How To Use Dreamer In A Sentence
Call me a moon-eyed dreamer: I still believe the work of the serious writer will be recognized for what it is, whether it takes place examples chosen only for clarity and expediency in Ambergris, or 351 West 52 St New York City Apt # D RIGHT NOW, dammit.
Evil Monkey on Fantasy
I know there are some psychoanalysts who theorize that every creature which appears in a dream or waking dream is an aspect of the dreamer.
In the figure of the sun, the text also allegorizes desire as the very medium that allows the Lover, the dreamer and the writer to ‘see.’
Lethargic and lacking self-confidence, he was a quiet dreamer, with interests in theology, art history, and oriental religions.
When I talk to these young dreamers entering the world of ministry, they hear me emphasize finding trained ears to hear them.
Christianity Today

For an unassuming pair of country-folk dreamers, their debut resonates with a wild collection of weirdos: county-fair folk-fest burn-outs, cowboy junkers, and record store braggarts.
Nothing will bring a romantic dreamer down to reality faster than the bug, and every biting insect seems to visit us in turn.
Reading about the fuggy alcoholic blurs always so lucidly expressed of experiences with the literary and intellectual luminaries of his day, one might wonder whether Hitchens is the dreamer or the dreamed, the purveyor of an intellectual fantasy or the product of other peoples' ideas.
Ashley Rindsberg: On Hitchens
Gordon Richards's star novice created a tremendous impression when beating Dreamers Delight at Doncaster and possesses scope for considerable improvement.
Gordon Richards's star novice created a tremendous impression when beating Dreamers Delight at Doncaster and possesses scope for considerable improvement.
The cardinal principles are: be a dreamer as well as a doer.
But adults often say that idealism is for dreamers.
Freddie & the Dreamers picked it up and did a George Formby version - [sings ‘If yer gotta make a fool of somebody’ like a scouse Formby].
From the mean squalor of the sordid life that limits him, the dreamer or the idyllist may soar on poesy's viewless wings, may traverse with fawn-skin and spear the moonlit heights of Cithaeron though Faun and Bassarid dance there no more.
That was a rightwing fiesta, including a graf coming after the summary of the Democrats response to the Prez that was an almost perfect piece of punditland dreamery, with intimations of Broder marvelously woven into it:
Matthew Yglesias » Al-Qaeda in Iraq
On ‘Dreamers,’ the first syllable Frost sings sounds so brittle and fragile it seems about to shatter into ice crystals at any moment.
90's poppy/experimental / psych dreamers The Olivia Tremor Control played a couple shows here in NY last week, which I was eagerly awaiting for months.
The Humboldt County Board of Supervisors is poised tomorrow to deliver yet another slap to the cadre of railroad dreamers who have been hoping against hope, year after year, to restore freight service along the 10-years-dead Northwestern Pacific Railroad line and so develop the similarly stagnant Humboldt Bay into some kind of entrepot in Pacific Rim international trade.
North Coast Journal Comments
Without doubt, in the foundations of the world was graved this end for him -- for him, who was so fine and sensitive, whose nerves scarcely sheltered under his skin, who was a dreamer, and a poet, and an artist.
Lost Face
I know there are some psychoanalysts who theorize that every creature which appears in a dream or waking dream is an aspect of the dreamer.
No dream is too big, and no dreamer is too small.
Though he dismisses the tag of dreamer, the scale of his plans are on a different planet.
Nightmares are vivid and terrifying nocturnal episodes in which the dreamer is abruptly awakened from sleep.
Louis was a dreamer, idealistic and introspective; Zelie was more extroverted, possessed of formidable energy and strength of will.
Here, his father comes across as a tight-fisted, big-hearted dreamer who always promised more than he could deliver.
In this play each character represents a fragmented archetype, as well as personalities - the creator, the stranger, the lover, the dreamer.
Hadley is a restless young man-an artist, a dreamer, a screw-up.
John Joseph Adams » 2007 » November
Into the starlit night, foolish dreamers turn their gaze
The film catalogs his other failures as teacher, father, provider, writer, and now dreamer.
While there are trained artists--perhaps inspired by Gaudí's early 20th-century mosaics or Marcel Duchamp's readymades--who sculpt and construct large-scale artworks made from repurposed cast offs, many more are dreamers with ordinary day jobs who abhor waste, have a penchant for collecting, and seize upon an unstoppable urge to create something beautiful from the flotsam and jetsam modern life.
Trash Art: California's Artistic Recycling Revolution
February 16, 2006 8: 44 PM bibliobibuli said ... visitor - * mentally adds to the list of things to write about* dreamer idiot, square smiley - yes agree about the "utilitarian" books in MPH - a lot on business, a lot of self-help ... and also a lot of space for non-book items ... even chocs in megamall!
A Quick Guide to Bookshop Chains
He is known for innovative and fairly dark games and is a perpetual dreamer who has fantastic ideas.
Call it rather a sort of beggarly day-dreaming, during which the mind of the dreamer furnishes for itself nothing but laziness, and a little mawkish sensibility; while the whole materiel and imagery of the doze is supplied ab extra by a sort of mental camera obscura manufactured at the printing office, which pro tempore fixes, reflects, and transmits the moving phantasms of one mans delirium, so as to people the barrenness of a hundred other brains afflicted with the same trance or suspension of all common sense and all definite purpose.
Coleridge, Biographia Literaria, III footnote 1 « Unknowing
But he too must perish, for life is a continuous process, and humanity an old man, refusing to be decompounded and rebuilt to the linear utopianism of the dreamer and theorist, come out of the silence with his ideal to be foisted on unregenerate society.
Leonid Andreyev: 1871-1919
I've always been a realist, not a daydreamer.
Animals may represent the dreamer's instincts or other wild, untameable forces.
Dreams have only one owner at a time. That's why dreamers are lonely. William Faulkner
SDreamer: NNW for iPodT/iPhone is continuing, all other mobile-specific apps are going away in deference to GR's mobile web interface critter42
FeedDemon, NetNewsWire To Sync Exclusively With Google Reader | Lifehacker Australia
This dreamer is in a big creative spurt right now, and is frustrated that family obligations such as laundry and cooking take time away from her writing.
The sound of gunshots and bombs awakened the dreamers to the nightmare that was real life.
No, fancy stuff like that was for the layabouts, the good-for-nothings, the dreamers, those who didn't have a clue as to what was what.
Although modernism has its share of utopian dreamers, many artists of the past century have instead celebrated the fragmentary and the glimpsed.
The dreamer, the visionary seer, not only sees, but does something, makes something.
His inspired perspective has animated prophets and artists and dreamers down through the centuries.
Yes: I am a dreamer. For a dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. Oscar Wilde
Italian hound; Andy Pay and Mulligan Jacobs, the bitter ones; the three topaz-eyed dreamers, who are unclassifiable; Isaac Chantz, the wounded Jew; Bob, the overgrown dolt; the feeble-minded Faun, lung-wounded;
The corollary then would be that the rest are simply dreamers, but what's wrong with providing readers with material to feed those dreams?
The difference between dreamers and achievers is grit, guts and spirit, which the former might lack but the latter have in abundance.
He even sees something of himself in Jan - he, too, used to be a dreamer, an angry young man, and he, too, wanted to change the world before real life got in the way.
Then, in the room where I slept, there was rich and ponderous furniture of the fashion of eld; the bed was draped and canopied with hangings that seemed full of spells and dreamery; and there was a mirror, tall, and swung between stately mahogany posts spreading their feet out on the floor, which recalled that fancy of Hawthorne's, in the tale of “Old Esther Dudley,”
A Study Of Hawthorne
I'm a daydreamer and a realist — two pieces of my psyche in constant conflict.
Archive 2009-05-01
We are dreamers, idealists, romantics - interlopers, charlatans, scoundrels.
Again, there is a doubling: ‘A word dreamer recognizes in a man's word applied to the things of the world a sort of oneiric etymology’ Bachelard says.
Paine contrasts Musk with clips from another auto dreamer who dared to take on the Gods of motordom -- Preston Tucker -- builder of the car that bore his name.
Michael Rose: Revenge of the Electric Car Charges Into Theaters
The happiness-of-the-greatest-number, of those who pasture on delusions: what dreamer is responsible for this eunuchry?
The cloud-castle is impossibly realistic, the daydreamer doesn't to become the affair that you want to do forever.
At the end, I was left more astonished and impressed than ever by the feats of the postpunk adventurers - these strivers and visionaries, schemers and dreamers.
Fine, if you are a teenage dreamer.
The Sun
Bedwyr, the poet and dreamer, who suffered ten times over for one grief, was the finer man.
Swedenborg's angelic guardians were often dispatched to protect dreamers from the infestation of evil spirits, and these visitants answered to the description given such beings, down to the colors of their robes.
I am not good at following orders and I've always been a bit of a daydreamer.
Patrick Buckley: DODOcase: Our iPad Case Saves The Jobs Of Local Bookbinders
Melanie cleans office buildings but dreams of a better life that Teddo, an idealistic and impractical dreamer, cannot provide.
The famed poet also quelled controversy after she expressed her disappointment in rapper Common using profanity, namely the n-word, and the b-word in reference to women, on his current album released in December, which features Angelou on the intro "The Dreamer.
The Seattle Times
This dispatch is entertaining, involving first-person radio about dreamers and their dreams.
Times, Sunday Times
The whole dream-work is essentially subjective, and a dream is a theatre in which the dreamer is himself the scene, the player, the prompter, the producer, the author, the public and the critic.
You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us. And the world will live as one. John Lennon
I hope I'm not around to see it but if I am - too gaga to know what's happening - put me in with the admirers of deeply flawed dreamers.
It's nice when a daydreamer as gifted as Brown decides to unlock that dear diary inside her head, if only for a while.
Michael Bialas: Why Pieta Brown Digs the Music of Dylan, Dire Straits and her Dad
He was knighted by King George VI, and today a memorial lies in Westminster Abbey - an inspiration to young dreamers everywhere.
Knowing that a dream is a dream never allows the dreamer to influence the outcome.
‘We were considered the clowns, the dreamers, the romantics,’ he adds.
For some reason now obscure to him, he'd thought it an impractical study, suited only to unworldly dreamers.
This is a beautiful record for hopeless romantics and dreamers - don't let the cynics tell you otherwise.
A writer, a father, a math teacher, a really big nerd, a husband, a scatterbrain, a dreamer, a collector of stuffed penguins, a rambler.
The mother is a driven targe and the father is a dreamer.
Nothing will bring a romantic dreamer down to reality faster than the bug, and every biting insect seems to visit us in turn.
When I quit before, I didn't have the advantage that all of you have today: a worldwide, vibrant internet community of like-minded dreamers, and all the advice, guidance and support imaginable, from peer and critique groups to long-time friendships with other writers, to discussion areas for many publishers and publications andalso the SFWA website, for information, camaraderie and the latest in news of the field.
Reject-O-Matic: Why Editors Use Form Rejection Letters
Call it rather a sort of beggarly day-dreaming, during which the mind of the dreamer furnishes for itself nothing but laziness and a little mawkish sensibility; while the whole materiel [sic] and imagery of the doze is supplied ab extra by a sort of mental camera obscura manufactured at the printing office, which pro tempore fixes, reflects and transmits the moving phantasms of one man's delirium, so as to people the barrenness of an hundred other brains afflicted with the same trance or suspension of all common sense and all definite purpose.
Gothic Visions, Romantic Acoustics
Some New Age lucid dreamers, however, believe that lucid dreaming is essential for self-improvement and personal growth.
He was often inattentive in his own schooling and was a habitual daydreamer.
Looking like a creature from the Alien movies, this nightmarish "longhead dreamer" anglerfish (Chaenophryne longiceps) was until recently an alien species to Greenland waters (map).
No dream is too big, and no dreamer is too small.
While boys may be hyperactive and more visible for teachers, the typical girl with ADD is most often quiet, a daydreamer and unfortunately overlooked.
George Sachs, Psy.D.: Women With ADD
Meanwhile, 10,000 adventurers, lunatics, criminals, dreamers, and lost souls who had volunteered for Hitler's Charlemagne Division were sent to fight the Red Army in Pomerania.
France's Downfall
Nothing will bring a romantic dreamer down to reality faster than the bug, and every biting insect seems to visit us in turn.
Thus, the proponents of local self-government have been cast in the role of reactionaries or Utopian dreamers who fail to understand the principles of modern government.
A California dreamer from an endless summer: shirt-jackets, clean-cut cottons, linen Oxford and bandana prints are ready for men enjoying sunset colours on the beach.
She's young, naive and an idealistic dreamer.
Times, Sunday Times
The whole dream-work is essentially subjective, and a dream is a theatre in which the dreamer is himself the scene, the player, the prompter, the producer, the author, the public and the critic.
It's a country of dreamers, and doers, and people are compassionate about their neighbors, it's just unbelievable.
She's a dreamer and a romantic by temperament.
This is a beautiful record for hopeless romantics and dreamers - don't let the cynics tell you otherwise.
Or is he really the utopian dreamer of an utterly open and connected world?
Times, Sunday Times
We still know what we were told in Dreaming - the Void is expanding, the Ocisens are one their way to stop the pilgrimage, the Second Dreamer knows she is communicating with the Skylord and many other things.
The Temporal Void by Peter F Hamilton (Pan Macmillan, 3rd October 2008)
Just about every night of the Games, one or more of the Dreamers was the featured attraction at a corporate event.
Although we may be called fools and dreamers, although we will find the going uphill, in the words of the poet: “Say not the struggle naught availeth.”
Ted Sorensen's Acceptance Speech Prepared for the 2008 Democratic Presidential Nominee
Dreamers might also experience prophetic dreams that they would convey to others to forestall danger.
‘We were considered the clowns, the dreamers, the romantics,’ he adds.
People who said we would go to the moon used to be called dreamers.
Like a dreamer, the Apolline artist is absorbed in contemplation of something outside himself and does not identify with it.
She prefers to skewer her opponents on the end of a rapier wit, whether it's bolshie feminists, exploitive therapists, or madcap utopian dreamers.
Grumps are the archenemies of the Dreamers and cause Bean Counters to cower in pockets of small ideas.
Howard Steven Friedman: Grumps, Dreamers, Bean Counters, Cool Cats and Shills: The Taxonomy of High Profile Economists
At the expense of dreams and dreamers.
For Love or Money
These powers may now, if ever, blossom forth; they have been wasted too long in patriotic feeling and in idle dreamery.
The Psychology of Nations A Contribution to the Philosophy of History
The difference between a dreamer and a visionary is that a dreamer has his eyes closed and a visionary has his eyes open. Martin Luther King Jr
Will the present paucity of lackadaisical dreamers affect our future cultural heritage?
You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us. And the world will live as one. John Lennon
Its hard clear outlines, and perhaps somewhat bleak atmosphere, seem to have resulted from a sort of reaction against the sentimental “dreamery” begotten of his Gossensass experiences.
Hedda Gabler
These groups and leaders are neither idealistic dreamers nor neo-hippie do-gooders.
Being the boy he was, he was destined somehow to dwell half the time in a world of dreamery; and I have tried to express how, when he had once got enough of villany, he reformed his ideals and rather liked virtue.
Boy Life Stories and Readings Selected From The Works of William Dean Howells
Here, his father comes across as a tight-fisted, big-hearted dreamer who always promised more than he could deliver.
The socialist idealist turns into a prissy schoolteacher heading for embittered spinsterdom; the dreamer and future novelist becomes a hack journalist; the golden boy back from World War I ends up a drunk, and so on.
Epic Theatre Travels Into Past, Present and Future
The film catalogs his other failures as teacher, father, provider, writer, and now dreamer.
Don't rely on his memory he's a bit of a dreamer.
Yes, lovers and dreamers, my humble little blog has undergone the HTML equivalent of three facelifts, full-body liposculpture, silicone norg implants and enough Botox to down a small horse.
Archive 2006-05-01
We owe it to a generation of teenage dreamers to show we can do it again.
Times, Sunday Times
A poet is always a dead rhymester, -- a philosopher, a dead dreamer.
The Bishop of Cottontown A Story of the Southern Cotton Mills
Material or Ideal form, is nothing else than the revival of some of the earliest and most inveterate Principles of Paganism, -- the same Paganism which still flourishes among the "theosophic" dreamers of India, and which exhibits its practical fruits in the horrors of Hindoo superstition.
Modern Atheism under its forms of Pantheism, Materialism, Secularism, Development, and Natural Laws
The dreamer, the visionary seer, not only sees, but does something, makes something.
I am a romantic, and a dreamer, and all those things that the world despises.
Dalliers, dawdlers and daydreamers learn to camouflage their lack of achievement in torrents of words.
This dreamer received a promotion when several others in her department were laid off.
For all of its languid sensuality, however, The Dreamers is not a film for the faint-hearted or easily-offended.
Richard lies in the shape of a cross on the soil, pretending to be a dreamer unconcerned with the world.
May the gods continue to make: dice-weir boxes superconfident low-level telepathic peccable language identical daydreamers dapperling Moadex re-do do’d denotating bike rustre mini cacophonious calmative worrywart, deck saga, novel sun scrogs unlikes a consortium of cliffs: Kenneth Goldsmith pride of place and joy to us here at hear right writing official counsel, dual reasoning: who deserves Pliny who’d answer their prayers if he could and
“Name, a novel” by Toadex Hobogrammathon : Kenneth Goldsmith : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
The cry of Stena chills the vitals of slumbring off the motther has been pleased into the harms of old salaciters, meassurers soon and soon, but the voice of Alina gladdens the cockly-hearted dreamerish for that magic moning with its ching chang chap sugay kaow laow milkee muchee bringing becker-brose, the brew with the foochoor in it.
Finnegans Wake
A winner is a dreamer who never gives up. Nelson Mandela
In those days the world was divided for me into dreamers, and doers.
The dreamer or dream-ego is an inveterate shape-shifter.
He was portrayed as a brilliant lyrical poet, but an ineffectual dreamer whose poetry improved when he outgrew his youthful radicalism.
But it turns out that this fish, a "longhead dreamer" anglerfish, is not alone when it comes to ugly mugs -- in fact, compared to some other fish discovered in his neck of the woods, he's actually kind of cute.
I know there are some psychoanalysts who theorize that every creature which appears in a dream or waking dream is an aspect of the dreamer.
Well, for a lady who thinks she can accuse the CIA of lying to her and not expect repercussions, I guess this sort of misguided doublespeak is par for the course. dreamer
Pelosi: There will be public option in House health care bill
And so the corporates have inevitably led the Internet and its hopes on a different, money-based tangent leaving the dreamers behind, a little richer and a little wiser.
But those people aren't looking for idealistic dreamers; they want to be confident that their capital is going to be conserved.
Just about every night of the Games, one or more of the Dreamers was the featured attraction at a corporate event.
A travel agent by day and dreamer by night, he nurtures idealistic hopes of becoming a TV writer.
While there are trained artists--perhaps inspired by GaudÃ's early 20th-century mosaics or Marcel Duchamp's readymades--who sculpt and construct large-scale artworks made from repurposed cast offs, many more are dreamers with ordinary day jobs who abhor waste, have a penchant for collecting, and seize upon an unstoppable urge to create something beautiful from the flotsam and jetsam modern life.
Trash Art: California's Artistic Recycling Revolution
But collectively they present a hazy picture of a luckless dreamer with unfortunate amatory judgment.
His fancies never quite became convictions, but adolescence is the golden age of this kind of dreamery and reverie which supplements reality and totalizes our faculties, and often gives
Youth: Its Education, Regimen, and Hygiene
When I moved to New York, I had the idea it would be a non-stop playground, a party with fellow dreamers and drifters that lasted all night, every night.
The fact seems to be that the boy was a dreamer and saunterer; he himself says that he used to wander about the pier heads in fine weather, watch the ships departing on long voyages, and dream of going to the ends of the earth.
Washington Irving
Awake,arise,and assert yourself,you dreamers of the world. Your star is now in ascendancy. Napoleon Hill
Contemplating the terrain sympathetically, such dreamers throw themselves into the struggle of forces with all of the conviction of a demiurge.
Dreams have only one owner at a time. That's why dreamers are lonely. William Faulkner
Well, 35 years ago today, NASA gave the world's dreamers and schemers a ready-made rationale for anything.
Gordon Richards's star novice created a tremendous impression when beating Dreamers Delight at Doncaster and possesses scope for considerable improvement.
Compared to the stunning perspicuity of Verne and Wells, the rest of us are just daydreamers.
Paul Levine: For Novelists, the Future Isn't Fiction
But when a run-down circus arrives in town to give its last performance, Joe discovers kindred spirits in its collection of dreamers and misfits.
However, we must not be daydreamers who choose to shun reality.
He is also an idealist and a dreamer, and getting away from the bright lights to breathe the fresh air and be close to nature is his idea of bliss.
Just after the Second Dreamer ended his contact with the Skylord, the Void began a devourment phase.
The Dreaming Void
Rather than someone simply taking refuge in the past because he's unable to face the present, Wilson is more in the tradition of an artist such as Plush: a hatcher of big ideas, and dreamer of big dreams.
This week's new live music
Yes: I am a dreamer. For a dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. Oscar Wilde
Just to continue to "offend" - think of the enjoyment you will get from it! yucatandreamer
GRINGOS AND GRINGAS....what's in an appelation?
There are the unstable whose existence is passed in starting enterprises and never finishing them; there are the dreamers, the erratic and the aboulic with their plans that never materialize; there are those whose judgment is chronically false and who are invariably wrong in their estimates of men and events.
Here he encounters all manner of dreamers, schemers, and conspiracy theorists.
There is a dynamic mix of industry veterans who have helped pioneer digital technologies, and a regular influx of ambitious and talented young dreamers who are relocating here from around the world.
He was a regular dreamer but this particular vision would kick-start the rest of his career - Marilyn Monroe dressed in paper.
In any case reality is the opposite of what the world needs, especially in times of turmoil; we need more dreamers, more idealists untouched by the rules that so govern us.
Thwarted in its 73-year fantasy of watching a Briton in the men's singles final at Wimbledon, a nation of once-a-year tennis dreamers puts down its punnet of strawberries.
Wimbledon: Andy Murray, still a hero | Observer editorial
Daylight who was compelled to veto the wilder visions of that able hasheesh dreamer.
Chapter XX
You're quite a daydreamer and can be a hopeless romantic.
The swimmer, the dreamer—he had no sense of himself as himself yet—heard a voice, echoic and distorted.
Fear Itself
We've got very vivid imaginations, I think we're sort of daydreamers, the three of us.
Within a year or so, he went from sandlot dreamer to bench warmer to league most valuable player.
No, fancy stuff like that was for the layabouts, the good-for-nothings, the dreamers, those who didn't have a clue as to what was what.
Awake,arise,and assert yourself,you dreamers of the world. Your star is now in ascendancy. Napoleon Hill
Some years later the dreamer hears of a magic man who walks through fire without being burned.
Gordon Richards's star novice created a tremendous impression when beating Dreamers Delight at Doncaster and possesses scope for considerable improvement.
The greater part of his life was spent in Manila, -- in Tondo and in Pandakan, a quaint little village on the south bank of the Pasig, now included in the city, where he appears to have shared the fate largely of poets of other lands, from suffering "the pangs of disprized love" and persecution by the religious authorities, to seeing himself considered by the people about him as a crack-brained dreamer.
The Social Cancer
The patient is both the dreamer and the dream.
Caring for your Unborn Child
What's there is a roaring, muralistic street scene peopled by fathead dreamers, mournful patriarchs, and shrill ideologues - the whole American carnival.
Awake,arise,and assert yourself,you dreamers of the world. Your star is now in ascendancy. Napoleon Hill
The whole dream-work is essentially subjective, and a dream is a theatre in which the dreamer is himself the scene, the player, the prompter, the producer, the author, the public and the critic.
We are both sisters, daughters, dancers, laughers, writers, singers, activists, lovers and dreamers.
Advocates are considered, at best, idealistic dreamers who can't accept the harsh reality of the world, or at times, simply a mere irritation.
None of these visionary schemes for Niagara ever reached fruition, but one Utopian dreamer did achieve his objective.
We had the knuckleheads, troublemakers, drinkers, the terminally unlucky and the hopeless dreamers.
For some reason now obscure to him, he'd thought it an impractical study, suited only to unworldly dreamers.
And then I see the writing on the balcony valance: ‘We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams.’
In ancient and aboriginal cultures, dreams were too important to he entrusted to mere dreamers.
May a new race of strong men and princes arise herefrom! 'said Pfahler, the historic dreamer.
A German Pompadour Being the Extraordinary History of Wilhelmine van Grävenitz, Landhofmeisterin of Wirtemberg
Is not the distinction between mysticism, the mysticism which is of truth, and mere dreamery, or the institution of imaginations for realities, exactly this, that mysticism may be translated into logic?
Personality in Literature
“A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.” —
The Codex Continual. Official Website of Steven E. Schend
Five years ago two women - Randa Shannon and Barb Kline, partners, dreamers, networkers, and peacemakers - bought the land.
Everything from a Hammond to a horn section works through nine songs fit for a daydreamer waiting for the sun to cleave the clouds.
No one denies the truism that the dreamer cannot really connect his dream with his waking past, which is one reading of this response.
Vishnu is pictured as the divine dreamer of the world dream.
His new film The Dreamers can safely be summed up as the director's love letter to cinephilia.
I was a playless day-dreamer, a _helluo librorum_; my appetite for which was indulged by a singular incident.
Narrative and Miscellaneous Papers — Volume 2
Looking like a creature from the Alien movies, this nightmarish "longhead dreamer" anglerfish
National Geographic News
But the frontiersmen were the true dreamers of the nation.
The Passing of the Frontier; a chronicle of the old West
But MD succeeds in situating women as both dreamers and the dreamed, his examination of the desiring-trajectories of Hollywood's factory of dreams, succeeded in a way that Blackeyes never did.
It is like unto the dreams of the dreamer and the sleep-visions of the sleeper or as the mirage of the desert, which the thirsty take for water; 116 and Satan maketh it fair for men even unto death These are the ways of the world; wherefore put not thou thy trust therein neither incline thereto, for it bewrayeth him who leaneth upon it and who committeth himself thereunto in his affairs.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
He is a dreamer, a schemer, but truth is young Ruskin is puny, skinny and, in the tradition of geeky leads, he wears glasses.
But I'm not some idealistic dreamer about the special relationship.
The Sun
Each character and object in the dream is a split off or dissociated component of the self - but the dreamer is not fully aware of this.
Simeon Rex: The Odyssey Begins (market) “Codebreaker” TV series (in dev) “Dreamer” TV series (in dev)
Archive 2003-02-01
Thus, our "unfinished feeling" represents in itself an obscure demand for a resolution of the unadjusted; it corresponds to that inner compulsion which operates upon the imperfect consciousness of the dreamer, or upon the mentality of any person seeking the solution of a problem or "perplex," either asleep, or awake -- as I trust you all still remain.
The Journal of Abnormal Psychology