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How To Use Drool In A Sentence

  • Gator, my cousin is a veterinarian and is the same. the only thing that grosses her out is drool. MY KNEES -- PART THREE, AFTER THE SURGERY
  • The guy really does have it all - girlfriend, popularity, and university scouts drooling over his breaststroke.
  • Sorry, for 2 days now I have been stuck in Gollum-mode, drooling over the iPhone. IWants it!
  • His mouth drooled at the sound of food and she kissed him on the head.
  • These include the pitcher plants of the Asian tropics, known as Nepenthes, which resemble jugs brimming with nectar—or perhaps more accurately, mouths slavering with drool.
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  • And its recent past is not fraught with the kind of conflicts that scriptwriters drool over.
  • He is droolworthy.
  • Another bonus, and I hope I won't get misunderstood: while you're in trance, your avie has the most stupid expression ever, like she'll start drooling in just a second ... Get me excited about 'XCite'
  • The president candidate drooled the reform measures.
  • What they do is take pop music, remove every ounce of soul, passion or energy and drone it into a mess of an attempt to make a band that 15 year old girls will drool over.
  • Also just to kinda clarify the difference between authentic Greek gryo and what isn’t … depending on who you ask and where they are from, “Authentic” Greek gyro is sometimes refered to as being Donner, which is usually Pork and/or Lamb that has been pounded out thin, and marinated and then put layered onto a vertical spit and then roasted on the gryo cookers we love to drool over. Is Gyro II The Best Gyro Midtown Has to Offer? | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • Just the thought of santol and green mango is enough make us drool. Archive 2005-07-01
  • Such a droolworthy pasta, looks rich and creamy.
  • For the those of you who don't know about the moulting, shitting, barking, licking, drooling beast that's staying at my house for two weeks, you can learn more about her here .
  • The baby drooled happily in response to a sudden breeze.
  • Just think, Omaba is getting a "woodie" over this one, drooling with the desire to invade your homes and search them without cause of warrants Latest Articles
  • I nodded my head frantically, pretty sure drool was dribbling down the side of my mouth.
  • It's drooling fan worship, in one of our leading museums. Times, Sunday Times
  • My sister, Audrey, drooled over him all through dinner.
  • And on that note, I do admit, I kind of drooled a bit when I saw pictures of the Fender phone. Why Are Android Users Mostly Male? » Comics Worth Reading
  • American bosses drooled over big names such as the Chocolate Orange, but showed little interest in anything else.
  • Under the influence of all sorts of things, including real-life doctor drugs, I turned into a voracious drooling gorgon.
  • But that was one thing about the girls in this school, they drooled over all three… not wanting to miss the chance that one might look their way while they were drooling over the other.
  • Most women, however, do; even women who aren't "beautiful" are drooled over because they might have great breasts or a butt. Should Women Really "Go Ugly"?
  • I think what saves this movie from drowning in its own drool is that it's played for laughs, rather than treat it like a suspenseful corporate espionage film. Rabid Rewind: The Informant
  • Fashion plates were supposed to illustrate the season's most covetable and drool-worthy styles, and inspire everyone to imitate them as soon as resources allowed.
  • I see the weekly box office numbers, the way they're tabulated and drooled over… the way a movie is judged a success or a failure on its opening weekend.
  • In the end the sound of the bell alone was enough to bring about a behavioural response - the dog began drooling.
  • And Narnia idealises the simple things in life, while the more up-to-date, affluent Harry drools over the latest must-have broomstick, the Nimbus 2000.
  • I could smell tea and fruit, and my mouth started to drool.
  • General George E. Stratemeyer, the Far East Air Force commander, was so transfixed by her appearance that he just sat there “drooling egg down his chin” as she sashayed past his table. A Covert Affair
  • The dog drooled in anticipation of his dinner.
  • Sometimes when she gets excited she gets a little drooly, but I'd make certain that I had some paper towels around if you were to come visit her. That Bonded Resume Paper
  • The patient initially presented at age 13 months to the paediatric department at another hospital with fever, drooling, toxicity and stridor.
  • Said to drool and smell more strongly than some dogs, Spinoni are still relatively easy to keep clean.
  • He lay beside me blissfully asleep, with drool steadily dripping from his mouth.
  • And now that I've drooled over Danny's site, my eyes are wandering over to the cupboard where I keep a secret stash of notebooks, colouring pencils and of course a supply of purple pens.
  • I nodded off to sleep, my drool dribbling onto my English book.
  • The Drog reckons the dynamic duo can forge a perfect partnership which will leave Blues fans drooling. The Sun
  • Shop for basics like stockpots and tongs, and drool over commercial appliances.
  • She had curly chestnut brown hair, blue-gray eyes, stood 5'8, and had long slim legs that guys drooled over.
  • Newfs are also heavy seasonal shedders, and due to the loose lip flews, they drool and can throw it many metres when they shake their heads.
  • I just started drooling and twitching uncontrollably, my mind seeming to flicker on and off, on and off, over and over and over.
  • Prepare to find yourself drooling like Pavlov's dog at a campanologists' convention.
  • The girls in school drooled over him but he seemed to be immune to it all as he rarely dated, and if he did it was never serious - he was too immature to have one of those relationships.
  • Across America, thousands of runners are doing just that on their summer weekends to evade rampaging hordes of undead chasers drooling blood and slime. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Drog reckons the dynamic duo can forge a perfect partnership which will leave Blues fans drooling. The Sun
  • He looked down to see his notebook on his desk, with a small dribble of his drool on the page.
  • I've been reading about a fab church (with drool-worthy architecture, stained glass windows and stone masonry work to covet) in NZ.
  • I believe that my grandpapa gave me a similar speech propped on his lap while I was still in diapers and drooling on myself.
  • Flash was also merchandized quite a bit for the times... don't these tin-toy pistols look gorgeous.... just don't drool on your keyboard. Flash Gordon Part 1
  • No wonder great players are drooling over it. The Sun
  • Olegt steps on rake, smashes nose, steps backwards onto shovel, whacks head, stumbles forward into ditch, crawls out puts hand in mousetrap, falls backwards into wedding cake, large drooling St. Bernard licks icing off his face, and … cut! Berlinski stirring the pot
  • Overhead them was a huge, monstrous and extremely ugly bird drooling over them.
  • So we shouldn't be surprised to find this set drooling over the prospect of "nestling" in the public sector, particularly the K-12 education "market. Brian Jones: Karl Marx: Teacher of the Year?
  • The red foxes wait as drool goes down their mouth with anticipation.
  • The infant who is drooling often has chapped skin around the mouth, on the chest, or on the hands.
  • Guys drooled over her and girls despised her for it.
  • The dog was drooling at the mouth.
  • The guys sat down on her queen-size bed, naked, semihard, openmouthed, practically drooling. Shore Thing
  • A troika of small boys, cocky and nervous proto-new Russians, lean over the rusting barbed wire and drool gobbets of spit onto his head.
  • Roz and I sat by the swimming pool, drooling over all the gorgeous young men.
  • She keeps talking, and talking until your eyes dim and you start to drool from the mind-numbing nonsense that fall from her mouth. Gingrich says Palin 'tremendously important'
  • It's the Rex breed of rabbit that I drool over every September, in the Small Animal Barn of our county fair.
  • The old lady introduced him to the other old women who began to drool over him.
  • When the days start to grow longer in February, Americans are as hungry as a bunch of groundhogs, drooling for the first tender greens of spring.
  • I saw the word butterscotch in the DB forum and just HAD to click * drool*. Daring Bakers Challenge - Opéra Cake
  • Now, show me the nearest neck drooling knuckle dragger you want punched flat to the ground! Think Progress » White House Signals That It Will Fight Back Against GOP Abuse Of Filibuster
  • You can tell because drool is coming out of both sides of his mouth. Think Progress » Rep. Barney Frank distributes ‘Little Punk Staffer’ buttons to Capitol Hill aides.
  • Bill was staring at Heather with a small puddle of drool just waiting to fall from the edge of his parted lips.
  • An incredible cast and a drool-worthy director make this the most promising of the holiday season selection.
  • Maureen sits there staring vacantly across the table, a stray bit of spittle drooling out of the side of her mouth…
  • In fact, after I drooled for a while over the date cake and got all teary-eyed reading her story behind the recipe, I continued to peruse her site some more, finding some other recipes I had long since saved to make as well as a couple new gems. Archive 2009-04-01
  • That's the kind of number that gets fiscal conservatives foaming at the mouth and makes democrats drool.
  • The most sinister bird is the giant, vulture-like lammergeier that drools upon the banks.
  • Lip stuff, E45 cream, and some of that hand-sanitiser stuff I'm not a clean freak, I just get drooled on by kids sometimes Snell-Pym » Many Pockets
  • As he turned to walk back toward me, I could see little droplets of drool forming at the corner of his mouth.
  • The dog drooled over his meat.
  • The upshot is a Classic renewal that has purists drooling at the prospect. Times, Sunday Times
  • A trickle of drool oozed down his unshaven chin.
  • And indeed, judging by the guest's drooling, lip-smacking and eye-rolling, he finds this Camembert something out of the world, beyond all his gustatory experience.
  • His bike is awesome and he is most definitely droolworthy.
  • If one more idiot drooled at my boobs, I was going to scream.
  • This drool-worthy dessert is a chocoholic's dream come true.
  • The visual effects are also drool-worthy, and the silky smooth animations are also up to snuff.
  • Quick, get a bib for pez – his out of control drooling is quite embarrassing to his family. Think Progress » ‘Impeach Obama’ Advocate At CPAC Concedes Movement Is Based Largely On ‘Policy Differences’
  • In every group most of those who believed that teething causes symptoms ascribed irritability, dribbling or drooling, biting objects, sleep problems, inflamed gums, and red cheeks to teething.
  • His left jab, with its unerring accuracy, and right cross left pundits drooling with admiration. Times, Sunday Times
  • Acquaintances say the video-store clerk 'drooled' whenever his buddy granted him a sneak peak at a rare comic. Archive 2006-07-23
  • Meanwhile he barred his teeth and began to drool.
  • He was drooling slightly, out of the corner of his cavernous mouth, and as a result looked rather stupid.
  • His body is clenching from the pain and his mouth is drooling.
  • The exquisite fare includes droolworthy dishes such as Risotto with Red Cabbage and Potatoes, Home-made Tortelli filled with Provolone Cheese, Fresh Blue Crab Salad Meat, and Braised Lamb.
  • I'd rather be exposed to Glenn Beck after a full-blown Healthcare-Is-Fascism hissy fit, eyes streaming crocodile tears, rocking back and forth in the fetal position with his thumb in his mouth and a pool of drool dripping down his moisturized chinny chin-chin (actually high-fructose corn syrup, but it works for the camera) than this former second-string Miss Alaska smarmily playing pretend at punditry. Fox's Barracuda Jumps the Shark
  • Unblinking, he stared into the fire, mouthing incoherent words, repeating the unfamiliar syllables through limp, drooling flews.
  • One of his bodyguards was actually drooling at the thought. The Sun
  • She looked up at me and grabbed her feet, a big smile on her drooly face. Every little thing in the world
  • Only a few stinking, slimy bubbles emerged from its mouth, burst into flames, and dripped downwards in pyric drool. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • But then we also got drunk drooly wreck on the floor Adama. Nine best Cylon Reveals
  • A small child looks on in fascination, his mouth emitting a long string of drool onto his mother's hands.
  • The dog was drooling at the mouth.
  • The young designer's bags are truly droolworthy, combining soft, supple leather with the lightest kiss of metal hardware.
  • ‘No, I'll have my bill,’ Josh answered, reaching for a napkin to wipe a trickle of drool off his chin.
  • Other sports can only drool with envy. The Sun
  • Bonk computer must be in a primitive and exotic game scene with the first block in front of him break all the obstacles, drooling from the evil hands of the king rescued the princess.
  • I have just been thinking about so called horsey friends and have just realised that my little foal is 6 months old next week and only 3 of my horsey friends have actually made the effort to come see him There's a new baby on the block and they've not been to drool over him? Undefined
  • It emerged Friday that even as Citigroup and Wachovia were working on a deal, Wells Fargo executives had been continuing their own quest for Wachovia -- a deal that they had "drooled" over for years, according to a person familiar with the matter. Wachovia Chooses Wells Fargo, Spurns Citi
  • While the sales lady took 45 minutes to ring it up, I drooled over the jewelry and pointed out items for the kid to tell her father to get for me.
  • These include the pitcher plants of the Asian tropics, known as Nepenthes, which resemble jugs brimming with nectar—or perhaps more accurately, mouths slavering with drool.
  • She stirred and then opened her mouth and began to drool.
  • He is already drooling about a woman who prepares a zander - a variety of pike perch - in a red wine sauce.
  • She had half expected drool to dribble down his chin.
  • Connie pulled open the various boxes and tubs and pans of edibles and almost began drooling.
  • I literally drooled when I saw his illustrated Lord of the Flies for the Folio Society. MIND MELD: Recent SF/F/H Book Covers That Blow Us Away
  • Despite the bombastic patriotism, drooling machine porn, all-round political dodginess, atrocious comedy, antiquated alien-invasion plot, etc, there's something oddly compelling about metropolitan destruction and high-tech combat rendered on this scale. This week's new films
  • Panforte, panettone and nougat to drool over and an Italian wine list to make oenophiles moan with pleasure.
  • He could feel his vascular system and brain clogging with paste, he was drooling. The Times Literary Supplement
  • He was lying splayed on the ground, drool oozing from his mouth and onto the floor.
  • Adorning the walls, were rows of longboards that would make even the most militant shortboarder drool.
  • Mandibles clashed, clacking together like snapping tree trunks, and spittle drooled from its fangs.
  • It takes cheap, commodified resources to use tech, and it takes tremendous effort in secure food and service supply to have a huge pool of non - [drooling bigoted idiot peasants who seek every petty opportunity to "get ahead" whether it's a good long-term idea or not], and that usually comes from stealing land, food, and opportunities from * someone* else. Matthew Yglesias » Almost All Decline is Relative
  • ST tends to do that although I think it is more for brevity than anything else .... piracer: That looks like Matsusaka beef, no? chocolate reindeer: * drool drool drool*
  • Call the doctor if he is spitting up, drooling, vomiting, or if he has chest or stomach pain.
  • #373 patrick5-the thought of their drool hitting their keyboards in unison is rather an entertaining one. Think Progress » Palin aide refuses to criticize Limbaugh by name when calling his ‘retard’ comments ‘crude and demeaning.’
  • It's drooling fan worship, in one of our leading museums. Times, Sunday Times
  • He wipes the drool, takes a swig of beer and takes a quick run through the Internet to keep from falling asleep.
  • And that makes me want to run around screaming and drooling on myself simultaneously to add to my disheveled, undone self.
  • They sipped champagne while nibbling on drool-worthy canapes at a private pre-performance party in full view of everyone.
  • Problems from inexpert use are droopy eyelid - a condition called ptosis - or a near-frozen forehead, a lop-sided mouth or drooling.
  • But in order to try it you may have to stop wolfing the smothered pork chops and grits the person on your left is drooling over, or the curried goat with superb succotash that has made the friend on your right fall suddenly silent.
  • But in order to try it you may have to stop wolfing the smothered pork chops and grits the person on your left is drooling over, or the curried goat with superb succotash that has made the friend on your right fall suddenly silent.
  • The bullet was magic and it deflected Strange's spell - sending it back at all of them, causing them to be stuck in their imagination - the drooling was a sign that they were all in a sleep-like trance. This Comic Is Good – Giant-Size Astonishing X-Men #1 | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • There was no pop-eyed lust, no furtive boner, no drooling over dusky bazooms and stiletto gams. Life As We Know It
  • One night after escaping into a guitar solo, I sucked the drool off my lower lip and realized that the sleazoid drunks and derelicts at the bar were giving me a standing ovation. I slept with Joey Ramone
  • David swivels and gyrates to the point where I'm practically drooling with heavy duty lust.
  • SOMETIMES you look at the coupon and drool at the prospects of dosh, dosh and more dosh! The Sun
  • Her chin was awash with saliva and blood; she inadvertently drooled a thick cord into the quivering maw. MINUTES TO BURN
  • * pats bunny on head and hands him a handkrief for the drool* btw, my twinkie is tea » Cheese is my twinkie
  • The president candidate drooled the reform measures.
  • At the sight of the meat my dog started drooling.
  • I left Sara in the shop drooling over a green silk dress.
  • No wonder great players are drooling over it. The Sun
  • The dog drooled over his meat.
  • Along the way, he finds redemption (or not); a girl (or manages to regain the ex-wife who left him); and he cries when he runs over a little dog, wasting time while rushing it to the vet (or he might just discover he can live with his ex's flatulent hound, who drools on his flokati rugs.) HH Com 172
  • The Italian star had been admired, drooled over and hyped for a decade, turning into one of the world's most famous divas in the process.
  • With a gulp, I swallowed the drool puddling in my mouth. How to Flirt with A Naked Werewolf
  • She gave him a woodpecker's tongue, arrowheaded and barbed; an ox tongue, muscular, broad, and hung with drool; and, finally, the shy, happy tongue that the porpoise employs to push the waves to shore. Skinny Legs and All
  • Financial advisers are "drooling" at the prospect of managing this huge pool of assets as boomers retire, says Sheryl Garrett of the Garrett Planning Network, which caters to middle-income families. Managing your retirement fund can be tricky
  • Everyone not playing with their toes in a crib, or drooling down themselves in a care home, is fully aware that models hoover up the gak like their careers depend upon it.
  • He ripped my hand away, I turned my head and got a big sloppy drooly kiss on the cheek!!! My First Date
  • It's disgusting, actually, the way she fawns all over him and then drools over Cale when his back is turned.
  • Her three hounds leaped up the stairs at her heels, drooly tongues hanging out. Aphrodite the Beauty
  • Steve looked up from the menu he was drooling over and waited for her to go on.
  • Within these pages, she will once again regale you with her unique vision, her misanthropy, and her general intolerance of slack-jawed, drooling dunces. Roseanne Archy
  • I'd rather see them wrestle than be turned into drooling decerebrate mutants like modern show St. Bernards any time. Wrestling Dogs of Central Asia
  • I found them to be mostly annoying because so many dudes drooled over some pretty girls. Women Audiences, Women Characters
  • Fashion editors drooled over every item.
  • Other drool-worthy pieces in this film include full skirts, cat-eye glasses and the fabulous all-black outfit worn in the finale by Olivia Newton John.
  • She didn't take drinks from strange men, even droolworthy ones.
  • I think I drooled a bit when I saw the pics of our beloved Edward. * giggles* Twilight Lexicon » Eclipse Stills Go Viral
  • As they went to examine the young patient together, PO immediately noticed that the baby was drooling and fussing as the mother tried to comfort him with a pacifier.
  • Each year, she and her husband, Dennis, travel south from their Indiana home to sell droolworthy, belly-busting treats at state fairs and festivals.
  • Tanya Burton chats to the food stylists who know how to make you drool.
  • It is a list of contemporary art that would have the staff of any auction house drooling with envy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whenever an official looked him over, Switters would commence to drool, inspiring the douanier to shift his attentions elsewhere. Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climates
  • This ice cream montage will get you drooling in no time, with slow-motion shots of sugary, melty, creamy yumminess.
  • The upshot is a Classic renewal that has purists drooling at the prospect. Times, Sunday Times
  • From the moment their grans pop the first illicit chocolate button in their drooling mouths, children are hooked, and parental censure only sharpens their appetite.
  • He was too occupied with his own vision, and vividly burned before him the sordid barrenness of a poorhouse ward, where an ancient, very like what he himself would become, maundered and gibbered and drooled for a crumb of tobacco for his old clay pipe, and where, of all horrors, no sip of beer ever obtained, much less six quarts of it. CHAPTER 2
  • Her jaw dropped and she was floored, beginning to drool already.
  • The dog lay drooling on the mat.
  • Most of the record is fast, somewhat furious and filled with enough riffage to make any gearhead drool.
  • Rolf went for the confit chicken flatbread and I opted for the roast aubergine, then kicked myself when I spotted one of the meze platters, which looked droolworthy.
  • MORRIS: You know, this whole thing about the "girls rule, boys drool," it used to be an empty slogan, but you have kind of reworked that. CNN Transcript Aug 5, 2006
  • I know sometimes I drop the act and my eyes glaze over and a droplet of drool trickles from the corner of my mouth.
  • So tell me - what do you call a commentor that perpetually has bad breath, drools all over the keyboard and mouse, and sheds his hair all over the place? Hot Air » Top Picks
  • It also helped that she hadn't began drooling over him the minute he walked in the door.
  • This week, however, it has truly outdone itself, with desirable vehicles to make the fattest of fat cats drool.
  • A fine line of drool even made it's way down his cheek.
  • They are strong, just as droolworthy and men you'd be proud to fall in love with.
  • Cathal just grinned and flopped his head back down to the floor with a splatter of drool.
  • Wipe your chin pinhead ..... your starting to drool. A Pastor on Health Care: What Would Jesus Do? -- Politics Daily
  • Then there's the fish, so many varieties of fish available and so many achingly drool-worthy ways of cooking them.
  • Ted was busy flipping through a fun magazine, Sam was asleep on his desk, a small pool of drool forming around his mouth, and Tanya was drawing up the plans for the con job.
  • The dog lay drooling on the mat.
  • Yes, I am a drooling, venal dishonest fool who is just lying because she's mean.
  • A wide, drooling toothless grin split his flat face, and two yellow-red reptilian eyes stared covetously from his immense head.
  • He was most unbeautiful, with a white patch over one eye, a torn ear, and a jaw always a little open and drooling. ON CATS
  • Be it chunky beads strung in silver thread or kundan silver jewellery dipped in gold and worked on in fine detail, the jet-set crowd drools over these creations.
  • One of his bodyguards was actually drooling at the thought. The Sun
  • The drool is coming out of both sides of their mouth. Think Progress » Hawaii considers legislation to ignore birthers.
  • This version of the app manager is better thought out than the concepts we've seen before, which were already droolworthy.
  • The pastries shown in pic 4 are just some of the drool-worthy foods on offer at the food market every Saturday morning.
  • The dollar still being relatively weak, transactions can work out cheaper as well as making available droolworthy gizmos and doodads that can't be found here.
  • At the sight of the meat my dog started drooling.
  • The dog drooled over his meat.
  • So, does he spend all day drooling at the thought of a decent meal? The Sun
  • So, does he spend all day drooling at the thought of a decent meal? The Sun
  • The upshot is a Classic renewal that has purists drooling at the prospect. Times, Sunday Times
  • The dog was drooling at the mouth and a lady with a small child went into the road to avoid walking near it.

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