How To Use Drinking age In A Sentence
Here Congress has offered relatively mild encouragement to the States to enact higher minimum drinking ages than they would otherwise choose.
Here Congress has offered relatively mild encouragement to the States to enact higher minimum drinking ages than they would otherwise choose.
Here Congress has offered relatively mild encouragement to the States to enact higher minimum drinking ages than they would otherwise choose.
The current United States legal drinking age is 21.
Here Congress has offered relatively mild encouragement to the States to enact higher minimum drinking ages than they would otherwise choose.
One thing is for sure: it will not be spent on extra police to enforce the current drinking age.
In parts of Europe, the legal drinking age for beer, and sometimes hard liquor, is sixteen.
Should the alcoholic drinking age be increased or decreased?
In parts of Europe, the legal drinking age for beer, and sometimes hard liquor, is 16.
In parts of Europe, the legals legal drinking age for beer, and hardhard liquor, is 16.
So far, no state has changed its drinking age.
Here Congress has offered relatively mild encouragement to the States to enact higher minimum drinking ages than they would otherwise choose.
In parts of Europe, the legal drinking age for beer, and sometimes hard liquor, is sixteen.
One of the things that has really struck me during my time in the UK has been the ease of accessto gambling and alcohol in the UK and a drinking age of 18.
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As we explain below, we find this legislative effort within constitutional bounds even if Congress may not regulate drinking ages directly.
In parts of Europe, the legals legal drinking age for beer, and hardhard liquor, is 16.
As we explain below, we find this legislative effort within constitutional bounds even if Congress may not regulate drinking ages directly.
Indeed, the national U.S. drinking age of 21 has inadvertently caused the 18 to 20 year olds to go underground where they learn to binge rather than quaff a casual stein.
While it may sound counterintuitive, would it not make sense to lower the drinking age from 21 to 20 or even less, provided the less-than-21-year-old imbiber obtains a separate license for drinking.
Boing Boing
Kleiman says that this would be a particularly effective way of controlling over-indulgence by teenagers (who, after all, barely have any money) and would allow us to get rid of the not-really-enforced minimum drinking age and eliminate the culture of fake IDs and casual law-breaking that it encourages.
Matthew Yglesias » Higher Taxes on Alcohol
Here Congress has offered relatively mild encouragement to the States to enact higher minimum drinking ages than they would otherwise choose.
That's a lot of fizzy pop to store up until he reaches the legal drinking age.
The Sun
In parts of Europe, the legal drinking age for beer, and sometimes hard liquor, is 16.