How To Use Driven In A Sentence
The scooter was a propeller-driven device that could pull a diver at about five knots and had a battery life of about three hours.
I play the piano, so it is natural for me to think ‘harmonically’ a lot of the time (one can hear harmonies instantly on a piano; also mainstream jazz is extremely harmony driven).
- PBL Media and ninemsn jointly purchased 35% of 3P the owner of Mathletics, a subscription driven website that has 400K students in Aust + NZ using it.
400K Mathletics X $99 Per Annum = 35% ninemsn.
The use of steam-driven bellows in blast furnaces helped ironmakers switch over from charcoal (limited in quantity) to coke, which is made from coal, in the smelting of pig iron.
Their preferences ultimately shaped the place of worship that Warren built, and the result of that consumer-driven approach to creating Saddleback is a deliberately contemporary, highly professionalized operation with a carefully orchestrated feel-good atmosphere.
American Grace

After the counter is installed on top of the cabinet, the wood strip is attached to the front edge of the counter using glue and small, air-driven brads.
Lawrence Pietroni has created two uniquely alluring charactersRuby and Isaand spins a story that feels mythical or folkloric, that is driven by a mystery, throbs with tension, and ends in conflagration.
Ruby's Spoon: Summary and book reviews of Ruby's Spoon by Anna Lawrence Pietroni.
She described at last with extraordinary clearness, which is so often seen, though only for a moment, in such overwrought states, how Ivan had been nearly driven out of his mind during the last two months trying to save “the monster and murderer,” his brother.
The Brothers Karamazov
It had four wheels, but that was where the similarity to anything she had ever driven ended.
But this subtlety is swept aside in performances that are simply too hard-driven.
Her concern was also driven by another impulse.
Consuelo & Alva: Love and Power in the Gilded Age
The deal frenzy is being driven by a dramatic slide in crop prices in recent years.
Times, Sunday Times
The pump is actuated by a belt driven by an electric motor.
Its speed can be influenced by the waste-gate valve, which is controlled by the pressure-driven converter.
Initially known for drum'n'bass-driven club bangers, they have since headed into tamer territory.
Times, Sunday Times
He was driven to use reprisal raids, the razzias that had traditionally formed part of warfare in North Africa.
Their devotion, if extreme, is driven by one goal to reclaim their neighbourhood.
But it's wild generalizations like this that point up the irrelevancy of such commercially-driven lists.
Anguish has driven her from the inglenook of home to the white-shrouded and icy hills.
Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
Probably because he has been driven into deicidal madness after Ares tricks Kratos into killing his own wife and daughter.
The Cultural Gutter
Had she driven poor Tina away by hesitating about paying for the installation of a bathroom?
Whenever it rained, I thought of Anne Elliot meeting Captain Wentworth, when driven by a shower to take refuge in a shoe-shop.
Jane Austen: Her Homes and Her Friends
Kartel favors the beat-driven fusion of reggae and rap known as dancehall that has stoked controversy across the Caribbean.
Bernice lay contentedly at the edge of a sand embankment white as driven snow, her chin cupped in her hands, watching half a dozen or more mullets drift and swing in the limpid clear water below.
The Mystery at Number Six
He is a great actor and seeing him go from lost rogue to confused son to driven billionnaire to a conflicted hero is a blast.
Mindless bots, driven not to dominate but to sell, sign up for thousands of free email accounts every minute, sending millions of spam messages from them.
Pharmaceutical regulation is driven by horror stories like the sulfanilamide elixir and thalidomide.
Technological Nightmares (Lecture)~ Six Concerns
The Defendant engaged in frequent and expensive foreign travel with his wife, went out to numerous restaurants, and made lavish use of chauffeur driven limousines all at the Company's expense.
Some shook with superstitious dread; others, driven to atheistical despair, with horrible execrations, again strove to force a passage through the doors.
The Scottish Chiefs
The deal frenzy is being driven by a dramatic slide in crop prices in recent years.
Times, Sunday Times
He was being driven to work one October morning in his luxury vehicle when he was cut down by a gunman.
Blown in on the north-west monsoon without aid of any chart or astronomical observation, a thousand mariners, tide-driven, converge on the coral reefs.
He enjoyed the trappings of power, such as a chauffeur-driven car and bodyguards.
Driven by its economic crisis, it is attempting to reorganise the globe under its hegemony.
Returning to her native city from Asia, she was driven home by a rude, obnoxious and deceitful driver.
Private insurers are charged with implementing and administrating the elements of care that are funded out of the payroll tax, but those elements create a very tight, constrained sandbox for premium-driven short-term insurance to play in.
Matthew Yglesias » What It’s All About
Earnings growth driven by growing sales is far more relevant and important than earnings growth driven by cost savings.
We are a performance-driven bank and others who have had their pay frozen are underperforming.
In the last 30 years, 90 percent of our pork producers, more than 80 percent of our dairymen, and more than 40 percent of our ranchers have been driven out of business.
Mike Callicrate: Feeding Our Families and Our Farmers
Many bridges were blocked by demonstrators, and taxicabs and buses driven by scabs were damaged by strikers.
So many ships have foundered along this coast, driven onto its reefs by storms or lured there by wreckers ' lights, that pieces from Spanish galleons still wash up with the tide.
I had never driven a 4X4 before but you don't notice any difference from a normal car except for the height.
Indeed, he is something of an affable version of our outgoing governor - not as bright, not as driven, but equally without agenda and equally without a base.
Driven by hysterical choirs and crashing percussion, the Latin liturgy is indeed rather scary.
The so-called birther issue has driven many of Trump's TV appearances, including a much-talked about interview with NBC's Today Show on April 7.
Is Donald Trump the first Google trends candidate?
In 2010 it will have to replace some $65 billion in public debt, and fear of default has driven up the interest rate on new Greek government debt to 6 percent.
Gears using two gear teeth meshing with each other to transmit power and motion of the mechanical transmission, with the main, driven wheel gear direct, transmit motion and power of the device.
His session description very clearly demonstrates both incompetence and unethical behavior . . . regardless of Jackson's guilt or innocence which is an entirely different matter, albeit I tend not to buy the whole pure as undriven snow the Jackson sycophants are pushing.
Uri Geller's Report . . .. . . on the Hypnosis Session he did with Michael Jackson . . .. . . bad trance management
Participants are driven by chauffeur to and from the aquarium, where they are given instruction on basic scuba equipment.
Times, Sunday Times
Songs in this video: Molly Lewis's "My Hope" bit. ly Hank Green's "Nerdfighteria island" bit. ly and Mike Lombardo's "You Should Know," which he wrote for Hank's birthday bit. ly All artists are on DFTBA Records, the artist-driven record label cofounded by Hank. - Articles related to SkyTeam place ses pions en Asie et en Afrique
In the latter, price is driven down to marginal cost.
He was untamable and completely unpredictable, as though he was driven by an interior violence out of his control.
Driven by a penetrating east wind, it drifted until every hollow and depression was filled and the landscape assumed the appearance of a vast white prairie.
But if (to borrow language from the mint of Gorgias86), if only the attendants will bedew us with a frequent mizzle87 of small glasses, we shall not be violently driven on by wine to drunkenness, but with sweet seduction reach the goal of sportive levity.
As the rain bucketed down, driven horizontally by a southeast gale, he decided the walk would go ahead.
The aircraft is single-engined, propeller driven and designed for private and general aviation use.
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Third, a new wave of imaginative, entrepreneurial and market-driven alternative providers of legal service are vital to the mix.
Times, Sunday Times
The army was driven off by the fierce attacks of the rebels.
The circulation of fluids that forms this new class of hydrothermal vents is driven by heat generated when seawater reacts with mantle rocks, not by volcanic heat.
'Driven To Tears' is the Latin poem by Ausonius ( "Cum glaucus opaco/respondet colli fluvius, frondere videntur/fluminei latices et palmite consitus anmis ...").
Zenyatta Mondatta
Flight Controls Ailerons, rudder and elevator driven by twin hydraulic servo-actuators, and push-pull rod linkage.
The vehicles have digital speedometers, are petrol-driven and can travel up to 45 mph.
The further fact that all the great "a priori" metaphysical systems have been driven by their pure logic to discredit the "substantiality" of the soul, just as they have been driven to discredit the personality of God, ought, one would think, where "radical empiricism" is concerned, to be a still stronger piece of evidence on the soul's side.
The Complex Vision
We sought to measure the psychic state of freedom, relaxation, and comfort versus that of anxiety, drivenness, and beleaguerment.
It looks like the supercar is being driven sportively on some California back roads during Monterey Speed Week.
I'VE just driven an eco car that makes total sense.
The Sun
This was a small box that had six motor-driven wheels.
Times, Sunday Times
Pastor Rick Warren's best-selling "The Purpose Driven Life" is suffused with predestinarian themes, repackaged as a gentler divine providence.
Highway To Heaven
Sekt in Gemany and Austria is largely made from Riesling, yielding fruit-driven and light wines that are terrific aperitifs.
To the banking public, the last few months must have driven home the ugly face of indiscipline which is rampant in our economy," he said in the statement.
ANC Daily News Briefing
The jump was driven by a 4.9 per cent rise in fuel import prices last month.
Times, Sunday Times
People speak readily of the untended wounds of the dead, but practice silence on the topic of the peaceful, pluralistically driven, and loving Muslims who are seeking to build this center of community.
Grant Brooke, M.Div.: Hindsight: Burying the Ghost of Ground Zero
A few mainstays, like The New Yorker, remain loyal to illustration, but celebrity-driven photography and photomontage now dominate the covers of magazines that were once illustration-friendly.
A sexually driven humanity retained the instinct of pugnacity as part of what it meant to be huaman.
None of these characters is evil, none commits the transgression that precipitates the suicide, but all are driven, understandably yet horrifyingly, to behave in devious ways that wound others badly.
Cover to Cover
Their resulting activities are community driven, and they advancer peer-led models of engagement.
Marcia G. Yerman: "No to Violence Against Women" Summit Points to Economics
These actions came as a result of my own naivety, driven by a desire to strengthen regulations on payday lenders and protect vulnerable consumers.
The Sun
The storms are being driven by a clash of hot, humid air hitting much colder air aloft.
Times, Sunday Times
While his partner had been busy with that job, Haig had driven pegs into the ground, marked out a grid and plotted the positions of the signals from his metal detector.
Later, Ridgway found himself being driven through thick fog and rain along a congested road during the Battle of the Bulge.
Leif Ericsson driven off course to Newfoundland (which he called Vinland).
2. The High Postclassical Period, 1000-1500
As the VC were driven southward, they moved toward the crow's-foot in Kim Son valley.
Grand ambitions can be denied for any number of market-driven reasons.
Times, Sunday Times
He often tends to play the roles of hard-ass, driven characters.
A less driven woman might have been content with such generous helpings of immortality, but she was not that placid woman.
He adds that there has been a push for extended shelf life, driven primarily by the flavored milk category.
Then on the heels of this procession came a dogcart driven by a man in a billycock hat and containing a lady in dark green.
The Wheels of Chance: a bicycling idyll
This exercise took only a few minutes, allowing the bus to be driven off to continue its passenger service.
Times, Sunday Times
Today there are thousands of immigrants who live and work here driven underground.
With a light snow falling, he had driven on perhaps a hundred yards before his car hit a stanchion at slow speed and came to rest.
Scrounging time for faith nourishment can press a doubter into drivenness—so that in our wild attempts to make the most of every minute of our time, we may lose eternity.
If I Really Believe, Why Do I Have These Doubts?
His deft movement to the right to push clear the fiercely driven shot was goal keeping of the highest standard.
Why am I so driven to protect her, she who by definition should be my sworn enemy?
The increase in medical costs per claim in 2007 likely was driven by factors such as utilization of nonhospital services and hospital inpatient and outpatient payments, said WCRI. Aktuelle Nachrichten
Instinctively we knew they were hormonally driven and yet only then did the penny drop.
Times, Sunday Times
Driven by the desire to avoid injury and get back to the serious business of club football, half the team usually play at half-pace and the other half get subbed at half-time.
Tip of the Day
Fans will enjoy the aptly titled A TWISTED LADDER as the heroine ponders nurturing vs. naturing with her DNA and her childhood tainted in this terrific refreshing character driven thriller.
A Twisted Ladder-Rhodi Hawk « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
Typically, these candidates are originally from Dublin, but were driven out by unaffordable property prices.
The aborigines of the country, driven like the Bhils and other autochthonic Indians, into the eastern and south-eastern wilds bordering upon the ocean.
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
we were driven from pillar to post
Ice and snow have driven birds south and west in the hope of finding better weather.
Times, Sunday Times
What's less clear is whether that application growth is itself driven by the falling cost of bulk disk capacity and by the perpetual need to do more for less money.
Through the large glass doors Bond saw a black Mercedes 300D, driven by a man in a kepi.
Advantage Mr. Bond
As a result, all order-driven securities were placed in an auction call period at 1038 GMT, with all share prices currently to be considered indicative, he added. Aktuelle Nachrichten
The first half of the story (when Captain Veda was driven by revenge and when there were lots of plot twists) was better paced than the second half (the time skips were much larger and the revenge took a back seat to the new galactic threat), but even so, it still doesn't get much better than this.
REVIEW: Galactic North by Alastair Reynolds
Daura, my daughter, thou wert fair, fair as the moon on Fura, white as the driven snow, sweet as the breathing gale.
The Editor to the Reader
She did not know much of the faery lore, but she was sure that all the stories about them made them out to be malevolent spirits who hated the men who had driven them from their lands with fire and sword.
Nick Gevers said it best: "(the novel) tells in sumptuous claustrophobic detail just how alien -- and alienated -- a human society might become, portraying a mighty far-future city state driven by absolute standards of meritocracy turning against itself in hysteria and bloodshed
Jack Vance "To Live Forever" & other extravaganzas
This situation invites the view that the evolution of higher taxes was driven by changes in single major genes that acted as switches between such alternate forms.
Education is increasingly driven by issues about financial resources and accounting.
Children develop a pecking order, not as unidimensional as the dominance hierarchies of chickens and elephants, but nonetheless an influential youth-driven social order with a force of its own that each child can accept or reject, and that can accept or reject each child.
Sean Slade: The Child Walking Through Schoolhouse Doors Enters a World
These messianic beliefs in turn led them to start a religion-driven settlement of the whole Promised Land in the Occupied Territories.
In one bony hand he clutched an oak club driven through with rusty nails.
The result is that native honey is being driven off the market, to the benefit of a few happy importers.
He had passed an unsettled life in continued exile up to his eightieth year; having been harassed with many contumelies and injuries, he had endured with difficulty a miserable and anxious existence, in continual trepidation; famine had driven him out of the land whither he had gone, by the command and under the auspices of God, into Egypt.
Commentary on Genesis - Volume 1
Gulls crawled up the wall of the wind and a jet-skier swept by, spray trailing him like a broken wing, a petrol-driven petrel.
Not a problem, and I was feeling pretty sober, even if the car, being a manual, was something I hadn't driven before.
Parts are loaded on a chain driven, stainless steel turntable with a quick-draining round wire mesh basket that rotates at fixed speed.
The play is a character-driven comedy but also becomes a paean to the joy that achieving even modest goals can bring.
Reid, Utolia and Juris finally break into a rock-like, power chord driven finale that ends with a muted Hagans slurring his way to silence.
Ralph A. Miriello: Tim Hagans' The Moon Is Waiting
Her mother, Clytemnestra, has been driven mad by dreams of her own death at the hands of her son, Orestes, who accomplishes that matricide as revenge for his mother's murder of his father, Agamemnon.
After Claire excused herself to run her unspecified "errand" - making Roger shudder only slightly-he and Brianna had driven to the pub, but then decided to wait for their supper, since the evening was unexpectedly fine.
Dragonfly in Amber
Their houses by the river, to the number of twenty-two (_palagi e case grandi_), were sacked and burnt, and many among the chief of those who bore the Bardi name were driven from the city.
In experiments one usually measures the time it takes one voltage-driven single-stranded DNA to translocate through the [alpha] hemolysin channel of a known structure.
Another interesting footnote from the research is that while DSL is the most popular access technology at 65 percent, fiber has doubled to 12 percent during 2008, driven in part by demand for services such as IPTV that require faster speeds.
Stat Shot: IPTV Growing Broadband Slowing
I see his ministerial car waiting for him at 10 o'clock every night - whoosh, he is off into the night in his chauffeur-driven car!
Mwapela would not comment directly on the Barotse Agreement except to describe the Barotseland Freedom Movement BFM, a youth-driven pro-secession grouping, as comprising a few troublemakers.
Western Zambian Province Said Calm after Secessionist Clashes
The company's code crunchers might be boring and bland, but they are also disciplined and driven.
By contrast, the Trades Union Congress, driven by detestation for fascism, was more robust.
We are subjected to the noise of motorbikes being driven around the estate all weekend by under-age children.
Organizational structure was driven by the necessity of having skilled negotiators in close proximity.
And it ought to be remembered, that the guilt of this kind of apostacy hath driven some to despair; as in the case of
The Works of Dr. John Tillotson, Late Archbishop of Canterbury. Vol. 06.
The days of rampantly commercial, craftless, contentless, corporate-driven pop, especially as practiced by artless teenage girls, are here.
The eurozone is paying a heavy price for these failures of a scheme driven more by politics than by economic rationality.
Times, Sunday Times
These market-driven rewards are not fair or inevitable.
A kind of techno - economic comparison method was presented to analyze heat - driven and electricity - driven air - conditioning system.
Improved car security and more home burglar alarms and window locks have driven down vehicle crime and burglary.
Times, Sunday Times
The bad weather has also hurt the corn crop, which has driven up inflation.
Christianity Today
Our analysis of 1170 mammalian karyotypes provides strong evidence that karyotypic evolution is driven by nonrandom segregation during female meiosis.
The family is very strong in this country and a lot of the talented kids are driven by the fact they want to help their family to better things.
The Central Bank, like many other government bodies, has suffered from a transfer of resources to private industry driven largely by salary differentials.
InfoQ: PBE is an example of Model-driven development (MDD) mostly as a result of using the engineering metaphor as a philosophical base.
Prices for natural rubber have stabilized at high levels but prices for synthetic rubber are increasing rapidly, driven by higher prices of butadiene, which is used to make it, Mr. Setzer said on the sidelines of the Frankfurt Motor Show Wednesday.
Continental May Raise Tire Prices
In some cases mergers might be driven by the desire of business leaders to manage a larger entity, and perhaps to operate at a global, rather than local, level.
Some founders are driven to forge a legacy, something larger than themselves that they hope will endure.
Times, Sunday Times
In the beginning, he, like most puppeteers, was driven by craft, fashioning puppets to express his artistic impulse.
It is important that a supercomputing roadmap be driven both top-down by application needs and bottom-up by technology barriers and that mission needs as well as science needs be incorporated.
I can see why on forums people say they've been driven to tears by their amazing resilience.
Times, Sunday Times
The unification of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic was driven by the impulse to efface the memory of East Germany and the political, cultural and economic experience of East Germans.
Like his father, Salil plays a specially designed instrume nt that's a cross between the Indian veena and a guitar; here it's used not just for Indian-influenced fusion pieces, driven on by the fine tabla playing of Cassius Khan, but for unexpected excursions into Americana.
Slide to Freedom (featuring Doug Cox and Salil Bhatt): 20,000 Miles – review
The process is driven by the twin goals of participating in the new modern look and of accessing the authentically antique.
Edmund rallied his forces, and for a little while it seemed that the Danes might still be driven back.
A brain drain blighted the Labour governments of the 1970s, as high earners were driven abroad by penal income-tax rates.
At the bottom of the shaft two 700-foot crosscuts were driven in a northwest and southeast direction.
Over the last month, media coverage of the presidential race has been driven by wildly vacillating poll numbers.
An East Indiaman was once attacked by a sword-fish with such prodigious force that its "snout" was driven completely through the bottom of the ship, which must have been destroyed by the leak had not the animal killed itself by the violence of its own exertions, and left its sword imbedded in the wood.
Harper's Young People, February 3, 1880 An Illustrated Weekly
Walter Stockenius, Dieter Oesterhelt had discovered bacteriorhodopsin in halobacteria and later proposed that it acts as a lightdriven proton pump in the framework of Peter Mitchell's chemiosmotic theory.
Hartmut Michel - Autobiography
Like many trends, this one is driven in part by Hollywood's marketing groupthink.
While he was inside the shop, he saw his dark blue car being driven away at speed.
Severe internal tire damage or outright tire failure can occur when an underinflated tire is driven at typical highway speeds.
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We watched more bulls being driven at speed past coffee and hot dog stalls.
Times, Sunday Times
The deal comes amid mounting interest in European freight and transport hubs, driven by the rise of internet shopping and hopes of economic recovery.
Times, Sunday Times
Even on 160 acres the fish ended up moving to within a few yards of the margins, driven onto the lee shore by the strong wind that stirred up the bottom into a rich soup of natural food.
We'll dust ourselves with clay and fossilized feces, fashion a tool driven by a concept, something to blow their little minds.
Formerly, kings and queens wishing to make a ceremonial entrance to Paris had processed through the Porte St. Denis and then driven south along the rue St. Denis, perhaps to the cathedral of Notre Dame.
The Mistaken Wife
On June 25, it got fussy, rebellious, selfish, ego - driven fat cat Garfield.
The court was driven to conclude that the jury would not necessarily have convicted had it been correctly directed.
Colonel Boone had but to hear him out and bare his shoulders for such other blows which Judge Wright sought to pelter him, and we will hear with what blow he was driven from his post as Indian Agent.
The Second William Penn A true account of incidents that happened along the old Santa Fe Trail
We are driven back to the point, I think, as we so often are in public administration, that the answer lies as much in the wise exercise of discretion.
A screw gear type differential mechanism includes a differential carrier, an operculum, a main reducing gear driven gear, left and right half axis gears, etc.
Two decades ago she was a highly driven academic - until the fateful morning when she got out of bed feeling not quite herself.
They can not be driven from their burrows by conventional means.
Normally when I go out with friends I take my car in case I am called back home unexpectedly by the sickie, so it was nice to be driven for a change.
They had walked and driven for hours to get there, carrying the only weapons they possessed - bows and arrows, spears and machetes.
The machinery is driven by electricity.
I had been driven down this highway on the way to my military induction ordeal.
They say that the coast of Arabia is naturally very red, and as there are many great storms in this country, which raise great clouds of dust towards the skies, which are driven by the wind into the sea, and the dust being _red_ tinges the water of that colour, whence it got the name of the Red Sea.
A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 06 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
By convention, these MASIS driven ships have a 3 mega-gauss “South Pole” electromagnet plate at their stern, and a similar “North Pole” in the bow.
365 tomorrows » 2010 » March : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
And a seemingly never-ending procession of leafcutter ants tack diagonally across the next spot in the trail on a pheromone-driven mission to and from their monolithic anthills.
You have posted twice on this board to tout both your article ‘pure as the driven snow’ and yourself.
The outcome was a caricature of Western knowledge of the Orient, driven by an overtly political agenda.
It shows the feasibility and effectiveness of the demand-driven automated test generation.
Just as much of today's horror fiction is vampire-driven, one major branch of modern fantasy -- in novels, "cosplay" (costume play), gaming and comics -- is obsessed with an alternate 19th century, one in which the inventions and mad scientists of Jules Verne, the tweedy science fiction of H.G. Wells and the gaslight romances of Arthur Conan Doyle have been mixed and remixed.
"The Strange Affair of Spring Heeled Jack," steampunk by Mark Hodder
I will tell the jury that he was mentally incapacitated or driven by emotion alone and hadn't a clue of how to deal.
It never failed to amaze Charles how brilliant and driven she really was.
The discussion of books will be driven more and more on the Internet, says writer and UVA prof Christopher Tilghman (and Preston's husband), which he calls analagous to "the big book group in the sky. - Current Articles
Economists have come to realize that the U.S. high-tech binge in 1999 and 2000 was an anomaly, driven by Y2K fears, euphoria over the possibilities of fiber optics, and a rapid buildout of the Internet.
When, on the other hand, the fiber is extended, this clear substance is driven out of the tubes and collects between the sarcous element and the membrane of Krause, and gives the appearance of the light part between these two structures; by this means it elongates and narrows the sarcomere.
IV. Myology. 2. Development of the Muscles
Somehow, writing extremely plot-driven fiction seems to have pushed me over into the borderlands of genre -- in most bookstores my book's shelved with literary fiction, but at least one genre bookstore carries it (Mysterious Galaxy in San Diego) and it was reviewed in Mystery Scene.
Archive 2010-05-01
My dearly beloved has always driven whatever car he craved at the time.
And Kuznetsova, with her dark hair and plaintive eyes and sometimes obnoxious laugh, has become a new emblem — an emblem not of suffering, but of anger with the place that Russia has become, a parallel world cordoned off from Europe and the United States that lacks drinkable tap water and a genuinely independent judiciary, and is led by a criminal regime driven by the puniest of ambitions: theft.
From Russia, With Self-Loathing
This is character-driven film noir, where the violence serves a higher purpose than shocking or titillating an audience.
Drunk or sober, he was driven by a manic energy and impatience that made him a difficult friend and an almost impossible husband and father.
The series also includes discussions with peacekeepers and peacemakers about some of the challenges that arise from religiously driven violence.
The South, the West Country and the Midlands bore the brunt of the weather, but the rain - driven by gale-force south-westerly winds - caused river levels in Yorkshire to rise rapidly.
That has driven his reform of the company, but an economic downturn could yet torpedo his plans.
Times, Sunday Times
In the Lebanon, his bodyguard-driven, old Mercedes had bullet holes down one side inherited from a previous owner (the prime minister).
This casts doubt on the view that organization-wide gain-sharing or profit-sharing programs as well as group-level reward programs are especially relevant in quality-driven organizations.
So the issues don't get driven by the elected officials inside the institution, and I think that's one of the reasons that the press doesn't necessarily ferret them out.
When the first clergywoman appeared in the United States, it was predicted by alarmists that men would be driven out of the pulpit by the new competition.