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How To Use Draughty In A Sentence

  • The cash-strapped councils need the money to plug leaks in school roofs, shore up unstable walls, install modern heating systems, repair cracked, draughty windows and remove temporary classrooms.
  • Would it be cold and draughty with no telly? The Sun
  • Keeping the heat inside Sitting in a draughty room will lower your body temperature and make you feel cold and uncomfortable.
  • At a time when most vintage warplanes have retired to a quiet life on display in drafty museums, 65-year-old Fifi is embarking on a new mission: giving rides to paying enthusiasts and once again making the air-show rounds, which occasionally feature a simulated atomic-bomb attack. Owners of the Last B-29 Hope It Doesn
  • But I must confess that during this blizzardly storm the Castle hall is a little draughty. To Win or to Die A Tale of the Klondike Gold Craze
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  • They appeared even less interested in ecology than I was, going through the motions in their wellingtons and anoraks, as if they were stood in a draughty lecture theatre rather than in one of the most beautiful places on the planet.
  • She is fire in his blood, and a thunder of trumpets; her voice is beyond all music in his ears; and she can shake his soul that else stands steadfast in the draughty presence of the Titans of the Light and of the Dark. Chapter 21
  • Likewise, avoid things - such as fans, doors, drafty windows - which might draw smoke away from the unit.
  • Only a third of the school's windows are double-glazed and because the building is on a slope, the rooms are often draughty and cold. How spending cuts are hitting schools – despite coalition vow to protect them
  • The badge was placed on a flat surface within the child's breathing range, and drafty space was avoided.
  • In what felt like no time at all, we had arrived and entered the somewhat draughty Upper Hall with its rather interesting artwork on the wall, a floor to ceiling spiral of golden handprints, which is a lot better than some of the weird and wonderful stuff a previous modern-art-loving Master installed, including a huge wooden dinosaur in the grounds. The Office Party « Tales from the Reading Room
  • The worst category was found to be two-bedroom properties, mostly flats, in which the average number of faults, such as draughty windows, leaky showers and shoddy electrics, was double that in England and Wales.
  • But it passed by as any uncomfortable night sleeping on a wooden floor in a draughty house. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the most remarkable things about Britain - now as well as then - is its incredibly well-developed network of live music clubs, mostly in back rooms in pubs or draughty town halls.
  • Install tight-fitting, insulating window shades on windows that feel drafty after weatherizing.
  • However, avoid placing plants near drafty doors, uninsulated windows, and heat sources.
  • This evening I discovered that window seats are draughty, so taped up all the hinges and gaps I could find.
  • You almost became addicted to him somehow," Ms. Burton said later, recalling drafty mornings in Hoxton Square (she, in a coat, sitting on a too-low stool at the secondhand cutting table, - News
  • Poinsettias are sensitive to extreme temperature, so don't place your plant next to a heater or near a drafty window or doorway.
  • Poinsettias are sensitive to extreme temperature, so don't place your plant next to a heater or near a drafty window or doorway.
  • The cash-strapped councils need the money to plug leaks in school roofs, shore up unstable walls, install modern heating systems, repair cracked, draughty windows and remove temporary classrooms.
  • The majority of schools in the 1970s and 1980s still had some prefabricated buildings - cold, draughty, charmless boxes that always felt empty.
  • He was willing to work for Socialism, even to deliver lectures on it in draughty halls, and he knew that it was both necessary and inevitable, but it is doubtful whether he subjectively wanted it. As I Please
  • To school plodding stubbornly through the snowdrifts in short trousers with chapped knees to sit in a draughty classroom in abject fear of a teacher who had recently traversed Europe inside a tank turret and who took no prisoners with his booming voice, the result of his deafness. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • Replacing draughty windows with double-glazed units will save money.
  • We spent nearly every weekend and holiday for the last 10 years in a cold, dirty, drafty, smoky, uncomfortable place - our own chateau.
  • Barbara said residents suffered draughty and leaking windows which were difficult for elderly and disabled people to open and close.
  • However, avoid placing plants near drafty doors, uninsulated windows, and heat sources.
  • They needed to repair the crumbling walls of their draughty homes, too.
  • ‘It was embarrassing showing parents around the draughty old ones with their leaky roofs,’ he said.
  • And while they are ideal for modern homes, they are not always as effective for draughty older properties. The Sun
  • When we think of quilts, we tend to think of women making them from scraps of material to keep their families warm in drafty houses. Kate Kelly: American Quilts as Art as Well as Documents of Politics and History
  • Avoid drafty areas or situations where the flame will be unstable.
  • “The Body of Christ,” he says to each communicant—some in business attire on their way home from work, some wearing coats and scarves to guard against the cold in the low-lit, drafty hall. American Grace
  • Thanks to its basting heat, any old pocket of draughty pavement can now boast a rickety table and chairs.
  • Likewise, avoid things - such as fans, doors, drafty windows - which might draw smoke away from the unit.
  • They spend their nights not in front of fire and telly, but walking the rainswept streets canvassing votes, or in draughty committee rooms hammering out policy.
  • The candelabra had gone out several minutes ago, due to the drafty nature of the tunnels.
  • Living in clothes which have been begged or borrowed, camping in a draughty seaside hotel. THE TOUCH OF INNOCENTS
  • In the basement below his house it was drafty and cold.
  • The workout area was drafty and cold as always, and Star slightly shivered under her workout clothing but she could take it.
  • Every house was full of flaws—leaky roofs, draughty rooms, saggy floors—and memories.
  • They appeared even less interested in ecology than I was, going through the motions in their wellingtons and anoraks, as if they were stood in a draughty lecture theatre rather than in one of the most beautiful places on the planet.
  • After all, it takes a certain commitment to pay high prices for a hard seat in a draughty theatre.
  • Yet still panic lurks in dusty corners and slips through locked but drafty doors.
  • I found myself neglected, out there on top the draughty house, while CHAPTER XV
  • You can rearrange your furniture so that you move it away from drafty areas and closer to the fireplace.
  • The worst category was found to be two-bedroom properties, mostly flats, in which the average number of faults, such as draughty windows, leaky showers and shoddy electrics, was double that in England and Wales.
  • To me, a cold chill in one corner of a spooky house is a draughty window, not the spirit of someone's dead great, great, great aunt come back to haunt the living.
  • So he clung on to his draughty vicarage in East Anglia as a man might to a small raft in stormy seas.
  • But still she demurred, being a very sane, intelligent girl, with an imagination which produced no more alluring mental picture than a cold and draughty drive, a colder and draughtier and even more depressing inspection of a ruined factory, and such small matters as a lost lunch. Bones in London
  • But the house is old and draughty, so the wood stove does not really heat it. Times, Sunday Times
  • A typical room was drafty and chilly in winter and humid and sweltering in summer.
  • I am currently in the process of toilet-training a three-year-old boy who has yet to be persuaded of the merits of abandoning his perfectly comfortable nappies in favour of a cold and draughty potty on the lawn.
  • Install tight-fitting, insulating window shades on windows that feel drafty after weatherizing.
  • We were sitting in a draughty position near the door.
  • If by air walls they mean uninsulated, drafty windows then, yes.
  • Old houses may have draughty windows and doors but fresh air is entering. Times, Sunday Times
  • “The Body of Christ,” he says to each communicant—some in business attire on their way home from work, some wearing coats and scarves to guard against the cold in the low-lit, drafty hall. American Grace
  • Are your windows drafty, hard to open, and covered with frost on chilly mornings?
  • It was a cold day, the room was draughty and Isabella's condition took a serious turn.
  • Some simply grumbled about the room being draughty, which is no surprise since the room is at least 150 years old. Times, Sunday Times
  • So strong was the play-instinct in him, as well as was his constitution strong, that he continually outplayed Scraps to abject weariness, so that he could only lie on the deck and pant and laugh through air-draughty lips and dab futilely in the air with weak forepaws at Michael's continued ferocious-acted onslaughts. CHAPTER XI
  • Avoid placing them in a drafty area or their flower buds may drop before they have a chance to open.
  • Before the auditor visits your house, make a list of any existing problems such as condensation and uncomfortable or drafty rooms.
  • The bathroom was plain and the window did not shut tightly, making the room a touch draughty. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the center of the drafty room, the six men who had arrived that evening sat on stools around a large table.
  • Spring and a release from scratchy underclothes and chilblains and runny noses and afternoon dusk and drafty passages. Earl of Durkness
  • She walked quickly to her room, not wanting to stay in the drafty hallway any longer than she had to. CIRCLE OF THREE: BOOK 12: WRITTEN IN THE STARS
  • The men lived in draughty cells, on a diet of maggoty rice and vegetables. Times, Sunday Times
  • Old-style, double-hung window frames are drafty by nature, so what you gain in energy efficiency with the double glazing, you may lose in the design of the old windows.
  • The terrestrial habitat in stream passages is usually draughty and moist. Caves and Cave Life
  • Every house was full of flaws - leaky rooves, drafty rooms and saggy floors - and memories.
  • I note off-handedly that I'm slightly shivering from sitting so close to the drafty window, and I'm losing feeling in my hands and feet.
  • Some of the brightest minds this country has ever produced were educated in drafty, unairconditioned schools on chalk dust and pencil lead. Obama urges investment in high-tech education
  • The curtain rose to great applause—it was only three intermissionless minutes since the same curtain had fallen on Act I's drafty artist's garret—and the opera found itself on the bustling streets of the Latin Quarter, circa 1830. Bravo, to the Rear Stage
  • Protect plants from icy, drafty windows by pulling pots back at night or placing newspapers against the glass.
  • Of the new money, $1.2 million is going towards retrofitting cold, draughty, damp houses, and I strongly support that.
  • The good news was that they were rooming together in the drafty, dirty attic.
  • This winter, we bought a couple of cans of insulating foam for about 5 bucks each, and have started filling cracks between the sill and the foundation, as well as working to fill in drafty areas under the living room baseboards. Summer Saver Follow-Up | spazeboy
  • The candelabra had gone out several minutes ago, due to the drafty nature of the tunnels.
  • His sister said the old residence on Mulberry Street was drafty and the neighborhood unwholesome.
  • They kept almost 2,000 panes of antique glass which Mr. Avery describes as drafty but integral to the house. Of Angling and Antlers
  • If your home has drafty single-pane windows or single-pane aluminum sliders, the heat loss from windows may be as much as 50 percent.
  • Avoid drafty areas or situations where the flame will be unstable.
  • Yet still panic lurks in dusty corners and slips through locked but drafty doors.
  • To me, a cold chill in one corner of a spooky house is a draughty window, not the spirit of someone's dead great, great, great aunt come back to haunt the living.
  • Are your windows drafty, hard to open, and covered with frost on chilly mornings?
  • She hired an independent chartered surveyor to prove that the windows were draughty, but Guardian ignored the report. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just as much as anyone else, he should be prepared to deliver lectures in draughty halls, to chalk pavements, to canvass voters, to distribute leaflets, even to fight in civil wars if it seems necessary. Writers and Leviathan
  • The workout area was drafty and cold as always, and Star slightly shivered under her workout clothing but she could take it.
  • Double glazing Replacing draughty wooden windows is a pricey way of making your home greener. Times, Sunday Times
  • Inevitably, there are many that are distinctly uncomfortable, old and draughty.
  • It's terribly draughty in here.
  • The audiences are prepared to put up with draughty village halls, broken strings, buzzing PA gear and all the other imperfections that seem to make the evenings exciting.
  • Our home is about three years old, and we've had drafty windows since it was built.
  • Old-style, double-hung window frames are drafty by nature, so what you gain in energy efficiency with the double glazing, you may lose in the design of the old windows.
  • There is sitting on hard benches in drafty basement locker rooms listening to the coach scream at you.
  • The unpleasant part of the experiment began when the participants had to spend half an hour in a draughty corridor after taking a hot bath, had to wear wet socks for the rest of the day, and were infected with nasal secretion from a cold sufferer. Mad Science: Nine of the Oddest Experiments Ever | Disinformation
  • If you're a novelist in 2010, there's no avoiding Kureishi's "cabaret": the rickety podium or the draughty festival tent. The Booker prize is just another flea circus for writers
  • If by air walls they mean uninsulated, drafty windows then, yes.
  • Of the new money, $1.2 million is going towards retrofitting cold, draughty, damp houses, and I strongly support that.
  • Patchy repairs: ‘If windows are draughty, leave them alone - people will know they have to be replaced.’
  • He led me through to a bare, draughty interviewing room.
  • Grandfather and Mr. Lark have finished repairing the moulding in the huge rectangular dining room and have moved onto refitting the draughty bedroom windows. Exit the Actress
  • Our home is about three years old, and we've had drafty windows since it was built.
  • I was born into a drafty farm house in the corn country of Iowa - protected each winter by a row of straw bales set two layers high.
  • Lying on the drafty floor of the airplane, there was no way to warm myself.
  • Well do I remember the damp and draughty evening, shivering without overcoats because we could not afford them, that Louis and I started out to select our saloon. Chapter 19
  • Patchy repairs: ‘If windows are draughty, leave them alone - people will know they have to be replaced.’
  • Old-style, double-hung window frames are drafty by nature, so what you gain in energy efficiency with the double glazing, you may lose in the design of the old windows.
  • Why then do I continue to pine for a drafty bedsitter in rain-soaked Islington?
  • There is sitting on hard benches in drafty basement locker rooms listening to the coach scream at you.
  • The friary was a converted landlord's mansion, though ‘mansion’ is a grandiose title for a draughty, rattly building that was cold throughout the winter.
  • In the basement below his house it was drafty and cold.
  • The audiences are prepared to put up with draughty village halls, broken strings, buzzing PA gear and all the other imperfections that seem to make the evenings exciting.
  • The Viceregal Palace was a drafty mass of ruins except for the wing that Foundation workmen had restored.
  • So strong was the play-instinct in him, as well as was his constitution strong, that he continually outplayed Scraps to abject weariness, so that he could only lie on the deck and pant and laugh through air-draughty lips and dab futilely in the air with weak forepaws at Michael's continued ferocious-acted onslaughts. CHAPTER XI
  • The badge was placed on a flat surface within the child's breathing range, and drafty space was avoided.
  • Living in one small house means I can be a bit more free and easy with the thermostat than those freezing away in draughty castles. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the most remarkable things about Britain - now as well as then - is its incredibly well-developed network of live music clubs, mostly in back rooms in pubs or draughty town halls.
  • You will have to put up with the most difficult of people, live in drafty rectories, deal with ignorant superiors, and be scoffed at by your spiritual and intellectual inferiors.
  • The tenants raised a few minor issues specific to their homes that they would like to improve including fencing and draughty windows.
  • A typical room was drafty and chilly in winter and humid and sweltering in summer.
  • If baths could talk, they would complain that sticking them in the middle of the room is draughty and takes up ridiculous amounts of space. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the circumstances I was also glad it was the hardtop coupe version rather than the ragtop roadster, though less than perfect sealing round the doors and window vents meant it was still slightly draughty.
  • The tenants raised a few minor issues specific to their homes that they would like to improve including fencing and draughty windows.
  • You can rearrange your furniture so that you move it away from drafty areas and closer to the fireplace.
  • It is a large and draughty and variegated piece of water. SMALL-BOAT SAILING
  • Therefore, while Martel foraged for information, Holland remained in the drafty attic, plotting out likely exchanges with the inventor on the backs of receipts from the wineshop, which Sophie had provided for his entertainment along with a pen and cheap bottle of ink. The Mistaken Wife
  • In the center of the drafty room, the six men who had arrived that evening sat on stools around a large table.
  • The windows at her home were draughty and needed replacing, while her aging boiler was on the blink. The Sun
  • He simply shrugged it off, ‘I have no need for my own room, and besides, I don't want you to catch cold, all the other rooms are too drafty.’
  • In the latest evolution of youth hostels from the days of the draughty bunkhouse, England's biggest budget accommodation group is inviting farm B&Bs on to its books.
  • Some simply grumbled about the room being draughty, which is no surprise since the room is at least 150 years old. Times, Sunday Times
  • The problem is that it will only affect new houses - most of New Zealand's housing stock is old, uninsulated and draughty, and if we want to seriously improve our energy efficiency stats then something needs to be done about them.
  • Where are the shows about gadfly millionaires who rattle about in drafty mansions, and the mundane decisions we must make ev'ry day?
  • The draughty sash window shows no signs of retiring. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a cold day, the room was draughty and Isabella's condition took a serious turn.
  • If your home has drafty single-pane windows or single-pane aluminum sliders, the heat loss from windows may be as much as 50 percent.
  • In the winter, the place will still be drafty, cold, and dangerously unhealthy.
  • Before the auditor visits your house, make a list of any existing problems such as condensation and uncomfortable or drafty rooms.
  • They were starving, freezing, and demoralized, hunkered down in drafty cabins, waiting to die from disease or Redcoats.
  • Inevitably, there are many that are distinctly uncomfortable, old and draughty.
  • I was born into a drafty farm house in the corn country of Iowa - protected each winter by a row of straw bales set two layers high.
  • Avoid placing them in a drafty area or their flower buds may drop before they have a chance to open.
  • Barbara said residents suffered draughty and leaking windows which were difficult for elderly and disabled people to open and close.
  • Today, in the absence of trains, he would have to spend it on the platform, where he might well have noticed it, and where working on a new score might have proved more problematic if not draughty. Belshazzar's Feast; Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Christmas project – review
  • In the four hours it took Gabe to wait for his rendezvous with Alex, the weather did not improve; as a matter of fact, it had only become colder, more drafty and cloudier.
  • Avoid putting them in direct sunlight, next to a radiator or by a draughty window. Times, Sunday Times
  • She stepped in the draughty passageway, whittled by fresh winds though it was summer.
  • Spring and a release from scratchy underclothes and chilblains and runny noses and afternoon dusk and drafty passages. Earl of Durkness
  • She was used to draughty spaces, soaring walls, a nightly ritual of wraps and hot bricks in winter.
  • I note off-handedly that I'm slightly shivering from sitting so close to the drafty window, and I'm losing feeling in my hands and feet.
  • He simply shrugged it off, ‘I have no need for my own room, and besides, I don't want you to catch cold, all the other rooms are too drafty.’
  • Some simply grumbled about the room being draughty, which is no surprise since the room is at least 150 years old. Times, Sunday Times
  • Protect plants from icy, drafty windows by pulling pots back at night or placing newspapers against the glass.
  • Replacing draughty windows with double-glazed units will save money.
  • Holiday camps were run at draughty castles. Times, Sunday Times
  • The floor was draughty bare boards.
  • However, despite a glowing surveyor's report, there are still leaks, draughty windows, and an incredible amount to do to my little valley abode.
  • Every house was full of flaws - leaky rooves, drafty rooms and saggy floors - and memories.
  • Some simply grumbled about the room being draughty, which is no surprise since the room is at least 150 years old. Times, Sunday Times
  • We spent nearly every weekend and holiday for the last 10 years in a cold, dirty, drafty, smoky, uncomfortable place - our own chateau.
  • This evening I discovered that window seats are draughty, so taped up all the hinges and gaps I could find.
  • Thanks to its basting heat, any old pocket of draughty pavement can now boast a rickety table and chairs.

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