug addiction.
  • It featured a ragged, haggard man who was supposed to serve as a warning about the consequences of drug addiction.
  • Suddenly her daughter was a drug addict riding high on crack cocaine - and prostitution was the only way she could finance her habit.
  • The wild abandon, drug addiction, and sexual omnivorousness of the Studio 54 era was painted as a passing summer of childhood freedom from care, before the heavy burdens of adulthood descended. EVENING’S EMPIRE
  • Well to make a long story short she was killed by a drug addict who was tripping on acid.
  • He goes out looking for drug addicts to kill for their rich, chemically enhanced blood.
  • A mere decade ago, at the height of his titanic drug addiction, Earle would all too often be hopped up and smacked out in a Nashville crackhouse.
  • People try drugs out of curiosity, to have a good time, to improve athletic performance, or to escape from stress, anxiety or depression, but all drug addicts are willful victims themselves. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • This is one of the best explanations I've heard," commented distinguished neuroscientist Floyd Bloom, after a presentation by Dr. Linda Watkins of the University of Colorado speaking about her latest research showing that glial cells, called microglia, are the unsuspected agents in chronic pain and drug addiction. New Suspect In Gulf War Syndrome
  • The most widespread drug addiction is to alcohol, tobacco, and sleeping pills.
  • In addition to providing hostels and day centres for homeless people, Alabare runs projects geared towards drug addicts, victims of domestic violence and people with disabilities or learning difficulties.
  • Some one kind, some one whose life -- and thus hers -- is not ruled by the demons of drug addiction and alcoholism.
  • This is because they will shape policy to benefit the clients they see most - the no-hopers, the drug addicts, the persistent street kids, the unemployable.
  • After his release from the psychiatric ward, he becomes a drug addict and alcoholic, is on the verge of madness, and wanders in the Hospital from time to time thinking he is still a surgeon, and the Staff is accustomed to this and tells him gently to go home. The Tail Section » Lost Finale Analysis - The Journal
  • The Grammy and MusiCares Foundation, which also helps alcoholics and drug addicts, will benefit and the song could raise millions.
  • The suicide rate is one of the highest in Europe, and there is alcoholism and drug addiction.
  • Methods Mental health state of 246 drug addicts was assessed by using Symptom Checklist-90(SCL-90) before and after drug withdrawal.
  • People tend to regard drug addicts as the dregs of society.
  • This man was a convicted drug addict who had falsified prescriptions to get his fixes.
  • Treatment has freed Jenna from her drug addiction, allowing her to live a productive life.
  • The court heard Bryan had been living in a squat with no heating and no electricity and was desperate to get help for her drug addiction.
  • Ten years later Glatt founded his unit for alcoholism and drug addiction at St Bernard's.
  • The woman is understood to have a background of drug addiction.
  • Contrave is a combination of naltrexone, which is used to treat alcohol and drug addiction, and buproprion, which is sold as Wellbutrin when used as an antidepressant and Zyban when used to help people quit smoking. FDA rejects another diet pill
  • Subsequently his mother lost her nursing job and became a drug addict. Times, Sunday Times
  • With songs about lost love, broken hearts, fratricide, betrayal, drug addiction and the fear of death, the new record delves deeply into realms of experience that many lesser artists shy away from.
  • Drug addiction cannot be cured if the fear of not consuming drugs is greater than the willpower to quit doing drugs. Dr T.P.Chia 

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