How To Use Dripstone In A Sentence
“I have begun to import dripstones from Teneriffe, and thought of you immediately,” said Cousin James-the-druggist, tucking the dripstone back into the box.
Morgan’s Run
This is the start of the area known as the Cones, a unique group of rock formations the origin of which is hotly debated, as they do not seem to be associated with conventional dripstone.
“I managed to preserve my health, mostly thanks to my dripstone.”
Morgan’s Run
An inspection of this end shows it to be pierced by three plain lancet windows with no dripstone.
Exterior features of the house are a steeply pitched roof, large gables and architectural details such as the ornamental dripstones above the mullion windows.
The upper arch is enriched with the chevron, and its dripstone with two rows of the round billet arranged chequerwise and with a moulding composed of a series of little crosses, rather suggestive of the dog-tooth.
Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Ripon A Short History of the Church and a Description of Its Fabric
Where the deposition of calcite is concentrated along cracks, calcite is deposited as flowstone, or dripstone.
Exterior features of the house are a steeply pitched roof, large gables and architectural details such as the ornamental dripstones above the windows.
Features like this are found in caves, where they take the general name of dripstone.
An impressive collection of books stood on a shelf on one wall, another shelf held what looked suspiciously like a dripstone, the bed was sheeted with Alexander-issue blankets, and a very nice table and two chairs stood in the middle of the floor.
Morgan’s Run
The upper stage is relieved by a pointed window, of two lights, on each side, the dripstone of each terminating in heads.
“A dripstone,” said Cousin James-the-druggist proudly.
Morgan’s Run
But you will be as doleful as a dripstone if you marry for money.
Father Goriot
Ye make a fucken religion out of your wretched dripstone!
Morgan’s Run
His dripstone was standing on the table near him, and, it seemed absently, he put his hand out to stroke it.
Morgan’s Run
Many of the younger caves which have formed at the plateau edges, such as Krásnohorská and Gombasecká, occur on several levels and contain dripstone decorations.
Caves of Aggtelek and Slovak Karst, Hungary and Slovakia
The following are so designated: the last 150m of the canyon before the entrance to Skocjan Caves, the collapsed dolines Mala dolina and Velika dolina, all the caves, in the Park, and a dripstone formation on the surface near the Lipje cave.
Skocjan Caves Regional Park, Slovenia
The designs on the lower part of the structure are somewhat formal, but the upper part is a free-form mix of geodes, dripstone, and what appear to be inverted stalactites.
The following are so designated: the last 150m of the canyon before the entrance to Skocjan Caves, the collapsed dolines Mala dolina and Velika dolina, all the caves, in the Park, and a dripstone formation on the surface near the Lipje cave.
Skocjan Caves Regional Park, Slovenia
“I drank the water the dripstone produced myself, naturally.”
Morgan’s Run