How To Use Dripping In A Sentence

  • In some places it is primeval and wet, where streaky barked eucalyptus strive upwards through dripping mists alive with frog croaks.
  • Spittle and blood spattered his lips, dripping in my mouth. Brush of Darkness
  • Use of a wet towel or dripping water to induce a perception of suffocating.
  • Skim the fat from pan juices, and reduce the drippings by boiling them down to a delicious sauce.
  • The sludge from the bottom of the swamp that the dredge hauls up dripping and oozing at least has substance: you can dry it out, look at it through a microscope, describe it, or flush it down the toilet.
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  • Water was dripping onto the floor.
  • I stayed there for three days, until the snow began to melt, dripping in stealthy drops from my little roof.
  • There is a splendid tale of the latter, his pen dripping in irony and vitriol, composing a letter to the United board congratulating them on their ground improvements in the aftermath of his own promises to build a new stadium.
  • He pictured it as a liquid fiery ball, constantly dripping flames into no particular direction due to lack of gravity.
  • Just inside the gates, an overalled gardener with a gentle face is poking insincerely at the dripping rhododendrons with a pair of secateurs.
  • After I'd had my fill of blowpipes, dripping foliage and poisonous frogs I flicked through to an article on peanut farming.
  • I'd just spent fifteen minutes stripping all the meat left over on the chicken carcass I'd roasted for our dinner yesterday in preparation for a top-crust chicken and mushroom pie for today and my hands were dripping with grease and gunge.
  • Turn the rod a quarter turn every ten minutes for an hour to avoid any dripping.
  • The emission hung dripping over the river like mist and in the forest like ground fog.
  • Still, even as he ran to the car, dripping sweat and bleeding from the gash in his forehead, with the river already up to the wheel wells, he realized that the choices he had just made said something about who he was. Publication of 3rd place string of 10
  • Water is dripping from the roof.
  • the constant sound of dripping irritated him
  • My white bikini was brown and dripping. Times, Sunday Times
  • She came to the party dripping with gold .
  • He looked even worse than before, only this time he had beads of sweat dripping down his sallow skin and his nostrils were flared in his over-large nose.
  • Failure to check the street or driveway for dripping antifreeze, which is poison for pets, is the cause of another common holiday pet problem. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • The room was completely silent other than the sound of dripping water from a corner of the room.
  • An egg had been thrown at their front door, the yolk dripping down the glass panel. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of them had their hands dripping with glue as they pasted old papers onto clay sculptures.
  • I bit my lip as I noticed that his hair was wet but not dripping, as if he'd just shaken the water droplets out.
  • The pipe is dripping .
  • Finally she slapped on the table two ‘large teas’ and four slices of bread and dripping — that is, eightpenny-worth of food. Down and Out in Paris and London
  • Like its predecessors, the novel comes dripping in satire, but this time of a more avowedly self-reflexive nature. The Times Literary Supplement
  • From the corner of his mouth came a slow, thin trickle of bright red, dripping slowly down his pallid face like rain down a windowpane.
  • Jillian and Graham sat on either side of a silver-plated candelabrum, its twin red candles dripping wax onto the paper tablecloth, empty coffee cups in front of them.
  • Thus, under the dripping trees, and environed by huge and moving shadows, they reached the scene of their unhallowed labours.
  • She had spotted him sitting in one corner, dark except for the candle on the table, which was dripping hot wax onto the rough, wooden table.
  • Some were histrionic tragic performances dripping with sensibility. PERDITA: The Life of Mary Robinson
  • From somewhere -- he couldn't tell where -- came the minute plink of dripping water. GRACE
  • Lucrezia now appears to be less the bride of Bartolomeo than the bride of Christ – the red of her dress matching the blood dripping from the base of the cross. Bronzino's Medici portraits – review
  • That horror films are mainstream in cinema is now a given, and whatever cul-de-sac horror literature finds itself in is the one its publishers put it in by swaddling it all in shiny black covers, adorned with skulls and snakes and rats and typefaces dripping blood … GR5: The Birthing House by Christopher Ransom « In The Gloaming Podcasts
  • We have recently installed push button taps to stop dripping and wastage, and now they are looking at introducing water hogs for the toilet cistern to save on water.
  • A horned and fanged bilat, its talons and the corners of its mouth dripping gore, a creature to whom the term nightmarish truly applied. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • But some of the silk eveningwear was fit for the most glamorous of parties, apron bibs floating across the chest then twisting into straps over the shoulders and asymmetrically across the back before dripping into a train.
  • Both horse and rider were dripping with sweat within five minutes.
  • Elsewhere he emerges limp and dripping from a lake, the opposite of a triumphant James Bond coming to shore. Meet the best new artists in Britain
  • A porch extended from the kitchen to a trellised walk dripping wisteria in the spring.
  • Widow Precious had plenty of sharp sense to tell her that her children were by no means “pretty dears” to anybody but herself, and to herself only when in a very soft state of mind; at other times they were but three gew-mouthed lasses, and two looby loons with teeth enough for crunching up the dripping-pan. Mary Anerley
  • As you know, psephology is the formal study of elections, apparently trivial but dripping with deep, dark paradoxes.
  • My voice was dripping with sarcasm, however he didn't seem to notice.
  • A light damask curtain is found to have been saturated with port wine; a ditto chair-cushion has been doing duty as a dripping-pan to a cluster of wax-lights; a china shepherdess, having been brought into violent collision with the tail of a raging lion on the mantel-piece, has reduced the noble beast to the short-cut condition of a Scotch colley. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, November 6, 1841,
  • This is a sentence that, in my dotage, is far less likely to pass my lips and fingertips than it once was, back when I was positively dripping with vim and vigour.
  • Water is dripping from the faucet
  • Brush the potatoes with a little melted butter or dripping.
  • Back at the Hub, the Thursday night rehearsal breaks for coffee and everyone swarms towards the teacups neatly stacked at the back of the hall amid the dripping brollies and discarded coats.
  • The spring water was dripping from 10 pairs of stalactites, each over 100 metres in length.
  • The pan drippings gave gravies and soups a deliciously rich background of flavor.
  • I dislike the acts who hang on to the curtains, dripping sweat and beg you to applaud their efforts.
  • It's amazing the impact a cracked light switch, dripping tap, or dirty grouting can have on the unforgiving eye.
  • Confused, I eased myself from the water and walked round the pool edge, flabby and dripping.
  • The chips, fried in dripping, were better than the cemented fish they accompanied. Times, Sunday Times
  • That door was flung back, and in the square of dripping darkness stood Creed Bonbright, his face death white, his eyes wide and fixed, the rain gemming his uncovered yellow hair. Judith of the Cumberlands
  • He frowned, turning to her, the spatula in his hands dripping small amounts of pancake batter.
  • I felt my heart leap in my chest as my eyes sought out a dripping wet sylph sitting in a corner.
  • Stripped to a pair of cotton trousers, with a dripping cutlass in one hand and a Colt's revolver in the other, an adventurer at the head of a bunch of dogs as desperate as himself fought his way across the reeking decks of a Chinese junk, to close in single combat with a gigantic one-eyed pirate who stood by the helm with a ring of dead men about him and a great two-handed sword upheaved .... The Cruise of the Jasper B.
  • Is he dripping with charm, style and panache as well?
  • Tessa was drenched completely; Clarissa exclaimed in horror at her sopping dark locks and little pinafore that was dripping on the floor.
  • Abasio found Bear with his nose in a bucket set beneath a dripping crevice in the moss-grown wall. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • Frothing and foaming and using words dripping with bile and hatred.
  • Dripping gold chains, chunky gold rings, badly fitting tracky bottoms, tattoos allover her. Oh How We Laughed……But Not Too Loudly. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Slice onion, separate into rings and saute in drippings; remove from pan and set aside ... Venison Liver and Onions!!!
  • He looked up at her, tongue lolling out, ice cream covering his muzzle, sweat dripping from his fur in several places.
  • These phrases, and the condescension dripping from the article generally, can easily be removed without losing anything. The Volokh Conspiracy » Shedding Light on the AZ Immigration Law
  • And sometimes turkeys will give you a really rich looking dripping.
  • Dripping with potential but too young to realize the extent of possibilities that lie before us, life can easily seem overwhelming, paralyzing us with fear.
  • If they'd fix one leaky tap that's been dripping for at least 9 years next to the church we'd probably save on a load of water expenses!
  • I still carry around a hankering for bread and dripping, steamed pudding, and sweet macaroni, but I know they will do me no good, so I avoid them.
  • Wrapped in a towel, dripping water onto the sea-grass, I traipse to the kitchen and switch on the kettle. CHAMELEON
  • Melt the beef dripping or lard in the hot tray, then add the parsnips and season with salt and pepper. Times, Sunday Times
  • Melvin's words, sweet as they are, are dripping with twelve-step rhetoric.
  • Adrianne spat, venom dripping from her words.
  • The canvas featured an erect penis and a crucifix with what appeared to be semen dripping from it.
  • Rain pattered gently outside, dripping on to the roof from the pines.
  • Instinctively the kid jumps to his feet, water dripping from his face, and puts up his gloved fists.
  • One day, the ten day of ten money(sentence dictionary), money. Little strokes fell great oaks. Dripping water wears through a stone.
  • The condition is called misophonia -- literally "hatred of sound" -- and occurs when a common noise, whether it's something like a person chewing loudly, water dripping or someone "ahem"-ing, causes you to become anxious or angry, more so than a typical response, TODAY reported. Misophonia: When Annoying Noises Send You Into A Rage
  • Bryce paused in his tooth brushing, bubbles of minty liquid foam dripping messily down his chin.
  • Unfortunately his antlers and part of his back have been erased by dripping water but otherwise he is still strong and clear.
  • 'you've got beer dripping from your chin ..' movie New in Town now watching #movie Dutch Cowboys
  • He lay beside me blissfully asleep, with drool steadily dripping from his mouth.
  • The wealthy Pellisi's voice was dripping with unpleasantness and dislike.
  • A prolonged har-r-r-rouche from Kaluna brought out a man with a female horde behind him, all shuffling into clothes as we approached, and we stiffly dismounted from the wet saddles in which we had sat for ten hours, and stiffly hobbled up into the littered verandah, the water dripping from our clothes, and squeezing out of our boots at every step. The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • dripping wet
  • Out of the Blue's "Dead Gnome" line features garden gnomes with pistols in their mouths, or holding up the dripping heads of decapitated brethren, industriously sawing their own hands off, hanging from a gibbet, grinning glassily at the arrow that's pierced their heads, and so on. Boing Boing
  • Reaching a dripping outcropping of rock, he retraced his steps, his decision made. Earl of Durkness
  • Keep any fat you have trimmed to make dripping, if you are that way inclined. Times, Sunday Times
  • By the time they stopped on the sidewalk in front of her house, they were both soaked to the bone and dripping wet.
  • I dream of rain, falling on everything, the dripping, peeling runnels of all gardens, from the grey sky through glass and hothouse, in the sowed order of this elder's place.
  • The festival program notes for this film are dripping with superlatives, which should always make you suspicious.
  • I will also make roast potatoes with onions, baked in the drippings from a previous roast and seasoned with Italian mixed herbs.
  • The music is limpid and languid, dripping grace and deft touches.
  • It came from one direction and all directions; something was happening back in the moveless, dripping jungle under the lazily eddying blanket of fog. "The Morons" by Harl Vincent, part 1
  • It allows dripping of glues like quick-drying glue, red glue, yellow glue, epoxide-resin glue, silica gel, lubricant oil, screw locking glue and soldering flux.
  • The keen edge cut through his glove easily and into his hand, blood seeping from the cut and dripping onto the pavement.
  • Use candles in ventilated rooms, but avoid drafts to lessen dripping and blackening.
  • The steady trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth was dripping from his chin on to his coat front.
  • First came a platter heaping with fresh blini, dripping with butter.
  • Keep any fat you have trimmed to make dripping, if you are that way inclined. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Christmas tree has been up and glittering for two days now, dripping with lights, baubles and shiny things of all kinds.
  • Be careful, you're dripping paint everywhere!
  • He wiped his dripping forehead with his sleeve and readjusted his burnoose.
  • However , some of the meat juices and fat may be retained in pan drippings.
  • It is like a leak in your confidence bucket - constantly drip-drip - dripping away your confidence and self esteem.
  • If your Yorkshire pudding is reliable, you could mix a batter (add sugar instead of salt, use butter or olive oil instead of dripping), stir in some blueberries and bake in a high oven to make what Americans call blueberry popovers.
  • I didn't know this, but in the Old Days they'd slip a paper sleeve over the bottle to keep the condensation from dripping on your lap.
  • He sighed, and used his hand and sleeve to mop his brow, which was now dripping with sweat.
  • In Andrew's day they had drifted up and down the firth lifting nets dripping with moonlight and herring.
  • Between the slow ticking of the cogs I listened jealously for foreign sounds, and heard at length a gentle dripping across the breadth of the boathouse; that was the last of the "portcullis," as Raffles called it, rising out of the river; indeed, I could now see the difference in the stretch of stream underneath, for the open end of the boathouse was much less dark than mine; and when the faint band of reflected starlight had broadened as I thought enough, I ceased winding and groped my way down the steps into the boat. Mr. Justice Raffles
  • A tap in the kitchen was dripping.
  • Amid the trees the sea mist was dripping.
  • A man playing cards had an open wound in his forehead, blood dripping on to the crib board.
  • It's not like there was anything special to see anyway, just a sophomore with mayonnaise dripping down the side of her mouth as she gnawed on a piece of lettuce.
  • Steam rises from the kettle and the pork chops sizzle, licked by flames from the dripping, igniting fat.
  • We'll also cook in lard and beef dripping. The Sun
  • Some were histrionic tragic performances dripping with sensibility. PERDITA: The Life of Mary Robinson
  • There was water dripping from a hole in the ceiling.
  • I also used to love taking a long fork, making toast, then spreading beef dripping over it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stubbornly, he rolled over and refused to wake, a thin rivulet of droll dripping from his chin.
  • During roasting, if turkey overlaps the pan rim, tuck a strip of heavy-duty foil along the sides of the pan to keep fat from dripping over.
  • The roast should first be washed in pure water, then wiped dry with a clean dry cloth, placed in a baking pan without any seasoning; some pieces of suet or cold drippings laid under it, but _no water_ should be put into the pan, for this would have a tendency to soften the outside of the meat. The Whitehouse Cookbook (1887) The Whole Comprising a Comprehensive Cyclopedia of Information for the Home
  • Powell smiled a shark's grin and stretched, feeling the coolness of the gun nestled under his shirt snug against his lower back, then went to the window and looked out into the steady rain; the parking lot sat quiet except for a couple of young preppies quickly unloading golf bags from the back of their dripping station wagon. Motel 6
  • The Dyea River as of old roared turbulently down to the sea; but its ancient banks were gored by the feet of many men, and these men labored in surging rows at the dripping tow-lines, and the deep-laden boats followed them as they fought their upward way. CHAPTER I
  • They flap an umbrella, and walk it through the restaurant, dripping on the flagstones.
  • And she praised the television advert with fat dripping from a cigarette end as a group of friends smoke in a pub.
  • I look down and realize that my once white t-shirt is now in dripping crimson shreds. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Thablue’s Review Forum
  • Taylor, blood dripping from the bullet wound in his shoulder, stepped forward slowly, but it was too late. Free Excerpt 5/5: Book of Secrets by Chris Roberson
  • The wait for ribs and sliced pork yielded heaping plates of succulent meat dripping in sauce and accompanied by chunky homemade potato salad and hot, crispy fried okra.
  • Ropes stretched from one house to the next, from where hung newly washed laundry, some still dripping with rather murky water.
  • She was dripping with water, the tunic outlining the high curve of her young chest, her hair falling heavily in her back, a large pool of water growing around her.
  • The result is a book that is as addictive as it is surreal, and dripping with caustic humour. Times, Sunday Times
  • A good comedy movie is also one that is dripping with humour in small doses, so that even a preposition or a pronoun at a given moment seems hilarious.
  • It is all too knowing and jokily self-referential, so never frightening, and is dripping with unnecessarily gloopy gore. Times, Sunday Times
  • Upon hearing the news, neighbor Amy Seidenwurm headed over to the store, donned her bee suit, and bravely herded the bees to a cardboard box, transferring them to "greener pastures where the flowers are dripping with nectar and hives are clean and commodious. Boing Boing
  • He could hear three clocks ticking and a tap in an upstairs room dripping.
  • I usually knew that water was again dripping from my bathroom ceiling when Dorey began meowing excitedly.
  • Sweat was dripping from his face.
  • She came out of the wood of glistening birch, and with the first fires of the sun blazoning her unbound hair raced lightly across the dew-dripping meadow. CHAPTER 2
  • The rain was dripping down his neck.
  • In e mail program, neology a yellowish vintager apprehensiveness is intelligent to dripping a new brutalisation who caravanning be straightforwardness dolourous. Rational Review
  • The video also shows McCovery, eyes tightly closed, singing hymns in church or dripping wet after her baptism last August.
  • He had a cut on his forehead and his blood was dripping into my ear. The Sun
  • Filed in Photos and tagged dripping springs, hiking, las cruces, new mexico On the Trail to Dripping Springs | Living the Liminal
  • Mark concourse was munted by then his stated aim for Truck this year and even did a bit of crowd surfing, which was nice; and Nervous Test Pilot himself was grinning like a fiend and dripping all over his technology in quite an impressive way. Truck 2006, yes, already
  • Melt the beef dripping or lard in the hot tray, then add the parsnips and season with salt and pepper. Times, Sunday Times
  • When I got back to the car after doing my private business I noticed that the liquid had stopped dripping.
  • When Hannah and Charlie returned from the funeral, there was nothing to eat but a plate of beef drippings.
  • Instead of the dulcet sounds of ‘Silent Night’, there are imprecations emanating from the kitchen as the cook discovers a tub of cream in the fridge dripping all over the chipolatas.
  • Teddy stood on the tarmac, balancing on his cane, the rain dripping from the broad flat brim of his hat. THE SERPENT'S MARK
  • Already the sweat is dripping off the faces of the athletes, such is the heat on the course.
  • Her hair was still dripping wet.
  • Amid the trees the sea mist was dripping.
  • Meanwhile Rhea had been slung against enough rocks and prodded enough with fallen trees dripping into the water to last her a lifetime.
  • Water began dripping into the window, the port engine started to cough.
  • There was some kind of burst pipe which was slowly dripping water out in some places and little watering cans beneath the drips to collect the water and use it elsewhere.
  • Baste frequently with pan drippings and remaining mixture.
  • Under the dripping red and white striped canvas of her tent, the secretary of Appleby Show summed up the day.
  • Mango, papaya and genips grow wild in the forest, which is not technically a rain forest but looks the part with dripping trees and muddy trails to hike along.
  • I was all dripping wet with this icy rain, so that my platties were no longer in the heighth of fashion but real miserable and like pathetic, and my luscious glory was a wet tangle cally mess all spread over my gulliver, and I was sure there were cuts and bruises all over my litso, and a couple of my zoobies sort of joggled loose when I touched them with my tongue or yahzick. Where's the show?
  • The piety commended is, in either case, a kind of stalagmite piety, built up from below, with the disadvantage of no drippings from above; a really cavernous formation, upon which the’ true light of day never shone. Sermons for the New Life.
  • Saute onion, green pepper, celery, and garlic in drippings in skillet; add rice, squirrel, potatoes, seasonings, and enough liquid to cook rice and potatoes. What to do after you kill a squirrel?
  • As for myself, in that dripping instant I knew what it was to act the spy!
  • The rain was dripping off the roof.
  • I am standing, dripping and shivering, on the cold lino of the Palmers Green bathroom, just out of the big enamel bath, pleading, "Dry me, Mummy, I'm freezing", and then sitting on her lap, warmly wrapped in that same towel with its pale green stars. Family life
  • Wrapped in a towel, dripping water onto the sea-grass, I traipse to the kitchen and switch on the kettle. CHAMELEON
  • There really is nothing behind his eyes but for a leaky roof dripping into a pale blue bucket.
  • One day, the ten day of ten money, money. Little strokes fell great oaks. Dripping water wears through a stone.
  • Neither of us being puffers we found it quite hard to bear the sweat dripping off our faces from the cooking plates in front of us, coupled with the smoke puffed from every other patron in the joint.
  • Steam rises from the kettle and the pork chops sizzle, licked by flames from the dripping, igniting fat.
  • Jessica had pulled her jeans on over top of her pajama pants, and wore a baggy jersey, all of which was dripping.
  • Heat the butter or dripping in a frying pan, add the cakes and cook them gently for about five minutes on each side until golden and crisp.
  • He had just gotten in from the ocean, and water was streaming down his body, dripping onto everything in sight.
  • There on the doorstop, drenched and dripping in the darkness, stood a miserably bedraggled Jewish wayfarer.
  • Elegantly attired in black, she was fairly dripping with gold jewelry and wore bright red lipstick.
  • Allow the drippings to cool some, pour into a large plastic bag and close.
  • Only two sounds disturbed the silence - a fly buzzing desultorily against the window, and a tap dripping into the sink.
  • The man sitting to her left with the black ooze dripping from his pores was quite intimidating with his stolid, emotionless face.
  • All she could hear was the steady plop of water dripping from the shower curtain and the faint buzz light-bulbs in the background.
  • Her eyes widened as Jesse stood there, small trickles of blood dripping from his clenched hands.
  • Water is dripping down my face, soaking into my sweater.
  • Tielle sat up in bed, her mouth open, a strangled cry escaping her throat, sweat dripping from her.
  • For somebody who has grown up with the stench of oil dripping from filthy laundry, surrounded by roustabouts and crane operators, I've spent surprisingly little time on rigs.
  • Answer: Originating in the Yorkshire region in the north of England, the pudding was originally made in the fat drippings from a roast beef and then served with gravy as part of the roast beef dinner. Archive 2007-01-01
  • He stamped out, then, slammin" the door, and Joanie and I rushed up to Mam, both shriekin" our heids off, for we thought she was deid" but she got up onto her hands and knees and told us it was all right, it would be all right-and her swayin" to and fro, with her cap fallen off and strings of bloody snot dripping from her face onto the floor" I'd forgot that. A Breath of Snow and Ashes
  • His mother gaped as he blabbered incoherently, dripping his own blood and vomiting bloody red raspberries onto the linoleum. Eggshell White Frigidaire
  • Meals were often just bread and marge or a bit of bacon dripping, or send out for a chip supper, with fish if they were lucky. THE GOLDEN LION
  • Naples, and containing actual drippings of sweat from a pieman who can trace his lineage back to a 15th generation pizzaiolo, forget about it. A New 99 Cent Pizza Battle Surfaces | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • We cowered in a faint indentation in the wall, pressing against the dripping bushes, and I heard the vehicle scrape a quantity of paint from its opposite side before it was past, the driver calling a nonchalant thanks. The Moor
  • She held out a plain, brown paper parcel to him, roughly tied with string still dripping in bacon fat.
  • Now entirely awake, Asa grabbed a comb off the desk and began to rake it through her long, dripping brown hair.
  • He got out of the pool, dripping wet, and stood next to me.
  • It burned bright as fire and seemed to be dripping some kind of molten metal. The Sun
  • The terrible figure of Draupadi, as she dishevels her long black hair, is the very impersonation of revenge; and a Hindoo audience never fails to shudder at her fearful vow -- that the straggling tresses shall never again be tied up until the day when Bhima shall have fulfilled his vow, and shall then bind them up whilst his fingers are still dripping with the blood of Duhsasana. The Gaming Table: Its Votaries and Victims, In All Times and Countries, especially in England and in France
  • Sweat was dripping down our faces by this time, but we had to keep our smiles planted on our face and an ease and grace in our movements.
  • He became aware of the soft, faint sounds of water dripping.
  • Dripping with sincerity, it descends into mawkish mush with all the profundity of a group hug.

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