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How To Use Dregs In A Sentence

  • The dregs of humanity strewn around me. Times, Sunday Times
  • In addition, the rural population is sometimes seen as a specific class in Marx's historical writings, as is the Lumpenproletariat (“dregs of society”), so that we obtain an image of society, which, far from the usual dichotomic or trichotomic image, is differentiated into several strata with multiple interests. CLASS
  • -- These frequently remain as the so-called dregs of some illness, and are found very persistent. Papers on Health
  • We are dropouts from society, useless dregs who make no contribution, so it is inevitable that people will look at us strangely and with contempt.
  • As bulking agent, dry feces and mushroom dregs have similar effects, but dry feces gets easily and has higher translation rate of nitrogen.
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  • Payment was commonly in cast-off clothes, food scraps, alcohol or opium dregs.
  • The dregs of last night's bottle of red wine prompted this comforting meal in a bowl. Times, Sunday Times
  • Paterfamilias is obliged to drink the cup of gaiety to the dregs, which is almost worse than being in office. Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of Henry Reeve, C.B., D.C.L. In Two Volumes. Volume II.
  • After draining the last few dregs of his coffee his watch told him it was almost 8: 00.
  • People tend to regard drug addicts as the dregs of society.
  • Tannin, organic acid, phenolic compounds, flavone, carbohydrate, sterol, triterpene, amino acid, protein, volatile oil and fat were detected, There are higher contents of fat and flavone in the dregs.
  • The dregs of his dunked biscuits scummed the surface of the tea.
  • The utility model relates to a mechanical device, in particular to a dregs and liquid separator.
  • Whether it's an abandoned junkyard, the homestead of a strange couple, a society of dregs, even the Dunn property itself, each locale adds a new bit of depth to the story and tactility to the atmosphere.
  • He downed the last of the coffee in one, closed the newspaper, rinsed the dregs out of the cup, and contemplated - not for the first time - that maybe he thought too much.
  • I took a leaf (or bag) from my pantry and filled the flavour gap with the subtly nutty Kamut flour I found there, as well as pouring in the dregs from a carton of almond milk in my fridge. Simply Sensational
  • They are free certainly, but they are also degraded, rejected, the offscum and the offscouring of the very dregs of your society .... American Negro Slavery A Survey of the Supply, Employment and Control of Negro Labor as Determined by the Plantation Regime
  • But are there on-trend bargains to be found or just last season's dregs? The Sun
  • Others are, quite frankly, the dregs of society.
  • People tend to regard drug addicts as the dregs of society.
  • Celly swallowed the bitter dregs of her coffee and tapped the phone against her thigh.
  • The pieces fell into place, all at once, and I again choked on the dregs of my now-cold latte. The case of the 500-mile email « Isegoria
  • This Socialist government would rather pay to keep tens of thousands of illegal immigrants and eastern European criminals and gypsies and the dregs from Guantanamo but think the Gurkhas are a drain on the Country. "ROGUE GUNNER"
  • At my small town college the off-campus housing was very limited, which meant the go-getters got bragging rights on all the great apartments while the ambitious-yet-lazy people, like myself, were saddled with the dregs.
  • Eventually, these prison craft shops could be turning out all sorts of reasonably priced decorating goods, under Martha's label, while giving the dregs of society a valuable trade.
  • Barbara - putting on the erotic, evocative nom de poon of ‘Brandy ‘- has her own private apartment where she entertains the dregs of white collar America.’
  • This paper studies the process of mortar manufactured by desulphurize ash and dregs from power plant used fuel oil(DADFO) .
  • The rest of us split up into pairs - me and Joanna, Mac and Miss Halden - and headed back to my place, trying to look inconspicuous when in fact we looked like the dregs of an army division after three days' combat.
  • She stirred her spoon around the dregs of her cappuccino froth. AFTERMATH
  • Sediment settling during fermentation, especially wine; dregs. luxation The Handy Cyclopedia of Things Worth Knowing A Manual of Ready Reference
  • His 30-year career of hunting down society's dregs had apparently endowed him with the right to be both judge and jury.
  • Dregs settled at the bottom of the container.
  • Will the BBC run with that idea or will it instead continue to use the subtlety of language to associate the term conservatism with the worst dregs of radical Islam? Biased BBC
  • It is to be understood, that we give only some hints of what we explained in the first volume as far as our leaders found proper to do, showing gradually the great apostasy from the christian truth and immersion into materialism and ceremonialism, produced by the anti-christian management [Z] of the "Hefner or Dregs of the Lamp. Secret Enemies of True Republicanism
  • It is an impressive accumulation of human dregs though.
  • A sudden chill would precipitate the grosser, and diffuse the lighter dregs throughout the fermenting fluid, which should be thrown off from the surface in cleansing; this would retard the fining, and empoverish the beer or ale; while the mode recommended will be found to promote transparency, and give strength and body, that is, fullness and spirituosity. The American Practical Brewer and Tanner
  • The catalysis - acid leaching process of copper bismuth sulphide dregs is introduced.
  • If a micrometeoroid or piece of space debris penetrates the tank, the dregs can ignite, causing an explosion that shatters the rocket body and creates a cloud of debris.
  • But yeah, cop shows - especially those that purport to be ‘gritty’ - are nearly always about the hero keeping us safe from society's lower dregs.
  • But the central body of European society is certainly changed; and, after all, between the scum and the dregs is the good soup. The Unity of Civilization
  • To me, she was mysterious, as elusive as a dream you try to remember so hard, as different as a four-leaved clover, as intriguing as magic, as undecipherable as patterns in tea dregs.
  • The mug went down with a thud upon the thick wooden table, the remaining dregs never to be touched again.
  • This famous game of war is played by parasites, panderers, bandits, assassins, peasants, sots, bankrupts, and such other dregs of mankind.
  • The slave hunters in fact belonged to the dregs of society, and we shall not be far wrong in assuming that the man with the cryptogram was a fitting comrade for his fellow “capitaes do mato.” Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon
  • Easy as it would be to dismiss them as fools or worse, they are not the dregs of society but instead the wrong people in the wrong circumstance.
  • He swigged the dregs of his coffee, wiped the back of his hand across his moustache and typed in the headline.
  • He drained the last of his coffee dregs and got up.
  • The result is an unusual approach to a plot line – we spend many chapters being introduced to the (literal) dregs of the PUV Navy, asthe PUV Naval brasssends each castoff, criminal or mutineer to go serve on the Crypt, whichhas a reputation of killing off itscrew. The Crypt, by Scott Sigler « Third Point of Singularity
  • The dregs of humanity strewn around me. Times, Sunday Times
  • The swabby who had spilled the bucket of dregs on him was clearly retarded. Wizard and Glass
  • But that's what Simmons and her contemporaries did, scumming away to ensure clean sugar even when the cone it came from was made from the dregs of a hogshead. Andrew Beahrs: Birth of an American Cookie
  • Colum insisted on paying the taverner 's fee, drained the dregs from his cup and gestured at Kathryn to remain seated. A SHRINE OF MURDERS
  • All you want to do now, apart from sip wanly at the dregs of that satisfying Shiraz, is stump upstairs and crash into a nicely turned down bed.
  • She couldn't imagine going back to tending bar for the dregs of society.
  • The dregs have settled at the bottom of the bottle.
  • Why, he couldn't discern… he took a gulp of tea until only the dregs remained.
  • I’ve come up with a “slurper” post, but I was holding that in reserrve that for the very final dregs of the “latest religious war” thread… Najash rionegrina, a snake with legs - The Panda's Thumb
  • All police officers must encounter some of the dregs of society in their careers but the work of this department surely tests one's faith in human kind.
  • Yes, I suppose the blood has spread; there is what doctors call ecchymosis; give me some clean linen, pour into a glass equal parts of good olive oil and wine dregs, and wash that stain for me. The Forty-Five Guardsmen
  • Father wasn't too happy with that, and he snapped at me, and at Mother, that I should have found someone of our own status, not lowered myself to be with the dregs of society.
  • Colum drained the dregs from his cup.
  • ‘Oh well,’ I say, draining the dregs of my coffee.
  • They are free certainly but they are also degraded, rejected, the offscum and the offscouring of the very dregs of your society; they are free from the chain, the whip, the enforced task and unpaid toils of slavery; but they are not the less under a ban. "[ The Journal of Negro History, Volume 2, 1917
  • Inhale follows Paul into the dregs of drug and sex trafficking dens in the Baja borderlands where all things are possible to those who are tough enough, desperate enough, or rich enough to define a new asocial world in which saving one's own life, or the life of one's child, is seen by those convulsed with power, greed, grief, fear, or rage as the only thing that really matters. Nancy Scheper-Hughes: Take a Deep Breath (Inhale): Organ Panics
  • The speaker is able to engage sensuously with the brilliant carp, nature's highlights, only if the reach of nature into darker places where dwell the suckerfish, the ‘drainers of dregs, drab makers of clarity’ are set in Jungian balance.
  • The “passengers” were two strains of bacteria: lactic acid bacteria used in ordinary yogurt and a unique strain of Lactobacillus paracasei cultured from pickles preserved in the dregs of sake called sake lees, which is thought to enhance the body’s immunity to disease. Space Yogurt »
  • He rolled his eyes as he swallowed and swigged the dregs of his espresso.
  • It was long before the spirit of true piety and true wisdom, involved in the principles of the Reformation, could be depurated from the dregs and feculence of the contention with which it was carried through. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 02 (of 12)
  • Greeks also ‘knock wood’ to guard against misfortune, and reading one's fortunes in the patterns of coffee dregs remains popular.
  • People tend to regard drug addicts as the dregs of society.
  • They differ also from the 'spae-wife,' who, manipulating the cup from which she has taken her morning draught of tea, looks at the various forms and shapes the leaves and dregs have taken, and deduces thence such simple horary prognostications as the name of the person from whom 'postie' will presently bring up the glen a letter or a parcel or a remittance of money; or as to whether she is likely to go a journey, or to hear news from across the sea, or to obtain a good price for the hose she has knitted or for the chickens or eggs she is sending to the store-keeper. Tea-Cup Reading and Fortune-Telling by Tea Leaves, by a Highland Seer
  • Adam threw away the dregs of his coffee and turned back to the house as the sound of Joseph's laugh trickled like sweet music through the stillness.
  • *throes rite legg owt en front, dregs leff legg up tu rite, throes ahrmz up en aer and wikkles hipps, throes leff legg owt en front, dregs rite legg up to leff, throes ahrmz up en aer adn wikkles hipps. Snaaaaaaaaaaaaake!!! - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Every unincumbered piece of our property, the orts, dregs, and offcast of our operations, were made the subjects of transfers to the rag-tag and bobtail of Lattimore society. Aladdin & Co. A Romance of Yankee Magic
  • The political landscape may not have been irretrievably transformed, but we at last have a breed of politicians who have a chance to prove they can do better than ‘the dregs of society’.
  • They are the dregs of humanity - the absolute scum of the earth - who see someone with a different colour of skin as a target for death.
  • The days of struggling to get the last dregs of shampoo could soon be over. Times, Sunday Times
  • Going out to face whoever was in the streets had to be better than staying in here with these dregs of human society.
  • The West has always been a safety valve to siphon these so-called dregs of other nations out of populated areas and prevent any social or political unrest. Stands a Calder Man
  • He had become unconsciously connected with the lowest dregs of mankind, and would have to see his name mingled with theirs in the daily newspapers. Framley Parsonage
  • People tend to regard drug addicts as the dregs of society.
  • We are dropouts from society, useless dregs who make no contribution, so it is inevitable that people will look at us strangely and with contempt.
  • He was dressed like he had spent his life growing up in the dregs of society, but that was to be expected considering where we were coming from - it was less suspicious walking around dressed like we were.
  • Plus, this cover "liberates" one of my favorite Marvel story titles ever: "The Dismal Dregs of Defeat! Archive 2006-03-26
  • Zedekiah is dead, who drank the dregs of all the ages that went before him, that is, who suffered for the sins of his ancestors, the measure of iniquity being filled up in his days. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • We can expect the battle for the last remaining dregs of the fossil fuel fantasia to be vicious.
  • `A sort of eggplant with hair," he'd said, staring into the dregs of his drink. DOLL'S EYES
  • The rest of the pitching staff (especially behind Randy Wolf) looks ugly, but a good defense can do wonders for the dreggiest of dregs. Jonah Keri: 2010 MLB Predictions
  • The film is so good at anti-glamour that it made me question my fondness for other movies about society's dregs.
  • (aphya), was called alec, a name also given to the dregs of garum. Museum of Antiquity A Description of Ancient Life
  • ‘Well,’ he said, swishing the dregs of his coffee around in the glass contemplatively.
  • These "choke" or "smother" the word; drawing off so much of one's attention, absorbing so much of one's interest, and using up so much of one's time, that only the dregs of these remain for spiritual things, and a fagged, hurried, and heartless formalism is at length all the religion of such persons. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Many cooks pour dregs from bottles into ice cube trays so they can easily freeze them for use in sauces. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the cheese is used up, the dregs are allowed to brown on the bottom of the container and then scraped off and shared.
  • The slave hunters in fact belonged to the dregs of society, and we shall not be far wrong in assuming that the man with the cryptogram was a fitting comrade for his fellow _ "capitaes do mato. Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon
  • ‘Coffee ladies’ read fortunes in the dregs of a cup of coffee.
  • The three glasses were grouped together, all of them tinged with wine, and one of them containing some dregs of beeswing. The Adventure of the Abbey Grange.
  • The tabloids condemned them, not unfittingly, as the curdled dregs of an outmoded caste.
  • Only small dregs of underwater grass and seaweed remained… and the ground smelled heavily of salt.
  • They applaud every utterance by the War Mongerers, the Fear Purveyors, and all the other assorted dregs from the bottom of the American political barrel. Think Progress » September 2004: Gingrich Blasts Critics of Iraq War Who ‘Complain We’re Not Winning Fast Enough’
  • The violin has a sensual sound just like cafe mocha has a sensual taste - but like the bitter dregs at the bottom of a coffee cup, even the most soothing minstrels are a little harsh on the ears after, say, an hour.
  • This fits directly below the machine, holds a container for coffee dregs and has space for a number of cups and saucers as well as filters and other accessories, all of which are dishwasher-proof.
  • The World War II vet started out as a producer, director, and overall Hollywood hobnobber who succumbed early to the dregs of the drug and alcohol. Move Trends Real Estate Blog - The Leader in Online Real Estate
  • That's why you built your career on defending the dregs of society.
  • She threw the coffee dregs down the sink.
  • Soja of near future oily factory and dregs of rice inventory pressure is very great.
  • Dregs settled at the bottom of the container.
  • Pap-in"; but his ankle left him a grievous lameter, hirpling on a staff; and, although his brown scratch and his Kilmarnock helped to hide the bump upon his temple, the dregs of it fell down upon his e'e-bree, which, to the consternation of everybody, became as green as a docken leaf. The Life of Mansie Wauch tailor in Dalkeith
  • I finished the dregs of my tea.
  • Buried with the dregs are the Vikings, Colts and much-hyped Eagles. SFGate: Don Asmussen: Bad Reporter
  • Another comparison: "While Lynch dregs shocking epiphanies from the gunk of the subconscious, Weerasethakul’s mysteries lie right on the surface, in the obvious, seemingly trivial moments that are riddle and answer at once. GreenCine Daily: Syndromes and a Century.
  • The mime was a farce of popular morals, particularly of the lower classes; it was a portrayal of the dregs of society in their comic aspects. Initiation into Literature
  • Personally, I have no trouble letting him in, as long as Phelps and Zundel and all the other dregs are allowed to come in and speak wherever they want to whomever they want. Archive 2007-05-01
  • At one end are public figures whilst at the other are the dregs of society.
  • The initial process to extract more color from cochineal called for the use of volatile spirit of sal ammoniac on the dregs of the typical boiling water extraction. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • I swigged the dregs of my coke, crunching what remained of the ice cubes.
  • As for the rest -- the weaklings and the rejected, and the dark-pigmented things, the half-castes, the mongrel-bloods, and the dregs of long-conquered races -- how could they count? CHAPTER XXX
  • The patio doors are open, the sun is dipping behind the houses, the last dregs of wine are being savoured and sniffed endlessly. Times, Sunday Times

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