How To Use Dropping In A Sentence

  • And try to minimize contact, she suggests. Write memos instead of dropping into his office.
  • The latest strategy is now seen dropping unsupported accusations across the media spectrum to the effect that the intelligence agency's assignment of Ambassador Joseph Wilson to look into the now-discredited Iraq/Niger/uranium claims were all part of a long-term insidious scheme to try and discredit the Bush Administration. Brad Friedman: Wingnuts Declare Coordinated All-Out Cross-Media War on CIA as Newest Front in TreasonGate!
  • The tips on rounding hours to the next quarter-hour or tenth-hour and dropping your own VBA procedure into a formula were most ingenious.
  • We were still playing at war — dropping leaflets instead of bombs.
  • PERRY: There's no question about it, parents who are comfortable with a child who gets a C or D, parents who are comfortable dropping their child off at a school that they no is ragged -- they have watched that school undereducate a generation or two -- parents who are willing to go down and fuss and fight when their child doesn't play on the basketball team, but are unwilling to go down and fight the same way when that child is not being served in -- in the classroom. CNN Transcript Oct 1, 2009
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  • The U.S. Army Air Force would assist in this latter mission by airdropping his books over occupied France.
  • Her hands shake constantly and she keeps dropping things.
  • Some women will wean off gradually by dropping feeds and reducing feed times over a period of weeks. Times, Sunday Times
  • He swallowed it without chewing, just dropping it into his mouth and never seeing it again.
  • Dropping the towel he tugged on a pair of baggy, black jeans with lots of zippers and safety pins on them.
  • Spread 2 separate diseases are these dropping destroying banana and plant plantain crops in Africa.
  • Since dropping to the minimum distance this term she's really found her form. The Sun
  • The school had also come to an arrangement with a local pub for parents to use its car park when dropping or collecting their youngsters.
  • Missy's fans and friends have been dropping their jaws at her newest invention: her retooled curvy figure.
  • Many of the bays and inlets are simply beautiful and consist of rock or sand, sometimes dropping away dramatically into 50 feet of water, at other times sloping gently in to shallows of just a few feet.
  • She was halted with a sensation somewhat akin to being slammed into a brick wall, her sword dropping from her nerveless fingers as the impact struck her.
  • This territory has lush green hills, azure blue skies and spectacular beaches where the loudest noise you will hear is the sound of a coconut dropping to soft white sands.
  • The eavesdropping charges arose from his use of keylogging software to spy on victims' net activities in 2000.
  • I'm thinking of dropping an egg on that bad boy and a little hollandaise for brekky!! An asparagus sandwich and a new attitude | Homesick Texan
  • The manager has no qualms about dropping players who do not perform well.
  • It will also lose a $900,000 provincial grant that buffered the effect of dropping enrolment on a new provincial funding formula.
  • There, the mason had to lie on his stomach in a narrow groove, working his tools horizontally, chips and limestone dust dropping in front of his face.
  • Then he passed out, dropping the piece of glass, which shattered into a thousand pieces.
  • For my part I had just the strength to crawl into Schomberg’s coffeeroom, where I wrote at a little table a note to the mate instructing him to get everything ready for dropping down the river next day. Falk, by Joseph Conrad
  • Born in 1930, Pinter was old enough to see and remember fascist actions in the East End and, of course, to be around when fascism stopped marching and started dropping bombs and launching doodlebugs.
  • It wasn't so much the oath that roused the furor as the document which accompanied it, entitled Protocols and Requirements Between Spiritual Father & His Spiritual Sons, which takes, Garth George of The New Zealand Herald noted, "1300 words to describe in jaw-dropping detail how the 'spiritual sons' shall behave towards their 'spiritual father.' Cult scene: New Zealand and Africa - Boing Boing
  • now I'm really fantastic at drawing this mechanical device, but you can imagine that dropping a weight can cause a paddle wheel to turn.
  • Seiriô screamed, almost dropping his ocarina, and fell forward.
  • After their bowling inadequacies were exposed earlier in the series, Australia gambled this time by dropping a batsman.
  • Mr Preston favours sheep droppings matured in a barrel and diluted to the colour of weak tea!
  • Side by side they lay among the morning-glories, with the yellow blossoms of the hau dropping upon them from overhead, watching the motes of men toil upward, till the thing happened, and three of them, slipping, rolling, sliding, dashed over a cliff-lip and fell sheer half a thousand feet. Koolau the Leper
  • They suffered 25 percent performance-related pay cuts, dropping to £996,000 and £740,700 respectively.
  • Averages were dropping every year, as were graduation rates.
  • He tossed both knives into the air and caught them before dropping into a crouch like his brother.
  • The third airlift was a total disaster, with bundles dropping into enemy hands and planes and gliders crash-landing throughout the area.
  • It's a nice portrait of Strummer the hipster, talking his jive talk and dropping the needle on U Roy records to a worldwide audience.
  • I had my first good bite, a two inch lift then the indicator dropping like the clappers on a slack line.
  • It was also the ancient world equivalent of name-dropping designed to differentiate him from the rest of the philosopher herd affected by divine radiation.
  • The Bulls now languish mid table after dropping both of their Easter weekend matches against the competition's top two clubs.
  • But their levels are dropping dramatically.
  • So once again they manage to juxtapose the puissant music with the borderline puerile ideas, ensorcelling you before dropping you with an abrupt thud.
  • The Professor was going to pelt Hugh Mackay with a great, malodorous barrage of bunyip droppings, but then realised there wouldn't be any point.
  • He charged the man on the left, leading with his right fist and smashing it into the man's jaw dropping him to the floor.
  • Dropping the charges has given racists a licence to kill," said Jim's aunt.
  • Maliseet, which open with the obtaining of a gold-dropping horse from an old man because of kindness, the loss of it at an inn at the bands of a rascally landlord, and the recovery of the animal through the generous use of a magic cudgel. Filipino Popular Tales
  • Taking the water dropping scheme - the large-diameter vacuum deep well water dropping used in the pit construction of a grade separation and subway project as an example, the artic.
  • When steel is made very hot, and suddenly immerged in very cold water, and moved about in it, the surface of the steel becomes cooled first, and thus producing a kind of case or arch over the internal part, prevents that internal part from contracting quite so much as it otherwise would do, whence it becomes brittler and harder, like the glass-drops called Prince Rupert's drops, which are made by dropping melted glass into cold water. The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
  • With his legs finally free, he climbed out of the hole, dropping cigarette ash onto the debris.
  • He hailed dropping from fifth to tenth over two seasons as'a brilliant job '. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dropping the rag over the side of the bedpost, she turned and let the scabrous shard fall into a small bowl on the dresser; it greeted a similarly discordant family with a slight tink of angular metallic collision.
  • He moved silently, on the lookout for tracks, droppings or other animal signs.
  • The witch doctor poisons a chicken, and, from the way the chicken staggers before dropping dead, the witch doctor determines that the rash has been caused by the client's sister-in-law bewitching him.
  • The topline is that public support for the U.S. presence is dropping. What The Thunder Said | ATTACKERMAN
  • I see this in cinematic terms as a very widescreen feels where the camera picks up a large section of city, heroes, and villains, with the centerpiece being ID and his dropping of DISTOPIA. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » EWill79’s Review Forum
  • Standing all day on the wet clay floor under the dropping ceiling in the faint light cast by tallow candles was grim.
  • NEWCASTLE captain Michael Owen admits the prospect of Newcastle dropping out of the Barclays Premier League is unthinkable. Undefined
  • Relative humidity in the mornings is 94% to 99%, dropping in the afternoon as much as 70-80%. Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve, Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire
  • The handicapper has given him a chance, dropping him within 3lb of his rating when he won this race two years ago. Times, Sunday Times
  • She had the same reaction I did, dropping to her knees and shaking her side to side.
  • Though the admiral was a perfectly nice and personable woman, she was not in the habit of casually dropping by to visit junior officers. Star Trek: TNG: Losing the Peace
  • Jim gulped nervously, before dropping the lighter on the fluids.
  • Older John Deere 7000 planters sometimes put seeds almost on top in lumpy spots while dropping them in just right where the soil is softer.
  • Meanwhile, powerful United States Army helicopters continued dropping massive concrete blocks to hinder the lava flow.
  • You may never usually watch such lowculture television but, trust me, the twisted ending they've dreamed up is jaw-dropping.
  • I saw pug marks, droppings, I even heard them roar, but for four days I did not see a single lion.
  • Persuade me also that there's a sane reason for dropping Cadenza from National Radio.
  • I suddenly imagine myself dropping words like "quixotic" and "evzone" into e-mails and blogs just to up my score. Crave: The gadget blog
  • A lowery sky, and from it flecks of silvery light dropping lightly, like mirrored feathers. EVERVILLE
  • Many people delighted in taking Sunday walks out Sherman avenue and dropping into the malthouse where they drank several beers, chatted about old times, and then resumed their journeys. ... Archive 2008-12-01
  • Since when was dropping from ‘virtually nothing’ to ‘almost nothing at all’ constitute a plummet?
  • Just dropping a line here to say that the link moggy provides above to "conversation on institutions" is well worth reading. Shufffft
  • The impact caused me to trip over my two feet and fall flat on my stomach, dropping Gabriella.
  • Droppings carry potentially dangerous bacteria such as listeria and salmonella that can cause a range of illnesses including meningitis, pneumonia and lung damage.
  • These days we're dropping beans to troops on steerable parafoil style parachues. The 1990 Augustine Commission Revisited - NASA Watch
  • Parr looked at the exposure of her inner thigh with a dropping sensation.
  • He's never found wanting technically, and there are some jaw-dropping displays of speed and power
  • I know it’s possible to turn brain droppings into something you can actually be proud of. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » The Root of Procrastination
  • Dropping a loaded firearm is not so much a gross violation of gun etiquette as it is an invitation to a lawsuit.
  • If a 260 tennis coach followed this philosophy, students would practice dropping the ball for a week.
  • There are at least two separate reports that the Americans are dropping napalm.
  • The name-dropping in the last two paragraphs isn't so important.
  • The Idea of dropping the PS3 in japan is a marketing ploy in a bone dry market. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Sony Cuts Price of PlayStation 3 to $410
  • Do you say "Van Go" (dropping the "gh" altogether because you recall he lived in France?). Painting
  • Take half an ounce of samphire, dissolve it in two ounces of aquaevitae, add to it one ounce of quicksilver, one ounce of liquid storax, which is the droppings of Myrrh and hinders the camphire from firing; take also two ounces of hematitus, a red stone to be had at the druggist's, and when you buy it let them beat it to powder in their great mortar, for it is so very hard that it cannot be done in a small one; put this to the afore-mentioned composition, and when you intend to walk on the bar you must annoint your feet well therewith, and you may walk over without danger: by this you may wash your hands in boiling lead. The Miracle Mongers, an Exposé
  • We were overfull, according to the health codes, but people kept dropping off animals when we were closed.
  • The targets may be incoming, outgoing, crossing right-and-left, at different speeds, at different heights, while quartering and dropping at the same time.
  • It would be able to seize vehicles caught fly tipping and could prosecute anyone caught dropping litter on any piece of land or water.
  • He was so fond of a little taste every day that in the winter he smuggled in frozen hunks of it, dropping them on the hearth to thaw.
  • Instead of floating about in graceful attitudes, with the "amber dropping hair" of Milton's Sabrina, they "larked" like a school of porpoises, splashing each other and playing tricks. The Youngest Girl in the Fifth A School Story
  • Like natural gas, oil production in the United States has been dropping since 1972.
  • Dropping down into the second team would serve no useful purpose.
  • In most cases, it is difficult to detect that some one is eavesdropping.
  • The pair clashed - Vea blocking an embittered stab with his own weapon and almost dropping to a knee in the thickening mud.
  • She's not been dropping any hints. The Sun
  • Seasonal stock has been arriving by the truckload, so much so that the operations staff have run out off space in the stockroom and have started dropping it in the store canteen.
  • At one point, Kirie asks her father about his conversation with the aforementioned spiral fetishist, provoking him to indignantly accuse her of eavesdropping.
  • They later turned into Petergate and entered a chip shop where the younger man removed the purse's contents before dropping the purse into a dustbin outside.
  • He was already dropping the tanto and reaching for the katana hilt protruding from the scabbard on his back.
  • In 2005, 230,000 nonsurgical procedures were carried out, compared with a jaw-dropping 472,000 in 2007. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was like an escarpment, sloping up gently on one side and dropping vertically to 90m on the other.
  • While I'm shamelessly namedropping, I might as well let it be known that I also once met Kelly Woan, wife of Nottingham Forest legend Ian.5.28pm: Guardian newshound Jamie Jackson is back with more news on Bobby Zamora's non-move to QPR. Transfer window deadline day 2012 – as it happened
  • A hotel worker dons a gas mask to keep out the stench from bird droppings while removing the nests from the rafters.
  • They are as goners as those who went and are gone, all non-surviving the same except for individual places in the sequence ... like concentration-camp inmates elatedly counting the day's droppings and corpses as if tomorrow isn't their turn next. Shock and awe (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • It's like a bookbinder accidentally dropping a chapter from one book into the middle of another one.
  • Dropping the stones he had been skimming across the surface of the slow-flowing creek, he reached immediately for the gun in his jacket.
  • Parker, 33, was last seen dropping her 3-year-old twins at the home police raided, which is where their father NYDN Rss
  • On the dropping of fliers, that is nearly the most outrageous claim for 'humanitarianism' that has ever been made. Gaza Invasion Protesters; Don't Feed the Beast-- Let's start talking about smart protest."
  • Also because James Caan's "Chinee" joke never gets any less jaw droppingly offensive, no matter if you know its coming or however many times you've seen it. Sergio Leone and the Infield Fly Rule
  • I can't believe I missed your hosting this event -- that's what I get for dropping out of cybersphere for 2 months. Beans: A History and My Legume Love Affair Ninth Helping Round-Up
  • Dropping the charges has given racists a licence to kill," said Jim's aunt.
  • Expect observational riffs and a little name-dropping. Times, Sunday Times
  • Inflation is dropping below 6 per cent but it remains to be seen whether that can be maintained. Times, Sunday Times
  • I had heard from friends that over the past eight years the restaurant had gradually shed its pub grub stylings, dropping tuna toasties in favour of keta caviar - and had recently won plaudits under the guidance of new chef Craig Millar.
  • Dropping out of the discussion at this juncture is simply unacceptable. Michael Wotorson: Voting for Education and a Stronger Democracy
  • George Thompson gritted his teeth as he reported ‘Dorsal ablative armor is dropping fast, inner shield systems aren't responding.’
  • Dropping the cheroot on the counter, he strode to her side.
  • However, the giant pre-empted him by the simple expedient of hauling the prostrate felon off the ground by his hair and then dropping him when Grundle had scrambled clear.
  • Dropping a borescope down the tube revealed a nicely finished bore with only a few rough spots.
  • Pulling himself up off the ground, Robert sprinted over to the Boss and grabbed his hatchet, dropping his nightstick in the process.
  • That decision that has affected Dell's bottom line, and so caused the Wall Street wallies to conclude that the bottom was dropping out of the PC market.
  • I think I will find sympathy here if I say that my solution was to retrofit simple 3x3 cables along the front by picking which 8 stitches I wanted to use outlining in purls, of course, throwing a rescue line, and bravely dropping those 8 stitches down all 20+ rows of finished knitting, and reknitting them cabled, in place. Making Light: Open thread 135
  • That game was a blowout, but it wasn't a result of dropping nine players in pass coverage.
  • My watch still hangs together dropping from the second floor.
  • It clings tenuously to the stony mountainside in a thin line of hairpins before dropping out of sight.
  • Ashcroft's immediate response to the attacks was to sink into a dark Orwellian morass of secret detentions, warrantless wiretaps, and eavesdropping on lawyers.
  • We ate lunch above the east fork of Coal Wash before dropping into the deep gorge via a tricky cleft in the cliff.
  • Bush, the NSA, the CIA, and the FBI may begin eavesdropping immediately on American citizens for 72 hours without a warrant, after which they must obtain a warrant from the FISA courts. Is That Legal?: Stop the "Wellstone Funeral" Meme In Its Tracks!
  • Once the sack whirled about his head, twice, and then it arcked toward the galley, dropping to its deck unnoticed by men frantically cutting away the flaming sail. Conan The Unconquered
  • A question confronting the Football Association's review team is whether dropping a breeze-block from another country on an underperforming national team is the right way to improve results. World Cup 2010 live blog: 30 June
  • Buckeyes are dropping from the trees - watch out for the spiny ones - and squirrels bide their time, waiting for undefended focaccia crumbs to hit the ground.
  • They made the worst possible start, with Stuart Reardon dropping a kick cold and Warrington punishing the error with a third-minute try.
  • She is all for name-dropping but, despite more than 50 years in the industry and her unmistakably diva-ish carriage, she has nothing bad to say about anyone.
  • I take great pleasure in pricking each berry with a needle in several places then dropping them into a bottle with sugar and gin, but others like to freeze the sloes in a plastic bag then bash them hard with a hammer or rolling pin. Nigel Slater's classic sloe gin recipe
  • But please, don't stop name-dropping your glamorous existence in the sweaty cosmopolis on my account.
  • We have suffered from a lot of injuries and players dropping out. Times, Sunday Times
  • The butternut is the first to shed pollen in Indiana with the catkins dropping, in some years, by late April and the first week in Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the 44th Annual Meeting Rochester, N.Y. August 31 and September 1, 1953
  • constant dropping wears the stone.
  • These roots, dropping into the surrounding mud, also become stilts that support more stilts and new trunks nestled in the tangled mass.
  • Discreet knotholes in the wood provided excellent openings for eavesdropping.
  • They saw enemy paratroops dropping from the aeroplane.
  • The fungus grows best on the surface of moist soils, containing bird and bat droppings.
  • It's a nice portrait of Strummer the hipster, talking his jive talk and dropping the needle on U Roy records to a worldwide audience.
  • With the way players were dropping this year, I never took the opportunity to trade away my depth for stud players.
  • She had just let the tears fall softly, dropping onto her grey skirt.
  • He has received compensation from the British government in return for dropping a legal action. Times, Sunday Times
  • Denise Lewis thought about dropping out of the heptathlon with two events remaining because of a foot injury.
  • The track climbs through birch trees and crosses a small gorge before dropping down to the shoreline again.
  • Mr Rogers hopes this development may bring a greater sense of realism to a situation which ‘has been as cracked as a dropping pot for at least a decade now’.
  • Loud rattled the teaboard to Mrs. Berry's dropping hands. Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • Renowned for its red rock formations, Native American history, and jaw-dropping scenery, Sedona is also home to a thriving arts community.
  • He kept them there just a second too long before dropping them to his sides with a lopsided grin.
  • Instead, the weasel is reaching out a forepaw toward her, and she is dropping her throwing stick and taking its paw. NEVERWHERE
  • Glass fell, twinkling in the firelight like stardust dropping from the sky.
  • I turned around to leave, but, dropping my precious box of margarite, I stooped to pick it up. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 61, November, 1862
  • Eavesdropping criminals who use scanners to monitor North Yorkshire police will be foiled by the force's new digital radio system.
  • Anyone over the age of 10 dropping litter will get a fine.
  • A cable dated May 5, 2009 Reference ID 09MADRID440 describes further meetings between US officials and the prosecutor who promises to "embarrass" the Judge into dropping the case. Bill Quigley: Cover-ups, coups, and drones - A Holiday Sampler of What Wikileaks Reveals about the US
  • We both recognized it as a moccasin, because the snake rule was simple: All snakes dropping into your boat at midnight in the river are cottonmouth moccasins, period.
  • By drifting from side to side and dropping deep he found space from which to torment the other team.
  • I am sure you can guess the verdict; jaw-dropping effects and cringeworthy dialogue.
  • Human curiosity seems the obvious answer, and eavesdropping creates that narrative lack which provokes curiosity.
  • Besides, " he added, his voice dropping to a gurgled whisper, "when people are chewing qat, they don't ask awkward questions about where Yemen's oil revenues are going.
  • Eventually she flew off, but not before circling back and dropping a single feather at his feet.
  • One independent analyst says the price rises being mooted by retailers are "toppy", suggesting 4.4% as a realistic number for this year, dropping to 3.6% in 2011. Fashion chains far from cheerful about future of cheap chic
  • Plus I think I will actually get to HANG OUT with Pansy every once in awhile, which is something that only happens on an occasional weekend or for the brief time in between picking up and dropping off children. Dru Blood - I believe in the inherent goodness of all beings: A few personal notes, and then...
  • United weren't creating much but they were cocky and they were getting on the ball and dropping it into areas where something could happen.
  • Macedonia repeated her performance of yesterday, "hogging" the sea by dropping her line of boats in advance of ours and across our course. Chapter 25
  • With inventories of unsold homes at a 13-year high and rising, it is no surprise that prices are finally dropping. Times, Sunday Times
  • Add milk to produce a soft dropping consistency.
  • We use no pestacides; never did on our lemon tree, but it carked it around two months ago and the new sapling we planted has suffered transplant stress, dropping its leaves, almost ready to meet its maker too!! Today's Garden
  • Pigeons carry 60 very nasty diseases as well as ruining our buildings and dirtying our pavements with their droppings.
  • I wanted to listen to you live, as though I was eavesdropping on your conversation.
  • As Obi-Wan Kenobi browses the dragon corral, he sees a particularly energetic dragon toss aside a diminutive wrangler, dropping him into a pool of mucky water.
  • Water dropping day by day wears the hardest rock away. 
  • And they are doing it in an era that has seen dot-coms dropping from the Internet tree like rotten apples.
  • For reasons known only to them, the ship's builders had fashioned a tube from mirrored hyperfiber and cold basalt — the great shaft beginning not far beneath the heavy armor of the ship's bow and dropping for thousands of perfectly vertical kilometers. The Year's Best Science Fiction 23rd Annual Collection
  • Even if you have a fitted boat cover, consider adding a tarp over it to protect the cover from bird droppings or other damage.
  • I'm staring at a neat cubical wombat dropping, perched on the side of the path.
  • A similar jumble of more or less everything found near the nest forms, as we know, the barricade of the Manicate Cotton-bee, who is also an adept at using the Snail's stercoral droppings after these have been dried in the sun. Bramble-Bees and Others
  • Let him spend time in the toughest American prisons amongst the worst of the worst and when he dies (hopefully of old age and not from being excessively sodomized) let a feral dog feed on his body and bury what is left of the remains along with the dog's droppings in a 55 gallon drum of lard. The under pants bomber dilemma
  • Mia fell back screaming and dropping the candle.
  • Fellow drivers are increasingly finding that brown envelope dropping onto the doormat. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dropping the appeal to the privy council was a matter of petty nationalist self aggrandisement.
  • Why is my winter cherry dropping its fruits? Times, Sunday Times
  • Unless we catch them throwing a bottle or dropping litter all we can do is ask them to leave.
  • One physics task involves pupils examining which laws of physics apply to packages dropping down a parcels chute.
  • The rest were made up of unfortunate women of the vilest and most ragged description, aged itinerants, with features seared with famine, bleared eyes, dropping jaws, shivering limbs, and all the mortal signs of hopeless and aidless, and, worst of all, breadless infirmity. Pelham — Complete
  • But at some point, doesn't it make sense to ask if dropping that kind of hammer is equal to the offense? When Common Sense and NY State Politics Collide: The Wine Bag Issue
  • Before dropping off underneath a wispy mosquito net, my last thought is: who knows what creatures stalk this place?
  • A pattern should quickly emerge of what they are up to; usually a circuit will become apparent with them every now and again dropping down to browse on certain spots.
  • What's more, its large cabin also makes it an effective troop transport, suitable for para-dropping infantry squads deep behind enemy lines.
  • The idea is to prevent my back from arching and my legs from dropping during the descent.
  • A slim Farideh pouts at the lens, her skirt several inches shy of the knee, her black beehive dropping teased curls on her brow while beside her a smooth-necked Hussain seems filled with confidence of the future.
  • Once paired, they build a nest on the ground of seaweed, eelgrass, and algae, held together by droppings.
  • They also trace their history back to the Australian Flying Corp in Palestine, WW1, dropping ammo in sandbags.
  • The town is considering dropping the Conservative leader from this year 's festivities because he is too expensive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bird - dropping spiders and crab spiders are also well camouflaged by colour and texture.
  • But that doesn't mean I have to let them do it here, especially when someone is dropping dozens of messages in short periods of time to overwhelm the conversation.
  • To a certain extent it still relies on your dropping the bait on the same line that your tackle is lying.
  • And yes, we all have a fever, and the only cure is you dropping a hot "zesty" somewhere in the second half of this C.T. Report Abuse Yahoo! Sports - Top News

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