How To Use Drowsiness In A Sentence

  • Both are cheaper than other OTC options, and are less likely than older antihistamines, such as Benadryl, to cause drowsiness. Allergy drug Allegra goes OTC
  • The ensuing drop body temperature will naturally initiate drowsiness and sleep.
  • At the stage of lethargy and drowsiness, cerebral function is affected and the person may not be able to think well enough to make an escape effort.
  • Nervous system disorders: drowsiness, paraesthesia / hypoesthesia, very rarely seizures Nachrichten Ticker -
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  • adverse reactions may occasionally occur: dryness of the mouth, thirst, drowsiness, fatigue, dizziness, heartburn , anorexia, abdominal discomfort and exanthema.
  • Toxic effects include anorexia, nausea, vomiting, headache, drowsiness, and visual disturbances, as well as extrasystoles and excessive slowing of the heart rate.
  • They might interact with other drugs that cause drowsiness such as alcohol, and some antidepressants.
  • This is a significant finding, as the medications used to treat tics, including clonidine and neuroleptics such as haloperidol and pimozide, can cause undesirable side effects, including drowsiness, dizziness, impaired thinking, insomnia, and blurred vision. Emaxhealth
  • Anxieties and inhibitions tend to dissolve into a feeling of emotional warmth, wellbeing and pleasant drowsiness.
  • Changes in mental status can be subtle (i.e., drowsiness), can indicate severe salicylate toxicity and the need for hemodialysis. Aspirin: effects, poisoning
  • The flickering hallucinatory drowsiness paradoxically allowed him to see more, see clearly, unhampered by the shadows cast by work, by Anna. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Date: April 9, 2007 10: 54 PM and social vitamin shoppe BRAND NAME phentermine furazolidone debt management credit counseling corp body debt reduction programs headache drowsiness blurred var r = document. referrer; document. write ( '') Horses Mouth February 22, 2007 4:57 PM
  • The need for sleep is so basic that a second system -- called the homeostatic sleep drive -- monitors how much the body has had and sends out a powerful drowsiness signal if it needs more. Learning to Live
  • I was suffering a cold this week and a little drowsier than I'd really like to be when seeing a movie, so both movies have been given an extra 1/2 toad so they don't suffer totally if my own drowsiness was unfair. Archive 2008-12-01
  • His blonde hair was rumpled from sleep, and there was still a touch of drowsiness in his eyes.
  • I made a mental note to tighten up the clause in the Rules about paramilitaries, and to add a sub-clause relating to drowsiness. MUSIC FOR BOYS
  • The drugs tend to cause drowsiness.
  • And so it was here; for as Bart sat munching there in the delicious restfulness of his position, with the soft warm breeze just playing through the leaves, the golden sunshine raining down amongst the leaves and branches in dazzling streams, while the pleasant whirr and hum of insects was mingled with the gentle _crop, crop, crop_ of Black Boy's teeth as he feasted on the succulent growth around, all tended to produce drowsiness, and in a short time he found himself nodding. The Silver Canyon A Tale of the Western Plains
  • The flickering hallucinatory drowsiness paradoxically allowed him to see more, see clearly, unhampered by the shadows cast by work, by Anna. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Since drowsiness is the brain's last step before falling asleep, driving while drowsy can - and often does - lead to disaster.
  • So there he lay asleep, the steadfast goodly Odysseus, fordone with toil and drowsiness.
  • According to the FDA press release, chlordiazepoxide may be habit forming and can cause dizziness and drowsiness, and fluoxetine has been linked to several serious drug interactions and to even the possibility of promoting suicide in its takers. FDA diet supplement warning | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • In the midst of the horror and confusion of the household, the murderer slips out, goes home, and is resting calmly, thinking with intense delight of the splendid success of the plan, and of the extraordinary skill he had shown in its conception and execution; when, just as he was dropping off to sleep in delicious drowsiness, there "languidly" entered into his head this thought: it speaks to his mind in the third person, as though somebody else had actually said it: It is very possible that Dr. Kerzhentsev is really insane. Essays on Russian Novelists
  • Although valerian's action is comparable to the barbiturate phenobarbital, it doesn't cause the next-day dizziness, blurred vision, drowsiness or decreased concentration associated with barbiturates.
  • I have had a few nights when I have had difficulty sleeping and pondered her case until drowsiness got the better of me again.
  • Date: February 28, 2007 8: 58 AM linezolid furazolidone high risk loans not protect you free ringtones dizziness headache drowsiness online casino with Major Depressive auto insurance blurred commercial real estate mortgage tricyclic antidepressants foxwood casino current or prior domains birth control cirrus casino Levitra in viagra first pharmaceutical society hoodia gordini applicable online casino a final slots low ultram over korean dating service likely 7 in online casino tricyclic antidepressants bad credit loans call a equifax free credit report smaller craps tables kits one home loans neck can slots that requires complete Horses Mouth January 22, 2007 4:24 PM
  • Lapse quayage lionet hemoglobin thane ovalocyte evolution thebe ditroite lipodystrophy drowsiness acousticophobia unimaginable generic viagra Siliceous grindeloid bisulfide. Top Headlines from World Press Review
  • He clomb the hillock and, counting the stools, found them twelve thousand in number; then he mounted the throne which was set on the centre and, seating himself thereon, fell to wondering at the lake and the stools, and he marvelled till drowsiness overcame him and he drops asleep. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Officers have been specially trained to detect signs such as pupils and drowsiness.
  • This may not seem odd because of the fact that it is an allergy medicine, and is an antihistamine which is notorious for causing drowsiness, but I have been taking Zyrtec every allergy season for the past four years now. Archive 2005-06-01
  • Daytime drowsiness and associated sleep disorders can affect the quality of your life and can cause accidents, especially among drivers.
  • It causes drowsiness, so I tend to prescribe it in situations where someone's depression includes a marked insomniac component.
  • Ask as well about more subtle signs like difficulty with memory, clumsiness, blurred vision, dizziness, and drowsiness.
  • I made a mental note to tighten up the clause in the Rules about paramilitaries, and to add a sub-clause relating to drowsiness. MUSIC FOR BOYS
  • As an antihypertensive, drowsiness is a common side effect of clonidine.
  • ‘“Hardy art thou, Odysseus, of might beyond measure, and thy limbs are never weary; verily thou art fashioned all of iron, that sufferest not thy fellows, foredone with toil and drowsiness, to set foot on shore, where we might presently prepare us a good supper in this sea-girt island. Book XII
  • Carbamazepine has side effects similar to those of cyclic antidepressants (as listed in the section on mood stabilizers above) and to other anticonvulsants (drowsiness, dizziness, ataxia, headache, nausea, chills, fever, blurred vision, diplopia). The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • Alcohol can increase drowsiness and dizziness caused by the medication, possibly resulting in unconsciousness and death.
  • In this case the symptoms will be thirst, vomiting, drowsiness, labored breathing, abdominal pain and fruity smelling breath.
  • Headache, fever and drowsiness can lead to a deep coma but only very rarely.
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  • Tricyclic antidepressants, including amitriptyline, can cause weight gain, drowsiness, and anticholinergic symptoms.
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  • If your child shows signs of dehydration (drowsiness, passing little urine, few or no wet nappies, a dry mouth and tongue, unresponsiveness, or glazed eyes) you should call your GP urgently.
  • Date: February 28, 2007 8: 58 AM linezolid furazolidone high risk loans not protect you free ringtones dizziness headache drowsiness online casino with Major Depressive auto insurance blurred commercial real estate mortgage tricyclic antidepressants foxwood casino current or prior domains birth control cirrus casino Levitra in viagra first pharmaceutical society hoodia gordini applicable online casino a final slots low ultram over korean dating service likely 7 in online casino tricyclic antidepressants bad credit loans call a equifax free credit report smaller craps tables kits one home loans neck can slots that requires complete Horses Mouth January 22, 2007 4:24 PM
  • A feeling of drowsiness crept over him.
  • A man at first, perhaps, feels a kind of grudging and uneasiness all over his body, a deadness upon his stomach, and a drowsiness upon his senses, and he cannot well tell what he ails; but after a few days these uncertain beginnings come to rage in a burning fever, or to strike him with an apoplex; and then it appears what those symptoms foreboded and tended to all along; and the great question now is, not when or how soon the man shall recover and be well, but whether or no he shall live. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. IV.
  • Unlike many other antihistamines, Claritin does not cause drowsiness and is taken only once a day.
  • A familiar sight during the exam period; as drowsiness sets in, coffee helps a student stay awake and cram for those finals.
  • Certain it is, that after he had left the island called La Mona, and when he was approaching the island of San Juan, a drowsiness, which Las Casas calls "pestilential," but which might reasonably be attributed to the privations, cares, and anxieties which the admiral had now undergone for many months, seized upon him, and entirely deprived him for a time of the use of his senses. The Life of Columbus
  • The authors further justify the use of butterbur because it does not produce the drowsiness and fatigue typical of antihistamines.
  • During the initial week or so of treatment, patients may experience a fine tremor, mild fatigue or drowsiness, nausea, abdominal fullness, and increased thirst and polyuria 60% of patients. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • The indistinct noise of the city floated in, the dolorous, snuffling air of an accordeon, the mooing of cows could be heard; somebody's soles were scraping dryly and a ferruled cane rapped resoundingly on the flags of the pavement; lazily and irregularly the wheels of a cabman's victoria, rolling at a pace through Yama, would rumble by, and all these sounds mingled with a beauty and softness in the pensive drowsiness of the evening. Yama: the pit
  • Last year, driver drowsiness was thought to be the cause of 40,000 serious injuries and 3,500 deaths on the roads.
  • He again become unwell two months later and was admitted to hospital with vomiting, drowsiness, and fever.
  • postictal drowsiness
  • The struggle against drowsiness and fatigue is the struggle for meaning.
  • Seldane was first introduced in 1985, the first prescription antihistamine to relieve hayfever symptoms without drowsiness.
  • Drowsiness overcame her, and she crumpled to the floor, letting herself sink into dark oblivion.
  • Gradually their talk died and drowsiness began to steal upon the eyelids of the little waifs.
  • Drowsiness, impaired cognitive function, and impotence may be a problem with higher doses.
  • Mild side effects such as pain and tenderness where the shot was given, fever, fretfulness and drowsiness occurred in as many as one-half to one-third of children who received the vaccine. DTaP: Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis Vaccine
  • Alcohol can increase drowsiness and dizziness caused by the medication, possibly resulting in unconsciousness and death.
  • Daytime drowsiness and associated sleep disorders can affect the quality of your life and can cause accidents, especially among drivers.
  • Also, a medication that causes drowsiness in one Individual may cause insomnia in another.
  • In this case the symptoms will be thirst, vomiting, drowsiness, labored breathing, abdominal pain and fruity smelling breath.
  • In this we have ample cause for the attending train of symptoms that, beginning with drowsiness, rapidly passes into stupor followed by profound coma and ultimate dissolution -- marked evidence of the fact that a chemical agent or poison may produce a mechanical disease; and autopsical research reveals absolutely nothing save the general disorganization of blood corpuscles, as already noted. Scientific American Supplement, No. 421, January 26, 1884
  • They include antihistamine tablets and nasal sprays, which calm the body's allergic reaction - older tablets can cause drowsiness, so choose a newer type such as cetirizine or loratadine, both of which can be bought over the counter. Environment news, comment and analysis from the Guardian |
  • If dizziness, drowsiness, chest pain, fainting, or respiratory irritation occurs while using an unvented heater, shut off the heater immediately and move the affected person to where he/she can breathe fresh air.
  • The drugs tend to cause drowsiness.
  • Hay fever or some old fashioned antihistamine treatments with side effect drowsiness can generally impede your life style.
  • Seldane was first introduced in 1985, the first prescription antihistamine to relieve hayfever symptoms without drowsiness.
  • A feeling of drowsiness steals over me; that succulent cold chikor, followed by a generous slice of cake upon which I so nobly lunched, clouds somewhat my active faculties, and the article -- "A Bear Battue in the A Holiday in the Happy Valley with Pen and Pencil
  • If the conscious level of the patient is affected - drowsiness, confusion, lethargy and unresponsiveness.
  • It induces drowsiness and sleep and is powerfully amnestic.
  • And as I lay on the sweet-smelling clovery hay there came over me a drowsiness, for I had been early abroad, and I dovered and dovered till sleep and waking were mingled, and strange voices came into my ears; and then I knew the voices, and felt myself go hot all over, for I could not move or I would be discovered with the rustling of the hay. The McBrides A Romance of Arran
  • Passiflora and camomile have natural sedative properties that don't cause drowsiness the next day. Times, Sunday Times
  • If a drowsiness comes on, another apozem must be made without that ingredient, to be given till the effects of the former are over.
  • This decision reached , he finally felt a placid drowsiness steal over him.
  • The epidemic of drowsiness was blamed on gases leaking from toxic waste dumped at the site.
  • At higher doses, other problems can include drowsiness, poor coordination, dizziness or double vision.
  • But can't we have a little listlessness in our lives, some sloth, a dollop or two of drowsiness?

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