How To Use Drawbar In A Sentence
By the way, I do not recommend putting grease directly on sears and hammers, but it can be very helpful on drawbars and big moving parts.
Other equipment included a spare knuckle, hose bags and even a wrecking chain to chain up a car that had its drawbar yanked out and drag the car behind the van to get it to a siding.
This implementation enables you to create a true dual-manual organ with bass pedals, a swell pedal and faders to control the drawbars.
In the Hammond organ, the fundamental and up to eight harmonics were available and were controlled by means of drawbars and preset keys or buttons.
The converter dolly incorporates a turntable assembly mounted on an axle group supporting the rear trailer, and a drawbar connecting to the first trailer.

First, under the testing conditions described, it is not possible for the dynamometer to measure the locomotive's maximum drawbar pull.
In the Hammond organ, the fundamental and up to eight harmonics were available and were controlled by means of drawbars and preset keys or buttons.
Some very ambitious figures for horsepower of the ‘Big Boys’ have been bandied about, but I think 7,000 hp at the drawbar, and maybe 9,000 in the cylinders is about enough.
This sleeve fits over our drawbar and is equipped with a spring-loaded pin and safety chain.
The quick hitch will lift high enough to use the tractor drawbar or low enough to set the quick hitch on the ground and unhook off the tractor without tipping over.
Danger must be avoided and riding on the drawbar, coming out of the cab without disengaging the PTO, tipping loads under power cables, driving without brakes, or leaning out of the cab can only end in disaster.
Optional transport kit includes quick attach drawbar and axle for Public Highways.
This is different from a weight carrying hitch, which is just a drawbar inserted into the receiver hitch.
I am thinking particularly of when the blacksmith cut down the pole on the binder and fitted a metal adaptation that with the slipping in of a drawbar pin allowed the binder to be attached to the tractor.
The receiver hitch available for Super Duty F350 dually, called class V is a 2.5 ‘for larger drawbars.’
Also, the MIDI implementation enables you to create a true dual-manual organ with bass pedals, a swell pedal and faders to control the drawbars.
All follow a similar pattern with maximum lengths of 7m, excluding the drawbar, and weights up to 3.5t GVM; the limit for overrun brake systems.
They come from carelessness, no cover on PTO, working in the night or the day, tipping trailers under ESB cables, riding on drawbars, and a host of other practices.
Generally, drawbar means at the rear of the tender.
Another crew, assigned to white-lead the drawbar, sloshes about the pit, solaced by some Stygian philosophy of their own.
An EX Mode links all 18 drawbars for a full 13 tonal harmonics and up to five variable percussion harmonics on the upper manual, with two software drawbars available on the lower.
Value models are fitted as standard with Techtronix 332 three-speed transmission for gradability and drawbar pull, while allowing top travel speeds for maximum productivity.
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