How To Use Driving force In A Sentence

  • More important than everything, the most aggressive driving force of her life.
  • The driving force behind a great organization is to never forget the passion and principles we all support in habitat work for the wild quail and all upland game. Quail Unlimited Implodes
  • And it is precisely this intangible element - a sense of shared values and community - that is the legacy that seems to be the driving force sustaining and vitalizing this collection.
  • The driving force of primary migration is mainly abnormal high pressure and that of secondary migration is buoyance and fluid potential difference.
  • Planned developments in Integrated Production Policy will mean that tools such as eco-labelling and environmental management systems will be driving forces for companies in every sector of the economy.
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  • What set him apart was the way he understood that advertising and packaging are the driving force of post-war popular culture.
  • If there is a perception that the elite end of the game has sometimes become estranged from the volunteers that drive the grassroots, Steele has vowed to bring them back together, using the prize of a home World Cup as the driving force. 2015 will offer us an opportunity in three areas. England can win 2015 World Cup, says RFU chief executive John Steele
  • The aim of these fine distinctions, not to say hair-splitting, is to deny the Marxist thesis that the driving forces of the war were rooted in economic and geopolitical conflicts of the major capitalist powers.
  • Randy Krajewski, who plays accordion, bass, concertina, and piano and sings, appears to be the driving force behind this homage, and the band pulls it off nearly flawlessly.
  • Consumer spending was the driving force behind the economic growth in the summer.
  • Demonstrating a vastly incompetent grasp of the driving forces behind economic growth in modern "postindustrial" nations - for almost 40 years, now all new income has developed in the USA from developments in Libertarian Blog Place
  • Even when we consider his military conquest, we see that the driving force behind them was his attachment to God.
  • The aspect of the moral indefensibility, the wrongness of it, because it failed to bring justice, was the driving force for me and I think the driving force for the majority of the people in my party.
  • The driving force for the current squad is Shanavia Dowdell, two-time WAC player of the year and this year's tournament MVP. Dayton: It's No. 1 Connecticut ... and everyone else
  • I am, in short, thankful for private-property markets that are the main driving force behind these and many other anti-pollutants -- a force so powerful that we today enjoy the incredible luxury of being able to worry, should we so choose, about very distant and very speculative forms of environmental problems such as species loss and global warming. Earth Day -some cogent counterpoints to the standard green koolaid
  • Hawks was the driving force behind the project.
  • The former police constable, and the driving force behind Saturday's ceremony, was one of the first rescuers on the scene 30 years ago.
  • It was Madison, they note, who nudged Jefferson out of retirement after his wife's death in 1782, initiated the criticisms of Hamilton that Jefferson continued in the early 1790s, was the "driving force" behind Jefferson's candidacy for the presidency in 1796, and helped reverse Jefferson's dangerously disunionist impulses three years later, after the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions had failed to rally the states against the Alien and Sedition Acts. Partners in revolution
  • He was the driving force behind filling and sending three previous containers to Zambia, which helped the Irish Brothers establish various workstations, including a motor workshop and an engineering shop.
  • However, it was the power of nous, or mind, that not only created the world but also was the driving force in its day to day processes.
  • This provides straight running as driving forces tend to push back the rear spindles.
  • Her daughter's well being was the most powerful driving force to him.
  • It therefore seems that positive phototaxis was stronger than the positive geotaxis as a driving force of cell motility.
  • Both types of LWR work at very high pressure, something like 200 times atmospheric pressure, which is a potent driving force to expel radiotoxic substances into the environment. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Envy and the feeling that it is unfair for some nations to be so rich and others to be so poor can be a powerful, driving force.
  • Heir apparent to Chinese-Filipino taipan John Gokongwei and the driving force behind the rapid expansion of Cebu Pacific, Lance Gokongwei is causing a big splash in the Philippines and across Southeast Asia as he secures more and more routes for the low-cost carrier. The Southeast Asia Power List
  • The desire to transgress the limits and limitations of human existence is a driving force behind all art.
  • Historically, radiology has been a driving force behind the development of high-resolution screens.
  • Emotion is more powerful than reason. Emotion is the driving force behind thinking and reasoning. Emotional intelligence increases the mind's ability to make positive, brilliant decisions. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • The high level of mortality and infectivity of pneumonic plague is the driving force for the development of new and more effective vaccines.
  • This phenomenon, called the piezoelectric effect, has been well known in certain crystals for more than a century and is the driving force behind quartz clocks and other applications. - latest science and technology news stories
  • We do have team meetings but one-to-ones are a driving force of our business.
  • This is an important driving force for transformation and innovation.
  • Tricky midfielder has been the driving force behind three successive wins. The Sun
  • Even so, the real driving force behind such travel was not the railway but increased prize money or stakes which still came largely from the subscriptions of rich patrons.
  • However, thermodynamic driving forces may indeed arise in experiments, as the result of chemical potential and/or concentration gradients between the cytoplasm and the nucleoplasm.
  • The other big driving force has been equal pay. Times, Sunday Times
  • A driving force in this resistance, as he presented it, was class conflict: the desire of people of comparatively low socio-economic status to undermine or even usurp the consuetudinary power not only of clergymen, but of lawyers and doctors as well.
  • The swing is behaving like a tuned resonator which responds strongly to a driving force at its own natural frequency but is less responsive at other frequencies.
  • He wants a world beater in his side so how about Nigel Mansell as a driving force in his next squad.
  • Consumer spending was the driving force behind the economic growth in the summer.
  • The driving force for water movement can change with environmental conditions and with location in the plant.
  • The driving force causing these alterations seems to be the increase in relative proportion of type III collagen.
  • Then there's The Boss - the matriarch of the family, a lovely lady and very much the driving force behind the restaurant.
  • The Nobel Committee recognized this truth in awarding its first prize for peace to Henry Dunant – the founder of the Red Cross, and a driving force behind the Geneva Conventions. Barack H. Obama - Nobel Lecture
  • Henderson's father now runs a hotel in Broxburn, and she credits him as the driving force behind her running career.
  • They know, with the skipper in the side, they won't be lacking guidance and a driving force.
  • The research contents of the paper mainly involve the driving force analysis of degraded ecosystem, assessment of degraded ecosystem as well as degraded ecosystem restoration and rehabilitation study.
  • The struggle to achieve statehood for a given nation was the driving force behind nineteenth-century nationalism.
  • Today, fealty to corporate paymasters is the driving force.
  • More work is necessary to delineate whether this could be one of the driving forces for increased vascularization.
  • He was the driving force upfront, and was ably supported by the willing Richard Pugh, Duncan Jones and Ryan Jones.
  • In a sense, the perception of the future as a supreme resource is the driving force of futurology.
  • The film's central character Vera Drake played by Imelda Staunton, who was nominated for a rash of best actress awards, is a char whose concern for her family and neighbours is the driving force of her life.
  • Ron is the driving force behind the project.
  • The figure shows a parabola which illustrates the connection between reaction speed (on a logarithmic scale) and driving force (expressed in kcal/mol) for an electron transfer reaction. Press Release: The 1992 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
  • Ron is the driving force behind the project.
  • The driving force of moisture migration in soil is the key of discussing the mechanism of freezing ice and frost heave and the stress of freezing soil.
  • This "greediest generation", who only lived for today, and didn't plan for their own futures (let alone their children's), were the driving force behind the speculative and over-leveraged behavior that caused this down turn in the first place. Poll: Paterson's TV ads still not helping
  • He is widely rumored to be the driving force behind the proposed lawsuit and he coyly admits to fielding inquiries.
  • The interaction energy between the piperazine and the DNA does not alter significantly during the structural changes, suggesting entropy as the driving force for the transitions.
  • He has a good driving force behind himself. The Sun
  • It's important to realize that for evaluating the likelihood of Idiocracy or Freakonomics, it doesn't particularly matter whether nature or nurture is the driving force in molding the next generation. Dysculturation?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Morality and pacifist emotion were the driving forces behind much of the uninformed criticism of the Sandys Reformation.
  • One of the driving forces behind this recent expansion is the growth of services.
  • The much-improved quality of life in inner cities is the driving force behind the housing boom in downtowns across the country.
  • Emotion is more powerful than reason. Emotion is the driving force behind thinking and reasoning. Emotional intelligence increases the mind's ability to make positive, brilliant decisions. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Unfortunately in their rush to medicalize "lived-experiences" they have, like antipsychiatry become the driving force behind the movement away from funding services, research and programs for serious mental illnesses like schizophrenia, and instead have encouraged diverting those dollars to fund mental anything. DJ Jaffe: Psychiatry vs. Antipsychiatry: Call to action
  • Emotion is more powerful than reason. Emotion is the driving force behind thinking and reasoning. Emotional intelligence increases the mind's ability to make positive, brilliant decisions. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Volunteers would recognize themselves as a positive driving force in all Nova Scotian communities if there were such a year.
  • Tricky midfielder has been the driving force behind three successive wins. The Sun
  • It's important to realize that for evaluating the likelihood of Idiocracy or Freakonomics, it doesn't particularly matter whether nature or nurture is the driving force in molding the next generation. Dysculturation?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • It departs from Bunting's previous work, in which music was the driving force.
  • The attempt to make things faster has been a driving force behind human achievement.
  • Since then he has been regarded as the driving force behind the company's development in Britain and Asia.
  • Consumer spending was the driving force behind the economic growth in the summer.
  • The other big driving force has been equal pay. Times, Sunday Times
  • the driving force was his innate enthusiasm
  • Emotion is more powerful than reason. Emotion is the driving force behind thinking and reasoning. Emotional intelligence increases the mind's ability to make positive, brilliant decisions. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • In each case, it was non-governmental organizations that were the driving forces behind these profound changes.
  • He is undoubtedly a driving force behind the band, his lilting, liquid bass lines underpinning the more ethereal, fractured sound that surrounds them.
  • He has a good driving force behind himself. The Sun
  • To increase the driving force and the speed, they added a second and then a third bank of oars, thus producing the "bireme" and the "trireme. A History of Sea Power
  • The driving force of economic progress over the past several decades has been the emergence of polycentrism. Canada in a Fragile World
  • All four regions are under threat from agricultural extensification and all four identify the household level as the key scale for analysis, remote sensing as a useful tool, and land tenure or institutions as key driving forces and issues of importance to managers. Protected areas
  • The Privatization Law was the driving force which influenced the form privatization would take in the 1990s.
  • The linear inequality constraint of contact force is obtained by using dynamic equation of robotic arm and joint generalized driving force constraint.
  • This technology is just too well suited to industry extortion for that not to be a significant driving force behind it.
  • But the businessmen who are the driving force behind the TECs may feel diffident about administering a chunk of the welfare state.
  • Marley message rooted in his rastafari beliefs was the driving force behind this new identity. Jamaica - Full Feed
  • The film's main character and driving force has no obvious antecedents in movie history and didn't exactly spawn a new genre.
  • In fact, the labour movement was the major driving force in the struggle for statehood and independence.
  • He controlled the game at that stage and he was the driving force as Kerry pushed forward for a succession of great scores.
  • Whilst Paul is obviously a successful businessman, making money has not been his driving force or ambition.
  • The driving force for both nucleation and crystal growth is supersaturation, i.e., the concentration of solute in the solution above equilibrium solubility.
  • The other big driving force has been equal pay. Times, Sunday Times
  • Consumer spending was the driving force behind the economic growth in the summer.
  • It was nice to play a leading role in a film, be given that responsibility and to be the driving force in the movie.
  • One thread that runs through both the realities of the hospital and of Gabon and help elucidate the driving force behind what Schweitzer made of his own life is what he called "reverence for life". The Full Feed from
  • The real political driving force behind these changes is the widespread realisation that the problems we face are not narrow, parochial problems.
  • The great driving force of the oligarchs is the belief that they are doing right. Chapter 21: The Roaring Abysmal Beast
  • Volume price changes the driving force, and its actual technical analysis the position is self - evident .
  • New fixed-odds terminals featuring a number of games including roulette were named as the driving force of recent growth at the group's 2,000 betting shops.
  • According to models of episodic memory, contextual similarity is a driving force in influencing the probability of the retrieval of an episodic trace.
  • The difference in sodium concentration between the interior and the exterior is the driving force in the uptake of important nutrients necessary to the cell, e.g. glucose and amino acids. Press Release: The 1997 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
  • The president said the media has been a driving force for him and his staff, forcing him to examine and improve their overall performance.
  • The Franco-German axis is the driving force behind the new constitution.
  • The grandmother has been the driving force behind the project to transform the crumbling control tower into a new visitor attraction.
  • United States defence spending has been a key driving force behind much of the electronics, telecommunications and computer industries.
  • Consumer spending was the driving force behind the economic growth in the summer.
  • The heath is a driving force in itself, a force that goes by its own free will and nature.
  • Consumer spending was the driving force behind the economic growth in the summer.
  • The most potent driving force for this is material aspiration, stimulated by open exchanges with other societies.
  • With the hydrophobic portions of the molecules sequestered from and the hydrophilic surfaces exposed to solvent, there is little driving force for the soluble peptide oligomers to associate with membranes.
  • This portmanteau puddingstone of indigestible bureaucracy leaves enough room for the true major driving force of ZDNet UK Highlights
  • The other big driving force has been equal pay. Times, Sunday Times
  • He also made it clear that the driving force behind this vision of the Internet is broadband networking.
  • This last example suggests that the driving force for women's full integration into the armed forces has been manpower shortage.
  • By controlling the rate of cooling, one can control the driving force of the crystallisation process.
  • Striving for that target could in itself be a powerful driving force.
  • The research contents of the paper mainly involve the driving force analysis of degraded ecosystem, assessment of degraded ecosystem as well as degraded ecosystem restoration and rehabilitation study.
  • Betty has been the driving force behind the community playschool since it first opened its doors in the Parish Hall 13 years ago.
  • However, I don't believe "collectibility" is a driving force -- the driving force? Slash Print | Following the digital evolution | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Space exploration and exploitation is a major driving force in advancing the frontiers of knowledge.
  • Each person and each group is free to practise their religion, their beliefs, and their fundamental driving forces.
  • Tensions are the driving forces in our lives, the struggles stretching and deepening as opposed to cheapening our life experience.
  • The shift toward more ecological means of pest control is a driving force in research and in growers' fields.
  • The thickening of the outer PD ring during constriction suggests that this may provide the driving force necessary for central plastid constriction.
  • One of the driving forces behind the changes has been the huge success of the Fitness Unlimited card, which allows customers access to all the gyms and swimming pools from £19.99 per month.
  • The driving force is a 1994 federal, provincial and territorial agreement designed to break down interprovincial trade barriers.
  • Ron is the driving force behind the project.
  • The driving force behind the aesthetics of modularity is a transformation in the geometry of class, the shift from a national to a global process of class formation.
  • Proactive and innovative spirit is the driving force for our development.
  • Johan becomes a virtuoso of classical music, a driving force who cannot be ignored.
  • Tricky midfielder has been the driving force behind three successive wins. The Sun
  • Many say the biggest casualty that Bangalore has suffered is the unceremonious exit of former chief minister S M Krishna, who was the driving force behind Bangalore's explosive growth in the IT sector in the last few years.
  • The flesh in between the second and third wing veins had been entirely burnt away, leaving a charred hole where the main driving force should come from.
  • New technology is the driving force behind the rapidly changing workplace.
  • The difference was his stress on mass consciousness as the driving force of revolution.
  • In his speech delivered to law students in Quebec City, Mr. Landry quoted the late Liberal prime minister and driving force behind the patriation of the Constitution as saying at the time: “This Constitution will last 1,000 years.” This Blog Will Last 1,000 Years « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • Hydraulic conductance was calculated as the flow rate divided by the pressure driving force.
  • The court is a driving force for change as far as human rights go in the former eastern bloc. Times, Sunday Times
  • The driving force behind a robust industry is a strong demand for innovative new products.
  • Lea Redmond is the driving force behind it, and runs it like the tiny business it is. Leafcutter Designs: Large Concepts in Small Packages
  • Savings must become the driving force behind sound investment, replacing the current mess commanded by financial credit and endemic speculation.
  • The driving force behind the elegant simplicity was Jobs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Where new work untrammelled by context is concerned, reasonableness visibly relinquishes the controls to logic, not least in the matter of the driving force of the design.
  • DE KLERK: The aspect of the moral indefensibility, the wrongness of it, because it failed to bring justice, was the driving force for me and I think the driving force for the majority of the people in my party. CNN Transcript Nov 23, 2003
  • Ron is the driving force behind the project.
  • That is one of the driving forces behind lexicology, and why it is so important: it helps us manage vocabulary change. Archive 2006-12-01
  • From the first moment of his election as party leader in December 2005, David Cameron's driving force was to "detoxify" the Conservative brand. Cameron's First 100 Days
  • The film's central character Vera Drake played by Imelda Staunton, who was nominated for a rash of best actress awards, is a char whose concern for her family and neighbours is the driving force of her life.
  • More specific chemical alterations such as syneresis or mineral dehydration can provide endogenous driving forces leading to overpressure.
  • One of the driving forces behind this recent expansion is the growth of services.
  • And character was the driving force of Cassou's life and work.
  • His wife is the driving force behind his accomplishments.
  • In fact, steaminess was the driving force of King's latest project.
  • The main driving force in China to survey and draw maps was often for military reasons but also for problems such as water conservancy.
  • Financial imperatives seem to be far from the driving forces behind his career. Times, Sunday Times
  • The basic driving forces propelling firms abroad come from managers' desires for growth, for cost reduction and for control.
  • The United States was the driving force behind all the multilateral negotiations.
  • The other big driving force has been equal pay. Times, Sunday Times
  • After all, obstacles are not insurmountable when passion is the driving force.
  • Jung preferred a libido where the sheer will to live substituted for sexual desire as the main driving force.
  • His passion for art, for beauty and for God was his driving force throughout his life.
  • He has a good driving force behind himself. The Sun
  • His instant quips, political satires, fluent dialogue delivery and appreciable humour has been the driving force behind the success of this program.
  • You might say that the true act of decommissioning required of republicans in return was not of bullets, bats and rackets, but of victimology, the standing down of the sense of grievance that had been their driving force.
  • Emotion is more powerful than reason. Emotion is the driving force behind thinking and reasoning. Emotional intelligence increases the mind's ability to make positive, brilliant decisions. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Rogers said a driving force controlling the price of oil is supply and demand.
  • Space exploration and exploitation is a major driving force in advancing the frontiers of knowledge.
  • One of the driving forces behind this recent expansion is the growth of services.
  • Thus, osmolytes are needed to provide the driving force for water influx to increase turgor.

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