How To Use Dressing In A Sentence

  • C was probably a combined cooling and dressing-room, with a seat in its alcove; D, the tepidarium; E, the caldarium; and F, a specially hot room or sudatorium.
  • God answers our prayers because by addressing them to Him we acknowledge His Lordship and power.
  • All these glossy pamphlets are just window dressing - the fact is that the new mall will ruin the neighborhood.
  • Visitors are also to be told not to touch wound dressings, drips and monitors of the person they are visiting.
  • Once they'd been on the wrong end of a dressing-down in front of the other players they didn't ever want it to happen again.
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  • This continued in to the dressing rooms at half-time where coach Delio Rossi had no choice but to hook the emotional Azzuri international, claiming he was 'inconsolable'. Which club has put the most final nails in managerial coffins? | The Knowledge
  • The dressings are fairly minimal just enough to cover and protect the stitches. The A-Z of Beauty Treatment
  • He was thus involved in extensive travelling throughout the District, addressing meetings of branches, trade unions and co-operative societies.
  • You, young man,” she proceeded, addressing Roland Graeme, and at once softening the ironical sharpness of her manner into good-humoured raillery, “you, who are all our male attendance, from our Lord High Chamberlain down to our least galopin, follow us to prepare our court.” The Abbot
  • Red cabbage's fresh, raw crunch is a great addition to salads (see today's recipe), though I quite understand that some of you may have been put off by its appearance in mediocre coleslaws dressed in gloopy, cheap mayonnaise, its pigment seeping into the dressing to create a rather unappealing mess. Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's red cabbage recipes
  • This involved quite elaborate dressing-up, and the fun and laughter of those Boxing Day nights was a treasure indeed.
  • Quarter the potatoes and carefully peel off the skin from the larger broad beans, then add all of the veg to the dressing. The Sun
  • There is a layer of dust on the dressing-table. Clean it before the guest arrives.
  • They should be addressing their messages to the bulk of the American public that is unaware of the consequences of US foreign policy, not to each other.
  • I was addressing the issue of whether his deathbed activities that I read about could meaningfully be described as signs of repentance for his proabortion rights stance. Sen. Ted Kennedy's right to a Catholic funeral
  • The best-known dressing-up dish is kimchee, vegetables pickled in sweetish but mostly hot red chili paste touched with garlic and ginger.
  • Back in the mists of time, power dressing was a thing for women who had to appear more masculine to be taken seriously, like stealth camouflage. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'd use Italian dressing because you need less Italian to spread over your salad compared to ranch dressing.
  • Amazon, with the Kindle 2.0 Reader, has the option of addressing some keylow lying fruitlike support for folders, PDF support perhaps? Kindle Vs Sony Reader « Kindle Review – Kindle 3 Review, iPad Review
  • Useful for quick dressings and sauces. Times, Sunday Times
  • That penchant for dressing bald rats in sequins and leather is a different story altogether.
  • Put the dressing ingredients in a small bowl and whisk together. The Sun
  • If you are perusing the buffet table, skip the items that are loaded with calories and fat, such as dressings and gravy.
  • Holiness answers audience questions addressing the situation of Tibet, goal of bodhicitta, nature of enlightened mind, future of the Dalai Lama institution, compatibility of Buddhist practices with theistic faith, universal purpose of human life, practice of patience towards harm-doers, subtle energy and mind, and the Heart Sutra mantra. Nagarjuna's Bodhichitta Commentary
  • About four teaspoons seems to do the trick, so you have be fairly liberal with a low-calorie dressing containing vinegar on your salad to get the benefit. Times, Sunday Times
  • This unique gelling action enables the dressings to lock in exudate and its harmful components* (4,5,6). New In Vitro Study Data Shows Importance of Dressing Conformability to Action of...
  • The guest host has their dressing room across from the band, so we were huge fans of Raging Bull and Goodfellas, the Scorsese, Pesci, and De Niro movies. Mike Ragogna: Kryptonite's 20th Anniversary: Chatting with Spin Doctors' Chris Barron Plus Keb Mo and More
  • He was pursued up the tunnel by Jock and had to lock himself in the dressing room to avoid condign punishment.
  • Locale: Staging and dressing together constitute locale and their absence will render it "vague" or "vapid" -- though a writer might, of course, pare away the requisite details deliberately, in the same way they might pare away features distinguishing voice. Archive 2009-12-01
  • Probably essential attributes when your job entails dressing people. The Sun
  • Totally nude, he sat down at the dressing table and began to look through his paperwork.
  • It is good with couscous, drizzled over char-grilled vegetables, thinned out with extra virgin olive oil for a spicy, rose-scented marinade or dressing, or stirred into mayonnaise and dolloped on to grilled fish or chicken.
  • Not that anyone in the Burnley dressing room was in the mood to see the funny side. The Sun
  • And I believe that when corrosive sublimate is slow in taking hold, alternate dressings of peroxide of hydrogen are just the thing. Chapter 15
  • Like all the meals, it comes with rice and/or fries and a salad made up of lettuce, big thick slices of cucumber, tomato and onion with a slightly watery dressing.
  • Council was addressing an application made for approval of a retaining wall that encroaches onto the boulevard.
  • Nevertheless, credit card companies have been taking pre-emptive action for some time, which should go some way towards addressing the problem.
  • It took Anna a while to even get Nancy to call her by her name instead of addressing her as ‘your highness’.
  • Cream dressings may be used with starch or protein meals. Healthy By Nature
  • It was a grand sight to behold him in his dressing-gown composing a menu.
  • No wonder the players were all cock-a-hoop in the dressing room after the game.
  • Dreadful!" moaned Sister Ann. "Adnah goes about sighing all the day, and looks over-long in the mirror, and takes unseemly pains with her dressing, and does up her hair with flowers, and has feverishly pink cheeks, and likes to sit in a corner and brood, and takes long walks by herself, and especially, _especially_, seems fond of moonlight! The Wit and Humor of America, Volume V. (of X.)
  • Dressing up simple ideas stifles them; rewrapping non-ideas confuses your audience and eventually kills their trust in you.
  • You need to be united in addressing your younger daughter's behaviour. The Sun
  • The pair were tracked by backroom staff into the dressing room. Times, Sunday Times
  • The insult to one of the most senior members of the House, a Vietnam veteran, was a violation of the body's customary decorum as well as its rules, which bar members from directly addressing each other.
  • Take some of the pressure out of dressing your home for the holidays by decorating for the longer winter season rather than for just one specific occasion.
  • As Charles lets what feels like half of Glasgow into the dressing room, an unsteady young fan falls at Turner's feet.
  • Addressing her fifth and last difficulty, Homer's diction, Dacier's tone, vocabulary, and attitude instantly change.
  • Topped with shredded carrots and a very sweet dressing, it also featured plump raisins sprinkled throughout, a very nice touch.
  • A ligature made from an old sheet and a dressing gown cord were left in the landing and an unusual handwritten note left in the rent book.
  • The students will also dress in fancy dress as well as dressing up the animals using Christmas decorations such as tinsel and lights.
  • Chop the chilli finely, removing the seeds if you wish (leaving them in will make it hotter) and add it to the dressing with most of the finely shredded mint (and coriander) leaves.
  • Surgical Glove, Examination Glove, Nitrile Glove, Medical Tape, Wound Dressing, Face Mask Medical Equipment.
  • I had the fish special of hake served with potato purée and oriental-style dressing.
  • I always cover up with a dressing gown and, at night, wear a nightie or pyjamas. The Sun
  • Third prize was a hairdressing voucher.
  • Net firms are in the process of moving to version 6 of the IP addressing scheme, which offers more than 3 undecillion individual numbers 3 with 38 noughts BBC News - Home
  • These are all outer dressings. Life Without Work
  • Walking in further she found the bathroom was adjacent to the dressing room.
  • There are procedural issues that need addressing. Times, Sunday Times
  • I realize that I'm not the most trendy person around but what is up with dressing children in camouflage?
  • Aysa was carefully and slowly dressing as the sun was climbing.
  • QE may appear to the coalition to be a more politically palatable way of addressing Britain's economic woes. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the day of the wedding, I remember dressing in that pink dress with inexpressible joy, for it was the moment I had been waiting for since the seamstress had first measured me for my clothing.
  • This nopalito cactus and jicama salad with dried fruit and smoky Mezcal lime dressing is prepared by chef Agustín Gaytán. research facility in Parlier. "alt =" Mark Crosse/The Fresno Bee - Jerry Serimian, biological technician at the USDA Jerry Serimian, biological technician at the USDA research facility in Parlier. Home
  • The dictator in pinstripes was in Geneva addressing the meeting at a time when it is well known that his regime is planning to tighten its grip on the net by routing all e-mail through a government-owned hub.
  • That he was the one who thought of addressing and acting on the issue has lifted my estimation of Mr Rudd very much.
  • He was thinking like a journalist when he became the first Australian captain to allow pressmen into the dressing room at the end of a match.
  • He was assassinated the day after addressing a rally of striking sanitation workers in Memphis.
  • And as for my own 'activeness' I've spent most of to-day in my dressing gown drinking tea. Priestly Castes and Political Exclusion
  • Then he covered it up with a soft dressing to keep the wound clean.
  • A synergy between the development of theoretical formalisms, modeling and experimental work is fundamental to addressing the nanoelectronic challenges.
  • AHD has termed chia "natural super seeds", and said they can be used in a variety of functional food applications, including cereals, breads, soups, salad dressings and nutrition bars. NutraIngredients RSS
  • To date, 35 state legislatures have drafted bills addressing offshoring and 161 state laws restricting or banning offshoring have been proposed.
  • Of course I don't want anyone beating themselves up over their body shape, but when YOUNG women, who could be eating right and exercising are 50-70 pounds overweight are are dressing in jogging bras and short shorts for their camping and hiking and river-floating, I have to wonder WHO has told them this is attractive?!?!?! Modest Feminine Dress From the Pages of 1990 Victoria Magazine
  • What a nice way to show that dressing modestly doesn't have to mean "dowdy" or "drab"! The Value of Clothing in Creating a Mood
  • Then again, if you had this much ammunition, you probably wouldn't be too bothered about dressing up.
  • Picky Penny proceeded to order the chipotle chicken wrap with no onions, no peppers, light on the shredded spinach, cheddar instead of pepper jack, and the chipolte dressing on the side.
  • Also this week, the United States said it would limit imports from China of knit fabrics, brassieres and dressing gowns because sales had been climbing in the U.S. market.
  • He was always orderly, but adventurous at the same time and believed strongly in dressing for success.
  • There are on record cases of this description, where careful curetting of the exposed and necrotic portions and the after application of antiseptic dressings, held in position by a plate shoe or a leather sole, has been followed by good results, and the animal restored for a time to labour. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • The restaurant smelled of bloody meat and salad dressing.
  • He was to be found lurking in the band's dressing room whenever they ventured into Mancunian territory, which was often.
  • To enhance the city centre atmosphere for the event, businesses are encouraged to keep the themes of the shows in mind when dressing their windows.
  • One early focus was the company's commissary, which imported olive oil, cheese, and other ingredients from Italy and then made sauces, salad dressings, and pastas by hand.
  • Gone are the days when democracy was a window dressing for an oligarchy.
  • Sukarno began to tour Java, addressing massive crowds on the theme of the awakening of national consciousness.
  • But it didn't matter, he was still rude, and still going to get a dressing-down.
  • So there's a lot of headbanging in the dressing room.
  • I make salad with avocados, tomato, lettuce and spring onions, with an olive oil and red wine dressing.
  • Your lack of addressing the issue upon being asked for logical specifics to follow up your statement, three times in a row no less, and your boobish answer only goes to further reinforce what has already been said about you. Top 100 Comic Book Runs #3 | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • This type of wound is best kept dry without a dressing.
  • Seeing glaciers, icebergs and historic settlements was the point, not dressing up for dinner and partying. Times, Sunday Times
  • Heavy feeders, sunflowers appreciate a side dressing of compost or fertilizer during the growing season.
  • Later on, when I was well enough to wash myself in the bathroom, I found that there was kept there a huge packing case into which the scraps of food and dirty dressings from the ward were flung, and the wainscotings were infested by crickets. How the Poor Die
  • If you tear off the rhetorical top-dressing from his article, you will find there is very little solid content.
  • When the complete brigade emerge in full drag from their dressing rooms, they look quite the motley crew.
  • There is also a Greek cuisine promotion, which features quasi-traditional Greek dishes, including the appetizer platter with pita bread, hummus, tzatziki, eggplant dressing, Greek yogurt and feta cheese.
  • She had difficulty understanding that Barbara would appreciate a dressing for the salad, but a sachet of mayonnaise eventually appeared.
  • We also assign sections addressing Biology, computing, and advanced topics.
  • It even sponsored theatricals, and Wilson not only directed two but, incredibly, also performed in a cross-dressing role as Tom Carberry in The Spirit of 76 -- a highly popular farce of this time, exploring what might happen if gender roles were completely inverted. Henry Louis Gates, Jr.: Harriet Wilson's Sunday School
  • Yet the imbalances afflicting the eurozone are no less acute than those addressing the broader global economy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The problem is that most of my male classmates have become very judgmental towards my dressing style.
  • Thereafter, Hopesay Parish Council has maintained the tree dressing custom, which is unique in Britain.
  • The children enjoy dressing up in Mother's old clothes.
  • In Pogradec we had a gaby party which was basically everyone dressing up in the most ridiculous outfits ever but we had a blast. Archive 2008-07-01
  • But I don't think there is anything that can't be dipped in buttermilk dressing, from fried squash, zucchini, green tomatoes, and even the latest thing-fried pickles, that buttermilk dressing doesn't make extra delicious. Buttermilk dressing | Homesick Texan
  • Keep dairy, preserves and dressings at the top. The Sun
  • However, it wasn't until the early 1970s when sand started to dominate the mixture used to blend a topdressing material.
  • During the 1800s, dressing the wells in the village was hugely popular.
  • Topical anaesthetics are used under adhesive occlusive dressings in children before venesection.
  • Dressing up time at the weekend and Lolly wasn't too impressed with it while Lucy just posed away all night.
  • The results of applying these dressings to skin previously affected by the shingles rash but still painful has proved highly effective. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is easy to lose a dressing room if you fail to keep players onside. The Sun
  • External pressure dressing was then applied to the stoma while apposing the skin edges to hasten spontaneous wound closure.
  • In addition to addressing the crowds as he journeyed through Galilee and around Jerusalem, he drew aside to be with his closest associates.
  • We clean their dressing room, win lose or draw. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was practically empty - catsup, salad dressing, mustard, beer. FOLLOW THE SHARKS
  • It's a challenge on every level - so you begin dressing nicely, wearing some perfume, maybe even a sexy pair of heels.
  • Instantly, he felt himself become smaller, his clothes bagging like a boy dressing up in his father's things.
  • The Prince was a dandy who loved dressing up. The Times Literary Supplement
  • In addition, I'll be writing something addressing emails I've received concerning the RNC credentialing system.
  • Ah you will see there is a close similarity, there is well externalism has become a very popular way of addressing the sceptic .
  • Lord Fraser of Tullybelton delivered a concurring speech without expressly addressing future conduct.
  • Dressings are changed four hourly to help prevent infection.
  • Yesterday, I asked my man-servant to bring forth the telephone-device, so that I could give my idiot spendthrift son a stern dressing-down.
  • Addressing customers in their own language helps create goodwill.
  • Angela delivers a dressing-down that is fierce but remarkably subtle.
  • One said we wore dressing gowns when taking a different path to the sheds. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are pantries and dressing rooms and storerooms.
  • Many feminists believe that the debate over whether or not mothers should have careers while they are mothering actually deflects us from addressing the needs of children and families.
  • The dressing can also be used on a crunchy salad. Times, Sunday Times
  • Placements provide a simple yet powerful mechanism for developing understanding and stimulating change through addressing the heart of the cultural divide.
  • Spoon the dressing over the salad and scatter with croutons and Parmesan. Times, Sunday Times
  • He always made sure that any cuts were protected by sterile dressings.
  • His face turned a rather unattractive shade of red at the suggestion that his sons could be cross-dressing.
  • Addressing our daily struggles with self-actualization, her work takes our finiteness as a given. James Scarborough: Lisa Adams and the Spirituality of Imperfection
  • Stir the lentils and drained, rinsed borlotti beans into lemon dressing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Similarly, if someone is FTM transgendered, if they wear ‘female’ clothes, are they cross-dressing? 2009 February « I’m Not Broken
  • It was a scintillating partnership that wowed the crowd and their teammates, who huddled together on the dressing room balcony to witness a stellar batting exhibition.
  • Waiter: So, you have ordered a country style salad with Italian dressing. A beef tenderloin, medium, with black pepper sauce . Is that right?
  • When we first see him, his spindly frame is swathed in a purple and red silk dressing gown emblazoned with his name. Times, Sunday Times
  • In all this, the great precursor is the strongly drawn King Dahfu in Henderson the Rain King, who makes splendid use of his secondhand English when addressing his massive and worried American guest as follows: The Great Assimilator
  • Prince Rose-Red talked without one second's intermission the whole time I was dressing him; and I allowed it, as papa and Una were not here to be disturbed by the clishmaclaver. Memories of Hawthorne
  • I think this ordinance is addressing a problem that doesn't exist ( "aggressive panhandling" is not my issue downtown) -- unless we're talking about Burgess 'mayoral ambitions (and, hey McGinn, way to set up a preview of the next election by vetoing this). Tim vs. Tim: The Aggressive Panhandling Ordinance « PubliCola
  • The country has had some success in redressing racial inequalities.
  • It was followed by a decent Caesar salad, with a tangy dressing that was appropriately not too creamy after the pot of cheese we'd just consumed.
  • He undid the loose shirt he wore and showed her the angry red scars of the recently healed wounds and the dressings that still covered the deeper wounds.
  • I went from a size 16 to an 8 a few years back, and - thanks to clever dressing in my lardier days - the sheer enormity of my achievement went tragically unrecognised : Belly 4U
  • The ancient custom of well - dressing is still kept up in many Derbyshire villages.
  • Thick, succulent tuna steaks are first marinated in a simple dressing, and then barbecued until just cooked.
  • Please, I beg you, look in the mirror in the dressing room.
  • As you begin this week, you may still be hoping that you can find an oblique way of addressing complex issues with others. Times, Sunday Times
  • Add the salad dressing and any juice from the orange and mix well.
  • I am also taking pains to distinguish crossdressing from transsexualism.
  • Afterwards there was a small reception party of supporters at the door of the Kildare dressing room, to clap the returning players in from their warm-down.
  • Her proto-hippie collection was safe, sellable and sort of pretty (if you enjoy dressing from the Urban Outfitters clearance rack) but far from the dazzle that was the work of Mondo, the elfin whiz who has wowed us week after week. Watercooler: Project Wrong Way Runway
  • The addressing circuitry has been changed to allow a full address to be sent to the memory.
  • The one we get from outside are always a bit more "vinegary" for me, so I was really happy with my Homemade Bleu Cheese Dressing The bag of mixed spring greens was put to good use, combined with some dried cranberries and toasted pecans, mandarins, some baby tomatoes, a dash of olive oil and lime juice and some fresh black pepper. Archive 2008-02-01
  • The mother is dressing her baby.
  • Serve with peppery leaves and a lemony dressing. Times, Sunday Times
  • As I was dressing I looked out of my window, and for the first time in my life saw a dog team and komatik passing. Le Petit Nord or, Annals of a Labrador Harbour
  • She has been with the same boyfriend for four years and still works in a hairdressing salon at weekends. The Sun
  • He undid the loose shirt he wore and showed her the angry red scars of the recently healed wounds and the dressings that still covered the deeper wounds.
  • A salad of endive and smoked salmon in a tangy horseradish dressing begins the meal, followed by a roast chicken with lemon, paprika, and sage as the centerpiece.
  • Madonna the producer may have chosen the chain, but Madonna the sexual persona in the video is alternately a cross-dressing dominatrix and a slave of male desire.
  • His dressing room was strewn with empty caviar jars and champagne bottles.
  • soc" Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing. The Usenet Newsgroups List by Gene Spafford
  • The sweetness of the dressing goes perfectly with the duck and contrasts well with the refreshing crunchy salad. Times, Sunday Times
  • So now we have our daily pants choosing ritual in which the Munchkin sticks his head under his dad's dressing gown to see what colour pants he has chosen before tootling off to his own room to choose a matching pair.
  • The officials came into the dressing rooms before the game to check passports. Times, Sunday Times
  • As Mami and Papi finished dressing, the girls watched, fussing at their tights, an uncomfortable new article of clothing.
  • BRAVO AND ADVANTAGE MEMORY ACCESS The Bravo and Advantage computers utilize a memory addressing architecture known as "interleaved", or "bank switched". AST Research Technical Bulletin #0799 BRAVO AND ADVANTAGE MEMORY ACCESS
  • They had always spoiled me when I was younger, buying me things I didn't want or need, dressing me up in clothes I didn't like.
  • Battles on set were still being fought in the dressing room at the end of the day.
  • The resolution of this addressing technique is about two thousandths of a millimetre - over a length of one millimetre, therefore, several hundred qubits could be stored.
  • Redressing economic inequality through more progressive taxation of the rich is out.
  • She was in her dressing sack when he called. There was a bucket of champagne on the dresser. The room was rather dark and her voice was lovely.
  • Once inside, I found myself disappointed to find a bland platter of nothing more than carrots& celery with ranch dressing [semi-fresh, at that; it was picked up from a convenience store around the corner, I gleaned from overheard conversation later] and a sole, glum keg of Pabst Blue Ribbon ™ brewski. Ennui
  • Cross-dressing is far more common than we realise.
  • Blearily I pulled on my dressing gown and groped my way to the front door, making ready to have a go at somebody for having the audacity to come a-calling so early on a Sunday morning, but there was nobody there.
  • I elegantly e-mailed the company, who sent back a ‘dear occupant’ type response assuring it's ‘aware of the varied taste preferences and dietary needs of our consumers,’ but not specifically addressing any point, plaint or plea.
  • Before they knew it, the skate was already over, and pretty soon, it was just the two of them left in the dressing room, sitting beside each other on a bench and unlacing their skates.
  • The grants, totalling 716336, will be divided amongst 17 different projects in the area and will include drainage works and surface dressing.
  • After the cheese is subjected to texture and flavor tests, the whey is drained before warm and cold rinses, followed by the addition of fat dressings, milk, cream, stabilizers and salt.
  • The stitches above and below each eye were covered by sterilised adhesive strips, with gauze dressings hiding everything from view.
  • Other appetizers include a tuna carpaccio with arugula in a lemon dressing, and smoked salmon with celery and whole-grain mustard.
  • He will spark of such an argument via the use of ad hominem attacks (i.e. 'you're nothing but a fanboy' is a popular phrase) (or in this case repeated accusations that those contributing are "embittered feminists") with no substance or relevance to back them up as well as straw man arguments (i.e. continual redefining of what the discussion is actually about), which he uses to simply avoid addressing the essence of the issue. Sex and the single Marvel super heroine | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • The deep flavour of kudu carpaccio worked well with an earthy beetroot dressing. Times, Sunday Times
  • To coincide with the event, the new Killarney Athletic clubhouse and dressing rooms were officially opened by Minister for Sport and Tourism John O'Donoghue on Monday night.
  • The cove made a fine bathing place, and the boathouse was his dressing room, though the fragrance of the ancient fish nets stored within it was not that of attar of roses. The Woman-Haters: a yarn of Eastboro twin-lights
  • What happens in the dressing room stays in the dressing room. Times, Sunday Times
  • With a pensive mood, he felt as if the moon was addressing him, and the stars enticing him to answer back.
  • But a dressing-down from him was something that would be etched in anyone's memory, still fresh after 40 years.
  • The time constraints meant that she had to testify in full stage make-up and dressing gown. Times, Sunday Times
  • A sterile dressing about 4 inches square should be placed over the cut end of the cord at the baby's navel and should be held in place by wrapping a "bellyband" or folded diaper around the baby. Emergency Childbirth A Reference Guide for Students of the Medical Self-help Training Course, Lesson No. 11
  • To the left lay the viscountess 's apartments - a light, airy sitting room flanking a large dressing room and bathing chamber. ON A WICKED DAWN
  • Hors d' oeuvres included soup of mussel and saffron, salmon gravalax with oyster beignets and citrus dressing or salad of baby gems with tiger prawns and beluga caviar.
  • The Signor Conte kept us waiting twenty minutes, whilst he shaved and exchanged his dressing-gown for the suit of sables which is the correct raiment of the Latin race. The Romance of Isabel Lady Burton

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