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How To Use Drinker In A Sentence

  • One of them is the capacity of drinkers to adsorb liqueur without slurring or otherwise noticeably displaying physical manifestations of enjoying alcoholic beverages. What was Althouse drinking?
  • Japanese green tea drinkers also consume less sodium than fat-bottomed American fizzy drink lovers.
  • A shuffling street drinker with a string of convictions over eight lost years, she is now notorious as the woman who exposes herself in public.
  • Police in Newquay are warning underage drinkers that the party is over. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two initiatives have been announced today to ensure drinkers are aware that their favourite tipples are getting bigger and stronger.
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  • Heavy drinkers were those who had up to three pints of beer or six glasses of wine once a week. The Sun
  • I would like your temperate drinker to pause, and reflect upon the fact, that the quantity of brandy or rum that he took at a drink, when he commenced this downhill course, has been gradually increased; so that in the second year, what had been quite sufficient to please his palate and produce all the desired effects in the first, was then insipidly small; and more so in the third year, if, mayhap, he could with any decency lay claim to the title of _temperate drinker_ so long. Select Temperance Tracts
  • I already had them figured for bourbon drinkers, and on receiving confirmation I poured a pair of doubles, left the bottle out and placed a tray of ice on the counter.
  • You are born-again, re-sobered, a former hardcore binge drinker and rumored huge fan of various illegal substances back in college, and you had at least one DUI arrest and went AWOL from the National Guard, and you've stashed away from public view all records of both your tenure as Texas governor, and those SEC investigations into your alleged insider trading. Chaos Theory:
  • Elsewhere the drinkers sat in darkness, an umbrous gloom through which the orange flame of an occasional candle started.
  • It was a party where everyone enjoys themselves; there is something for everybody whether you're a drinker or not, a dancer or a laid back kind of person; you surely won't feel left out in his party.
  • Meanwhile, only 8 percent of regular coffee drinkers drink decaf.
  • He was only partially dressed; his face had the peculiar bulginess of the hard drinker; his eyes were watery and shifty, and several days 'growth of beard, with patchy grey and black spots, gave a stucco effect to his countenance. The Cow Puncher
  • It means drinkers will hand 12 each on average in tax to the Government during the festive period. The Sun
  • But I'd bet that many wine drinkers have the same problem I do.
  • Landlords share information about troublemakers and telephone each other to warn about rowdy drinkers.
  • A series of recent experiments in America showed that immune system blood cells from tea drinkers responded five times faster to germs than the blood cells of coffee drinkers.
  • One drinker suffered a suspected heart attack and another was hit in the face with a piece of glass, causing a deep gash.
  • You might be an unwitting binge drinker. Times, Sunday Times
  • While more than four out of 10 non-drinkers said other people viewed their refusal to drink as odd, a third of drinkers added that other people would think it odd if they were to give up alcohol.
  • In conclusion, our results show that a high percentage of tobacco smokers tend to be drinkers also.
  • According to research, non-drinkers are more likely to develop the winter snuffles than moderate drinkers.
  • This chateau makes wine for Old World claret drinkers rather than for the powerful New World wine critic, Robert Parker.
  • Does he actually think a 270 lb soft drinker is going to stop drinking his Pepsi if it is taxed more? Wonk Room » Why ‘Poor Bloggers’ Shouldn’t Worry About A Booze Tax
  • Drinkers in Bradford are more aware of recommended limits on how much they should drink than fellow tipplers across the rest of the country.
  • Vodka and grappa drinkers needing that extra alcoholic kick should give this a try.
  • Medicine Lodge, Kansas, small as it was, contained seven saloons for the comfort of local drinkers.
  • For dedicated coffee drinkers, no ‘instant’ stuff would do.
  • Wine anoraks know that these wines are made from Chardonnay grapes, but most drinkers associate Chablis with a taste, not its component parts, and they buy it because they like it, and the idea of it.
  • Research suggests that people wearing perfumes and aftershave are more likely to be bitten, as are beer drinkers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Illustration by Jason Lee for The Wall Street Journal More discerning tequila drinkers know it comes from the agave plant and can recognize the difference between the major types: the unaged blancos; reposados, which are aged in oak between two months and a year; and añejos, which spend between one and three years in barrels. Tequila Terroir
  • This busy town-centre cafe is the place for shoppers to catch a bite, and a hang-out for coffee drinkers in a place as yet untainted by the multinational chains.
  • Pushed to describe what general movement he witnesses among Millennial drinkers, Jacobus says, "The current generation are definitely drinking differently."
  • Extra barkeepers had been engaged, and the drinkers jammed six deep before every drink - drenched and unwiped bar. Chapter 14
  • Cider represents a fourth Irish drink, one that is traditional, light and crisp, and appeals to drinkers who might not be interested in stouts, whiskeys, or cream liqueurs.
  • The astonished lone drinker blinked when three foaming pints of Stella appeared on the bar before him.
  • She is nevertheless by no means a drinker, and one weak drink usually lasts several hours.
  • Older drinkers consume alcohol most frequently. Times, Sunday Times
  • One drinker said: 'They were almost incoherent. The Sun
  • But some of the Tompkins Square Park "crusties" - a loose-knit group of mainly young heroin users and drinkers with whom Pupshaw used to hang out - say Pupshaw's head was badly injured in the attack and that police aren't investigating as thoroughly as if the victim had been a Undefined
  • The report showed that drinkers were now prepared to pay premium prices for a luxury product. Times, Sunday Times
  • On one day, the coffee drinkers were given a 250-milligram dose of caffeine in the morning and again at lunchtime, equivalent to four cups of coffee in total.
  • I enjoy red wine but as the only drinker in the house, I find that one bottle lasts too long.
  • Tea terminology is a matter of concern to tea drinkers and also to cooks who are using tea as a flavouring.
  • The antioxidant chemicals in alcohol could protect the brain, and wine drinkers may benefit from an additional healthy brain compound found in grapes called resveratrol, which increases life span in animals similar to caloric restriction. Gary W. Small, M.D.: Does Alcohol Help Prevent Alzheimer's?
  • He was an accomplished bushman, a great drinker and swearer, short-tempered and generous-hearted, a man not to be contained by parliamentary etiquette.
  • Unlike beer, which some wine aficionados describe as ‘the inebriant of the lout and half-wit’, wine requires drinkers to develop a complex sense of taste.
  • McCloy points out that their differences even extend to the way they like to party, explaining that two members are non-drinkers and the others are ‘total drunks.’
  • Meanwhile, only 8 percent of regular coffee drinkers drink decaf.
  • But for Blairites to attack Brown for networking, briefing the press and installing placemen is a little like an alcoholic accusing a social drinker of dipsomania.
  • At age 12, Natasha Farnham was a 6 bottle of wine a day drinker. Party Girl Suffers Liver Damage At Age 14
  • Aware that even loyal ordinary tea drinkers are being tempted by exotica like jasmine tea and Earl Grey, tea makers are being forced to focus marketing activities on their premium brands.
  • Maybe if they were a really heavy drinker they might have a red face. Taking Drugs Seriously
  • According to research, non-drinkers are more likely to develop the winter snuffles than moderate drinkers.
  • Dry folks also tend to be healthier than the sweet drinkers as they don't eat as much sugary food. The Sun
  • Their appeal for the wine drinker is that they are a refreshing and stimulating reminder of the passing of the seasons, a sort of liquid harvest tradition.
  • While moderate drinkers were just as likely to become infected with the germs, fewer became ill with the symptoms.
  • Smokers and drinkers age rapidly and soon lose their looks - as well as their health. The Sun
  • A large number of individuals who do not meet diagnostic criteria for alcoholism are, nonetheless, heavy problem drinkers.
  • These flavors, favorites among coffee and tea drinkers, entice the adult market.
  • It was an incongruous mix: York drinkers, tourists and a movie crew, some from London and others from Los Angeles.
  • The way the English deal with their current law - and how they enforce closing time by bellowing at poor drinkers - smacks of a mean streak of miserableness.
  • As a non-drinker and non-smoker two of Cuba's most famous exports, cigars and rum, have little interest for him.
  • In 1997, 35 percent of coffee drinkers indicated they drank specialty coffees.
  • To appeal to calorie-conscious drinkers, Molson Canadian 67 was introduced in Ontario in late 2009 and is now sold in all provinces. Feeling Stale, Molson Reinvents
  • The Nahuas also apparently believed that chocolate, especially in its green or unroasted form, could intoxicate its drinker: "when much drunk ... [it] makes one drunk, takes effect on one, makes one dizzy, confuses one, makes one sick, deranges one. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • Shortly afterwards, Gough punched a drinker, who had to be taken outside by the landlord.
  • She warned that police would use their power of seizure if they found under-age drinkers with alcohol brought from home.
  • Until tomorrow, when the rain will gutter down streams and we will dash for cover, I will smile my way to sleep, low-flying planes and yelling teenage drinkers won't touch me.
  • The proportion of drinkers who abuse alcohol is actually quite small.
  • Licensing magistrates granted a Section 77 to the riverside pub, giving drinkers a chance to stay there until the witching hour three days a week, with the chance to bop on the dance floor or guzzle the substantial food.
  • WHEN was the last time anyone saw the police in pubs checking for underage drinkers? The Sun
  • Interestingly, the largest program for problem drinkers, Alcoholics Anonymous, works squarely against shy people.
  • A warning on the label advises drinkers to take it in small servings: "and with an air of aristocratic nonchalance. Latest news, breaking news, current news, UK news, world news, celebrity news, politics news
  • Anyone joining a group of drinkers immediately buys a round of drinks for everyone at the table.
  • Most drinkers do not abuse alcohol at all.
  • It offers the drinker not an overpowering smack of peat, but a delicious honeyed, floral sweetness.
  • It was a must that he be a nondrinker, a nonsmoker, and a complete vegetarian. First Comes Marriage
  • The narrow alleys are lined with iron balconies and lively with the chatter of drinkers and shoppers. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the findings were met with a mixed reaction from lunchtime drinkers in the pavement bars and cafes of Manchester yesterday.
  • The drinkers lined up in a sports bar with their ice-cold beers would have no idea this was a country torn by conflict. Times, Sunday Times
  • Do underage drinkers not have parents and do those parents not have any responsibilities? Times, Sunday Times
  • Even more surprising, blood pressure was increased in the nonhabitual drinkers who drank only decaffeinated coffee, suggesting that substances in coffee other than caffeine may have an effect on the heart.
  • In most of our minds, he is a withdrawn, lonely figure, brave but enigmatic - scarcely to be compared with his rival, who was combative, a drinker and something of a wencher.
  • Turks, the people of these countries spit at every whiff; and they say that he who does not, will never be a hardy bouza drinker. Travels in Nubia
  • This is the haul of alcohol seized by police in an undercover operation targeting young drinkers.
  • At low levels, it creates a faint mustiness that leaves less-than-confident drinkers believing they just don't appreciate the nuances of wine.
  • You might be an unwitting binge drinker. Times, Sunday Times
  • This book describes a tested, motivationally based treatment specifically designed for problem drinkers.
  • Officers seized 500 bottles and cans of alcohol from underage drinkers. The Sun
  • Of course binge drinkers target cheap booze. The Sun
  • Top pubs and bars have joined the voluntary ban on encouraging binge boozing in a bid to attract ‘better’ drinkers.
  • As a non-drinker, I was untouched by this, but my friend opted not to drink a lot, and still had a great night.
  • He is usually both a heavy smoker and drinker. Self-Hypnosis
  • They also found a close link between the price of beer and other alcoholic beverages, so all drinkers were losing out in the most expensive areas.
  • Where appropriate they also confiscate alcohol from under age drinkers.
  • It means police can confiscate alcohol from drinkers and simply tip it down the drain.
  • Probably because beer drinkers are more socially active and eat less. The Sun
  • Its taste was foul, but it was cheap, and just a beakerful or two sufficed to ravage the drinker's brain to zombiedom. Hooting Yard
  • Having sensibly cracked down on smoking, the government is now squeezing the drinker. Times, Sunday Times
  • Coffee drinkers in the Middle East usually add cardamom and spices.
  • This is the season for beer events, but for serious beer drinkers, I'd be inclined to pay attention to Pizzeria Paradiso's punningly named OktoBEERfest. Lift a glass for Oktoberfest
  • A heavy social drinker is a good bloke, one of the lads.
  • It includes a poster and flyer campaign urging drinkers not to cause trouble and to keep the noise down, or else.
  • The recipe would have remained totally and completely vegan - as it was originally written on Susan's site - but we don't use soy yogurt here and I'm the only non-dairy drinker here, so I swapped in the Source brand fatfree vanilla yogurt that my mom was eating with breakfast and it worked wonderfully. Archive 2009-07-01
  • Boozing in the street could cost drinkers £500 under tough new measures introduced this week.
  • Rather than flaunting his authority, he is more of a learned peer, and beer drinker, than overlord.
  • Sadly it is true that many Brits are undiscriminating drinkers.
  • The chances are that you might be an accidental binge drinker. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm not a coffee drinker, so I had no idea you could cold-brew coffee! Cold Brewed Coffee
  • Now, a competent, perceptive drinker will immediately remark that hotel bars are overpriced.
  • As a nation of tea and coffee drinkers, our teeth take a battering and frequently end up stained or discoloured.
  • Far worse than the controlled, steady drinker is the solitary drinker, and it was this that Daylight was developing into. Chapter XXI
  • Under the strobes, when your nose is red and the screaming from your liver is drowned out by loud music, the non-drinker is a pariah.
  • Researchers found the coffee drinkers all reported the first ride to be easier. Times, Sunday Times
  • Off-licences selling alcohol to underage drinkers could be targeted as tough tactics are adopted to stop teenage hoodlums terrorising a town.
  • Oh – ai also hav Erl Grey tee fur teh non-cowfee drinkers – an sum herbalz fur tehnon caffein peepl. Sry. We not interested in ur - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • He used to be a big drinker - he used to spend £10,000 a year laying down wines for his personal cellar.
  • But those with only one copy can develop a tolerance to acetaldehyde and become heavy drinkers.
  • Drinking alcohol does not produce true ‘relaxation’ - it ‘drugs’ or ‘tranquilizes’ the drinker, and alcohol cannot only disrupt sleep, it can cause stress.
  • Screening is most cost effective when targeted at high risk groups for example, heavy drinkers and smokers.
  • I'm a secret real ale drinker from time to time - could I be an English Democrat?
  • If you are a wine drinker looking for a change, try bottled beer rather than canned.
  • In the 10 years that I have been a drinker, I've known a lot of drunks.
  • Beer drinkers in York today raised a glass to the city's publicans, after it emerged they were getting some of the best-value pints in Britain.
  • Guinness hopes the idea will resonate with stout drinkers in vastly different markets.
  • According to research[Sentence dictionary], non-drinkers are more likely to develop the winter snuffles than moderate drinkers.
  • It was a question only a nondrinker could have raised. LAST CALL
  • From the drinker it taketh away strength," I mocked, "and to the man unweary it burdeneth him into sleep. THE DEATH OF LIGOUN
  • There are satiric songs mocking meanness and tyranny, songs in praise of drink and drinkers, while other pieces celebrate heroic feats of valour or of sport.
  • Part of the pub has been sealed off to the form the ‘house’ and cameras have been rigged up, allowing fellow drinkers to monitor the progress of the contestants.
  • But she said supermarkets were the real culprits for selling alcohol to under-age drinkers.
  • The Greek name alludes to the popular belief that the amethyst was a preventive of intoxication; hence beakers were made of amethyst for carousals, and inveterate drinkers wore amulets made of it to counteract the action of wine. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • My husband has always been a very big drinker and is controlling and bullying. The Sun
  • A coffee drinker holding his nose while sipping would taste only the bitter in his brew.
  • - Despite a background in public health work, Hopkins was a lifelong chain-smoker and coffee drinker – a classic A-type personality who lived in his office and usually looked “as though he had spent the previous night sleeping in a hayloft.” Matthew Yglesias » Commerce Cabinet Crisis VII: Harry Hopkins
  • He claims he's a big drinker, but even his daughter could drink him under the table.
  • Police in Newquay are warning underage drinkers that the party is over. Times, Sunday Times
  • The other aspect of it is if she ` s a long-term drinker, she ` s got, you know, severe liver damage, then she might have some bleeding problems or we call bleeding diastases and (INAUDIBLE). CNN Transcript Mar 5, 2008
  • Today's drinkers, it hopes, will prefer a ready-mixed margarita. Times, Sunday Times
  • Or perhaps he should test the lunatic theory that alcohol promotes everything it shouldn't amongst non-drinkers.
  • They alleged that surveillance indicated the venue was a den of iniquity and a haven for drug users and underage drinkers.
  • Drinkers Plan: The traditional pub crawl doesn't have to be another dreary Friday night wander.
  • At one end of the bar marble columns and curves suggest a memorial chapel with tables for drinkers replacing tombs.
  • He particularly liked the line in which we reported how drinkers were given the option of leaving before work began, or staying all-night for a lock-in.
  • They try to reach out to younger customers without alienating the middle-aged beer drinkers who are their core customers.
  • He was sometimes a hard drinker and a staunch trade unionist who came to Australia as a stoker in 1910 and jumped ship.
  • His reputation as a hellraiser and a big drinker was coming to dominate and even overshadow his work.
  • The police in Padiham and Hapton are to run training schemes for licensees designed to help them to spot under-age drinkers.
  • I’m torn between not wanting to speak ill of a fellow Guinness drinker and pointing out how utterly facile is your view of the connection between lobbyists and government. Newt Gingrich Answers Your Questions - Freakonomics Blog -
  • The casual drinkers stumbled out to be replaced by the more sinister silent sort of inebriate - the kind with cold, mad eyes.
  • UK tastes have been changing for a while now, and more and more drinkers are moving towards flavoursome brews. After real ale, brewers cash in on trend for 'real lagers'
  • She explains: For the first time ever, I think, I was really honest about who I actually was and what I wanted: bookish, professional, a nondrinker. First Comes Marriage
  • The front room is full of cocktail drinkers, the next full of whisky-bibbing geezers, a third full of students watching television, while in the back room two interchangeable blondes played pool.
  • a hard drinker
  • Regular drinkers were 48 per cent less likely to be diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. The Sun
  • But Billy had never really been a beer drinker, so he stuck to the shorts.
  • It just might make a coffee drinker out of me yet. Times, Sunday Times
  • But science gives coffee drinkers little reason to worry.
  • Many drinkers plunge gladly into inebriation as an escape from reality.
  • Dry folks also tend to be healthier than the sweet drinkers as they don't eat as much sugary food. The Sun
  • It says in tests, almost one in five drinkers cannot taste the difference from alcoholic beer. The Sun
  • Okay, so perhaps he wasn't known as a big drinker, but what the hell?
  • Tradition explains the ceremonies in this way: in the rude ancient times it was deemed a wise precaution to have both hands of both drinkers employed, lest while the pledger pledged his love and fidelity to the pledgee the pledgee take that opportunity to slip a dirk into him! The Prince and the Pauper; a tale for young people of all ages
  • Whether it is bought by the case or by the bottle - or the 'nip' - averag income drinkers are expecting to face increases that will, by some stretch, force them to compromise their tastes. TrinidadExpress Today's News
  • Drinking alcohol does not produce true ‘relaxation’ - it ‘drugs’ or ‘tranquilizes’ the drinker, and alcohol cannot only disrupt sleep, it can cause stress.
  • Fitzgerald is a reformed alcoholic, a strident non-drinker, with firm views on zero tolerance of alcohol as the only way to treat problem drinkers.
  • Hot and sweaty with dancers and drinkers, wingmen and fat chicks. Brush of Darkness
  • Temperance groups - as devoted to their cause as were the drinkers - did their best and often succeeded in persuading boozers that strong drink was their undoing.
  • I told her the lamas I had been around were mostly non-drinkers.
  • The beer drinkers were taking a keen interest. Times, Sunday Times
  • A great water drinker, she evidently thinks the stone is some strange kind of dewdrop, hence her persistent efforts to bite it. The Dawn of Reason or, Mental Traits in the Lower Animals
  • However, assuming the effects are due to caffeine, tea drinkers as well as coffee drinkers will benefit, or suffer, alike.
  • New groups and cliques are formed due to coffee machine tactics, coffee drinkers with similar tactics go onto form their own splinter groups and stay within that group for life.
  • The measure was created to curb overindulgence by young drinkers.
  • The next day Dale posted a blog defending his use of the word "slapper" and explained how, as a non-drinker, he is horrified by public drunkenness. The Guardian World News
  • It has been very noticeable in Morecambe, particularly at those pubs that front on to the promenade and have tables on their frontage to accommodate drinkers, that several things are happening.
  • The sad thing about this ill-considered (but well-intentioned) proposal is that both problem and social drinkers will spend more on booze (and as alkies have a relatively inelastic demand curve for booze they will spend proportionately more than the rest), leaving less money for food and rent. In praise of the SNP
  • Continental wine drinkers don't have this problem with light, summery reds. Times, Sunday Times
  • Coffee drinkers have a 30 per cent lower risk of Parkinson's disease than non-drinkers.
  • Do underage drinkers not have parents and do those parents not have any responsibilities? Times, Sunday Times
  • He's a drinker and habitual weed smoker. The Sun
  • Coffee drinkers in luxurious coffee shops may throw a disrespectful or pathetic look on me, one who puts coins in the slot of a coffee machine.
  • King of them all is port, fortified with alcohol to around 20%, and settled deep in the history and hearts of drinkers.
  • In my wartime youth a member of the French Maquis who threw a bomb into a café killing a few German officers and a number of innocent drinkers was a hero of the resistance.
  • Hulton said that when the pipes were laid in the ground nine years before he was told navvies were hard workers, hard drinkers, hard swearers, and hard kickers, but he did not believe it.
  • It comes as a pleasant bonus to find that moderate wine drinkers are less likely to develop dementia than their non-drinking or heavy-drinking compatriots.
  • It offers the drinker not an overpowering smack of peat, but a delicious honeyed, floral sweetness.
  • It is just a cup of milky froth but the babycino has become one of the crucial factors in the battle to win the hearts of Sydney's coffee drinkers.
  • He looks at the spectator good-naturedly and unintelligently, with the suspicious expression of an inveterate toper [habitual drinker].
  • I grabbed my bat and marched through the crowd of beer drinkers in the bar.
  • Sake and shochu, traditional Japanese drinks that were once derided as old-fashioned and the tipple of boozy middle-aged men, are enjoying a boom among trendy young drinkers.
  • Drinkers can gaze into distorting mirrors, try out the dodgems or roundabouts or have their fortunes read.
  • A third way could be that followed by my sensible dad who was a keen non-swearing cyclist, swimmer and drinker of dandelion and burdock.
  • There is a higher incidence of oral cancer in people who are heavy smokers and heavy drinkers.
  • Dave has always been a bit of a drinker.
  • His father had been a cider-maker, and a noted cider drinker, so he was an authority on imps - and fairies, and all sorts of things that lesser folk never saw.
  • Denis came out as a dedicated drinker, enthusiastic golfer, henpecked husband (he refers to Margaret as the Boss) who always found time to carouse with louche characters and occasional dodgy businessmen from his past.
  • The recent announcement from the Government that drinkers should have at least two alcohol-free days a week is sensible. The Sun
  • He is 'not really a pint drinker', he tells me, sipping his macchiato. Times, Sunday Times

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