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How To Use Drinking water In A Sentence

  • The disease is communicated through dirty drinking water.
  • Foul drinking water was blamed for the epidemic.
  • We're again buying 25-litre carboys of drinking water.
  • The disease is communicated through dirty drinking water.
  • The ice cubes can then be drained into glasses for drinking water as they melt.
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  • Clean drinking water for millions, waiting to be tapped from the polar ice. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Interview: Karen Dionne, part 1
  • The Catawba is the primary source of drinking water for much of Upstate South Carolina as well as a major source for electrical production. The Herald | - Front
  • The hamlet is home to about 30 people who take their drinking water from a spring high on the moors above the valley - a source used for centuries.
  • They found that inclusion of mannose in the drinking water of chicks reduced S. typhimurium colonization of the cecum.
  • Since 1908, chlorine has been added to drinking water.
  • Under the prerequisite for that regular circulation of water in heat collector is ensured, a steam box is used to cook food, boil drinking water and warm up.
  • Large, intact portions of the Cienega Corridor allow for rain and snowmelt to enter the ground and recharge our drinking water reservoirs.
  • You can usually get rid of hiccoughs by drinking water very quickly.
  • There is a like discrepancy in the views on the possibility of its diffusion by drinking water, on the influence of conditions of soil, on the question whether the dejecta contain the poison or not, and on the duration of the incubation period. Scientific American Supplement, No. 458, October 11, 1884
  • The Huffington Post Investigative Fund discovered that the EPA has been collecting data that shows people are drinking water laced with high levels of a weed killer known as atrazine but did not publish the data. Democracy Now!
  • People believed that healing could occur through direct contact with the relics — by touching them, drinking water or wine in which they had been dipped, sleeping next to the tomb, or eating dirt scraped from the site. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • Because of chemical pollution of rivers, the cost of producing safe, palatable drinking water has risen dramatically.
  • Drinking water is brought to the village through a network of underground pipes.
  • Foul drinking water was blamed for the epidemic.
  • We are on the edge of the muddy, fulvous Lion River, hot as tea, and are running through drinking water almost as fast as we can filter it. Richard Bangs: Following Brad and Angelina to Namibia, Part II
  • The villagers piped in drinking water from the reservoir.
  • After filling the drinking water, I had to wash utensils, wash two buckets of clothes, sweep and mop the entire house.
  • Nitrates are extremely soluble in water and can move easily through soil into the drinking water supply.
  • However, make sure a sufficient amount of cool, clean, fresh drinking water is always available.
  • The snowpack in the Seymour, Capilano and Coquitlam watersheds which supply drinking water for the Vancouver area is at about 50 per cent of normal levels for this time of year.
  • Many people were put off their breakfasts on Friday morning by radio news bulletins about human and animal excrement in our drinking water.
  • Gas companies don't have to tell us what chemicals they're using because hydraulic fracturing is specifically exempted from disclosure requirements in the Safe Drinking Water Act through to a provision, nicknamed "the Halliburton Loophole," that was inserted by Dick Cheney into the 2005 Energy Policy Act. Right now, because of the Halliburton Loophole and other exemptions for dirty fossil fuels, the EPA has absolutely no power to regulate hydraulic fracturing. Mark Ruffalo: Taking on Karl Rove
  • There is no scheme in all these projects to solve the paucity of clean, safe drinking water.
  • They erected such corrals at intervals of approximately six-hour marches, always near drinking water, pasture and brushwood for the fire.
  • Drinking water immediately after a meal is bad for the digestion.
  • Biocides are used in a variety of products ranging from cosmetics to paints, and from drinking water to swimming pools.
  • He has been afloat for three days at a stretch, unable to land safely on any of those rocky islands, trapped on the boat, using a bucket for his latrine, running short of gas, putting life jackets on the carboys of drinking water in anticipation of shipwreck, and then finally limping back to Bahia without having captured a single chuckwalla—which for him represents the penultimate indignity. The Song of The Dodo
  • He moves among the students in the encampment checking canteens, to see who has been drinking water.
  • Residents of Woburn may also have been exposed to polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons as well as to arsenic and chromium compounds in their drinking water.
  • Drinking water used should be properly chlorinated.
  • Yet reports in the British Medical Journal found that long-term exposure to fluoridated drinking water does not increase the risk of fracture.
  • At particular risk are aquifers, underground repositories of water that are tapped by wells for agricultural irrigation and drinking water.
  • Collections of groundwater are called aquifers, and we draw from aquifers for drinking water and water for use in everything form irrigation to agriculture to manufacturing. Main RSS Feed
  • Improvements in wastewater management are inextricably linked with the desperate need to provide safe drinking water to those currently unserved or underserved.
  • In an exclusive e-mail interview, Dr. Arvid Carlsson of Sweden argues that fluoridating the drinking water should be stopped.
  • The DOE states the "maximum contaminant level developed by the Environmental Protection Agency for tritium in drinking water supplies is 20,000 pCi/L or 0.02 microcuries per liter (a picocurie is a millionth of a microcurie).
  • A stone basin, sealed with pitch, was added later, to combat the problem of silting, and this provided drinking water for ships; it also powered a small waterwheel used to raise water from the basin.
  • Perth has already decided on a plant to turn seawater into drinking water by 2007.
  • There's $5 billion in the measure for such clean water projects, including 333 so-called earmarked by lawmakers in both parties, such as $500,000 for Fremont, Ohio, to deal with sewer overflows during heavy rains and $400,000 for Washburn, N.D., for improvements to its drinking water treatment plant. Undefined
  • It was also used for watering the flowers in the churchyard, and for drinking water.
  • Getting into the habit of drinking water, lots of water, every day is important.
  • The groundwater table for our drinking water supply is 180 metres underground and is dropping by one meter every year due to our unsustainable consumption.
  • New regulations that come into force at the beginning of 2004 will bring even tougher standards for drinking water quality.
  • The big guns of the army are handled by motor tractors, 95 per cent of the army mail service is motorcar service and 95 per cent of the drinking water for the fighting forces is delivered by motortruck. Kelly Miller's History of the World War for Human Rights
  • For instance, even in drinking water schemes or sanitary projects, at least a fraction of the total cost has got to be borne by the beneficiaries or the community that benefits.
  • We disinfected drinking water with bleaching powder.
  • He eked out his drinking water until Tuesday morning, waiting in the faint hope of being found.
  • This mission will be difficult since Liberia lacks everything, there are medical precautions to be taken (Yellow Fever vaccination compulsory, malaria treatment, cholera precautions are needed, no easily available safe drinking water, ...), accommodation is spartan and most of you will be camping out under tents in military camps under heavy rainfall (rainy season), transport is hazardous on almost inexistant roads. Tatsutahime Diary Entry
  • The Federal Safe Drinking Water Act standards have a drinking water criteria for total mercury at 2 ppb or 2 microgram per liter (ug/L). Waldo Jaquith - A new study says mercury is commonly found in corn syrup.
  • Drinking water also can become contaminated with pesticides, lead or other metals.
  • You need to filter the drinking water.
  • Take Fish, Fritz & Saltz down to one of the Benson bubblers (or some activists should do a press conference there at one with the Willamette and barge or ship traffic in the background) -- or invite him to quaff an un-unfiltered Hefeweitzen at Widmers 'Gasthaus with the people (fundraiser for May?) -- for a safe drinking water refresher course .... but no matter what, don't ever let them drink Randy's Kuul-Ayde! Wednesday showdown brewing over Portland water (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • The Contractor will be required to provide his own supply for drinking water etc.
  • Some of these cases were doubtless instances of echinococcus, trichinæ, or the result of rectovesical fistula, but Riverius 13.38 mentions an instance in which, after drinking water containing worms, a person passed worms in the urine. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Sam was filmed the week before Black Saturday drinking water from Mr Tree's bottle after being injured during a controlled backburn in Gippsland. Latest news, breaking news, current news, UK news, world news, celebrity news, politics news
  • It makes grim reading, but the Play Fair Alliance's Missed the Goal for Workers: The Reality of Soccer Ball Stitches (cleanclothes. org) tells the tale of how workers who handstitch footballs for the international market in India, Pakistan and China are still paid slave wages and forced to work 21-hour days without access to basics like drinking water. Can I be green and a sports fan?
  • A more likely source of minerals other than drinking water is provided by the food we eat, in which plants and animals have already accumulated what is necessary.
  • Drinking water also helps maintain proper muscle tone, which aids muscle contraction.
  • This could be the cheapest and most dependable source of drinking water for the people of Titilagarh.
  • Drinking water supplies are believed to have been contaminated.
  • Kleinberg says that fluoride, which is in most drinking water and toothpaste, protects against 30 percent of tooth decay.
  • Non-medicated saline sprays or pure drinking water are more effective than decongestant sprays, which can damage the nasal lining if used regularly.
  • Drinking water is actually collected from this catchment as well.
  • The school, which caters to nearly 12 nearby villages, does not have a boundary wall, toilets, and proper drinking water arrangement despite having the waterworks at a distance of 200 metres.
  • Calcium and magnesium are among the most abundant elements on earth, so they are imbibed as drinking water and as milk.
  • The blonde, smooth-faced Tolpefer sat on a platform drinking water with one mouth and simultaneously smoking a cigarette with the other. Marc Hartzman: A Touch of Knowledge: The Man with Two Mouths
  • Years later, the Journal of the American Medical Association stated in their September 18, 1943 issue that fluorides are general protoplasmic poisons that change the permeability of the cell membrane by certain enzymes. 1 Additionally, an editorial published in the Journal of the American Dental Association on October 1, 1944 stated, Drinking water containing as little as 1.2 ppm fluoride will cause developmental disturbances. Dr. Joseph Mercola: The Health Hazards of Water Fluoridation (VIDEO)
  • Thousands of sheep are grazing yards from unfenced reservoirs supplying half a million Scots with drinking water.
  • Ethiopia faces devastating famine, millions in other parts of the world have no drinking water and global warming is forgotten or denied.
  • We have come a long way from fresh air, exercise, pure drinking water and unprocessed food - all natural essentials for good health.
  • The main causes are pathogenic bacteria, such as enterotoxin e. coli, campylobacter jejuni, shigella, salmonella and vibrio, that enter the body from contaminated food and drinking water.
  • Yu, W.W. Low-field magnetic separation of monodisperse Fe3O4 nanocrystals Today's seawater is tomorrow's drinking water: UCLA engineers develop revolutionary nanotech water desalination membrane Overview and comparison of conventional water treatment technologies and nano-based treatment technologies. SciDev.Net
  • Sitting arrangements, toilet facility, and separate private space for lactating mothers, pure drinking water were available while distributing relief support.
  • Much of this ground water recharges into streams which eventually empty into the Mississippi River, a major source of drinking water for the Twin Cities metro area.
  • Additionally, unsafe sources of drinking water can be treated with an approved larvicide, such as ABATE®*, that kills copepods, and communities can be provided with new safe sources of drinking water, or have existing dysfunctional ones repaired. Dracunculiasis
  • Coatings, Inc. by AZZ incorp BRIEF: Hydrant flushing expected to discolor Bull Mountain drinking water TradingMarkets
  • Water-borne pathogens in drinking water can be deadly.
  • There was no drinking water, and people collapsed from heat stroke.
  • In 1996, 25 of 26 councils in Northern Ireland voted against fluoridating their drinking water.
  • At night, the utility secretly opened hydrants and poured precious drinking water into the sewers to flush the pipes.
  • Aftershocks, rain and landslides are hampering aid efforts and souring drinking water, but survivors want more from authorities.
  • And still other from the Texas National Guard are tasked with purifying drinking water.
  • Toilets and drinking water tanks will be installed at convenient locations.
  • All reasonable people understand that acts of God, accidents, or incidents will happen that will affect the quality of drinking water.
  • We disinfected drinking water with bleaching powder.
  • Despite concerted international efforts to expand access to wells and municipal waterworks, the number of people drinking water from so-called unimproved sources has remained more or less the same since 1990.
  • The Government schemes to provide pure drinking water has not benefited the people living in the remote villages.
  • Grist : How do you think drinking water should be managed and distributed?
  • The khidmutgar, in the mean time, seized and brought into the room two large gharahs or pitchers of drinking water, that stood outside, as the weather was very hot, and the party would require it They were afraid that poison might be put into the water if left outside after they had commenced the assault. A Journey through the Kingdom of Oude, Volumes I & II
  • Drinking water after a snack will also help remove the aftertaste from your mouth and can help curb your desire for more.
  • Often it can take a little while to melt down the pieces of ice to make drinking water.
  • Because of chemical pollution of rivers, the cost of producing safe, palatable drinking water has risen dramatically.
  • Environment—current issues: soil pollution from toxic chemicals such as DDT; the energy crisis of the 1990s led to deforestation when citizens scavenged for firewood; pollution of Hrazdan (Razdan) and Aras Rivers; the draining of Sevana Lich (Lake Sevan), a result of its use as a source for hydropower, threatens drinking water supplies; restart of Metsamor nuclear power plant in spite of its location in a seismically active zone Armenia
  • Tests to determine the presence of lead in drinking water should be done by a laboratory certified specifically for lead testing.
  • Final concentrations of these toxicants met World Health Organization guidelines for safe drinking water, Allgood notes.
  • She dealt with generator problems, which provided her daily supply of fresh drinking water.
  • Food habit, clean drinking water and proper sanitation hold the key to preserving the health of the people.
  • The regularity presented practical and theoretical significances for bone char defluoridation of drinking water.
  • Affirms that the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation is derived from the right to an adequate standard of living and inextricably related to the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, as well as the right to life and human dignity Peter H. Gleick: A Long Time Coming: The Human Right to Water
  • City officials assured Phoenix residents that there areno traces of cryptoporidiosis in the city's drinking water. Phoenix Public Pools Closed After 58 Reported illnesses from Cryptosporidiosis
  • These small tapeworm cysts (taenia saginata) are about the size of a pea and found in the flesh of cattle, which become infected by eating food or drinking water which has been contaminated by the feces of persons harboring adult tapeworms. The Veterinarian
  • Reverse osmosis is used to prepare drinking water from sea water.
  • Backed by a huge sign saying "Alan Provides," Mr. Garcia said his government had avoided "pharaonic" projects, favoring building gritty infrastructure, for needs such as drinking water, sewage and low-cost housing. Market Gets a Friend in Peru
  • A lot of our drinking water is now heavily contaminated.
  • Drinking water came from the sink in the toilet, the flush of which was operated by pulling a metal hanger in the cistern.
  • The mayor's projects to improve the purification of drinking water in the metropolitan area were given a nod of approval at the meeting.
  • It will undertake projects to provide proper drinking water, waste disposal and sanitation facilities for pilgrims.
  • He partly ascribed the problems to a shortage of skills at municipal level in treating drinking water and waste water.
  • Every day, each person was given a bowl of congee and a glass of drinking water, and once a week, each was allowed a three minute shower.
  • Behind the locomotive is a reefer (refrigerator car) to supply ice for drinking water in the sleepers.
  • Occasionally, a pregnant woman is exposed to significant amounts of lead in her drinking water if her home has lead pipes, lead solder on copper pipes or brass faucets.
  • After the base received an overage of drinking water, base officials decided to place the boxes in strategic locations around the base so water would be easily accessible.
  • Drinking water in which jade has been soaked will strengthen your body.
  • Guinea worm, also known as dracunculus medinensis, is a crippling parasitic disease transmitted by larvae in contaminated drinking water. Spero News
  • Conclusion: The security of the resident drinking water could be ensured by strengthening preventive supervise and monitoring, perfecting the hygeian manage system and periodic sterilizing step.
  • Make sure the water you drink is pure; have your drinking water tested for purity and use a good filter.
  • But the government has said nothing about committing additional funds or resources to the monitoring of their drinking water.
  • Use one tablespoon of unscented liquid bleach for every four liters of water. Use drinking water or the cleanest, clearest water available.
  • The survey also measured levels of air pollution, quality and quantity of drinking water and sewage.
  • I offer pain medication and antibiotics, but it's a temporary fix because their drinking water will simply reinfect them.
  • The new rules being developed may seem "wonky" but are important because the national forests provide drinking water for 124 million people in more than 900 cities nationwide and habitat for more rare species than national parks, said Jane Danowitz, public lands director for the Pew Environment Group. Forest Service Seeks More Control
  • The land is on a sand and gravel aquifer, several hundred metres from a reservoir that supplies drinking water to 650,000 homes in Dublin.
  • I took the billhook, and we ran down toward the woods and thickets that marked the path of the stream where we got our drinking water. Wildfire
  • You can prevent Campylobacter infections by using drinking water that's been tested and approved for purity, especially in developing countries, and by drinking milk that's been pasteurized.
  • Xiamen is fully ready to provide drinking water to Jinmen, Taiwan Province, which is now suffering drought.
  • It is possible to get drinking water supplies tested to make sure they comply with EC standards.
  • Left, women gathered around a well to draw drinking water on the banks of the dried-up Vakaria lake near the western Indian city of Ahmedabad, May 14, 2011. Monsoon and the Indian Economy
  • Dr. C. Danielson, in the Journal of American Medical Association, attributed many hip fractures in Utah to fluoridated drinking water.
  • In Indonesia work has included providing mobile water treatment works to benefit 25,000 people and in Sri Lanka it has set up bowsers to supply drinking water to 250,000 and handed out 50,000 jerry cans to families.
  • Today, a billion people do not have adequate supplies of drinking water and two billion have no sanitary facilities.
  • Four teenage army cadets at an adventure camp were rushed to hospital after it is believed drinking water was spiked.
  • Sneakers are a good choice of footwear and walk with lots of drinking water!
  • Without doubt, the main burnished piece is the pitcher which holds refreshing drinking water. The artesanias of Michoacan - an introduction
  • The variety of radioactive medical nostrums seemed endless: pastes, plasters, muds, inhalers, drinking water, and so forth.
  • At the ferry landing in Luanda Kotieno, a town of about 6,500 people, Walter Omondi, 20, just out of high school and working as a helper on a little, skinny water jitney with a small outboard motor, said he had tried drinking water straight from the lake. In East Africa, Selling Drinking Water Straight From the Pond
  • The Iraqi Ministry of Water and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have combined forces to bring sanitary drinking water to the people of Fallujah.
  • Large, intact portions of the Cienega Corridor allow for rain and snowmelt to enter the ground and recharge our drinking water reservoirs.
  • In Cleveland, the power is on, but residents are asked to boil their drinking water.
  • Healthy rivers and lakes are vital not only because we derive our drinking water from these sources but they are also a means where we and our children pass the time through walks, fishing, swimming, canoeing etc.
  • Giardia contaminates streams and lakes throughout North America and has caused epidemics of diarrheal disease in several small cities by contaminating their drinking water. Intestinal Parasites May Be Causing Your Energy Slump
  • Moving government owned assets or functions into corporate hands, as with Blackwater, Halliburton, and the conglomerates now controlling public highways, prisons, and drinking water systems is "corporatization," not the soft imagery of going Words in the service of corporate masters.
  • The Restore Clean Water System from HoMedics claims that its built-in ultraviolet lights will kill 99. 9999% of bacteria, 99.99% of viruses and 99.95% of microbial cysts in your drinking water. A UV Water Pitcher Kills 99.999% of Germs in Drinking Water | Impact Lab
  • The community of 35 currently get their drinking water supply from a borehole next to the pier, but over the past few years the system has been prone to equipment failure.
  • Risk of infection is present anywhere where food is prepared unhygienically or drinking water is inadequately treated.
  • More than 70 percent of our nation's drinking water is medicated to treat the teeth, according to figures released by the U.S. Census Bureau.
  • Every week, Christopher washes his clothes and collects drinking water at a standpipe in Beetham Gardens.
  • Although this information pertains to drinking water, it would apply to wastewater too because dechlorination doesn't get rid of TTHMs (total trihalomethanes) and other DBPs associated with chlorination," Choksi said. Chlorine Treatment Seen as Risky
  • Bangladesh agreed to India withdrawing 1.82 cusec of water from Feni river for drinking water supply schemes, the statement said. Analysis
  • The drinking water has become contaminated with lead.
  • Given the state of their drinking water, anything that offered a little sterilisation could add a few years to a person's life.
  • A potential toxic bloom has been found on the lake from which drinking water supplies for much of the county, including the towns of Killarney and Tralee and surrounding countryside, are abstracted.
  • An Associated Press article published by The New York Times a couple of months ago told us that the Elysian and Silver Lake, “two reservoirs that supply drinking water” to sections of Los Angeles, were found to contain “high levels of the carcinogen bromate.” Treating Cancer with Landscape Architecture
  • Perhaps you should consider that the technical challenges involved in capping a deep-sea oil well are somewhat more daunting than, say, loading up a few dozen helicopters with loads of medical supplies and clean drinking water to airlift them into people stranded by floodwaters. The Volokh Conspiracy » Now that the Government has Proved as Incompetent
  • The troops, already debilitated by the impure drinking water and hunger on the long, hot march from Batesville, were quickly overcome with malaria, as had been predicted.
  • Water used for this purpose must be drinking water or clean seawater.
  • Giardia contaminates streams and lakes throughout North America and has caused epidemics of diarrheal disease in several small cities by contaminating their drinking water. Intestinal Parasites May Be Causing Your Energy Slump
  • I was told to fetch drinking water from the river.
  • For eight years they never demanded any lessening of carbon-dioxide emissions and allowed arsenic to remain in the drinking water of millions of Americans.
  • She detected high levels of lead in her drinking water
  • This has helped in solving the problem of drinking water, bringing some lands under rabi crops and generating employment opportunities.
  • For example, chlorinated drinking water disinfectants react with naturally occurring bromides in oceans and lakes to form compounds that are much more carcinogenic than the original disinfectant.
  • The hamlet is home to about 30 people who take their drinking water from a spring high on the moors above the valley - a source used for centuries.
  • Dorje's men had used it as a tank to hold their drinking water, and that, at any rate, was something more like its original purpose than the use that the word sarcophagus suggests. Jimgrim
  • They urged the district government, the union council administration and the education department to look into the gravity of the matter and allocate funds for provision of clean drinking water to the schools on apriority basis. Scoolchildren Being Supplied Contaminated Water
  • Adrienne or 'Addie' to the friends she doesn't deserve to have has denied Jack and his men access to clean drinking water, refused to allow them to send hand-made gifts to their families back home, and even went so far as to seize 21 Christmas packages sent to Jack, Brent and Ed via regular Afghan post. Archive 2005-12-01
  • According to experts, Poseidon's desalted water also poses increased health risks from disinfection byproducts and substances like boron, which are in ocean water and not currently regulated under drinking water standards. Steve Fleischli: Getting More Out of the Men's Room
  • For those who want to produce their own pure drinking water, passive-solar distillation is an inexpensive, low-tech option.
  • The federal government restricts the amount of "total chromium" in drinking water and requires water utilities to test for it, but that includes both trivalent chromium, a mineral that humans need to metabolize glucose, and hexavalent chromium, the metal that has caused cancer in laboratory animals. Probable carcinogen hexavalent chromium found in drinking water of 31 U.S. cities
  • We need a reliable supply of drinking water, mattresses and bedding, as well as kitchen utensils," says Zeenat, adding that "a latrine is a priority. Joop Koopman: Poorest in Pakistan Journey Toward a Better Life
  • And for me this, it is like drinking water fire hold then a fire hose.
  • ASCE, in rating 15 separate areas on national infrastructure, gives drinking water the lowest rating -- a D- on a scale of A to F. Scott Lilly: 'Nonsecurity' Spending Cuts Could Be Hazardous to Your Health
  • He has been in a number of programs, including the conduct of monitoring surveys, setting standards for industrial dischargers, standards for drinking water, and protection/enhancement of ocean and coastal waters.
  • The chemist asked what kind of fluoride was being used to fluoridate the drinking water.
  • Also, remember that it is better to drink dirty water than to go without drinking water all.
  • Salt water edged into the aquifer, tainting the drinking water of the burgeoning urban areas.
  • It also admitted that a drinking water fountain had been pumping out untreated industrial water for nine months.
  • The production of haloforms in drinking water as a result of the reaction between organic carbon compounds and hypochlorous acid is a serious drinking water quality issue.
  • It even has a reedbed sewage system to process waste, with solid matter recycled as manure and liquid sewage reconstituted as clean drinking water. A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Throne
  • But what if the upstream community wants to use the water to bathe and wash clothes, and the result will be a shortage of drinking water for the downstream community?
  • Since 1908, chlorine has been added to drinking water.
  • The GSE liquid can be used in sprays for skin and feet, on your toothbrush, as a gargle and even added to questionable drinking water when traveling.
  • Many large municipal drinking water supplies are fluoridated to an optimal level of 1 part per million (ppm).
  • The rough red Italian vino was on the table for every meal and we drank it instead of water, not being too certain of the purity of the ship's drinking water.
  • With little access to clean drinking water and sanitation, the inhabitants face a constant threat of disease.
  • Drinking water is brought to the village through a network of underground pipes.
  • Workmen put in a proper drainage system and supplied pure drinking water.
  • The percentage of lead in our drinking water is unacceptably high
  • Coffee can also dehydrate you, so counter its effects by drinking water.
  • Imagine a hawk's sight; a sense of smell far superior to a bloodhound's; being able to taste minute traces of impurities in drinking water.
  • Have the effects on our groundwater and drinking water systems been considered?
  • They spent about three years studying it and determined that the current "safe" drinking water standard of 4 ppm (parts per million) set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for fluoride is too high and should be lowered. Dr. Joseph Mercola: The Health Hazards of Water Fluoridation (VIDEO)
  • The contaminants are usually the result of the use of agrochemicals, fertilizers, and sprays used to increase crop yields, which then get washed into rivers and reservoirs and hence into drinking water.
  • We distilled the salt water and made it into drinking water.
  • A billion people in the world will not have access to clean drinking water.
  • You will not find meatloaf specials drowned in flour-based gravy and served with lumpy mashed potatoes and tasteless, overcooked green beans in these places or geezers sitting around drinking watery American sock java while yapping incessantly about inanities but what you will find is great and innovative cuisine. Good Places to Eat

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