How To Use Dromaeosaur In A Sentence
Dromaeosaurs, a group of small, fleet-footed dinosaurs in the theropod family, are thought to be the closest known relatives of birds.
Dromaeosaurs were all bipedal, fairly cursorial, and terrestrial.
To their credit, Quick & Ruben (2009) do note that some birds (including kiwis, emus and the extinct elephant birds and mihirungs) have very small sterna that don't extend as far posteriorly as the abdominal air-sacs: these sterna are actually smaller, compared to trunk length, than those of such non-avian saurischians as dromaeosaurs and diplodocoid and macronarian sauropods (Wedel 2007).
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Lightly feathered dromaeosaurs might have relied on wings for help in climbing steep slopes and even entering trees, just as extant galliform birds do.
True feathers, so far as we know, were restricted to maniraptorans (the theropod clade that includes oviraptors, dromaeosaurs and birds), but simpler, filament-like integumentary structures appear to have evolved much earlier within theropod history, probably at or around the base of Coelurosauria.
Happy Christmas, from gigantic Spanish sauropods... or, alas, poor ‘Angloposeidon’
Does the discovery of asymmetrical flight feathers on the forelimbs and hind limbs of dromaeosaurs affect the debate about the evolution of avian flight.
The next largest carnivores were usually dromaeosaurs or other, much smaller theropods.
Among other features, birds have a structure that they share with dromaeosaurs: a fused clavicle called the furcula, which serves as a brace during the flight stroke.
Rihui Li of the Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology in China has found tracks, in the Shandong Province, China, that strongly suggests that there were six Dromaeosaurs together in a pack.
We know that it is a dromaeosaur, a theropod and relative of Velociraptor.