How To Use Drilled In A Sentence
If the field is free from weeds, the legume seed can be drilled or dibbled.
Chapter 9
The technique uses two bore holes drilled into a coal seam.
Times, Sunday Times
If the cylinder does not line up with the bore vertically, you are plumb out of luck since the base pin frame holes could be drilled crooked or the frame warped from heat treatment or stress.
This propaganda was drilled into American soldiers for more than a year before the war.
Cereal drilling is progressing well despite the showery weather and many farms are almost drilled up.
The language patterns were thoroughly drilled in.
These were either fixed into metal settings or drilled along the prism axis and strung as beads.
Hickock, who was a genuinely skilled shot, drew, took careful aim (some versions have him using a fencepost as a rest), and drilled Tutt through the heart.
David E.
Thus, the soldiers were drilled and dressed for the effect that it had on them.
This infusion is not stopped until the burr hole is drilled and the surgeon is ready to begin microelectrode recording.
Large plastic pipes run from the outlet of the four blowers to airtight holes drilled in the platform.
The technique uses two bore holes drilled into a coal seam.
Times, Sunday Times
Thus galvanised, the home side levelled in 58 minutes when Stephen Whalen drilled a powerful shot low into the keeper's far corner.
I could never deny, in looking back upon what followed, that I was eminently stockish; and I must say the ladies were well drilled to have so long a patience with me.
David Balfour, a sequel to Kidnapped.
They loaded me up with happy gas, told me I had an abscess (eww), drilled out some decay and took $200 out of my pocket.
The shot which followed was drilled across the face of goal and wide.
Times, Sunday Times
Many of the early-drilled cereal crops are now becoming very weedy and every opportunity must be taken to apply residual herbicides.
A Royal New Zealand Air Force sergeant had us lined up on the sea front's Marine Parade and drilled us for a few minutes.
The fifteen ships set sail from Harfleur, financed by the French for the destruction of England, loaded with the worst men in Europe, drilled by Swiss instructors into some semblance of an army, commanded by Jasper, and led by Henry, more frightened than he has ever been before in his life.
The Red Queen
The ‘sizzle cymbal’ has a series of holes drilled in it, each loosely holding a rivet; a sizzling sound is produced when the cymbal is struck.
We're having another success with several fields of soybeans this year that were drilled as the season got too late.
A cotter key fits in the two holes I drilled at the bottom and holds it open or shut.
The story goes that around the turn of the century, Tom cursed the fact that every time he drilled for water for his livestock, up came oil, too.
Drilled piles were used to extend the load below the expanse of surface soil.
It was no use, he could not forget about what his mother had drilled into him repetitively when he was a boy.
So they just assume that some as-yet-unidentified borer drilled the holes.
They drilled 21 acres of seed and have calculated that the crop cost them just over £180 an acre to grow.
Supercolumns are connected to concrete foundations through reinforcing dowels set into drilled shafts.
When Deacon did get on he calmly drilled over a sideline conversion with his only shot at goal.
The new Classic features the AccuTrigger, a hinged floor plate with a straight-line feed, a high-luster blued-barreled action (no sights, drilled and tapped for scopes), a satin lacquer American walnut stock and a Monte Carlo comb and cheekpiece.
Rifle Roundup: 27 New Guns for 2006
The drilled and tapped receiver, hinged floorplate, trigger guard, and magazine follower are all made from milled steel.
Has anyone heard of a J C Higgins model 50 chambered in 270. It was my dads gun and he gave it to me and was just wondering.
Police drilled holes into an overhanging roof in the property's porch area as an extensive search continued.
Times, Sunday Times
The team drilled beneath the ground to take sample cores from up to 165 metres beneath the surface.
The hole is drilled , the charge is set up.
Patients need to learn the maxim that used to be drilled into soldier cadets at officer training schools: think of the worst and prepare for it.
Times, Sunday Times
Using the gas zone seismic reflection character incorporated with drilled wells to predict its lateral distribution, we have obtained better predicting effects.
Older Catholics who had these prayers drilled into their heads as children may wonder at the point of such a book.
Because of the slow early growth of no-till beans, they should be drilled or planted in rows no wider than 15 inches.
When used, the left-hand tap is put into a drill hole of a drilled broken bone, and then operated by a left hand to make left-hand internal threads.
But Thomson drilled the ball at home keeper Stuart Coburn when it was easier to score.
Called nanobes, they were found in rock samples drilled from 5km below the seabed off the Western Australia.
The T3's receiver is also drilled and tapped to accept other popular bases and rings.
Once you have enough wells drilled to properly dewater a high perm area, you expect to see more and more wells ramping up in gas production and new wells coming on line with gas as the dewatering lowers pressure and allows more and more gas to desorb off the coal.
Mac McMurray capped this story by saying a townsman had a piece of petrified fence post with the drilled holes for wire with a piece of the wire attached.
The dentist drilled my tooth.
Construction of drilled piles in unstable soil is difficult because soil can contaminate the pile.
To use the drilled coal core site desorption data can get a drop-down curve of abandoned mine methane emission rate versus time approximately.
Large plastic pipes run from the outlet of the four blowers to airtight holes drilled in the platform.
The chorus was well drilled and performed well under severe space restrictions - at various times there were 30-plus principals and chorus on stage.
The dentist drilled a hole in the tooth.
Shaylee forgot all the rules that had been drilled in to her head for twelve years, ever since she turned six, and pulled Shawn along behind her as she ran down the path.
Mwitwa expressed happiness at the team that is being drilled by Japanese Judo expert sensei Hosui Sakaki, a seventh dan, saying they had responded well to the training.
The maize harvesters are working flat out, with all the signs pointing to excellent yields and feed quality from early-drilled crops.
The surgery involves taking a piece of ligament from elsewhere in the body and attaching it within tunnels drilled into the bone around the knee joint, in place of the damaged ligament.
‘The rate of housing increases at the southern terminus of the migration route is in direct proportion to the number of gas wells that are being drilled,’ Berger said.
The Engineering Geology and Geophysics Group's responsibilities for borehole geophysics extend to boreholes drilled for mineral exploration.
Once again, every hair (which is to say monofilament standing in for five-o'-clock shadow, eyebrows, eyelashes, etc.) is anchored in a specifically drilled hole.
Arts Extra: Less Is Mueck
The reporter drilled in his point.
I drilled five holes at equal distance.
We've drilled and cased our first Utica Shale well and plan on fracking it in about a month.
Every little bit that's shaved or drilled off the pyramid is irreplaceable, and it represents an erosion of something that should be preserved.
Michael Kors drilled down into his core Wednesday morning at Bryant Park with a collection of clothes masterfully merchandized, from the dramatic fur coats to belts and legwarmers.
Into Michael Kor's Core
A turma of new recruits was being drilled by a frog-throated decurion who seemed capable of cursing in three languages.
Hadrian's Wall.html
The next morning the sun finally drilled a tunnel through the smother of clouds that squatted on the plain so low I stooped when I got into my Bronco.
The flats on the front receiver ring and rear bridge are both dovetailed for Legacy's factory rings as well as being drilled and tapped for a variety of base and ring configurations.
It went on a rampage and mercilessly drilled another robot.
Using paleomagnetic and geochronological data from the drilled basalts, this project attempts to answer the question of whether the deep Hawaiian and Louisville mantle plumes, the two longest-lived primary hotspot systems in the Pacific, have moved in concert or independently. - latest science and technology news stories
All that was missing were legionnaires in blue tunics and white kepis, with blancoed webbing straps attaching grey army blankets to their backs as they drilled under the Saharan sun.
Two batters later, Griffey delivered an RBI single and Dunn again drilled the first pitch he saw, this time over the center field wall for a three-run homer and a 6-3 advantage.
They are far more basic than any intricacies drilled on the training ground.
The Sun
If you are in the process of ordering a new door, you can specify that it come predrilled for a deadbolt.
It has drilled two more unsuccessful wells this year, with three more to complete.
Times, Sunday Times
Thurlestone takes its name from a 'thirled' or pierced rock, on the shore through which the waves have drilled an arch.
Devon, Its Moorlands, Streams and Coasts
There's a rare ‘Green Lane’ sign, ground excavated by rabbits and drilled by miner bees, bilberry followed by heather, and you are on the tops.
o 'Day Boys became known as Orangemen, whose defiant loyalty sometimes caused concern to Camden and Pitt; while the Defenders joined the better drilled ranks of United Ireland, which therefore became a preponderatingly Catholic body.
William Pitt and the Great War
Scientists said this week they had drilled into the lower section of Earth's crust for the first time and were poised to break through to the mantle in coming years.
A new monitoring well was drilled Tuesday next to the suspect radwaste trench, Williams said.
A 300-yard tunnel is being drilled through the mountainside to connect the two halves of the severed road again.
she felt no discomfort as the dentist drilled her deadened tooth
The tower comprises of a complex steel diagrid, which sits above an extensive distribution of 490 piles that have been drilled 30m underground to accommodate gravitational, wind and seismic pressures.
Al Benjamin belted a solo shot leading off the second inning and Kory DeHaan drilled a two-run blast in the ninth for Mobile, which had its three-game winning streak snapped.
Southern League Baseball - Greenville vs. Mobile
She stood wilfully swaying a branch of the tendrilled arbor, and, he subtly felt, so dissatisfied with herself for her temporary disloyalty that she felt alien to them both: Marshby because she had wronged him by admitting another man to this intimate knowledge of him, and the other man for being her accomplice.
Different Girls
The choruses and orchestra are well-drilled - too prim, really, for Bizet's drama, which needs more grit.
He drilled a 25 yard shot that skimmed the bar.
There is one rule that my friends, most of whom are boozers of an intensity and dedication I'd rarely seen before, have drilled into me.
One piece of wood has tenons that fit into matching sockets drilled into another piece of wood.
I tried to gather the suddenly scattered memories of court etiquette that had been drilled into me since I understood the concept of courtesy.
They also eat sap from sapsucker holes or from holes they themselves have drilled and also some fruit, flower nectar, seeds, and insects, especially flying ants.
Drilled into his knee was a large hole where the bullet had smashed into his kneecap, shattering two bones.
Test scores and getting high scores in classes is precisely what people in communist/socialist countries are drilled to do.
Matthew Yglesias » Visas for Grads
Yet, in this era when people have it drilled into their brains over and over again that every creative thing is "ownable," we're now seeing this great tradition of joke sharing and joke telling stifled by claims of
His will to win is unbelievable and that is something which he has drilled into us.
Rye was drilled into wheat stubble in early August.
The Engineering Geology and Geophysics Group's responsibilities for borehole geophysics extend to boreholes drilled for mineral exploration.
And the young striker was coolness personified as he swivelled and drilled into the bottom corner from 15 yards.
That lesson was drilled into the hapless Galway champions yesterday by a supremely drilled Birr side.
He probably was the player least expected to take a shot that could force overtime, but Martin leaned in and drilled it.
A memorable home opener for Wall, Wizards
She complains to me when the teacher reteaches things she learned last year, and she resents being drilled over and over on something she learned in 10 minutes.
Autism And Education
My mother had drilled it into me that they were snobs.
In the original, the men were cold and sinister; in the new version, they're nebbishes who need to be constantly drilled in masculine prerogatives by the head of the Men's Association.
There are also sporty drilled aluminium pedals.
The Sun
TaoFire said: looks like someones taken okami and onimusha and just drilled them together with a jack hammer. News
In their undergraduate years they are drilled in factual knowledge and scientific method, and rarely see patients outside hospital buildings.
This training was underpinned by punitive disciplinary codes; troops were drilled, flogged, and caned into being more afraid of their officers than they were of the enemy.
The marauding full-back burst into the box and drilled home in the final minute of normal time.
The Sun
Early models were not factory drilled and tapped, but it was a simple matter to do so.
The discovery well was drilled in 1927 on the basis of magnetic and torsion - balance surveys.
The wooden music dock is made from salvaged timber with holes drilled into the log to make space for the speakers and the electronics.
Cool iPhone Dock in the Shape of a Shelf
The team were well-drilled and organized.
After this the touch hole would drilled out with a drilling machine.
The fibreboard walls contain 40 percent blue asbestos, and he has drilled into them, exposing the deadly fibres.
The noise in the tunnel was deafening, the dust-filled air practically unbreathable, and in some places the rock drilled out ahead had to be scooped up by hand, passed under the stomach, and kicked back with the feet to men with buckets who, in turn, had to squirm back to the face of the cliff to dump their loads.
The added work of chiseling mortises and cutting tenons for the joined stretcher, rather than setting a turned stretcher into drilled holes, seems to suggest a decorative aspiration rather than a structural need.
Through a year-long series of evening classes, weekend workshops, seminars and mentorships, the creatives will be drilled in negotiation tactics, how to make a pitch or file a tax return.
A narrow barrel with a razor-sharp edge (think of a very big apple corer) shoots down and pierces the undrilled layer of earth below.
In addition, it's also drilled and tapped for universal scope mounting blocks.
From childhood through adolescence, maxims are drilled into people; they get a manufactured answer for every question.
Liam drilled me everyday after our chores were done.
The 27. 5-inch, 5. 25-pound CFP is drilled and tapped for optics.
New Guns: Six Huntable Handguns for 2006
These wells were drilled into the central parts of the basin, where they intercepted mostly lacustrine facies.
The desirable portions of the shells were first broken out into small pieces of the form of a parallelopiped; these were then drilled and afterwards ground and polished.
Wampum A Paper Presented to the Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia
Crews excavated as much as 28 ft to add a new first floor and basement and drilled in 687 concrete-filled steel piers.
Last year the former champions, spent most part of the season without a coach and were drilled by senior players and some willing club members.
Mike Robins lay awake on the operating table as a surgeon drilled into his skull.
They drilled in November, bad weather according to the reports.
You will find that the mere fact that you will write something down will make you more alert to it - that's half the reason you were drilled to take notes in school.
Once I was confident I had the right location (by measuring and remeasuring about 50 million times) I drilled a hole using a 1/4 inch drill bit.
The coach has once again been making sure that players are well drilled in his own specialist subject, going into contact with the correct body position.
But there was no triumphant ring of well-drilled boots on the metalled road.
The pantograph is a device constructed from four strips of wood about 1/4 "x 3/4" x 16 ".a. Holes are drilled in each stick at one-inch intervals.
Chapter 6
They slashed trailer tyres, drilled holes through the hulls of boats and ruined the expensive protective covers.
Also, her older sister drilled her mercilessly every day in martial arts, saying that both of them had gotten shamefully out of shape and needed practice.
Once, my daughter was in the process of having her tooth drilled when the power went off.
She straightened -- her arms swept out and the writhing vine, with its tendrilled heads of ruby bloom, five flames of misty incandescence, leaped into the faces of the soldiers now close upon us.
The Moon Pool
We drilled into several terrace units, and measured the actual depth of the concrete covering the reinforcement cages.
Posting kiddle pix while Rome burns saying i had the same response. the blank look in the eye, the gears turning just behind them to find the topic drilled into the mind in the all night cram. it's a shame to see that, i actually felt sorry for her. she's actually sort of intelligent but there on that clip is a great San Diego mayor Jerry Sanders 'statement on same-sex marriage
Lesbian Dad
He drilled a right-foot shot into the bottom corner from 20 yards.
It might feature a barrel of heavier contour, an upper receiver tang drilled and tapped for a tang sight as well as the takedown feature.
They have drilled two holes in the side of an old tub.
Times, Sunday Times
I took Spanish from elementary school on (grew up in New Mexico and Texas) and verb tenses were drilled from the start.
Matthew Yglesias » Teaching Reading Right
He drilled into the wall of Lili's bedroom.
CSG is extracted via wells which are drilled down into coal seams - the water is pumped out and the CSG is then released (desorbed) from the coal.
Peak Energy
Once I'd marked and drilled the wood I realised that they weren't screws, they were bolts.
Blackwell had been up twice; and the second time, Gifford, who was acting as hammerman, had to sit in the bottom of the shaft, pretending to load the half-drilled hole.
Unlike today, patients didn't receive a pain-numbing injection before they had their teeth drilled.
They were straightened, then cut to length on a saw, drilled, and placed adjacent to their assembly points.
What is the scale of threat from this stem canker disease to the rape crops now drilled?
To Zounds: Stress in a rifle i (particularly in a barrel) is a mjalr factor in determining how it shoots, but I don't think anyone know why two different barrels (or ten, or 100) that are drilled from the same lot of bar stock and receive idential heat treatment will all shoot differently.
Will It Work? Who The H*** Knows?
A hole is either drilled or dug through the surface layers of earth until a water bearing layer is encountered.
They have drilled two holes in the side of an old tub.
Times, Sunday Times
Following a grant from the Department of Energy and Climate Change earlier this year, the team has drilled a second - or 'reinjection' - borehole to complement the 995m deep exploration borehole which was originally drilled three years ago. - latest science and technology news stories
The well-drilled crew managed to rescue most of the passengers.
When many pieces need to be cut the same, use one accurately cut or drilled piece as a template.
The top die shoe must be drilled for positive knockout if required.
Young will later thank God his firearms instructors drilled him intensively in weak hand only shooting.
There are also sporty drilled aluminium pedals.
The Sun
Then John drilled me on a slant pattern that put the ball on the eight-yard line.
His men had all been properly enrolled, outfitted and drilled, photographed and assigned functions in battle groups.
For a differential drill they are placed side by side and drilled across to highlight the difference between them. 7.2.2.
Then it would break, coalesce through a kind of kaleidoscopic whirl like a child's toy, into a pattern, a design almost beautiful, as if an inspired choreographer had drilled a willing and patient and hard-working troupe of dancers — a pattern, design which was trying to tell him something, say something to him urgent and important and true in that second before, already bulging with the motion and the speed, it began to disintegrate and dissolve.
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They also drilled into the asbestos ceilings in the kitchen and bathroom.
But soon there came the spirit and the pride that were to make them the best drilled troops, the dandies and macaronies of the army.
The Tory Maid
To do this a mushroom spore is placed into a piece of doweling rod and then drilled into fresh timber or put into an old paperback.
The other three facades bear the crenelle ornaments; the two to the north show double lines of seven holes drilled deep into the plain surface above the door, as if a casing had been nailed on; while the northernmost yielded a fragmentary inscription on the southern wall.
The Land of Midian
They drilled through several layers of rock to reach the oil.
Hydrogen sulfide often is present in wells drilled in shale or sandstone, or near coal or peat deposits or oil fields.
A well-drilled two appliance team from the fire brigade arrived and set about hosing down the road without delay.
The steel exoskeleton known as the diagrid sits above an extensive distribution of 490 piles that have been drilled 100 feet underground to accommodate the gravitational, wind and seismic pressures caused by the lean of the building.
Capital Gate: Leans More Than The Leaning Tower of Pisa | Impact Lab
As these shelves grew equatorward the primary source of water vapour for snow formation was moved farther away from continental ice sheets where ice cores were later drilled.
The construction scheme employed on the bridge consisted of cofferdams for the drilled shaft foundations, and climbing forms for the tower construction.
The murder victim was drilled with bullets.
All of the guns are factory drilled and tapped for tang sights from either Lyman or Marble.
Divers descended into the water yesterday in a special bell supplied by the Norwegian diving support ship Mayo and began work to mark sections of the hull where holes will be drilled to attach cables to lift the vessel.
With the receiver drilled and tapped, and the barrel seat located, the next step was to make a takedown screw.
He drilled through a metal plate.
They drilled through several layers of rock to reach the oil.
The recruits drilled regularly.
Well WS-5 was an important exploratory well of Daqing Oilfield in 2002, and it was drilled to investigate the gas reservoir in the southeast fault of Songliao Basin.
This lot includes 20 Pacific miter shells that have been hand-drilled through the tips to make them into beads.
The former Aberdeen striker drilled in a 45-yard shot which forced the Frenchman to furiously back-pedal and tip the ball over the bar.
These things had been drilled into him ever since he was three.
A third well has also been drilled and is currently being completed, and Pogo has plans to drill a fourth well.
Then I drilled holes in the corners and inserted aluminum eyelets.
Kater’s Art » Blog Archive » Smoke Key Book
The mode of working is as follows: For shell plates, from five-eighths inch to seven-eighths inch thick, to warm each to a dark red heat before rolling, having previously drilled a few holes to template for bolting the strakes together; the longitudinal seams are usually lap joints treble riveted, requiring the corners to be thinned, which is done after rolling.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 299, September 24, 1881
When aligned, the surgeon drilled into the medullary canal of the tibia and seated the tibial prosthesis.
In France, about 20 pc of the equivalent winter wheat crop had not been drilled by December 1, and about 10 pc of the winter barley is unplanted.
Wales capain, who turns 23 on Wednesday, said: The word 'ruthless' has been drilled into the boys for the last few weeks. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
The shed is secured by metal pin-piles drilled into the sandy soil and connected at the base of the building to vertically cantilevered fir posts.
He drilled a hole in a stone wall.
Once balance problems had been sorted, Jurowski and the London Philharmonic settled into a well-drilled performance, musical angularities crisp and springy.
The Rake's Progress; BBC Prom 35; Three Choirs festival
All of our drilled rock fountainheads should be able to tolerate scrubbing with hot, soapy water and rinsing with a mild chlorine bleach solution.
What would be the bottom surface of the block is then skimmed flat, and locating dowel pin holes are drilled.
Hamilton then drilled a low ball across goal which on-loan Rangers defender McLean stuck past Gordon with aplomb.
At the B&O's dedication ceremony, a scroll was placed in a hole drilled inside the foundation stone.
A 300-yard tunnel is being drilled through the mountainside to connect the two halves of the severed road again.
My wisdom tooth is freshly drilled and filled, and it feels great to have had it sorted.
A pilot hole is a hole drilled with a bit that is slightly thinner than the shank of the nail.
An existing well, drilled with a section through a tight sand interval was judged unlikely to fully drain the panel, so a sidetrack with an openhole drain length of 1,000 m was drilled from the 7-in. liner using an intermediate radius curve
Holes will be drilled in the walls to enable injection, and this may leave some apparent patching, but the energy savings should be appreciable.
They also hate tendrilled slans as much or more than they hate humans, so Cross has two groups against him.
Archive 2007-01-01